Page 9 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 9
Pakistan Conducts Successful Flight Former US Officials Ask Pakistan Not to
Test of ‘Ababeel’ Weapon System Deport Afghans Seeking Relocation to US
ISLAMABAD: A group of former US
diplomats and representatives of reset-
tlement organizations asked Pakistan
not to deport thousands of Afghans
who have been waiting for US visas
under an American program that re-
locates at-risk Afghan refugees fleeing
Taliban rule.
The appeal in an open letter on
Wednesday signed by 80 former US
officials, dignitaries and resettlement
groups came weeks after Pakistan an-
nounced a crackdown on migrants liv-
Pakistan conducts successful flight test of the Ababeel Weapon System on Oc- ing in the country illegally, including
tober 18 —Radio Pakistan 1.7 million Afghans, telling them to
return to their home countries by Oct
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan conducted gineers from Strategic Organizations. 31 to avoid mass arrest and expulsion.
a successful flight test of the Ababeel The ISPR said the missile system Last week, the United Nations said Afghan refugees hold placards during a gathering in Islamabad, Pakistan, on
Weapon System on Wednesday, the was “aimed at strengthening deter- such forced deportations of Afghans July 21, 2023 – Photo AP /Rahmat Gul
military’s media wing said. rence and enhancing strategic stability could lead to human rights violations,
In a statement, the Inter-Service in the region through the operation- including the separation of families. rity forces and public places in recent take up to 14 to 18 months and cases
Public Relations (ISPR) said, “Paki- alization of Full Spectrum Deterrence However, Pakistan denies targeting Af- years, prompting authorities to carry are processed through resettlement
stan today conducted a successful in the overall construct of Credible ghans and says the focus is on people out operations against insurgents. support centers.
flight test of Ababeel Weapon System. Minimum Deterrence”. who are in the country illegally, regard- Four soldiers and six militants Thousands of Afghan applicants
The test flight was aimed at re-validat- On the occasion, the CJCSC appre- less of their nationality. were killed in two separate overnight have been waiting in Pakistan for more
ing various design, technical param- ciated the technical prowess, dedica- On Thursday, authorities in Paki- shootouts in northwest Pakistan, the than two years for US officials to pro-
eters and performance evaluation of tion and commitment of all those who stan said time was running out for military said Thursday. It said in a cess their visa applications. The delay
different sub-systems of the weapon contributed towards the successful migrants who are living in the country statement that search operations were in approving the visas and resettlement
system.” test, the statement said. illegally and they must return to their underway “to eliminate any terrorists has left Afghan applicants in a highly
The launch was witnessed by It further stated that President Dr countries before the end of the month. found in the area” of the North and vulnerable position as they contend
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Com- Arif Alvi, caretaker Prime Minister Authorities in Pakistan insist that South Waziristan districts near the Af- with economic hardship and lack of
mittee General Sahir Shamshad Mir- Anwaarul Haq Kakar and the services some of the Afghan citizens have been ghan border. access to health, education and other
za, senior officers from the Strategic chiefs congratulated all members of involved in militant attacks in the Under US rules, applicants must services in Pakistan.
Plans Division and Strategic Forces the Strategic Forces on the achieve- country in recent months. Pakistan has first relocate to a third country for their In the letter sent to Pakistan's care
Command as well as scientists and en- ment. - Dawn experienced a surge in attacks on secu- cases to be processed. The process can (Continued on page 12)