Page 5 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 5
n By Dr Akbar Ahmed An Evening to Remember even during dangerous and challeng- Lumpur inviting a leading Jewish or
American University ing times." Christian scholar at the Friday prayer
Washington, DC I also acknowledged the hurdles and dedicating a sermon to the scholar.
and challenges Bishop Chane and Rab- It is a great gesture and I hope it will be
he cathedral is one of the great bi Lustig have faced in pioneering our reciprocated by Muslim religious lead-
houses of worship in America Abrahamic partnership: "Indeed I have ers."
Twith its Gothic towers looming seen the attacks on the Bishop under Bishop Chane concluded that eve-
large over the skyline and rolling hills
of the nation’s capital.
It is where the Presi-
dential Prayer Service
is held the morning
after the inaugura-
tion, bestowing its
blessings upon one of
the world’s most powerful leaders as
he enters office. It is where I had the
honor of representing Islam in serv-
ing as a pallbearer for US President
Gerald Ford during his 2007 funeral.
The cathedral is also where I had the The significance of a Christian service held at a major cathedral to honor
privilege of being honored in a special a Muslim in this period of Islamophobia was not lost on us. About a 1,000
Sunday Even song prayer in February people from across the nation and the world filled the hallowed pews of the
2005, dedicated by the Episcopal Bishop Cathedral - Wikipedia
of Washington, John Chane, engendered
by my being named the 2004 Washing- but in acknowledgement of the im- represent the dreamers and visionaries
ton, DC Professor of the Year. Bishop portance of building bridges among of our global community. . . Our times
Chane, Rabbi Bruce Lustig, the Senior the faith traditions in an increasingly together sharing food and conversa-
Rabbi of Washington’s largest syna- discordant world. tion at a common table with our fami-
gogue, and I presided over the service. Rabbi Lustig generously gave a lies have filled my heart with joy and
The significance of a Christian ser- passionate invocation titled "Dr Ak- hopefulness. It is a hopefulness that the
vice held at a major cathedral to honor bar Ahmed: A God Seeker." He told world, too often divided by those who
a Muslim in this period of Islamopho- the congregation: "As a descendant presume to possess exclusive claims
bia was not lost on us. About a 1,000 of Abraham, when others choose to to the true and inerrant knowledge of
people from across the nation and the build walls of fear, he chooses to build the God of all creation, will become
world filled the hallowed pews of the bridges of understanding. Akbar does a world where all can live together in
Cathedral, including my friend, Jimmy this not by denying the harsh realities peace and harmony. For many this may
Engineer, who traveled all the way of our day, but by, in spite of them, seem a radical statement- for me it is
from Karachi for the occasion. It was meeting others in "I- thou" encoun- the hope of the world!" File photos: Muslims participate in a Friday prayer November 14, 2014 at the
a very emotional evening for all: I saw ters... Amidst the voices of extremism Building bridges, I pointed out that National Cathedral in Washington, DC—AFP
a BBC journalist wiping tears from her on all sides, we are grateful that we Islam has the highest respect and affec-
eyes and several Muslims choked with have found another voice- it is Ak- tion for Biblical figures like Jesus and the banner "Washington’s first openly ning with a message of hope that ac-
emotion as they told me later that they bar’s voice; it is calm, it is gentle, it is Moses. If this connection was widely Jewish and Muslim Bishop." I said, "I knowledged the importance of services
could not imagine the holy Qur’an be- filled with wisdom and truth. Indeed, known, I believed, Western commen- have seen and heard both the Bishop such as these: "Dialogue is a first begin-
ing read in the National Cathedral and Akbar has that courage, to say no to tators would not talk about Muslims and the Senior Rabbi stand up and ning of a new journey for this global
Islam and the holy Prophet (pbuh) hate and violence, and no to fear and as "Satan worshippers" and Muslim speak boldly against the human rights community."
cited with respect by a Muslim. isolation. It is true courage, for even in leaders would not talk about attacking violations and loss of civil liberties that (The writer is an author, poet,
The service was filled with impor- times of personal risk, he continues to Jews and Christians as a sign of piety. Muslims often have to endure. This is filmmaker, playwright, and the Ibn
tant messages of hope, and while the say no to injustice and yes to dialogue "I am confident," I said, "that the great true faith and friendship." Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies,
service was held several years ago, and faith in God." Biblical figures from the time of Abra- I concluded my remarks with a American University in Washington,
to this day I fondly recall the warm Bishop Chane, meanwhile, in his ham would commend leaders such as challenge to the Muslim world: "Imag- D.C. He formerly served as the Paki-
words both Bishop Chane and Rabbi sermon to close the ceremony, told Bishop Chane and Rabbi Lustig for ine a reversal of the event: the central stani High Commissioner to the UK
Lustig uttered not only in my honor, the congregation: "Bruce, Akbar and I recognizing our common humanity mosque in Cairo or Lahore or Kuala and Ireland. He tweets @AskAkbar)
n By Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy iban as Afghanistan’s lawful govern- providing TTP terrorists a base. In fact
Islamabad, Pakistan Scapegoating the Refugee ment. They committed hideous crimes the TTP was born in Swat under the
but Pakistan’s high-placed duffers — as nose of our security forces. Had there
erded like cattle, over the inimitable Asma Jahangir famously been a will, Maulana Fazlullah — aka
1,700,000 Muslim refu- called them — carefully explained away Mullah Radio — could have been in-
Hgees — more than twice the their savagery. For decades Pakistan stantly neutralized in 2006-2007.
number of Palestinians evicted in remained the Taliban’s chief champion To cover up the establishment’s past
1948 by Zionist Israel and loudspeaker to the world. incompetence and complicity, hapless
— are presently be- When the Ashraf Ghani govern- refugees are now being scapegoated.
ing expelled from the ment fell in 2021, there was glee all They are victims of Pakistan’s bungled
Islamic Republic of around. Then-ISI chief Gen Faiz Ha- foreign policy and its delusionary
Pakistan. A compliant meed preened before television cam- pursuit of strategic depth. The days of
caretaker government eras in Kabul as though celebrating his dollar-fueled ‘jihad’ being over, these
wants all undocu- personal victory, while then-PM Imran penniless people are no longer useful
mented Afghans booted out of the Khan famously proclaimed Afghans as cannon fodder. Rich Afghans, of
country. had “broken the shackles of slavery”. course, may stay.
Taking this a step further, the Balo- Things have changed dramatically Had Pakistan ever been serious
chistan caretaker information minister since then and we know exactly why. about wanting to destroy TTP’s ideo-
declared earlier this week that, in line After a victory, the force of fanaticism logically charged terrorism, it would
with the state’s decision, even those Af- To cover up the establishment’s past incompetence and complicity, hapless does not diminish — it grows. Backed have looked for places where the call to
ghans with legal documents would be refugees are now being scapegoated. They are victims of Pakistan’s bungled by the government in Kabul, TTP now ‘jihad’ is loud and strident.
expelled. Who runs the state is clear. foreign policy and its delusionary pursuit of strategic depth. The days of savagely attacks Pakistan’s army and All across the Muslim world the
Once these unfortunates cross the dollar-fueled ‘jihad’ being over, these penniless people are no longer useful police almost daily. mullah has been tamed by the state.
Torkham border, hell awaits them. as cannon fodder. Rich Afghans, of course, may stay – Photo BBC Worried Pakistani rulers tried per- Yet there’s little chance that Pakistani
Large numbers have never visited, suading Afghanistan’s rulers to de- madrassas preaching violence will be
much less known, the famine-stricken only Rs50,000 per family could be murderous and misogynist militia that nounce these terrorist acts but met investigated. Maulana Abdul Aziz,
land to which they allegedly belong. carried in cash, and forbade evictees hates all forms of modernity except a brick wall. Why expect otherwise? leader of the Lal Masjid insurrection
Hundreds of thousands were born on from taking along their livestock. Who its guns. No girl may go to school, no Both the TTP and Afghan Taliban that killed well over 200, supports the
Pakistani soil but could never acquire could be more heartless? Zionists? woman may work, music and art are carry the same mindset and have the TTP but struts around Islamabad with
documents. The story of loss and displacement forbidden, limb-chopping and stoning same goals. armed escort.
Pakistani authorities gave but 30 doesn’t end here. After enduring extor- to death are back in vogue. Although many Afghans fled to Those who ordered the sudden de-
short days to sell off possessions ac- tion by Pakistani border guards, they In 1996, Pakistan was the first of Pakistan after the 2021 Taliban victory, portations claim to defend Pakistan’s
quired over a lifetime, decreed that will enter a country run by a primitive, three countries to recognize the Tal- they are now being falsely accused of (Continued on page 23)