Page 12 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 12

P12 - PAKISTAN  LINK - NOVEMBER 24, 2023                                                                                                    PAKISTAN

          Imran, Qureshi to Be Presented   in August, Bilawal — the youngest for- dence move against Imran.  which  resumed  its  detailed  count  of   Sanaullah  said  that  his  party  ex-
          in FJC  for Fresh Trial on Nov 28  eign minister in the country’s history   “The cause was mine. The cause was  casualties  in  Gaza  from  the  war.  The  ercised  restraint  as  both  parties  were
            (Continued from page 1)  —  had  also  implored  his  father  and  ours  […]  all  parties  had  a  consensus  ministry had stopped publishing casu- allies in the previous coalition govern-
       examined  when  an  Islamabad  High  PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif to take  on ousting Imran, so someone has to  alty counts since Nov 11, saying it had  ment led by the PML-N.
       Court division bench termed the gov- decisions that would make politics eas- do the work,” Zardari said. He claimed  lost the ability to do so because of the   ‘Country can’t afford disputed polls’
       ernment’s notification for jail trial “er- ier for the younger generation, which  that the country’s situation would have  health system’s collapse in the north.  Meanwhile, speaking to the media
       roneous” and scrapped the entire pro- was losing hope in the country’s future. been worse if the no-confidence move   The  new  numbers  were  not  fully  after  meeting  Nawaz  Sharif,  Maulana
       ceedings.                       During the interview, Zardari talk- against Imran had not succeeded.  broken down, but women and minors  Fazl said his party would not adopt an
         It must be noted that on August 29,  ed about his motivations for being in-            have consistently made up around two- aggressive stance against the PPP and
       the IHC had suspended the PTI chief’s  volved in politics. “Politics is my com- ‘Difficult’  experience  with  coalition  thirds of the dead. The figures do not  would maintain contact with other po-
       sentence  in  the  Toshakhana  case,  but  pulsion,  not  a  necessity.  Because  Bibi  govt  include  updated  numbers  from  hos- litical parties as well.
       a  special  court  established  under  the  Sahiba was martyred, Bhutto Sahib was   Asked  about  the  PPP’s  experience  pitals in the north. The ministry says   “There  is  a  difference  between  the
       Official  Secrets  Act  had  directed  jail  martyred and thousands of our work- working  with  the  coalition  govern- some 6,000 people have been reported  thinking  of  an  elderly  person  and  a
       authorities to keep Imran in “judicial  ers were martyred. So, there is a debt  ment,  Zardari  said  that  it  was  “very  missing, feared buried under rubble.  child.  This  difference  is  visible  in  the
       lockup” in the cipher case.   on us and I am in politics for that.  difficult”. “I said several things to She-  The  ministry  does  not  differenti- statements of Bilawal,” the JUI-F chief
         A  notification  issued  by  the  law   “And then Bilawal is also not fully  hbaz Sahib but he did not listen and it  ate between civilians and militants in  said  referring  to  his  statement  that
       ministry the same day had stated that  trained. [We] are training him,” he said. harmed  the  country,”  he  said,  adding  its death tolls. Israel says it has killed  youth should be given a chance to lead
       the Law and Justice Division had “no   “Bilawal  is  not  trained?”  asked  that these matters were related to trade. thousands of Hamas fighters, without  the country instead of the elderly.
       objection” to Imran’s trial in the cipher  an  astonished  Mir,  to  which  Zardari   At  the  same  time,  the  PPP  leader  presenting evidence for its count.  Fazl called for promoting reconcili-
       case being held at Attock Jail. In Sep- shook his head.     said he was “impressed” with Shehbaz,   Israel  continued  to  strike  targets  ation  and  harmony  in  order  to  avoid
       tember,  Imran  was  shifted  to  Adiala   “He’ll  take  time,”  the  PPP  leader  noting that he was a “workaholic” who  throughout  the  night  ahead  of  the  confrontational  politics  during  the
       Jail.                         said. At the same time, Zardari said Bi- would wake up early morning.  truce,  and  also  destroyed  stretches  of  election campaign.
         However,  in  its  order  on  Nov  21,  lawal was more talented, educated and   Asked  about  the  possibility  of  tunnels and a number of tunnel shafts   He also advised against casting as-
       the IHC said the jail trial “vitiated” the  better  spoken  than  him  but  “experi- working  with  the  PML-N  again,  in  the  area  of  Shifa  Hospital,  Gaza’s  persions on the transparency of polls
       entire proceedings in the case. While  ence is experience”.  Zardari  said,  “Look,  what  is  the  largest, the military said.  saying that the country cannot afford
       declaring  the  proceedings  void,  the   Later in the interview, Zardari was  chessboard? On the chessboard, nei-  Earlier  this  week,  Israel  showed  a  disputed elections.
       bench had said notifications issued for  asked  about  Bilawal’s  views  on  older  ther  the  PML-N,  the  PPP,  Maulana  tunnel and rooms that military officials   The  JUI-F  chief  said  his  party  has
       conducting the trial in jail were against  politicians.  “The  younger  generation  Sahib  nor  any  other  party  can  take  said were a major Hamas hideout be- decided to work together with PML-N
       the  law  and  spoiled  the  proceedings,  these days has their own thinking […]  172 [seats].” -– Dawn  neath Shifa. Hamas and hospital staff  in the future and would also enter into
       including Imran and Qureshi’s indict- everyone  has  a  right  to  express  their        deny Israeli allegations that Shifa was  seat adjustment with its ally.
       ment and the testimonies of four wit- thoughts,” he said.      4-Day Truce Begins, Sets Stage   used as a militant command center.  Political activities are on the rise in
       nesses.                         He further said that stopping some-  for Release of Dozens   Netanyahu  vowed  to  continue  the  the  country  after  the  Election  Com-
         As  a  result  of  the  judgement,  the  one would only create more problems.   of Gaza-Held Hostages  war after the truce expires to destroy  mission  of  Pakistan  (ECP),  following
       Special Court would now start a fresh  “What if he says ‘you do politics, I will   (Continued from page 1)  Hamas’  military  capabilities,  end  its  the Supreme Court’s intervention, an-
       trial while the prosecution would have  not’. Then what will I do?”  Not long after the cease-fire took effect,  16-year rule in Gaza and return all the  nounced that the polls in the country
       to  file  a  fresh  application  to  conduct   Zardari said Bilawal’s remarks were  four fuel tankers and four tankers with  estimated 240 captives held in Gaza by  will take place on February 8, 2024. –
       the trial in jail.            directed at everyone. “He is saying it to  cooking gas entered the Gaza Strip at  Hamas and other groups.  The News
         Today, the case proceedings, stalled  everyone and not just Zardari Sahib.”  the Rafah crossing from Egypt, Israel   “We will continue it until we achieve
       on Nov 14 following a stay order of the   He said that politics took time and  said.  During  the  cease-fire  Israel  has  all our goals,” Netanyahu said, adding   Court Rules Prison Trial of
       high court, resumed in open court at  even he sometimes made mistakes. “It’s  agreed to allow the delivery of 130,000  that  he  had  delivered  the  same  mes-  Imran Is Illegal
       the FJC. Qureshi’s lawyers Ali Bukhari  not  like  I  don’t  make  [mistakes].  The  liters (34,342 gallons) of fuel per day,  sage  in  a  phone  call  to  US  President   (Continued from page 1)
       and Khalid Yousaf were in attendance.  journey of life is to learn from cradle  roughly double what it has previously  Joe  Biden.  Washington  has  provided  sified letter to unauthorized people for
         At  the  outset  of  the  proceedings,  to grave.”        permitted but still only a small portion  extensive military and diplomatic sup- political gain.
       Judge Zulqarnain asked for a copy of   Zardari  said  within  the  PPP  there  of Gaza’s estimated daily needs of more  port to Israel since the start of the war.  The document — dubbed Cipher —
       the IHC order, which was provided by  were  “two  parties”.  “One  is  PPP  and  than 1 million liters.  Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gal- has not been made public by either the
       the  court  staff.  He  then  ordered  that  one is PPPP. I have PPPP and I am its   Both sides will release women and  lant was quoted as telling troops Thurs- government or Khan’s lawyers but was
       Imran and Qureshi be brought to court  president.  Bilawal  is  the  chairman  of  children  first.  Israel  said  the  truce  day that their respite will be short and  apparently diplomatic correspondence
       on Nov 28, Tuesday.           PPP,”  he  said,  adding  that  he  handed  would be extended an extra day for ev- that the war would resume with inten- between  the  Pakistani  ambassador  to
         He  further  stated  that  the  trial  out tickets to party candidates.  ery additional 10 hostages freed.  sity for at least two more months. – AP  Washington and the Ministry of For-
       would  now  begin  from  the  position   Asked  whether  he  was  playing   The  truce-for-hostages  deal  was         eign Affairs in Islamabad.
       prior to August 29.           “good  cop,  bad  cop”,  Zardari  said:  reached in weeks of intense indirect ne-  PML-N, JUI-F Fire Salvo at Bilawal over   Khan  claimed  the  document  was
         Earlier,  sources  privy  to  the  pros- “This is not a police station that good  gotiations, with Qatar, the United States   ‘Poll-Fixing’ Claims  proof that his ouster was a US conspir-
       ecution told Dawn that Judge Zulqar- cop, bad cop is played to get a confes- and  Egypt  serving  as  mediators.  If  it   (Continued from page 1)  acy, allegedly executed by the military
       nain now has four weeks to conclude  sion out of someone. If Bilawal was in  holds, it would mark the first significant  N leadership, calling it “mehangai [in- and his political opponents, including
       the trial in the cipher case.  business with me, he would’ve said the  break in fighting since Israel declared  flation]  league”  and  accusing  its  su- his successor Shehbaz Sharif. Washing-
         They said the trial would conclude  same thing. In politics too. This is ev- war on Hamas seven weeks ago.  premo Nawaz Sharif of receiving pref- ton, Pakistan’s military and Sharif have
       within the 30-day deadline, as the court  ery household’s story.”  The  agreement  raised  hopes  of  erential  treatment  from  the  caretaker  denied the claim.
       would require a week to frame charges                       eventually  winding  down  the  war,  government.             Khan  has  not  appeared  in  public
       and there would be sufficient time to  ‘PPP was offered ministries to form  which has leveled vast swaths of Gaza,   Bilawal has also cast doubts on the  since August, when he was sentenced
       record the testimony of witnesses and  alliance with PTI’   fueled a surge of violence in the occu- transparency of the upcoming general  to  three  years  for  corruption.  The  Is-
       accused, in three weeks.        At the outset of the interview, Zard- pied West Bank and stirred fears of a  elections, claiming that no one would  lamabad High Court subsequently sus-
         Cipher case                 ari  said  that  he  was  certain  elections  wider conflagration across the Middle  accept the results of the polls if results  pended that sentence but he remained
         According  to  the  first  information  would  take  place  in  the  country  on  East.  Israel  has  pushed  back  against  were manipulated in favor of any po- in custody due to his arrest in the Ci-
       report,  the  case  has  been  registered  February 8. “That is why we are out and  such speculation, saying it was deter- litical party.  pher case.
       against Imran and Qureshi under sec- about, we have to cover all of Pakistan,  mined to resume its massive offensive   “The PML-N does not want to in-  Tuesday’s development came ahead
       tions 5 and 9 of the Official Secrets Act,  go  everywhere,”  he  said,  adding  that  once the truce ends.  crease bitterness that’s why we are not  of  the  parliamentary  elections  which
       1923, read with Section 34 of the Paki- political campaigns were “healthy” for   Israel’s northern border with Leba- responding  to  Bilawal’s  [criticism]  in  are to be held on February 8.
       stan Penal Code (PPC).        political parties.            non  was  quiet  on  Friday,  a  day  after  his  own  language,”  Sanaullah  said  in   According to analysts, Khan’s party
         They have been accused of wrong-  To  this,  Zardari  said,  “There  are  Lebanon’s  militant  Hezbollah  group,  a media talk. Addressing a press con- still could win most seats, but he is not
       ful  communication/use  of  official  se- games.  Games  within  games  within  an ally of Hamas, carried out the high- ference in Lahore on Tuesday, PML-N  eligible to run for parliament due to his
       cret  information  and  illegal  retention  games. Always. Take six ministries —  est number of attacks in one day since  senior  leader  Rana  Sanaullah  said  he  conviction in the graft case.
       of  a  cipher  telegram  (an  official  se- why should I take six ministries?”  fighting there began October 8.  would not resort to using Bilawal’s lan-  Also Tuesday, a court in Islamabad
       cret document) with mala fide inten-  “Gen Faiz said this?” asked Mir, re-  Hezbollah  is  not  a  party  to  the  guage to respond to his criticism, Geo  briefly  heard  an  appeal  from  Khan’s
       tion, whereas the roles of former SPM  ferring to ex-spymaster retired Lt-Gen  cease-fire  agreement,  but  was  widely  News reported.  main  political  rival,  Nawaz  Sharif,
       Muham¬mad  Azam  Khan,  former  Faiz Hameed.                expected to halt its attacks.   Despite adopting anti-PML-N rhet- against his 2018 conviction in a graft
       federal minister Asad Umer, and other   “Is  it  necessary  for  a  164  on  Gen   The war erupted when several thou- oric, the former security czar said the  case. Sharif, who served as prime min-
       involved associates will be ascertained  Faiz?” Zardari quipped while smiling,  sand  Hamas  militants  stormed  into  ex-foreign minister would not be able  ister three times, returned to Pakistan
       during  the  course  of  the  investiga- in an apparent reference to statements  southern  Israel,  killing  at  least  1,200  to woo anti-PML-N voters by “heaping  in October, ending four years of self-
       tions… - Dawn                 recorded  under  Section  164  of  the  people,  mostly  civilians,  and  taking  praise” on the PML-N.  imposed  exile  in  London  mainly  to
                                     Code of Criminal Procedure.   scores  of  hostages,  including  babies,   Besides  Punjab,  he  said  the  PML- lead his Pakistan Muslim League party
          Zardari Says Son Bilawal ‘Not   Zardari said he was being asked to  women and older adults, as well as sol- N would secure a majority from other  in the parliamentary elections.
            Fully Trained’ in Politics  form an alliance between the PPP and  diers. Hamas is expected to demand a  provinces as well in the upcoming elec-  During  his  tenure,  Khan  allowed
            (Continued from page 1)  PTI “across the board”, not just against  large number of high-profile prisoners  tions.  Sharif to travel abroad to receive medi-
       called on the nation to let older politi- the PML-N. He further said that he did  in return for soldiers.  The  PML-N  stalwart  also  empha- cal treatment. But he prolonged his stay
       cians “stay at home” and to give some- not accept this alliance “from the start”.  The  Israeli  bombardment,  now  in  sized  the  need  for  working  together  in  London,  saying  his  doctors  would
       one new a chance in the general elec-  Mir  then  asked  the  ex-president  its seventh week, has killed more than  for the country’s betterment. “We have  not  allow  him  to  return  to  Pakistan.
       tions.                        why he took the responsibility of rop- 13,300  Palestinians,  according  to  the  to work together If the country has to  Sharif returned home only after Khan
         Speaking in the National Assembly  ing in political parties for the no-confi- Health Ministry in Hamas-ruled Gaza,  move forward.”  was arrested and imprisoned. - AP
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