Page 4 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 4

P4 - PAKISTAN  LINK - NOVEMBER 24, 2023                                                                                                      OPINION
        Pakistan Link                   n By Mowahid Hussain Shah      Little Guy, Big Impact                                 for  schooling  –  which  he  hated  –  he
                                                                                                                              would have travelled far.
                                         ub-continental culture is a VIP-                                                        The  German  philosopher,  Arthur
                                         hunting society, with an obses-                                                      Schopenhauer, was on target when he
                Advisory Board
            Dr Sohail Masood         Ssive focus on the wealthy and the                                                       said: “Mostly, it is loss which teaches us
                                     powerful.  In  Punjab,  they  are  called                                                about the worth of things.”
                  President                     “Vedda-banda”  (big                                                              14 centuries ago, outlining the prin-
            Arif Zaffar Mansuri                 guy).  They  are  not                                                         ciples of governance, Hazrat Ali put it
        seen  ‘big’  because  of                                                      best, in his letter to Malik Ashtar, Gov-
                                                big  deeds,  big  think-                                                      ernor of Egypt:
         Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui                  ing,  or  big  learning.                                                         “Remember the privileged few will
             They  see  themselves                                                         not  rally  round  you  in  moments  of
                                                as indispensable. But,                                                        difficulty:  they  will  try  to  side-track
           Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief   as the old saying goes, the graveyard                                            justice;  they  will  ask  for  more  than
                  (Pakistan)         is full of indispensable people.                                                         what  they  deserve  and  will  show  no
              Shabbir Ghori
           Big people are accustomed to hav-                                                      gratitude for favors done to them. They
                                     ing society genuflect before them and                                                    will feel restive in the face of trials and
             Resident Editor Urdu Link   getting  goodies  on  a  platter  without                                            will offer no regret for their shortcom-
            & Director Video Operations  much  effort.  But  when  they  depart                                               ings. It is the common man who is the
             Anwar Khawaja
    from the scene, they are seldom missed                                                 strength  of  the  State  and  Religion.  It
                                     and quickly forgotten.         The 50 million strong Hispanic population, with roots in Latin Ameri-  is he who fights the enemy. So, live in
           Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    On a late cold night in Washington  ca, form the backbone of the US economy, doing most of the rough and   close contact with the masses and be
     a few years back, I got a call from La- tough work, which the mainstream eschews. Yet, they bear the brunt   mindful of their welfare.”
                                     hore that my long-time trusted atten- of anti-immigrant sentiment. The movie, “A Day Without a Mexican,”   The  50  million  strong  Hispan-
               Regional Offices
                                     dant,  Ghulam  Mustapha,  had  died  in  depicted how the US economy would break down if suddenly they were   ic  population,  with  roots  in  Latin
                  YKKB               his sleep. Little education, little money.  not there – Highlander Newspaper             America,  form  the  backbone  of  the
           In  the  existing  cultural  parlance,  he                                               US  economy,  doing  most  of  the
                                     was a little guy.             are gone.                    also the tireless washer lady Barkat, the  rough  and  tough  work,  which  the
                Sacramento, CA         Little folks are ubiquitous. They at-  In the household staff of my youth  well-dressed Mehboob, and the daring  mainstream  eschews.  Yet,  they  bear
  tend constantly to your needs. Little at- in  Lahore,  I  recall  the  indefatigable  Yaqub.  All  gone  now,  but  forever  in  the  brunt  of  anti-immigrant  senti-

            San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA  tention is paid to them. Nobody ever  Ibrahim,  constantly  running  errands;  memories, like long-lost family mem- ment.  The  movie,  “A  Day  Without
  asks  to  be  photographed  with  them.  Meedan, the cleaning lady, always smil- bers and friends.  a  Mexican,”  depicted  how  the  US
                                     But,  yet  they  matter.  Like  a  favorite  ing;  Sardaran,  poised  and  dignified,   They say: “The best employees work  economy would break down if sud-
                New York, NY
    tailor,  a  favorite  mechanic,  a  favorite  despite  enduring  unspeakable  cruelty  for  their  employers  as  though  they  denly they were not there.
                                     waiter, a favorite fruit vendor. They are  of having a daughter burned alive for  were self-employed.” And they antici-  The little guys form the invisible pil-
                 Houston, TX         the constants in a changing panorama.  the perceived crime of bringing insuf- pate your needs. Mustapha was among  lars in one’s life. They leave a big im-
                                     Often, they are not noticed until they  ficient dowry to her in-laws. There was  the best. Bright, honest, and caring. But  pact. They are actually the big guys.
                 Phoenix, AZ
                Ontario, Canada      Nawaz Sharif’s Path to Power May Appear Paved                                            another airport away from the flight’s
                                                                                          destination Karachi.
                                                                                                                                 The PML-N leaders were later freed
          Letters to the Editor            but He Will Soon Be at a Crossroads again                                          and  exiled  in  a  deal  brokered  by  the
        Readers  are  welcome  to  express  their                                                                             Saudis and Lebanese leaders and stayed
        opinion in these columns. Please keep                                                                                 long years in Saudi Arabia before mov-
        your letters brief and to the point.  Let-  n By Abbas Nasir
        ters  without  full  name,  complete  ad-                                                                             ing to London. While in Saudi Arabia,
        dress, and a daytime phone number will   Pakistan                                                                     Ms  Bhutto  called  on  Mr  Sharif  and
        not be published. Also, copies of letters                                                                             initiated a dialogue, as there appeared
        sent  to  other  newspapers  are  not  en-
        couraged. Letters can be mailed, faxed   aving returned from a four-                                                  to be a realization that while the two
        or e-mailed to the Editor at the Pakistan   year, self-imposed exile, the                                             popular  parties  were  at  each  other’s
        Link Headquarters address listed below.
                                     Hpath  to  power  for  PML-N                                                             throats, the usurper was making hay.
        Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub-  leader  Nawaz  Sharif  may  appear                                               In May 2006, this dialogue resulted
        lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,   paved  but  it  is  also  true  that  within                               in the signing of the Charter of Democ-
             DBA PL Publications, LLC.
                                     the next few months he will be at a                                                      racy (CoD) by the two leaders, pledg-
        Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA   crossroads again and forced to make                                          ing  adherence  to  democratic  norms
           and additional mailing offices.
        POST MASTER: Send address changes to   difficult choices.                                                             from  then  on.  By  the  following  year,
        Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim,   If he is cleared by the courts to run                                        elections were called and Ms Bhutto’s
                  CA 92815           for  office  and  leads  the  next  govern-                                              long  and  deft  negotiations  with  the
        The  management  has  the  right  to  re-
        fuse to print any advertisement, news,   ment, as all indications are that he may                                     military leader created space for both
        article,  letter  or  any  other  material.  In   (I  am  not  talking  of  opinion  polls  or  New Age               her PPP and the PML-N.
        case of any errors in advertisement the   surveys  that  are  indicative  of  popu-                                      Tragically,  Ms  Bhutto  was  assassi-
        management will not be liable for more
        than the amount paid for the advertise-  lar support), there will be intense de- mains excluded from the process and  latter’s agenda to block Benazir Bhut- nated as an enraged dictator refused to
               ment to the Link.     mands on his ‘civilian’ credentials to let  how that itself rocks the boat as well.  to’s path to power including deploying  provide her security despite a suicide
        Advertisements  in  Pakistan  Link  are   justice prevail and allow the opposition   The 73-year-old, three-time former  a vile misogynistic and parochial cam- bomb  attack  on  her  in  Karachi  just
        placed in good faith. The newspaper is
        not responsible nor endorses the con-  their liberty, freedom and space to op- prime minister began his political ca- paign ahead of the 1988 elections and  weeks  earlier.  Musharraf  was  hoping
        tents of any advertisement. In case of a   erate.          reer after he was handpicked as Pun- partially succeeded.  she and Mr Sharif would not return to
        frivolous lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear
        the total cost of the suit, including but   As things stand, he is being called  jab’s finance minister by the province’s   Through most of the 1990s the two  campaign, enabling him to manipulate
        not limited to the Link’s costs and the   the  establishment’s  ‘ladla’.  If  he  were  military  governor,  Lt-Gen  Ghulam  parties  played  a  revolving-door  game  the polls. She defied him and convinced
                attorney’s fees.     to  err  on  the  side  of  his  democratic  Jilani.  After  the  party-less  1985  elec- to power, instigated by the military and  the PML-N leader to do the same.
             Information for         instincts, would he risk falling foul of  tions,  he  took  over  as  chief  minister,  facilitated  by  presidential  powers  to   This isn’t to suggest the PML-N and
               Subscribers           the powerful forces that facilitated his  ostensibly  under  the  prime  minister- sack governments and dissolve parlia- PPP have embodied the CoD com
         The printing of Pakistan Link is un-  potentially phoenix-like return after he  ship  of  Muhammed  Khan  Junejo  but  ments gifted by the dictator to himself   (Continued on page 23)
         failingly  completed  by  Wednesday   was down and out?   remained loyal to his chief mentor Gen  before he perished in that Bahawalpur
         every week and its copies are hand-                                                                                                 Views    and
         ed  over  to  the  mailing  house  for   Clearly, the state of the economy has  Ziaul Haq.  PAF C-130 crash.
         prompt dispatch to the subscribers.   been identified as a serious existential   When  Zia  sacked  the  Junejo  gov-  Ms  Bhutto  and  Mr  Sharif  shared   opinions  ex-
         The Link should reach its destination                                                                                               pressed   by
         on  time  if  there  is  no  delay  at  the   issue  that  needs  to  be  addressed  ur- ernment — he couldn’t reconcile with  two  truncated  stints  each  in  power   authors  and
         post office. If a delay is occasioned it   gently. If Nawaz Sharif were to bury the  the exercise of powers by even his own  from 1988 to 1999. During their short
         is in no way attributable to the per-                                                                                               contributors
         formance of Link’s management. In   hatchet, seek a more congenial political  chosen  prime  minister  and  dissolved  tenures,  they  persecuted  each  other   in   articles,
         case  of  delayed  receipt  of  Pakistan   atmosphere  and  secure  the  release  of  parliament — as if on cue, Nawaz Shar- relentlessly  and  viciously.  Finally,  in   letters,  opin-
         Link or missing issues, please contact
         your local Post Office and submit a    Imran Khan and his supporters jailed  if rebelled against his party leader and  October 1999, Gen Pervez Musharraf’s   ion pieces, reports, advertise-
             “Publication Watch” form.  mostly  on  dubious  charges,  will  they  ousted Junejo.  coup dislodged the Sharifs from power   ments, etc appearing in Paki-
               Tel: 714-400-3400     take to the streets again?      Thus, he continued to endear him- and lodged them in prison.  stan Link and Urdu Link are
               Fax: 714-400-3404       The impact of any such protest on  self  to  the  military  leadership.  When   They also faced, like the PPP leaders   their own. The paper neither
           E-Mail:                                                                                     shares  nor  endorses  them
                                     the economy will determine the extent  Zia was killed in an air crash, he vowed  before them and more recently the PTI
            Pakistan Office          of civil liberties and political rights in  at  his  graveside  to  take  his  ‘mission  leadership, the flimsiest of charges and   and thus should not be held
                                                                                                                               responsible  for  the  views/
               42 Rehman Court       Pakistan. Who knows if the party said  forward’. And he did, as he became the  were sentenced to life in prison for ‘hi-  opinions of the writers & ad-
         Plaza Square,  Off  M. A.  Jinnah Road  to be the most popular in the country  major tool in the hands of the then ISI  jacking’ Gen Musharraf’s homebound
             Karachi-74400, Pakistan  then  faces  more  curbs  on  it  and  re- chief Hameed Gul. He worked on the  PIA plane by ordering its diversion to   vertisers.
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