Page 18 - Pakistan Link - November 24, 2023
P. 18
n By Dr Ahmed S. Khan Book & Author 18,000 (approximately US$200) as fees
Chicago, IL for a Test match… A bowler of my cali-
ber in India would earn fifteen crore
he ICC World Cup 2023 has rupees or over a million and a half US
been won for the sixth time by Shoaib Akhtar: Shoaib Akhtar — Controversially Yours dollars in a year at the very least. This
Tthe Australians who exhibited is, however, the total amount I have
sheer champion’s spirit. Indians — de- earned during my entire career…There
spite having the advantages of home is good money in first-class cricket and
grounds and crowds, and employing even in the Ranji Trophy in India. If
negative tactics of manipulation of you come from a village and can play
pitches and rules — in the end proved 15-20 matches at this level, you can
to be no match to the Australians’ su- take back at least fifteen lakh rupees,
perior cricketing acumen. which is good enough to build a pucca
Likewise, Shoaib Akhtar aka Rawal- home in the village. I understand that
pindi Express’s world-class talent India’s economy is larger than ours, but
proved to be no match to the medioc- even Bangladesh pays better money
rity of the PCB officials who tried to than us…for most players…jobs are
end his career prematurely. In Shoib drying up fast in Pakistan…The white
Akhtar — Controversially Yours, the man is safe. He has alternatives; he can
Rawalpindi Express chronicles his tri- work in other fields. Indian players are
als and tribulations — from growing also better taken care of. Sanjay Man-
up in poverty to emerging on the world jrekar, Navjot Singh Sidhu and several
stage as the fastest bowler of the crick- other players have found jobs that help
eting world. them earn a living with dignity.”
Shoaib Akhtar narrates his life story From yesteryears of discriminating
in sixteen chapters: 1. Growing Pains, against great cricketers like Muham-
2. Shoaib Bhai Haazir Hai! 3. Trial by mad Brothers to the recent episode
Fire, 4. A Few Hiccups on the Road to of ignoring Fawad Alam, the egoistic
Glory , 5. A Star Is Born: The Rawal- “Akbar-e-Azam” mindset of PCB lead-
pindi Express, 6. Highs and Lows, 7. ership has destroyed the cricket career
The 100-MPH Club, 8. A Bowler’s of many talented cricketers. Expound-
Dilemma, 9. Down But Not Out, 10. ing on this sad reality, cricketers’ lack
When the Going Gets Tough, 11. I’m of job security and unprofessional at-
Still Standing, 12. Soaring High on titude of PCB, the author notes: “The
Broken Wings, 13. The King and I, 14. result is the total lack of security faced
The Dressing Room, 15. Where Do We by a player even at his peak. Combined
Go from Here? and 16. Being Shoaib. with the shenanigans the PCB indulges
Shoiab Akhtar, world’s fastest bowl- “My murshid [Sufi saint] said I would be a star—and I was.” - Shoaib Akhtar in, this leads to a strange problem, of a
er, in his autobiography highlights player’s need for revenge. Players, great
the inherent flaws of governance in Recalling his early years of growing how much trouble I get into at press ships influenced his aggressive behav- players, have chosen the wrong path
Pakistan — from sports to various in- up in a poor neighborhood in Rawal- conferences. I try to hold it in, but I ior, the author observes: “My economic because they have wanted to get back
stitutions of the country viz a viz thes pindi, the author states: “… a child can’t keep quiet. These uncontrolled background and its incumbent respon- at the board. They have been humili-
“Akbar e Azam” syndrome — where growing up in a backward district statements that just shoot out of my sibilities left me with no other option ated so many times that they don’t care
members of the corrupt ruling elite as- of Rawalpindi, there was not much mouth have cost me dearly. Often, I but to play cricket. In a way, cricket has about the consequences. The problem
sume power of institutions and without by way of entertainment. There were have been forced to retract statements taken away my family life. I missed so arises when the player becomes inse-
following any set of rules destroy the movies, of course, and I loved watch- and that hasn’t elevated my reputation many family occasions, including my cure or is treated badly, like I was by
institutions, and are never held respon- ing them, but other than that, there was either. It was hard enough to deal with brothers’ weddings, I missed a large Naseem, and starts thinking, well,
sible and accountable for mismanage- not much to do except hang around on the mess I kept getting into without part of my sister’s growing up and then they are going to throw me out after a
ment and mega corruption. Shoiab the street, visit a dargah or fly kites. the media highlighting all my frailties the birth of her first child. In fact, I few games but if I ever manage to get
Akhtar’s talent and career have been My parents were very strict about my and ignoring my strengths. Most of the haven’t really got to know my nephews back, I’ll show them! A strange desire
neglected and shortened due to the getting back home on time, so I hated time, I was in some row or the other and niece; and I couldn’t look after my for vendetta sets in. When they regain
arrogance of ignorance of the clueless the evenings and couldn’t wait for the with the management, which had no mom and dad the way I wanted to. The their berth, they make sure they hurt
cricket administrators. sun to rise. When fame came to me, I compunctions about telling their side game, to some extent, has also taken the PCB in some way, even if it means
The author starts the book by re- away my peace of mind and trust in fixing a match. This may sound strange
calling his wishes for the 2011 World people. I have become so aggressive but it’s true: most of the time, these
Cup: “I would like to have retired from that I startle even myself. The nature things get done not out of greed but be-
international cricket shouting out for of my job is to wrench the game away cause they want to hurt those who have
the world to hear, ‘We won the 2011 from the opposition, hurl the ball at hurt them. And, of course, they make a
World Cup!’ But that was not to be. I them like a missile—not exactly con- quick buck in the process. This is what
wanted to bowl in the very last match ducive to a gentlemanly deportment.” I have observed with Pakistani players.”
that Pakistan played in the tourna- Referring to sledging, the author Commenting on the role of media
ment, hopefully the finals, but that states: “I was all raw energy and had creating trouble for cricketers, the au-
too was not to be. I wanted to retire no trouble with sledging or trash-talk. thor states: “But other than Imran, I’m
with dignity, having played cricket for In fact, I relished, and still do, taking sorry to say that I haven’t met a single
nearly two decades for my country. on a side that is more than willing to cricketer who put the game before him-
Mercifully, that wish of mine was ful- use their mouths as a tool. If Harbha- self. This is my personal opinion and I
filled. No Pakistani cricketer before me jan was caught on camera yelling at stand by it. While we were destroying
had been granted this grace. Yes, that’s me, it could just have been a reaction ourselves, the media took up the re-
right, I am the first person in the histo- to my needling. I knew that retaliation sponsibility of creating more trouble…
ry of Pakistan cricket who hasn’t been was inevitable, and I could be at the In my opinion, our media has had a
pushed out or forced to languish while receiving end as well; therefore I never huge hand in destroying the reputation
waiting for a recall.” carried any ill-feelings towards my col- of Pakistan cricket and hasn’t learnt
The author acknowledging the role leagues. At least, I never judged them that their counterparts around the
of his friend Sudesh for bringing the on these grounds but if I caught a whiff world mostly take care not to tarnish
idea of book into reality, observes: “For of racism, then things were different. their country’s image. Your country
Sudesh Rajput— Sharing so much of Most of us leave our grouses on the matters, boss! Sport is a national mat-
myself in this book was not my idea; it field where they belong but non-play- ter, and we should be supported when
required a lot of coaxing from Sudesh, ers continue to talk about them forever we are going through trying times, not
my partner in times of trouble—my and this often has a whiplash effect on harassed and humiliated.”
dearest friend, who has stoically stood players.” Describing Greg Chappell’s biased
by me during some of the worst times was young and happily grabbed it with of the story to the media while I would Expounding on the financial earn- behavior episode, the author observes:
I have had to face…This book is a cul- both hands. I found a whole new world let things ride because I was busy try- ings of cricketers, the author observes: “My bowling is my pride. By question-
mination of your persistence…Thank to explore and I just wanted to go out ing to find money for all the court fees “For most cricketers, the game is also ing my action, Chappell insulted me,
you, Sudesh, for conceiving the idea and experience everything and that, and fines levied on me. By nature, I their bread and butter. And every- and I refused to shake hands with him
for this book… Allah has always sent too, in a hurry…” don’t like being negative or talking one knows that a sportsman’s earning after the matches. Then he had a row
people to help me, so you have entered Commenting on his truthful nature, about negative things—I’ve spent most time is limited and the game is physi- with Ganguly and I remember talking
my life with his blessings. You are very the author notes: “I am brutally truth- of my life fighting them off.” cally debilitating, but who cares! Till to Ganguly about his attitude. Most
special.” ful, and it hurts me. You can imagine Explaining how economic hard- 2000, Pakistani players were paid PKR of the players didn’t have any respect