Page 23 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 23

CONTINUATION                                                                                                       PAKISTAN  LINK - NOVEMBER 24, 2023 - P23

         Nawaz Sharif’s Path to Power May   from Europe similar to what Pakistan is   Let’s get on with it, then, shall we??  1 Ibn al-Haytham’s scientific method  Ambassador  Khan  thanked  the  or-
       Appear Paved but He Will Soon Be at a  doing to Afghans would be wrong and                  (Wendy  Díaz  is  a  Puerto  Rican  ganizers for this special program “Ex-
               Crossroads again      immoral.  Migration  across  borders  is   A Divine Description of   Muslim  writer,  award-winning  poet,  ploring  Pakistan’s  Tourism  Treasures:
            (Continued from page 4)  now a universal feature of humankind   Our World in the Qur’an  translator,  and  mother  of  six.  She  is  From  Mountains  to  Metropolises”
       pletely  since  then,  but  it’s  safe  to  say  for  which  there  are  no  absolutes  and   (Continued from page 17)  the  co-founder  of  Hablamos  Islam,  a  which he expected to inspire people to
       they  have  shown  considerable  accom- no  clear  answers.  Open  borders  are  hammad  from  God  or  Allah,  because  non-profit  organization  that  produces  visit Pakistan and get a firsthand experi-
       modation as evident in the adoption of  still a distant dream for humanity. For  almost all of this knowledge was not dis- educational  resources  about  Islam  in  ence of witnessing the pristine beauty of
       the landmark 18th Amendment which  now, sensitive, scientific management is  covered until many centuries later.”  Spanish  (  She  has  the country.”
       strengthened provincial autonomy and  needed. Europe is only halfway up the              written, illustrated, and published over   (Elaine  Pasquini  is  a  freelance
       cemented the federation.      learning curve.               4. The Mountains Are Pegs    a dozen children’s books and currently  journalist. Her reports appear in the
         After  the  2013  elections,  when  the   Afghans  in  Pakistan  must  be  dealt   Allah says in the Qur’an:  lives with her family in Maryland. Fol- Washington  Report  on  Middle  East
       PTI emerged as the largest, albeit short  with  as  per  universal  norms  that  re-  “Have  We  not  smoothed  out  the  low Wendy Díaz on social media @au- Affairs and Nuze.Ink.)
       of a majority, single party in KP, Nawaz  spect  human  rights  and  dignity.  At  a  earth ‘like a bed’, and ‘made’ the moun- thorwendydiaz  and  @hablamosislam.
       Sharif told his provincial leadership not  very minimum, those born in Pakistan  tains  as  ‘its’  pegs…”  (Surah  An-Naba,  PML-N’s Election Campaign
       to try for a coalition, which seemed pos- must be declared Pakistani citizens with  78:6-7)  acknowledging-the-connection-be-  Hinges on Nawaz Cases
       sible and viable, but to let the party with  rights equal to the rest.  The scientific community has made  tween-science-and-the-Qur’an  (Continued from page 23)
       the biggest mandate form the govern-  For this, the documentation process  recent  advancements  in  understand-       PML-N  secretary  general  Ahsan  Iqbal
       ment. That was the turning point in PTI  must  be  simplified.  Girls  and  women  ing the formation of mountain ranges   Women Visit US Senators in   told Dawn on Wednesday.
       fortunes, a launching pad.    must not be forced back to suffer at the  through a phenomenon called folding.   Seeking a Ceasefire in Gaza  Strategy amidst legal challenges
         Nawaz  Sharif  doesn’t  seem  to  have  hands of misogynist rulers. Individuals  Geologists have revealed that the earth’s   (Continued from page 14)  The Islamabad High Court on Tues-
       an issue with who is facilitating his re- at high risk must be given asylum, not  crust resembles a solid outer shell, while  be able to stare at real stars in the sky  day  had  decided  to  conduct  a  regular
       turn to power now, as those near him  deported. Nothing less is acceptable.   the underlying layers are hot and fluid,  without being bombed any second.”  hearing  of  Mr  Sharif’s  appeals  in  the
       say, he truly believes it is incumbent on   (The  author  is  an  Islamabad-based  rendering them unsuitable for support-  The senators who were visited dur- Avenfield  and  Al-Azizia  Mills  cor-
       those who plotted his ouster 2016 on- physicist and writer. – Dawn)  ing life. Additionally, it has been estab- ing the direct action are: Tammy Bald- ruption  references.  The  accountability
       wards to set right that wrong.                              lished  that  the  stability  of  mountains  win (D-WI), Maria Cantwell (D-WA),  court had handed down 10 and seven
         The  question  is  whether  back  in   Please Write Six Names, Will You?  is  closely  connected  to  the  process  of  Catherine  Cortez  Masto  (D-NV),  years jail terms to Mr Sharif in Avenfield
       power  will  he  revert  to  acting  demo-  (Continued from page 6)  folding. This process involves the down- Tammy  Duckworth  (D-IL),  Maggie  and Al-Azizia, respectively.
       cratically or rule in the mold of Imran  Tim Brookes’ story about Cherokee?  ward movement of the earth’s crust into  Hassan  (D-NH),  Lisa  Murkowski  (R-  In the Avenfield case, the elder Sharif
       Khan?  More  fundamental,  how  much   The  poignancy  of  that  linguistic  the lower layers, providing a solid foun- AK), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Kristen  had  secured  bail,  and  in  Al-Azizia  he
       freedom  will  he  have  to  make  that  legacy is amazingly so clear in the cur- dation  for  the  creation  of  mountains.  Sinema (A-I), Tina Smith (D-MN), and  was  serving  the  term  at  Lahore’s  Kot
       choice and other similar ones?  rent situation: we Muslims have in our  Those  foundations  are  literal  “pegs”  Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Only Sena- Lakhpat jail before leaving for London
         (The  writer  is  a  former  editor  of  possession the world’s perhaps the most  holding the mountains down similar to  tor  Tammy  Duckworth  (D-IL)  whose  on medical grounds for ‘four weeks’.
       Dawn. Dawn)                   pure,  vibrant,  unadulterated,  rich  and  the way we secure a tent.   staff was contacted by telephone refused   Asked if Nawaz Sharif failed to get
                                     lively language - Arabic.       5. The Water Cycle         to meet with the activists.   relief  in  these  cases  or  they  lingered
            Scapegoating the Refugee   On top of that, we have also inher-  Allah  reminds  the  believers  in  the   (Phil Pasquini is a freelance jour- on, what would be the party’s strategy
            (Continued from page 5)  ited  the  most  unique  style  of  writing  Qur’an:       nalist and photographer. His reports  regarding  launching  polls  campaign,
       ideological  frontiers.  But  unknowingly  in accordance with the precepts of our   “Do  you  not  see  that  Allah  sends  and photographs appear in the Wash- Ahsan Iqbal said: “We are hopeful that
       they are hollowing out the Islamic prem- faith.             down  rain  from  the  sky—channeling  ington Report on Middle East Affairs  Nawaz Sharif will get clearance in these
       ise upon which Pakistan was founded.  Calligraphy - an art form that uses  it  through  streams  in  the  earth—then  and  He  is  the  author  of  cases very soon and he will spearhead
         To understand this, let’s wind back  only geometrical shapes without using  produces  with  it  crops  of  various  col- Domes, Arches and Minarets: A His- the drive.”
       to the mid-1940s when the secular In- any  resemblance  to  human  or  animal  ors, then they dry up and you see them  tory of Islamic-Inspired Buildings in   When questioned about reports sug-
       dian  National  Congress  was  in  power  face or figures.  wither,  and  then  He  reduces  them  to  America.)       gesting that the PML-N was hesitant to
       in NWFP and Dr Khan Sahib, brother   This uniqueness has become the ba- chaff? Surely in this is a reminder for        initiate  the  campaign  due  to  popular-
       of Bacha Khan, was chief minister. The  sis of some of the most elegant and in- people of reason.”   Ambassador Masood Khan   ity concerns, Mr Iqbal responded, “The
       All-India Muslim League was rising but  spirational architectural designs all over   (Surah Az-Zumar, 39:21)  Urges Investment in Pakistan’s   party  has  been  consistently  preparing,
       still on the back foot.       the world.                      And in the following verse:     Tech and Tourism Industries  receiving  hundreds  of  applications  for
         To  woo  the  Pakhtuns  and  counter   No inheritance could be more pow-  “We send down rain from the sky in   (Continued on page 23)  the upcoming polls. Once Mr Nawaz’s
       the Khan brothers’ popularity, Mr Jin- erful  than  this  divine  gift,  only  if  we  perfect measure, causing it to soak into  Having  suffered  “reputational  damage  appeals are decided, huge rallies will be
       nah  insisted  that  Islamic  unity  must  could imagine its potential.  the earth. And We are surely able to take  due to the global war of the past four de- organized nationwide.”
       trump  ethnicity.  As  recorded  in  the   What better way then for us, I asked  it away.”   cades, we are making efforts to rebrand  Awaiting delimitation
       Jinnah Papers, on June 29, 1947, he de- myself, than to write the names of our   (Surah Al-Muminun, 23:18)  our image,” he said.  The  PML-N  secretary  general  also
       clared, “I want the Muslims of the Fron- colleagues,  co-workers,  friends  and   Bernard  Palissy,  a  famous  potter   The ambassador called the country’s  did not agree with the impression that
       tier to understand that they are Muslims  neighbors in Arabic and, give to them  and  hydraulics  engineer,  became  the  population  of  235  million  with  a  me- PML-N seemed complacent with regard
       first and Pathans afterwards”.  as  a  simple,  imperceptible  yet  most  first person to describe the water cycle  dian  age  of  22  and  a  growing  middle  to ‘delayed’ launch of the election cam-
         With closely knitted Pakhtun fami- tangible gesture of a heartfelt personal  the way we know it today back in 1580.  class of over 80 million “a promising de- paign because it had been given assur-
       lies living on either side of the Durand  bonding!          Palissy explained the process by which  mographic profile that would steer the  ance from the powers that be regarding
       Line — a British construct designed to   What else could be a better apprecia- water  evaporates  from  the  oceans,  country toward growth.”  coming to power after the polls.
       demarcate British from Russian spheres  tion of the phrase ‘six degrees of separa- transforms  into  clouds  through  cool-  Ambassador Khan also urged Cali-  Another PML-N leader from Punjab
       of influence — Jinnah never suggested  tion’!               ing, moves inland, rises, condenses, and  fornian entrepreneurs to invest in Paki- told Dawn that one of the reasons for
       Pakhtuns would ever be prevented from   The  remarkable  concept  of  six  de- eventually falls as rain. The accumulated  stan’s tourism industry. “Silicon Valley  the  delayed  party  polls  campaign  was
       freely crossing over.         grees of freedom is a theory that every- water then forms lakes and streams, ul- can make a huge contribution to Paki- waiting for the outcome of the delimi-
         How  could  a  Muslim  from  Uttar  one  in  the  world  is  six  or  fewer  steps  timately  flowing  back  into  the  ocean,  stan’s tourism and digitization of tour- tation exercise of the Election Commis-
       Pradesh  become  a  Pakistani  but  not  away  from  another  person  by  way  of  thus completing a continuous cycle. His  ism industry,” he pointed out. “With the  sion of Pakistan (ECP).
       another  Muslim  living  right  across  an  introduction.  This  idea  was  proposed  theory was not widely accepted until it  digitization  of  necessary  information,  Award of tickets
       arbitrarily drawn line? It made no sense.  by  the  Hungarian  journalist  and  poet  was tested by scientists in the 17th cen- including bookings, lodging, transpor-  “Besides, the party leadership is also
       Jinnah thus won over the Pakhtuns.  Frigyes Karinthy in 1929, when the esti- tury.       tation and availability of accurate infor- wary of infighting in the party in Punjab
         The  Afghan  refugee  issue  starkly  mated world population was only about   These are only a few of the detailed  mation, the tourism sector of Pakistan  on tickets for national and provincial as-
       exposes  the  inherent  contradictions  2 billion.          references  to  our  world  that  were  re- would witness a transformative change.  sembly seats. The party cannot take its
       within  a  state  created  on  the  basis  of   Notwithstanding  that  eighty-eight  vealed  in  the  Qur’an.  Others  include  Your early participation would pay you  chances in holding rallies in any constit-
       religious  identity.  Still,  in  my  opinion,  years  ago,  people  didn’t  have  bullet  the descriptions of the barrier between  off well.”  uency in Punjab till award of tickets are
       Pakistan  cannot  and  should  not  allow  trains,  supersonic  jets,  sophisticated  salt water and fresh water, the curative   Pakistan’s  rich  cultural  history  and  not finalized,” he said and added once
       every  Muslim  from  anywhere  to  mi- supercomputers,  fast  internet,  smart  properties  of  honey,  movement  of  ce- magnificent  landscape  offers  interna- the  delimitation  and  award  of  tickets
       grate to the country. While the mass de- phones, hybrid cars, Facebook or Twit- lestial  bodies,  reflective  nature  of  the  tional tourists a broad range of experi- issues  were  settled  the  PML-N  would
       portation ordered by the government is  ter, the accuracy of six degree of separa- moon’s  surface,  gender  distinction  in  ences, including mountaineering, rock- launch the election campaign.
       wrong and has been widely condemned,  tion theory is mind-boggling.  plants,  milk  production  in  mammals,  climbing  and  paragliding  for  sports   While the party is yet to launch its
       the wishes of the majority must be kept   Today, planet earth is 7.2 billion hu- and more. These complex details in the  enthusiasts  and  adventurers.  “The  election campaign, PML-N chief or-
       in mind.                      mans  strong.  About  1.2  billion  people  Qur’an are another proof of its Divine  country has everything to offer to every  ganizer Maryam Nawaz on Wednes-
         We know, for example, that tensions  identify themselves as Muslims: exactly  origin.  Alhamdulillah,  all  praise  and  kind of tourist,” he said. “It has the tall- day  shared  a  video  on  X  (formerly
       exist in interior Sindh between the in- one-sixth of the world population!  thanks are to Allah alone, it is a constant  est  mountains,  scorching  deserts  and  Twitter)  in  which  her  father  Nawaz
       digenous  Sindhi  population  and  the   What does it mean? It means that,  source of guidance and inspiration to all  captivating  coastline.  The  country  still  Sharif was seen driving a car on Mur-
       newly arrived Afghans, the latter tend- every  sixth  person  you  meet  on  this  of us.  carries relics of its ancient civilizations.  ree Road, recalling old times in con-
       ing to be socially conservative but also  planet would most likely be a Muslim.  “We  will  show  them  Our  signs  in  We are proud of these and want to show  versation with her.
       ready  to  work  harder.  Such  tensions   Let us reverse this theory for a mo- the  universe  and  within  themselves  them off to tourists.”  Mr Sharif recalled the days when he
       bring to mind Pakistani migrants in Eu- ment now.           until it becomes clear to them that this   “Pakistanis  are  loving,  caring  and  and his late wife, Kulsoom Nawaz, used
       rope who bring along with them their   Imagine,  I  asked  myself,  if  each  ‘Qur’an’ is the truth. Is it not enough that  welcoming people,” he said. “The coun- to stroll from Murree to Changla Gali.
       conservative culture plus a host of other  Muslim wrote the names of just SIX of  your Lord is a Witness over all things?”  try  has  been  a  melting  pot.  We  are  “We had brisk walk while climbing up
       problems, particularly crime.  his/her colleagues in Arabic, we would  (Surah Fussilat, 41:53)  known  for  our  hospitality  and  taking  the road,” he said and also talked about
         Still, mass deportations of Pakistanis  reach the entire humanity!  End Notes          care of our guests.”          different spots there. - Dawn
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