Page 11 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 11
WASHINGTON, DC: The US State State Dept Deflects Question about ment to protect law-enforcement offi-
Department declined on Wednesday to cers in the course of conducting their
offer any direct comments on the spec- work. “The partnership improves jus-
ulations that American Ambassador in Blome-Imran Meeting tice institutions and provides law en-
Pakistan Donald Blome met with Paki- forcement agencies with the tools they
stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman need to protect Pakistan citizens.”
Imran Khan in Adiala Jail, stressing Pakistan. The spokesperson stressed that
that the matter should be referred to “I wouldn’t want to preview how these initiatives would build on more
the embassy in Islamabad. we would respond to the letter here. than 40 years of bilateral partnership
At a daily press briefing in Washing- We obviously respond directly to those between the US mission in Pakistan
ton, State Department spokesperson members of Congress”, Miller said, re- and the Pakistani government on civil-
Matthew Miller told a journalist that ferring to a letter from a group of US ian security and rule of law.
the US had no particular stance on any lawmakers and a recent announcement When his attention was drawn to-
political party or any politician in Paki- of $4 million aid for Pakistani security wards Pakistan’s crackdown on Illegal
stan or any other country in the world. forces in Balochistan by Ambassador Afghans and Islamabad’s announce-
Pakistan is set to hold elections in Blome. ment that it would not deport 25,000
February next year. As political parties “With respect to the announcement Afghan refugees, who were waiting for
gear up for the electioneering, reports that the ambassador made, we’ll be American visas, Miller said that Wash-
emerged in the media that Ambas- pursuing four new initiatives to sup- ington’s “key concern is the safety of
sador Blome had met with important port the Balochistan police in their the vulnerable” and at-risk individuals.
political leaders in Punjab recently. efforts to protect and serve their local “We are in close and constant com-
Those whom Blome met included communities. We’re going to provide munication with the government of
former prime minister Yousuf Raza $4 million in assistance to expand the Pakistan on the safety of individuals in
Gilani of the Pakistan Peoples Party anti-terrorist force training facility,” he the US pipeline. It is our desire to work
(PPP), Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller addressing a press briefing - said. in good faith with the government of
(PML-N) Quaid Nawaz Sharif and Ist- US State Dept website Giving a breakup, Miller said that Pakistan to address any concerns that
hakam Pakistan Party (IPP) founder $2 million would be spent for repairing it may have,” he said.
Jahangir Khan Tareen in Lahore. At the press briefing, Miller was “But as we have said a number of or replacing 10 police stations dam- “We believe it is in both our coun-
Simultaneously, speculations took asked whether he would confirm or times, we do not take position – a po- aged in recent floods and another $2 tries’ interest to ensure the safe and
rounds on the social media that Blome deny that Ambassador Blome held a sition on candidates for political office million to construct 10 new police sta- efficient resettlement of refugees and
had also met with Imran. However, the meeting with Imran in Adiala prison. in Pakistan or any other country,” he tions that incorporate the same model asylum seekers. And we join all of our
US did not confirm any meeting, while “So, I would – I would refer you to the added. In response to another ques- to improve service to women, girls, and partners in urging all countries, includ-
Imran’s sister Aleema Khan, after a embassy to – to comment on any meet- tion, the spokesperson also declined to all Pakistanis. ing Pakistan, to uphold their respective
meeting with her brother in jail, denied ings the ambassador has had,” Miller offer comments on a letter from some Besides, he added, an additional obligations in the treatment of refu-
any such meeting. replied. Congressmen for suspending US aid to $250,000 would be given for equip- gees,” he said. – The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: The Election Commis- or corporations, autonomous or semi-
sion of Pakistan (ECP) is expected to Feb 8 General Elections: ECP, Govt, Judicial autonomous bodies controlled by any
appoint a mix of judicial officers and government, or from the subordinate
officials from the federal and provincial Officers Likely to Be Made DROs, ROs judiciary in consultation with the Chief
governments as well as its own officers Justice of the concerned High Court, a
as district returning officers (DROs) and Returning Officer for each constituency.
returning officers (ROs) for the Feb 8, provincial High Courts had expressed (2) A person shall not be appointed as
2024, general elections. its readiness for this purpose. Returning Officer for more than one
It has been learnt that though no To a question, he said around 1,000 constituency, save in exceptional cir-
formal decision has been taken in this DROs and ROs would be involved in cumstances, for reasons to be recorded.
regard, there is a likelihood of opting the nationwide election duty. The Commission may, the Section 51
for the appointment of DROs and ROs “The Election Commission, already says, in the prescribed manner, appoint,
from various government departments, in the election mode, will make sure that from amongst its own officers or officers
including judiciary for the election duty. officers of good repute are assigned the of any Government, or corporations,
“The Election Commission is left critical job to contribute to objective of autonomous or semi-autonomous bod-
with no option but to engage officers free, fair and transparent elections,” he ies controlled by any Government, as
from diverse departments. Already, the maintained. The National Judicial Policy many Assistant Returning Officers as
provincial election commissioners are Making Committee (NJPMC) in its ju- may be necessary. Meanwhile, accord-
in the process of finalizing lists of of- dicial policy, 2009 had decided to stop ing to the cause list issued by the Elec-
ficers for the poll job, besides Central judicial officers from performing the tion Commission, the forum will an-
Secretariat,” confirmed a senior official election duties, as this had dragged the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) nounce its order regarding the Pakistan
of the Election Commission while talk- ‘judiciary into political controversies’. Tehreek-e-Insaf’s intra-party election
ing to The News. The Sections 50 and 51 of the Elec- appoint a District Returning Officer for (c) from the subordinate judiciary in case on November 23 for which a notice
He recalled that the judiciary had tions Act, 2017, empower the electoral each district or a specified area— (a) consultation with the Chief Justice of has been issued to the party through its
declined to spare judicial officers for body to appoint DROs, ROs and as- from amongst its own officers subject the concerned High Court…” Likewise, Chairman Imran Ahmad Khan Niazi.
the election duty for various reasons, sistant returning officers (AROs): “For to availability; (b) by selection from a the Commission shall, in the prescribed There is a possibility that the order
and one of them was the load of pend- election to an Assembly, the Commis- list of officers provided by the govern- manner, appoint, from amongst its own would pave the way for PTI to retain its
ing cases. However, one of the smaller sion shall, in the prescribed manner, ment or a provincial government; or officers or officers of any government election symbol ‘bat’. – The News
ISLAMABAD: Peoples Party (PPP) se- within minutes due to lack of quorum.
nior leader Raza Rabbani on Monday Senate Resolution on Military Trial of On his part, PTI Senator Ali Zafar
termed the Senate resolution backing mil- urged the Senate to take action and con-
itary trials of civilians against the Consti- Civilians 'Unconstitutional': Rabbani demn if basic human rights were being
tution and vowed to continue opposing it. violated.
Last week, the Upper House of Par- He termed the military trial of civil-
liament passed a motion against the Su- Clarifying his position, Rabbani said he his conscience. ians “unfair”.
preme Court’s verdict on civilians’ trial was bound to the party discipline. Sources privy to the matter revealed Expressing his views, Balochistan
in the military courts, calling for halting He was of the view that the vote he that the bill was not part of the agenda Awami Party (BAP) Senator Manzoor
implementation of the judgment “unless had cast in support of the motion was on of the Senate session and the motion was Ahmed Kakar said that the resolution
it is considered by a larger bench”. The the PPP's behalf. “I was ashamed for vot- tabled in the house when a majority of the was passed in haste.
resolution backs the military trial of civil- ing the bill,” he said, adding that he, even lawmakers were absent. The JI senator said that he and Rab-
ians arrested in connection with the May today, was ashamed for it. The day after the passage of the bill, bani were not allowed to speak on the
9 riots. In January 2015, the PPP senator was the lawmakers lodged a strong protest resolution on that day in the House.
Two senators — Jamaat-e-Islami’s in tears after voting in the Senate on the in the house against the hasty approval The leader of the house and the op-
Mushtaq Ahmed and PPP's Rabbani — 21st Constitutional Amendment for set- of the resolution. The Senators called position leader were kept in the dark
opposed the resolution against the top ting up military courts. for immediate withdrawal of the reso- about the resolution, he said, add-
court’s verdict. Expressing his emotions, Rabbani said lution. ing that the motion was not shown
Speaking on the floor of the house, the he had “never felt more ashamed” in his Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Sena- Without taking up any agenda item, to the lawmakers. “It [resolution] will
PPP leader said he voted bill for setting life as he was on that day and admitted tor Raza Rabbani addresses a joint Senate Deputy Chairman Mirza Muham- strengthen undemocratic forces.” –
up military courts in the country in 2015. that he voted on the amendment against sitting of the Parliament — APP/File mad Afridi adjourned the proceedings The News