Page 10 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 10

P10 - PAKISTAN  LINK - NOVEMBER 24, 2023                                                                                                    PAKISTAN
             More than 400,000 Afghans Return                                                    US Calls for Safe Resettlement

        Home following Crackdown on Migrants                                                               of Afghan Refugees

                                                                                                WASHINGTON:  The  US  State  De- Pakistan takes center stage in address-
                                                                     Pakistan also introduced plans un- partment  has  urged  Pakistan  to  ing the challenges associated with the
                                                                   der  which  hundreds  of  thousands  of  prioritize the safety and efficient re- resettlement process.
                                                                   residents  in  the  southwestern  border  settlement  of  Afghan  refugees  and   Highlighting the shared responsibil-
                                                                   town of Chaman would need visas to  asylum seekers.        ity in addressing the plight of refugees,
                                                                   cross between the two countries. They   The call comes amid concerns that  he emphasized the need for collabora-
                                                                   previously had special permits.  hasty  or  unscrupulous  deportations  tive efforts to navigate the complexities
                                                                     On  Monday,  hundreds  briefly  could pose a significant risk to the lives  of resettlement.
                                                                   blocked a key road leading to the Cha- of these vulnerable individuals.  Mr Miller expressed particular con-
                                                                   man border, disrupting traffic and the   “Our  key  concern  is  the  safety  of  cern  about  the  safety  of  those  await-
                                                                   repatriation of some of the Afghans.  vulnerable  and  at-risk  individuals,”  ing  American  visas,  but  Pakistan  has
                                                                     Residents  in  Chaman  have  been  State  Department  spokesperson  Mat- assured Washington that it would not
                                                                   protesting  repeatedly,  asking  Pakistan  thew Miller said at a Tuesday afternoon  deport 25,000 Afghan refugees waiting
                                                                   to  allow  them  to  continue  using  the  news briefing.  for their US visas.
                                                                   special permits for business purposes   Highlighting the shared responsibil-
                                                                   and to meet with relatives who live in  ity in addressing the plight of refugees,  Aid for Balochistan
                                                                   the Afghan border city of Spin Boldak. he emphasized the need for collabora-  About  the  fund  for  Balochistan
       Afghans wait for transport to depart for their homeland, in Karachi, Pakistan,   Since  November  1,  police  in  Paki- tive efforts to navigate the complexities  police,  Mr  Miller  said  the  package,
       Friday, November 17, 2023 - AP                              stan have been going door-to-door to  of resettlement.     announced  in  Islamabad,  supports
                                                                   check migrants’ documentation. Paki-  “We believe it is in both our coun- four  key  initiatives  including  $2m
       ISLAMABAD: More than 400,000 Af- crackdown,  saying  that  anyone  with- stani officials had said before that the  tries’  interest  to  ensure  the  safe  and  to  expand  anti-terrorist  training  fa-
       ghans returned to their home country  out proper documents had to leave the  crackdown  involves  all  foreigners  in  efficient  resettlement  of  refugees  and  cilities and $2m for the repair of 10
       following  the  ongoing  crackdown  on  country by October 31 or else get ar- the country, but most of those affected  asylum seekers.”  flood-hit  police  stations,  $2m  for
       illegal foreigners in the country, Paki- rested.            are Afghan nationals. The latest devel-  Mr Miller said, “We join all of our  building 10 new police stations, with
       stani authorities said Monday.  However, Pakistani officials said the  opment  comes  days  after  the  World  partners in urging all countries, includ- an  additional  $250,000  for  purchas-
         Zabihullah  Mujahid,  chief  spokes- other 1.4 million Afghans registered as  Health Organization warned that about  ing Pakistan, to uphold their respective  ing safety equipment.
       person of the Taliban-led government  refugees need not worry as only people  1.3  million  Afghans  were  expected  to  obligations in the treatment of refugees   Responding  to  Pakistani  media
       in Afghanistan, confirmed the number  without  proper  documentation  were  return to their country of origin from  and  asylum  seekers.  We  strongly  en- reports  about  the  US  ambassador’s
       and told The Associated Press that the  sought after.       Pakistan  despite  the  onset  of  cold  courage all of Afghanistan’s neighbors  alleged  meeting  with  former  prime
       majority  have  been  using  the  border   In  the  1980s,  millions  of  Afghans  weather.  Such  expulsions  have  drawn  to allow entry for Afghans seeking in- minister  Imran  Khan  in  Adiala  Jail,
       crossings of Torkham and Spin Boldak  fled  to  neighboring  Pakistan  during  widespread criticism from internation- ternational  protection  and  coordinate  the  State  Department  representative
       to return home.               the Soviet occupation of their country.  al and domestic human rights groups.  with international humanitarian orga- reiterated Washington’s stance of not
         An  estimated  1.7  million  Afghans  The  numbers  witnessed  a  spike  after   The  Taliban-led  administration  in  nizations to provide assistance.”  taking  a  position  on  candidates  for
       had been living in Pakistan when au- the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in  Afghanistan said it was providing shel-  As the situation evolves, the diplo- political office in Pakistan or any oth-
       thorities  announced  its  nationwide  2021.                ter and food to returnees. - AP   matic engagement between the US and  er country. - Dawn

                                                                    Imran’s Lawyer Sher Afzal Khan Marwat

                                                                        Appointed PTI Senior Vice President

                                                                   the notification for Marwat’s appoint- Saifullah Abro were also appointed se- charges against him fell under sections
                                                                   ment, which was signed by Secretary  nior vice presidents.  120-B (punishment for criminal con-
                                                                   General Omar Ayub, on social media   It  should  be  noted  that  Mar- spiracy)  and  153-A  (promoting  en-
                                                                   platform  X  (formerly  Twitter).  The  wat  represented  the  PTI  chief  in  the  mity between different groups) of the
                                                                   party  said  that  the  lawyer  had  been  Toshakhana  trial.  He  became  close  Pakistan Penal Code.
                                                                   appointed senior vice president “with  to  Imran  when  he  launched  a  tirade   Separately,  former  Punjab  MPA
                                                                   immediate effect”.           against  trial  court  judge  Humayun  Seemabia Tahir was appointed the PTI
                                                                     Marwat  said  his  new  responsi- Dilawar during the proceedings of the  president for north Punjab.
                                                                   bilities  would  motivate  him  to  work  trial  and  was  subsequently  added  to   Expressing  gratitude  for  the  ap-
                                                                   harder. “I am indebted to PTI Chair- the PTI core committee.  pointment, she said: “With the help of
                                                                   man Imran Khan for his trust in me,”   In  October,  a  case  was  registered  Allah and the cooperation of the orga-
       ISLAMABAD: Sher Afzal Khan Mar- a senior vice president of the party on  he said.        against  Marwat  on  allegations  of  in- nizational leaders, I will try my best to
       wat, a member of PTI Chairman Im- Wednesday.                  Earlier  this  year,  PTI  leaders  Qa- stigating  the  public  against  state  in- fulfil the responsibility entrusted to me
       ran Khan’s legal team, was appointed   The party’s official account shared  sim Suri, Firdous Shamim Naqvi and  stitutions  through  social  media.  The  by the leaders and fulfil their trust.”

               n By Anwar Iqbal        US Lawmakers Seek ‘Suspension’                                                         such as Ms Mazari, Khadija Shah and

                                                                                                                                 “We believe that the United States
       WASHINGTON:  Eleven  members                                                                                           Mr Khan.
       of the US Congress, in a letter to US     of Assistance to Pakistan                                                    can play a constructive role in support-
       Secretary  of  State  Anthony  Blinken,                                                                                ing positive change, and it is our hope
       have urged the Biden administration to                                                                                 that  our  cooperation  can  contribute
       withhold future US assistance to Paki-  “We  are  extremely  concerned  Shia community in Gilgit-Baltistan.  and also participates in protest meet- to a more just and equitable future for
       stan, until the country restores consti- about the passing of the Criminal Law   “Religious  persecution  remains  ings and rallies held to demand an im- the people of Pakistan,” the lawmakers
       tutional order and holds free and fair  (Amendment)  Bill,  2023  which  will  rampant in Pakistan, and we are con- mediate ceasefire in Gaza.  wrote.
       elections.                    strengthen  the  existing  blasphemy  cerned  about  future  restrictions  on   The report also noted that the previ-  In Washington, the focus on human
         “We  further  request  that  future  law,  which  has  historically  been  used  freedom of religion and belief should  ous government in Pakistan had “wea- rights violations underscores the deli-
       security  assistance  be  withheld  until  to  persecute  religious  minorities,”  the  this  Bill  become  law,”  the  lawmakers  ponized the country’s blasphemy laws  cate balance between geopolitical alli-
       Pakistan has moved decisively toward  lawmakers wrote.      warned.                      against  former  Prime  Minister  Imran  ances and the promotion of democratic
       the restoration of Constitutional order,   They pointed out that the bill, which   The  move  was  initiated  by  Con- Khan and his cabinet members”.  values  on  the  global  stage.  The  State
       including by holding free and fair elec- is yet to be signed by the president, was  gresswoman  Ilhan  Omar,  who  is  one   The  letter  also  mentioned  Imaan  Department  has  been  markedly  care-
       tions  in  which  all  parties  are  able  to  “passed in haste despite repeated calls  of the champions of Muslim causes in  Mazari,  a  human  rights  lawyer,  who  ful while commenting on the current
       participate freely,” they wrote.  from many lawmakers for a thorough  the US Congress. Other signatories in- was taken from her home at 3am with- political situation in Pakistan.
         The  country’s  moves  to  further  parliamentary procedure.”  clude Frank Pallone Jr, Joaquin Castro,  out an arrest warrant after speaking at a   The issue has been raised regularly
       strengthen the blasphemy law also fig-  The letter also pointed out that on  Summer Lee, Ted W. Lieu, Dina Titus,  rally against enforced disappearances.  at  the  State  Department’s  daily  brief-
       ured prominently in the letter, which  August 16, eight days after the bill was  Lloyd Doggett and Cori Bush.  The letter urged the US Embassy in  ings, where the spokesperson has care-
       warned Secretary Blinken that the pro- passed, a mob desecrated churches and   Most  of  them  are  members  of  the  Islamabad  to  send  observers  to  hear- fully  avoided  making  statements  that
       posed changes would be used to fur- set fire to homes of Christians in Jaran- progressive  group  within  Congress,  ings and other legal proceedings of hu- could be interpreted as an expression
       ther tighten the noose around smaller  wala. It also referred to reported pro- which played a key role in highlighting  man rights defenders and political dis- of  support  for  either  the  government
       religious groups and minorities.  tests against the bill, including by the  the  Palestinian  issue  in  Washington  sidents, including for emblematic cases  or the opposition. - Dawn
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