Page 15 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 15

COMMUNITY                                                                                                          PAKISTAN  LINK - NOVEMBER 24, 2023 - P15

       WASHINGTON:  US  President  Joe   Adeel Mangi Nominated as First Muslim                                                that  “Adeel  Mangi’s  nomination  gives
       Biden has nominated Adeel A. Mangi                                                                                     hope  to  immigrants  that  when  they
       for  a  federal  judgeship,  and  if  con-                                                                             work hard, their talents are recognized
       firmed, he would be the first Muslim-  Judge for Circuit Court by President Biden                                      in this country”.
       American and the first Pakistani on any                                                                                   Senator Cory Booker, a member of
       US circuit court.                                                                                                      the  US  Senate’s  judiciary  committee,
         Mr Mangi, from a prominent Sin- worked at Partner at Patterson Belknap                    Against  the  backdrop  of  rising  Is- applauded the nomination.
       dhi  family,  is  among  five  nominees  Webb & Tyler in New York as a civil             lamophobia  and  threats  faced  by  the   “Having come to know Adeel Man-
       for federal judgeships released by the  litigator representing an array of clients       Muslim community, Mr Mangi’s nomi- gi over the years as a fixture in the New
       White House.                  in complex high-stakes cases.                              nation comes at a crucial time.  Jersey  legal  community,  I  have  seen
         His nomination aligns with the ad-  He has devoted thousands of hours                  Push for diversity            firsthand that he is a person of integrity
       ministration’s commitment to diversify  to  pro  bono  service,  filed  numerous            President Biden’s push for diversity  and deep conviction with an unflinch-
       the judiciary. He has been nominated  amicus  briefs  in  the  federal  appellate        in judicial appointments, especially in  ing commitment to fairness and equal-
       for  the  3rd  US  Circuit  Court  of  Ap- courts  and  before  the  US  Supreme         the face of geopolitical challenges like  ity,” said Booker.
       peals, based in Philadelphia, and cov- Court  on  behalf  of  cross-faith  reli-         the  Middle  East,  reflects  a  broader   “I  thank  President  Biden  for  this
       ers the states of Pennsylvania, New Jer- gious coalitions, and, among his many           commitment  to  addressing  concerns  historic  nomination,  and  I  look  for-
       sey, Delaware, and the Virgin Islands.  other legal accomplishments, success-            within various communities.   ward  to  introducing  Adeel  Mangi  to
         Born in Karachi, Mr Mangi received  fully fought on behalf of Muslim com-                 All five nominees need to be con- my colleagues on the Senate Judi¬ciary
       his law degree from the University of  munities  seeking  to  build  and  open           firmed  by  the  US  Senate  before  they  Committee for his hearing.”
       Oxford in 1998. He attended Lincoln’s  mosques.                                          are appointed.                   The  nomination  comes  two
       Inn  and  the  Inns  of  Court  School  of   The  White  House  emphasized  his             The  Sindhi  Association  of  North  years after the Senate voted to con-
       Law in London, qualifying as a British  experience  handling  court  filings,  in-       American (SANA) welcomed Mr Man- firm  the  first  Muslim-American
       Barrister at Law in 1999.     cluding representing a multi-faith co- Adeel A. Mangi has been nominated   gi’s nomination. Dr Maqbool Halepo- federal judge, Zahid Quraishi, who
         He  received  his  LLM  from  Har- alition  in  a  case  before  the  Supreme  by US President Joe Biden for federal   to, its president, and Mushtaq Rajpar,  now  serves  on  a  district  court  for
       vard Law School in 2000 and has since  Court.               judgeship — Reuters          general  secretary,  said  in  a  statement  New Jersey. - Dawn

             n By Elaine Pasquini     Ambassador Masood Khan Urges Investment

       SAN  FRANCISCO:  During  the  An-  in Pakistan’s Tech and Tourism Industries
       nual  Open  Silicon  Valley  Forum  of
                  2023 in the first week
                  of November, Masood                                                                 (Continued on page 23)
                  Khan,  Pakistan’s  Am-
                  bassador to the United
                  States,  told  attendees
                  the tech entrepreneur-
                  ship  in  Pakistan  has
       taken off and the country is “leapfrog-
       ging into a new era of tech industry. A
       new  class  of  professionals  graduating
       from  universities  is  participating  in
       digitized economy and this is giving a
       new direction to our economy.”  “With the digitization of necessary information, including bookings, lodging,
          In addition, he noted, the Pakistani  transportation and availability of accurate information, the tourism sector
       government  has  created  an  enabling  of Pakistan would witness a transformative change. Your early participation
       environment for the growth of the tech  would pay you off well,” Ambassador Khan said
       and  IT  sectors  including  the  forma-
       tion  of  a  Special  Investment  Facilita- tion of intellectual property rights and  Bank of Pakistan and setting up Special
       tion  Council  aimed  at  fast-tracking  addressing  the  issues  related  to  repa- Technology Zones.
       approvals and registrations, overseeing  triation of funds by foreign investors.  All  this  progress  is  happening  de-
       implementation and catalyzing much-  Other steps being taken to facilitate  spite  the  country’s  recent  economic,
       needed  regulatory  reforms,  including  ease  of  doing  business  include  an  E- political,  pandemic  and  climate  chal-
       ensuring stable payment cycles, protec- Wallet facility introduced by the State  lenges.

               n By Anwar Iqbal                                                                                               Ms Mazari, Khadija Shah and Mr Khan.
                Washington             US Lawmakers Seek ‘Suspension’                                                            “We  believe  that  the  United  States

                                                                                                                              ing positive change, and it is our hope
            leven members of the US Con-         of Assistance to Pakistan                                                    can play a constructive role in support-
            gress, in a letter to US Secretary                                                                                that  our  cooperation  can  contribute
       Eof State Anthony Blinken, have                                                                                        to a more just and equitable future for
       urged  the  Biden  administration  to   “We  are  extremely  concerned   The move was initiated by Congress- Khan and his cabinet members”.  the people of Pakistan,” the lawmakers
       withhold future US assistance to Paki- about the passing of the Criminal Law  woman Ilhan Omar, who is one of the   While acknowledging Pakistan’s sig- wrote.
       stan, until the country restores consti- (Amendment)  Bill,  2023  which  will  champions of Muslim causes in the US  nificance as a long-standing ally, the law-  They also offered to work with Secre-
       tutional order and holds free and fair  strengthen the existing blasphemy law,  Congress.  Other  signatories  include  makers also stressed the need to address  tary Blinken to promote human rights,
       elections.                    which has historically been used to per- Frank Pallone Jr, Joaquin Castro, Sum- issues like restrictions on freedom of ex- democracy, and stability in Pakistan.
         The lawmakers requested a legal de- secute religious minorities,” the lawmak- mer Lee, Ted W. Lieu, Dina Titus, Lloyd  pression, speech, and religion, enforced   However, it remains unclear how the
       termination  from  the  Department  of  ers wrote.          Doggett and Cori Bush.       disappearances, military courts and the  US  government,  particularly  the  De-
       State under the Leahy Laws and Section   They pointed out that the bill, which   Most  of  them  are  members  of  the  harassment and arrest of political oppo- partment of State, will respond to these
       502(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act to  is yet to be signed by the president, was  progressive  group  within  Congress,  nents and human rights defenders.  concerns and whether it will impact the
       assess  if  US-origin  security  assistance  “passed  in  haste  despite  repeated  calls  which played a key role in highlighting   Addressing ongoing harassment and  dynamics  of  the  US-Pakistan  relation-
       had facilitated human rights violations  from  many  lawmakers  for  a  thorough  the Palestinian issue in Washington and  arrests,  the  lawmakers  mentioned  the  ship.
       in Pakistan.                  parliamentary procedure.”     also participates in protest meetings and  cases against PTI chief Imran Khan as   In Washington, the focus on human
         “We further request that future secu-  The letter also pointed out that on  rallies  held  to  demand  an  immediate  well,  noting  that  he  could  potentially  rights violations underscores the delicate
       rity assistance be withheld until Pakistan  August 16, eight days after the bill was  ceasefire in Gaza.  face the death penalty for allegedly vio- balance  between  geopolitical  alliances
       has moved decisively toward the resto- passed,  a  mob  desecrated  churches   In its latest report on Pakistan, the US  lating the Official Secrets Act.  and the promotion of democratic values
       ration  of  Constitutional  order,  includ- and set fire to homes of Christians in  Commission on International Religious   The  letter  also  mentioned  Imaan  on  the  global  stage.  The  State  Depart-
       ing by holding free and fair elections in  Jaranwala. It also referred to reported  Freedom  noted  that  “religious  minori- Mazari,  a  human  rights  lawyer,  who  ment  has  been  markedly  careful  while
       which all parties are able to participate  protests against the bill, including by  ties were especially vulnerable to pros- was taken from her home at 3am with- commenting  on  the  current  political
       freely,” they wrote.          the Shia community in Gilgit-Baltis- ecution or violence based on blasphemy  out  an  arrest  warrant  after  speaking  situation in Pakistan.
         The  country’s  moves  to  further  tan.                  allegations”  and  “blasphemy  cases  re- at a rally against enforced disappear-  The issue has been raised regularly at
       strengthen the blasphemy law also fig-  “Religious  persecution  remains  mained a substantial threat to religious  ances.  the  State  Department’s  daily  briefings,
       ured  prominently  in  the  letter,  which  rampant in Pakistan, and we are con- freedom.”  The letter urged the US Embassy in  where  the  spokesperson  has  carefully
       warned Secretary Blinken that the pro- cerned  about  future  restrictions  on   The report also noted that the previ- Islamabad to send observers to hearings  avoided  making  statements  that  could
       posed changes would be used to further  freedom of religion and belief should  ous government in Pakistan had “wea- and  other  legal  proceedings  of  human  be interpreted as an expression of sup-
       tighten  the  noose  around  smaller  reli- this Bill become law,” the lawmakers  ponized  the  country’s  blasphemy  laws  rights defenders and political dissidents,  port  for  either  the  government  or  the
       gious groups and minorities.  warned.                       against  former  Prime  Minister  Imran  including for emblematic cases such as  opposition. - Dawn
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