Page 19 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 19

COMMENTARY                                                                                                         PAKISTAN  LINK - NOVEMBER 24, 2023 - P19

       for  him.  He  never  laughed—such  a  ball.  And  he  was  distinctly  uncom- that is meant to help me. Very often, I  well  to  cricket,  the  author  states:  “…  ing the pace attack for my team. I am
       downer.  And  he  was  so  cold.  I  know  fortable against me. That was enough  walk in to be greeted with a critical and  the eighteen glorious years of playing  a thinking bowler with a passion to
       that  people  can  be  different  but  be- to build on. When we got back on the  mildly annoyed query: Yeh aapne kya  cricket and serving my country. What  win;  as  a  result,  my  bowling  spells
       ing cordial can’t be so hard. Anyhow,  field,  I  bowled  a  particularly  fast  ball  bowling ki aaj?—What were you trying  more can a man ask for. Even before  have  often  won  matches  and  even
       I just can’t respect a cricketer who tries  which  he,  to  my  amazement,  didn’t  to do with the ball today? I tell them,  the  World  Cup  was  over,  the  world  series for my country. I have taken
       to finish off another cricketer. That is  even touch. He walked away! That was  Yaar  hogai  aaj,  kya  karoon—lt  wasn’t  had responded to my retirement with  the  scalp  of  some  of  the  best  bats-
       what  Chappell  was  trying  to  do  by  the first time I saw him walk away from  my day, what to do? And they respond  so much praise that it was humbling.  men  in  the  world.  At  my  very  first
       questioning my action.”       me—that,  too,  on  the  slow  track  at  with  Accha  koina,  aggle  game  vich  When  the  Australian  team  checked  encounter  with  India,  I  captured
         Commenting  on  the  strategies  to  Faisalabad. It got my hunting instincts  yaad rakheen—Okay, never mind. Just  into the same hotel that we were staying  the wickets of Sachin Tendulkar and
       contain  Indian  batsmen,  the  author  up. In the next match, I hit him on the  remember what you did wrong, for the  in, most of the players made a beeline  Rahul Dravid, and I flattened Brian
       notes: “You know India is not comfort- head, and he could not score after that.  next game. And then Iftekhar places a  for me. Brett Lee hugged me and said,  Lara with my third delivery. I have
       able against fast bowling. It became a  After Sachin, there was not much op- delicious dinner in front of me to ward  ‘What have you gone and done, man?’  been carried on the shoulders of my
       running  argument  between  the  cap- position. I was the one who would pass  off  bad  memories  of  the  day’s  play.  I  adding, ‘it’s gonna happen to me as well  fans  at  home  in  an  exuberant  cele-
       tain, the management and me. I firmly  by the bat and bruise the batsmen and  live away from my folks and these guys  soon.’ Grant Flower was supportive, as  bration of the team’s victory. Indeed,
       believed that there was no need to be  Asif  would  pick  up  their  wickets.  At  are my surrogate family.”  were so many others from all the differ- I  have  fans  all  over  the  cricketing
       defensive  but  they  preferred  to  make  team meetings, we would pool our ob-  Expounding on the financial earn- ent teams. Accolades came pouring in,  world whose faith has kept me going
       pitches  on  which  the  batsmen  had  servations about the Indian players and  ings of cricketers, the author observes:  directly and through the media. Imran  when things went wrong. And I have
       plenty of time to gauge the length of  strategize to contain them. It was only  “For most cricketers, the game is also  Khan called and congratulated me on a  always played with all my heart for
       the  ball.  Frankly,  we  made  the  pitch  then that our lot realized that the pitch  their bread and butter. And everyone  long and brilliant career….”  my country and my fans.”
       for  Sehwag  and  he  tore  us  apart.  We  needed  to  be  fast.  After  drawing  two  knows that a sportsman’s earning time   Remembering  his  accomplish-  Shoaib  Akhtar  —  Controversially
       would  have  faced  a  humbling  defeat  matches, we finally prepared a proper  is  limited  and  the  game  is  physically  ments  and  contributions  to  the  Yours  is  an  absorbing  book  that  not
       in  the  series  but  for  the  fact  that  we  pitch, as I had wanted from the start.  debilitating, but who cares! Till 2000,  game, the author observes: “…I was  only  chronicles  the  life  and  career  of
       reined in Sachin Tendulkar. What went  And we won, and how! We destroyed  Pakistani players were paid PKR 18,000  the  first  to  cross  the  100-mile  bar- Shoaib Akhtar aka Rawalpindi Express,
       in our favor was that Sachin was suf- them.”                (approximately  US$200)  as  fees  for  a  rier,  twice,  and  am  still  the  fastest  the world’s fastest bowler, but also pro-
       fering from tennis elbow; this severely   Explaining  the  pivotal  role  his  Test  match.  There  is  good  money  in  bowler  in  the  world,  having  set  an  vides insights into the embedded ills of
       handicapped  the  great  batsman.  We  friends  played  in  his  life,  the  author  first-class cricket and even in the Ranji  official  world  record  by  achieving  society due to the colonial mindset of
       managed  to  psychologically  browbeat  notes: “Voh mere bahut saaree raaton  Trophy in India. If you come from a vil- the fastest delivery ever, clocking in  the corrupt ruling elite. The book is a
       him. We bounced the ball at him and  ke  saathee  hain  jab  mein  akela  hota  lage and can play 15-20 matches at this  at 161.3 kmph (100.2 mph). When I  must read for all cricket lovers around
       were able to unnerve him. I returned  hoon.  And  I  am  very  lucky  because  level, you can take back at least fifteen  look back at my career, this is what  the world.
       to the dressing room that first day with  they really love me. Good times or bad  lakh rupees, which is good enough to  I  hope  people  will  remember:  That   (Dr   Ahmed   S,   Khan   -
       the  knowledge  that  Sachin  was  not  times, they never change, and I can al- build a pucca home in the village. Re- I have taken more than 400 wickets - is a Fulbright
       comfortable facing the fast and rising  ways expect genuine criticism, the kind  flecting  back  on  his  career  and  fare- in  international  cricket,  spearhead- Specialist Scholar.)

                                        Young Americans Are Picking up the Qur’an ‘to                                         was floored when I did my homework
            n By Alaina Demopoulos                                                                                            own,  meeting  actual  Muslims,  and  I
              She started a romance nov- Understand the Resilience of Muslim Palestinians’                                    on Islam.”
              egan B Rice loves reading.
                                                                                                                                 Along  the  way,  Chan-Malik  con-
       Mel club on the instant mes-                                                                                           verted to Islam. She’s now an associate
       saging  platform  Discord  and  posts                                                                                  professor at Rutgers University whose
       book reviews on TikTok. Last month                                                                                     research focuses on the history of Islam
       Rice, who is 34 and lives in Chicago,                                                                                  and Islamophobia in the US. “I had a
       used  her  social  media  accounts  to                                                                                 very similar experience to what’s hap-
       speak out about the humanitarian cri-                                                                                  pening on TikTok now,” she said. “At
       sis in Gaza.                                                                                                           the time, I wondered why the people I
         “I wanted to talk about the faith of                                                                                 met who were Muslim were so differ-
       Palestinian people, how it’s so strong,                                                                                ent than what I heard in the news. I’d
       and  they  still  find  room  to  make  it                                                                             never experienced such a vast discon-
       a  priority  to  thank  God,  even  when                                                                               nect between popular perception and
       they have everything taken away from                                                                                   the truth.”
       them,” she said in an interview.                                                                                          Grewal, the Yale professor, believes
         Some  Muslim  followers  suggested                                                                                   that  people  often  begin  reading  texts
       she might be interested in reading the                                                                                 hoping to back up the worldview they
       Qur’an,  Islam’s  central  religious  text,                                                                            already have. “Just as racist people are
       for more context on the faith. So, Rice,                                                                               looking for verses to confirm their ra-
       who did not grow up religious, orga-                         The more Rice read, the more the text’s contents aligned with her own core be-  cial biases, people on the left are look-
       nized  a  “World  Religion  Book  Club”  Misha  Euceph  at  the  Shah  Jahan  lief system. She found the Qur’an to be anti-consumerist, anti-oppressive and   ing to this book to confirm progressive
       on Discord, where people of all back- Mosque in Thatta, Pakistan, in Janu- feminist. Within a month, Rice took the shahada, Islam’s official profession of   messages,” she said. “Every scripture is
       grounds could study the Qur’an along- ary - Photograph Misha Euceph  faith, bought hijabs to wear, and became a Muslim  complex and invites multiple readings,”
       side her.                                                                                                              and TikTokers “are coming to the text
         The more Rice read, the more the  fessor at Yale who is working on a book  pick up her husband’s Qur’an. Moonn  phors  and  encourages  you  to  be  an  looking for what they hope to find”.
       text’s  contents  aligned  with  her  own  about  Islamic  scripture  and  religious  considered  herself  spiritual,  not  reli- environmentalist,”  Euceph  said.  “The   Growing up in the shadow of 9/11,
       core  belief  system.  She  found  the  tolerance in American culture. She said  gious, and described her husband as a  Qur’an  also  has  this  anti-consumerist  Rice  said,  she  rejected  Islamophobia
       Qur’an  to  be  anti-consumerist,  anti- that this TikTok interest wasn’t entirely  non-practicing  Muslim.  “I  wanted  to  attitude, the sense that we’re all stew- and  discrimination  that  made  targets
       oppressive  and  feminist.  Within  a  unprecedented.       see what it was that made people call  ards of the earth who shouldn’t estab- out of Muslim Americans. “As a Black
       month, Rice took the shahada, Islam’s    The more Rice read, the more the  out to Allah when they stared death in  lish  an  exploitative  relationship  with  woman,  I’m  used  to  the  American
       official profession of faith, bought hi- text’s  contents  aligned  with  her  own  the face,” she said. “Seeing passage after  the world or fellow human beings.”  government  spreading  harmful  ste-
       jabs to wear, and became a Muslim.  core  belief  system.  She  found  the  passage resonated with me. I began to   In the Qur’an, men and women are  reotypes  that  lead  to  misconceptions
         Rice  is  not  alone  in  wanting  to  Qur’an  to  be  anti-consumerist,  anti- have such an emotional attachment to  equals in the eyes of God, and Rice and  that people outside of my community
       experience  the  Qur’an.  On  TikTok,  oppressive  and  feminist.  Within  a  it.”       other  TikTok  converts  say  their  in- have on me,” she said. “I never believed
       young  people  are  reading  the  text  to  month, Rice took the shahada, Islam’s   Because  of  this,  Moonn  also  de- terpretations of the text back up their  the stereotypes that were spread about
       better understand a religion that’s long  official profession of faith, bought hi- cided to take the shahada, becoming a  feminist principles. It also engages with  the  Muslim  community  post-9/11,
       been vilified by Western media, and to  jabs to wear, and became a Muslim  Muslim revert (a term some Muslims  scientific  explanations  for  creation,  but it wasn’t until I started reading the
       show  solidarity  with  the  many  Mus-                     prefer for joining the religion).  with verses in the Qur’an covering the  Qur’an that I realized I sort of internal-
       lims in Gaza. Videos under the hashtag   After  9/11,  the  Qur’an  became  an   “I can’t explain it, but there’s a peace  big bang and other theories.  ized  those  misconceptions,  because  I
       “Qur’anbookclub” – which has a mod- instant  bestseller,  though  at  the  time  that  comes  with  reading  the  Qur’an,”   “Usually, we’re so used to the reli- believed that Islam was a very severe or
       est 1.9 million views on the app – show  many Americans purchased it to con- she said. “I feel light, like I came back  gious community combating science,”  strict religion.”
       users holding up their newly purchased  firm biases they held about Islam being  to something that was always there and  Rice said. “Now I’m seeing a religion   Reading the Qur’an began as a way
       texts  and  reading  verses  for  the  first  an inherently violent religion. “The dif- waiting for me to return.”  embrace science and use its holy texts  for Rice to show empathy for Palestin-
       time. Others are finding free versions  ference is that in this moment, people   Misha Euceph, a Pakistani Ameri- to back it up.”  ians trapped in Gaza. Now, it’s become
       online, or listening to someone sing the  are not turning to the Qur’an to under- can writer and podcast host who stud-  Sylvia Chan-Malik was in graduate  a major element of her life. It doesn’t
       verses while they drive to work. Not all  stand the October 7 attack by Hamas,”  ies  progressive  interpretations  of  the  school after 9/11 amid a surge in hate  have to be that revelatory for everyone.
       the people reading the Qur’an on Tik- Grewal said. “They are turning to the  Qur’an, has held her own Qur’an Book  crimes against Muslims and xenopho- “I would say that it doesn’t matter what
       Tok  are  women,  but  interest  overlaps  Qur’an to understand the incredible re- Club Instagram series since 2020. She  bic language used in the media. “I was  your religious background is,” she said.
       with  the  #BookTok  space,  a  subcom- silience, faith, moral strength and char- says  certain  themes  in  the  text  align  very interested in what was going on,  “You  can  grow  empathy  for  someone
       munity  where  mostly  female  users  acter they see in Muslim Palestinians.”  with the values of young, left-leaning  comparing it to the history of Japanese  by learning the most intimate parts of
       gather to discuss books.        That’s what made Nefertari Moonn,  Americans.            Americans  after  Pearl  Harbor,”  she  them, which includes their faith.”- The
         Zareena Grewal is an associate pro- a  35-year-old  from  Tampa,  Florida,   “The Qur’an is full of nature meta- said.  “I  started  to  look  into  it  on  my  Guardian
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