Page 1 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 1

Vol. 33/47  Jumada Al-Awwal 10, 1445                                            Friday, November 24, 2023                                                                       US & Canada $1.00

       PAGE  4                               PAGE  7                              PAGE  21

         Nawaz Sharif’s                           Is the US                                                            For news, updated
       Path to Power May                         Entering a                               The
        Appear Paved but                        Constitutional                          Majestic                       round the clock,visit
       He Will Soon Be at                         Crisis?                            Stratosphere of                   www.PakistanLink
       a Crossroads again                                                            Natasha Noorani

           Imran, Qureshi to Be          Court Rules Prison Trial of Imran Is Illegal                                             PML-N’s Election
           Presented in FJC  for                                                                                                 Campaign Hinges
           Fresh Trial on Nov 28                                                                                                   on Nawaz Cases
                                        ISLAMABAD  (AP):    A  Pakistani
       ISLAMABAD: Special Court Judge Abual   court ruled Tuesday that the closed-                                         LAHORE:  While  the  Pakistan  Peoples
       Hasnat Zulqarnain, who is hearing the ci-  door  prison  trial  of  former  Prime                                   Party  has  already  launched  an  aggressive
       pher  case,  issued  directives  on  Thursday   Minister Imran Khan on charges of                                   election campaign by holding rallies in dif-
       that PTI Chairman Imran Khan and former   revealing state secrets is illegal, his                                   ferent parts of the country, its former ally
       foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi   lawyer said.                                                                the  Pakistan  Muslim  League-Nawaz  has
       be presented at the Federal Judicial Com-  The  ruling  by  the  Islamabad                                          linked kicking off the drive to clearance of
       plex (FJC) in Islamabad on November 28.  High Court came on a petition filed                                        its supremo Nawaz Sharif in all the cases he
         The cipher case pertains to a diplomatic   by  Khan,  who  has  demanded  an                                      is facing.
       document  that  the  Federal  Investigation   open  trial,  lawyer  Naeem  Haider                                      On  the  other  hand,  both  parties’  rival
       Agency’s  charge  sheet  alleges  was  never   Panjutha said.                                                       Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) is desperate
       returned by Imran. The PTI has long held   It was unclear whether the gov-                                          to hold rallies in the run-up to Feb 8, 2024
       that the document contained a threat from   ernment would appeal, or if future                                      elections but claims the authorities are not
       the United States to oust Imran as prime   open court proceedings would take                                        allowing it and are quick to pounce on its
       minister.                        place at the same prison in the gar-                                               workers who dare to take part in any such
         The former premier and his aide Shah   rison  city  of  Rawalpindi  or  some- he faces carry a possible death sen-  The  case  is  related  to  Khan’s  activities.
       Mahmood  Qureshi,  who  is  also  behind   where else. Authorities have insist- tence in the event of a conviction.  comments  about  and  waving  of  a   “The PML-N will kick-start its election
       bars, were indicted in the case on Oct 23.   ed Khan was being tried at Adiyala   Khan’s  close  aide,  Shah  Mah- confidential  diplomatic  letter  at  a  campaign once the legal procedure regard-
       Both have pleaded not guilty.    Prison because of threats to his life.  mood  Qureshi,  who  was  deputy  rally after his ouster in a no-confi- ing the appeals of Nawaz Sharif is over. It is
         The  trial  was  being  held  at  Adiala  Jail   The court’s decision came about  in  his  Pakistan  Tehreek-e-Insaf  dence  vote  in  parliament  in  2022.  anticipated that the appeals will be decided
       and four witnesses have already recorded   a month after Khan was indicted for  party, is a co-defendant in the case.  He and Qureshi are accused of com- in a week or so and then Mr Sharif will lead
       their statements, with the fifth being cross-  allegedly  revealing  a  secret  docu- Both men have denied the charges  municating information in the clas  the party’s campaign across the country,”
              (Continued on page 12)    ment. Legal experts say the charges  against them during the trial.  (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 23)

                                          4-Day Truce Begins, Sets Stage for Release

                                               of Dozens of Gaza-Held Hostages

                                        DEIR AL-BALAH, GAZA STRIP:
                                        A  four-day  truce  in  the  Israel-
                                        Hamas war took effect early Friday,
       Former  President  Asif  Ali  Zardari  on   setting the stage for the exchange of                                   Rana Sanaullah, Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari
       Geo News on Thursday — Screenshot  dozens of hostages held by militants                                             and Maulana Fazlur Rehman
                                        in  Gaza  in  return  for  Palestinians
       Zardari Says Son Bilawal ‘Not    imprisoned by Israel.                                                                PML-N, JUI-F Fire Salvo at
                                          The  halt  in  fighting  promised
         Fully Trained’ in Politics     some  relief  for  Gaza’s  2.3  million                                             Bilawal over ‘Poll-Fixing’ Claims
                                        people,  who  have  endured  weeks
       ISLAMABAD: Former President Asif Ali   of Israeli bombardment, as well as                                            LAHORE:  The  Pakistan  Muslim  League-
       Zardari said on Thursday that his son and   families in Israel fearful for the fate                                  Nawaz (PML-N) and the Jamiat Ulema-e-
       PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari was   of loved ones taken captive during                                         Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) have taken exception to
       “not  fully  trained”  in  politics  and  would   Hamas’ October 7 attack that trig- Palestinians  stand  by  a  building  destroyed  in  Israeli  bombardment   Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bi-
       “take time” getting up to speed.  gered the war.             overnight in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Friday, November 24, 2023 - AP Photo/  lawal Bhutto-Zardari’s tirade, asking him to
         The PPP leader made the remarks in an   The  cease-fire  kicked  off  at  7  Hatem Ali                             avoid confrontational politics in the run-up
       interview on Geo News program ‘Capital   am  local  time  (0500  GMT)  and  is                                       to the general elections scheduled for Feb-
       Talk’  with  journalist  Hamid  Mir.  During   to  last  at  least  four  days.  During  militants took on October 7.   southern  Gaza,  where  Palestinians  ruary 8 next year.
       the interview, Zardari was asked about Bi-  this  period,  Gaza’s  ruling  Hamas   Hamas  said  Israel  would  free  are facing severe shortages of food,   The PPP chief in his recent public ad-
       lawal, who in recent days has repeatedly   group pledged to free at least 50 of  150 Palestinian prisoners. The deal  water, medicine, and electricity.  dresses launched a tirade against the PML-
              (Continued on page 12)    the about 240 hostages it and other  also provides for more aid to reach   (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 12)

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