Page 14 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 14
n Report and photos of us who know people who do not
by Phil Pasquini Women Visit US Senators in Seeking a Ceasefire in Gaza have that ability to move. They have
family who are disabled, they have
WASHINGTON: In support of in- family who are elderly, they have new-
voking an immediate ceasefire in born children.”
Gaza, members of the “I don’t understand the concept of
American Palestinian providing aid to allow for our tax dol-
Women’s Association, lars to provide bombs to create the
CODEPINK: Women victims…and then we are going to ask
for Peace, and Doc- people to stich them up to try and save
tors Against Genocide them. This is idiotic. It is insanity.”
descended on the Hart Another activist conveyed a mes-
Senate Office Building November 16. sage from a Gaza resident to staff
The groups called on ten women sena- members in telling of cooking on open
tors to do everything they can to bring wood fires, that having canned food or
about a ceasefire in Gaza in ending the vegetables were now a luxury and that
senseless slaughter there. having drinkable water now “…is like a
At each office, several activists dream. I see many people now on the
spoke to attentive staff members im- roads holding their packs, their eyes
ploring them to convey their messages, tearing up at the memories they are
asking that the member vote in favor leaving behind at the destruction of all
of an immediate ceasefire. They also their efforts over the years. I see chil-
provided a binder with photographs dren injured with muddy feet. Mothers
of victims in Gaza especially children, running bare feet with their babies.”
along with the names of 5,000 children The writer went on to say: “Now
killed to show compelling evidence I am on a roof when I look up at the
of the horrific and brutal carnage the night sky and see all the stars, I am
Israeli invasion has imposed upon so enjoying them when I realize there is
many innocent people. something abnormal about them. Nor-
A member of the American Pales- that seeing images of injured and dead with our tax money. Noting that every ers being dropped on residents’ homes mal stars don’t move around or turn
tinian Women’s Association made the children on TV and babies dying “We five minutes a child is being killed, it in Northern Gaza warning them to off. I’m puzzled until I realize that my
urgent plea to the senators’ staff mem- have to speak up, we cannot stand si- is in our politicians’ hands to stop the leave or they could be considered as sky is full of unmanned war planes and
bers that she could not believe that “We lent for this. We have to stop the bomb- war now!” “colluding” with Hamas and subject to drones. I wish that one day I will
are here pleading for your humanity,” ing of the kids, our babies (paid for) Another doctor described Israeli fli- attacks and bombing. “There are many (Continued on page 23)
n Report and photos House daily in calling for a ceasefire
by Phil Pasquini Body Bags and Call for Ceasefire at the White House and an end to the war. Holocaust
survivor, Marione Ingram, 87, along
WASHINGTON: Calling for an imme- with her husband Daniel, hold signs
diate ceasefire in Gaza, activists from each day stating their opposition to
Amnesty International and the activist the war and calling for peace. Mari-
group Avaaz placed several hundred one has been involved in social activ-
body bags on November 15 outside of ism since the early civil rights pro-
the White House representing the over tests of the South and has had a long
11,000 people killed thus far in Israel’s and active life fighting against hate
escalating war. The graphic reminder despite all that she has had to endure
of the scale and unprecedented carnage personally for standing up for what
had an immediate impact on all those she believes in.
who passed by with many stopping to She characterized her activism re-
view the various sized, white-shrouded cently on Democracy Now when she
forms each with a long stem red rose told broadcast journalist Amy Good-
placed on top. Several of the bags were man “I’ll never give up fighting what I
laid out in groups to represent entire believe is just. I will never give up fight-
families that had been murdered. President Biden publicly call for and Paul O’Brien, Executive Director of fering.” ing for anything.”
The demonstration which began in facilitate an immediate ceasefire to the Amnesty International USA, called for Nell Greenberg, Deputy Director of (Phil Pasquini is a freelance
the afternoon with activists standing conflict. They are also demanding Isra- an immediate ceasefire, and was quot- Avaaz, asked President Biden, “How journalist and photographer. His
among the body bags and holding their el allow unimpeded access and human- ed as saying that “Four-hour breaks in many more children must die before reports and photographs appear in
arms up with the names and ages of itarian aid to Gaza and are supporting fighting is not enough.” He implored you support the global ceasefire? How the Washington Report on Middle
victims ended after dark with a candle- the release of all hostages along with President Biden to suspend arms trans- many are enough?” East Affairs and He is the
light vigil in memory of all those who Palestinian administrative detainees fers to Israel and called for “The United While not part of today’s demon- author of Domes, Arches and Mina-
have been killed. and an end to the sale and transfer of States to protect civilians and prevent stration, two long-time activists have rets: A History of Islamic-Inspired
The groups are demanding that all weapons to the Israeli government. further staggering levels of human suf- been protesting outside of the White Buildings in America.)
US Records 16% Increase in
Admissions of Pakistani Students
United States Department of It also underscores the continued Students Exchange.
State report recorded a 16% prominence of the US as the top des- Welcoming a significant increase
A crease in the admission tination for international study in the in numbers, Pakistan's Ambassador to
of Pakistani students to universities 2022-2023 academic year. Notably, the the United States Ambassador Masood
across the country. data reveals a significant milestone, Khan expressed hope that the ongoing
The annual Open Doors Report for with the US hosting over one million efforts would result in doubling the ex-
2022-23 report, prepared in collabora- (1,057,188) international students dur- isting numbers in the next three years.
tion with the Institute of International ing this period, marking a remarkable He thanked the Joe Biden admin-
Education (IIE), highlighted a substan- 12% increase from the previous aca- istration for its cooperation in the
tial increase in the number of students demic year and representing the fastest education sector and observed that the
from Pakistan studying in higher edu- growth rate in over four decades. presence of Pakistani male and female
cation institutions in the US. This growth, it added, positions students, from across the country in A representational image of a student standing before a university building — Pexels
"During 2022-2023, there were Pakistan among the top eight countries various US institutes not only reflected
10,164 Pakistani students, compared experiencing a notable rise in the num- the close cooperation of the two coun- Khan added that the focus was be- technology, engineering, and math-
to 8,772 in the previous year, indicat- ber of students pursuing education in tries in the education sector but also ing laid on providing Pakistani stu- ematics so that they could benefit from
ing an impressive 16% increase," the the United States, according to the US guaranteed strong Pak-US relations in dents with greater opportunities in US expertise and knowledge in these
report read. Open Doors Report on International the future. STEM subjects, especially in science, disciplines. - The News