Page 4 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 4

P4 - PAKISTAN  LINK - OCTOBER 20, 2023                                                                                                       OPINION
        Pakistan Link                    n By Dr Aslam Abdullah     Who Changed the Priorities in                             old across 186 countries. The partici-
                                              Fontana, CA
                                                                                                                              pants  identified  the  ten  most  serious
                                                                                                                              the  World  Economic  Forum’s  Global
                                          he  discussions,  the  lectures,   the Qur’anic Guidance?                           issues the world faces. The survey was
                Advisory Board
            Dr Sohail Masood              the  arguments  and  the  top-                                                      Survey. These issues were:
                                     Tics  that  Muslims  and  Mus-                                                           1. Climate change / destruction of na-
                  President          lim scholars have been debating and                                                      ture (48.8%)
            Arif Zaffar Mansuri                 giving  priorities  for                                                       2. Large scale conflict / wars (38.9%)
        centuries  in  their  in-                                                     3. Inequality (income, discrimination)
                                                stitutions  and  semi-                                                        (30.8%)
         Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui                  naries  are  not  the  is-                                                    4. Poverty (29.2%)
             sues that were initially                                                      5. Religious conflicts (23.9%)
                                                raised  by  the  Qur’an,                                                      6.  Government  accountability  and
           Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief      a divine scripture that                                                       transparency / corruption (22.7%)
                  (Pakistan)         Muslims describe as a book intended                                                      7. Food and water security (18.2%)
              Shabbir Ghori
         for them and practiced and lived by                                                      8. Lack of education (15.9%)
                                     the  Messenger  whom  the  Muslim                                                        9. Safety / security / well-being (14.1%)
             Resident Editor Urdu Link   own as theirs.                                                                       10. Lack of economic opportunity and
            & Director Video Operations  The  Qur’an  never  described  itself                                                employment (12.1%)
             Anwar Khawaja
    as a book for Muslims only. Rather, it                                                    Muslims  have  thousands  of  orga-
                                     defined itself as a guidance to human-                                                   nizations and institutions all over the
           Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    ity, “It was the month of Ramadan in                                             world. Can we identify a few that have
     which the Qur’an was [first] bestowed                                                    offered  some  analysis  or  position  pa-
                                     from on high as a guidance unto man                                                      pers on any one of the above identified
               Regional Offices
                                     and  a  self-evident  proof  of  that  guid- When scholars and intellectuals focus on peripheral issues, how can our   issues in a global or regional context?
                  YKKB               ance,  and  as  the  standard  by  which  younger generation be inspired to focus on the message of the Qur’an   It is not that Muslims lack resourc-
           to  discern  the  true  from  the  false….”  for humanity and how can they dedicate to an activism that brings about   es, intellectual or material. It is because
                                     (2:185)  Similarly,  the  final  messenger,  qualitative change in the living conditions of the people? - IslamiCity  Muslim scholarship has rarely focused
                Sacramento, CA       Muhammad,  peace  and  blessings  be                                                     on the message of the Qur’an in a uni-
  upon him, never identified himself as a  ing  on  issues  that  concern  humanity  when  those  who  believe  in  this  idea  versal context. When the scholars and

            San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA  messenger to Muslims only. The Qur’an  in general and focuses on its interests.  dedicate the to ensure that human be- intellectuals  focus  on  peripheral  is-
  testifies to this belief when it says, “And  Rarely,  one  finds  Muslims  offering  ings  are  liberated  from  the  bondage  sues, how can our younger generation
                                     [thus, O Prophet,] We have sent thee as  ideas and practical programs to coun- they have been placed in and the hun- be inspired to focus on the message of
                New York, NY
    [an evidence of Our] grace towards all  ter issues that a great majority of hu- ger is eliminated from our world. The  the Qur’an for humanity and how can
                                     the worlds.21:107             man beings face on the face of earth.  Qur’an exhorted its believers their pri- they dedicate to an activism that brings
                 Houston, TX           However,  the  issues  that  Muslim   By the standards of the Qur’an, the  mary task as follows  about qualitative change in the living
                                     scholars have raised over centuries and  Muslim  scholars  and  intellectuals,  by   [It is] the freeing of one’s neck 90:13 conditions of the people?
                 Phoenix, AZ         still  debate  were  the  ones  the  Qur’an  and large have turned the Qur’an into   and the feeding, upon a day of [one’s   Obviously, the agenda of the Qur’an
    initially asked its accepters to focus on.  a  book  not  to  be  listened,  not  to  be  own] hunger, 90:14  has been changed by none other than
                                     Over the centuries, the Muslims have  followed, and not to be practiced and   (whether) of an orphan near of kin,  the  scholars  who  claim  to  glorify  the
                Ontario, Canada
    been discussing issues that are relevant  lived, but to be recited melodiously and  90:15  Qur’an. Unless, the community returns
                                     to Muslims only in their ritual matters  referred to constantly. This is precisely   or of a needy [stranger] lying in the  to the original guidance of the Qur’an,
          Letters to the Editor      such  as  Wudu  (ablution)  and  Ghusl  what the Qur’an had anticipated when  dust 90:16  it would not be able to live its purpose
        Readers  are  welcome  to  express  their   (bath),  rules  for  fasting,  amount  of  it said “AND [on that Day] the Apos-  In the analysis of the Qur’an, a hu- and objective in this world.
        opinion in these columns. Please keep   zakat  (charitable  contributions  spent  tle will say: “O my Sustainer! Behold,  man cannot reach his or her true poten-  (Dr Aslam Abdullah is a resident
        your letters brief and to the point.  Let-
        ters  without  full  name,  complete  ad-  on  Muslims  only,  Hajj  or  pilgrimage  [some  of]  my  people  have  come  to  tial unless he/she is free and not hungry.  scholar  at  and  editor-
        dress, and a daytime phone number will   obligatory on those Muslims who can  regard this Qur’an as something [that  Thus, it asked the followers to identify  in-chief  of  the  Muslim  Observer
        not be published. Also, copies of letters   afford, prayers in a particular form for  ought to be] discarded!.” 25:30  with  the  issues  of  people  and  ensure  newspaper. He is also the Indian Is-
        sent  to  other  newspapers  are  not  en-
        couraged. Letters can be mailed, faxed   Muslims only, etc. Or in recent times,   The original message of the Qur’an  that their dignity is restored. How have  lamic Heritage Project director of the
        or e-mailed to the Editor at the Pakistan   they have raised issues of Hijab, beard  was simple and very clear. It challenged  our  scholars  and  activists  throughout  American  Federation  of  Muslims  of
        Link Headquarters address listed below.
                                     and its length, or the length of trousers  people’s existing concept of monothe- the centuries worked on these two is- Indian origin and the interim Presi-
        Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub-  or  the  consumption  of  only  zabeeha  ism and explained that oneness of God  sues? This deserves to be analyzed.  dent  of  the  World  Council  of  Mus-
        lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,   meat by Muslims.  can  be  lived  only  when  humanity  is   A worldwide survey was conducted  lims  for  Interfaith  Relations,  WC-
             DBA PL Publications, LLC.
                                       Rarely,  you  hear  Muslims  focus- perceived  as  one  organic  whole  and  in 2017 comprising 31,000 18-35 years  MIR. Repeated)
        Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA
           and additional mailing offices.
        POST MASTER: Send address changes to
        Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim,   President Biden Wraps up Visit to   “which could take a little time” and  and  the  White  House  announced   His  presence  and  comments  to
                  CA 92815           Wartime Israel with a Warning against  added that “if Hamas confiscates it,  that  the  president  will  address  the  Israeli leaders held weight.
        The  management  has  the  right  to  re-  Being ‘Consumed’ by Rage
        fuse to print any advertisement, news,                     it’s going to end. We’re not going to  nation  from  the  Oval  Office  on   Biden  arrived  in  Israel  as  the
        article,  letter  or  any  other  material.  In   (Continued from page 1)  send any aid to Hamas.”  Thursday night to “discuss our re- nations  across  the  Mideast  shook
        case of any errors in advertisement the   that threaten to spiral into a broad-  “I  wanted  to  make  sure  that  sponse  to  Hamas’  terrorist  attacks  with protests triggered by an explo-
        management will not be liable for more
        than the amount paid for the advertise-  er regional conflict, but also to re- there  was  a  vehicle,  a  mechanism  against  Israel  and  Russia’s  ongoing  sion Monday at a Gaza hospital that
               ment to the Link.     assure a world rattled by images of  where  this  could  happen  quickly,”  brutal war against Ukraine.”  killed hundreds.
        Advertisements  in  Pakistan  Link  are   carnage and suffering, in Israel and  Biden  said  during  a  refueling  stop   Less  clear  is  how  far  the  trip   The  blast  undid  plans  for  Jor-
        placed in good faith. The newspaper is
        not responsible nor endorses the con-  Gaza alike. One million people have  at  Ramstein  Air  Base  in  Germany.  would  take  the  president  in  trying  dan’s  King  Abdullah  II  to  host
        tents of any advertisement. In case of a   been displaced in roughly 10 days,  He added that el-Sissi was “very co- to  tamp  down  volatile  Mideast  di- Biden along with Palestinian Presi-
        frivolous lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear
        the total cost of the suit, including but   according to the United Nations.  operative.”  visions,  particularly  after  his  plan  dent Mahmoud Abbas and el-Sissi.
        not limited to the Link’s costs and the   Biden’s  mission  was  to  display   “He stepped up. As did Bibi,” the  collapsed  to  follow  the  Israel  stop  Abbas  withdrew  in  protest  of  the
                attorney’s fees.     resolve  for  Israel  and  to  dimin- president  said,  referring  to  Israeli  with  an  Arab  leaders  summit  in  hospital explosion; the summit was
             Information for         ish  the  likelihood  of  a  wider  war,  Prime  Minster  Benjamin  Netanya- Jordan.     subsequently canceled outright. Yet
               Subscribers           while providing assurances that he  hu. But Biden was also in a mood to   His  visit  was  full  of  signature  Biden’s presence in Israel prompted
         The printing of Pakistan Link is un-  was  not  overlooking  the  increas- celebrate his own accomplishment,  Biden  moments  as  he  walked  a  fresh outrage… - AP
         failingly  completed  by  Wednesday   ingly  dire  humanitarian  situation  saying:  “I  came  to  get  something  careful  diplomatic  line.  He  doled
         every week and its copies are hand-                                                                                                 Views    and
         ed  over  to  the  mailing  house  for   in Gaza. Aboard the flight back to  done. I got it done.”  out  embraces  to  Netanyahu  and
         prompt dispatch to the subscribers.   Washington  Biden  made  progress   “Not  many  people  thought  I  to  first  responders,  doctors  and   opinions  ex-
         The Link should reach its destination                                                                                               pressed   by
         on  time  if  there  is  no  delay  at  the   when he spoke by phone with Egyp- could  get  this  done,”  Biden  said.  victims  who  witnessed  nightmare   authors  and
         post office. If a delay is occasioned it   tian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi  “And  not  many  people  wanted  me  moments.  He  spoke  quietly  of  his
         is in no way attributable to the per-                                                                                               contributors
         formance of Link’s management. In   who agreed to reopen his country’s  to be associated with failure.”  own history with grief. He told the   in   articles,
         case  of  delayed  receipt  of  Pakistan   sealed  border  crossing  with  Gaza   In  fact,  the  president  said  offi- familiar  anecdote  about  meeting   letters,  opin-
         Link or missing issues, please contact
         your local Post Office and submit a    and allow up to 20 trucks carrying  cials  had  a  discussion  “of  an  hour  every  Israeli  prime  minister  over   ion pieces, reports, advertise-
             “Publication Watch” form.  humanitarian aid supplies to cross.  or more” on “whether to go” before  more  than  five  decades  in  elected   ments, etc appearing in Paki-
               Tel: 714-400-3400       Speaking to reporters aboard Air  the  trip  began.  “Had  we  gone  and  office, starting with Golda Meir in   stan Link and Urdu Link are
               Fax: 714-400-3404     Force  One,  Biden  said  roads  near  this  failed,  then  the  United  States  1973. He quoted an Irish poet.  their own. The paper neither
           E-Mail:                                                                                     shares  nor  endorses  them
                                     the crossing would first need hours  failed. The Biden presidency failed,   “I  come  to  Israel  with  a  single
            Pakistan Office          of repairs, but that aid could begin  et  cetera,  which  would  be  a  legiti- message:  You’re  not  alone,”  Biden   and thus should not be held
                                                                                                                               responsible  for  the  views/
               42 Rehman Court       rolling  into  the  region  by  Friday.  mate criticism,” he said.  said.  “As  long  as  the  United  States   opinions of the writers & ad-
         Plaza Square,  Off  M. A.  Jinnah Road  He suggested the aid could be dis-  Aid  moving  into  Gaza  will  ac- stands — and we will stand forever
             Karachi-74400, Pakistan  tributed  by  international  officials  complish a key objective for Biden,  — we will not let you ever be alone.”  vertisers.
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