Page 1 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
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Pakistan Link
                                                                                                                        OCTOBER  20,  2017 –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P1

                                                The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
         VOL. 27/42   Muharram 30, 1439 H                        Friday, October 20, 2017                                             US & Canada $1.00

          PAGE  4                                  PAGE  4                                   PAGE  15
         Mirnes Kovac — a                       Captain Husnain                          Ali’s Ex-Wife                            For news,
                                                                                                                                  updated round
         Bosnian Public                         Shaheed &  Army’s                        Lauds Pakistani                            the clock, visit
         Intellectual                           Honor Code                               Hospitality                    

             Sri Lanka Backs                                                                                                       ‘Politically Motivated
             Pakistan to Host          US Praises Pak Rescue Operation                                                             Persons’ to Be Barred
              SAARC Summit                                                                                                           from NAB Courts
        Islamabad:  Sri Lankan President                                                                                        Islamabad:   An  accountability
        Maithripala Sirisena has promised                                                                                       judge on Wednesday ordered that
        to support Pakistan’s bid to host the                                                                                   “politically motivated persons”, in-
        next South Asian Association for                                                                                        cluding partisan lawyers, should not
        Regional Cooperation (Saarc) sum-                                                                                       be allowed to enter the court dur-
        mit, read a Foreign Office statement                                                                                    ing the hearing of Panama Papers-
        issued on Wednesday.                                                                                                    related references against the Sharif
            In a meeting with Foreign                                                                                           family.
        Secretary Tehmina Janjua, Sirisena                                                                                          In a letter addressed to Islam-
        said that the trade body must be                                                                                        abad’s District Magistrate, Justice
        strengthened in order to enhance                                                                                        Miangul Hassan Aurungzeb has in-
        regional cooperation.                                                                                                   structed that only lawyers involved
            Last year, the Saarc summit was                                                                                     in the on-going graft cases against
        scheduled to be held in Pakistan,                                                                                       members of the Sharif family and
        however, it had to be cancelled after                                                                                   Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, nomi-
        India refused to attend the meeting.                                                                                    nees forwarded by authorized indi-
            Janjua is in Colombo along                                                                                          viduals, and 15 court reporters will
        with a Pakistani delegation to hold                                                                                     be allowed to enter the courtroom.
        the fifth round of bilateral politi-                                                                                        “Politically motivated persons”
        cal consultations with Sri Lanka.                                                                                       who may “obstruct the court pro-
        She will also launch the Pakistan                                                                                       ceedings” will not be allowed to en-
        Alumni Society of Sri Lanka during   Joshua Boyle, Caitlin Coleman and their three children who were rescued by the Pakistan Army in a daring operation  ter, the justice ordered.
        her stay.                           n By Sanaullah Khan                                                                     The directions were issued a
            President Sirisena urged Paki-                           national Caitlin Coleman, her hus-  ther build this relationship for peace   day before former prime minister
        stan to invest in Sri Lanka’s sugar   Islamabad: US Vice President Mike   band Joshua Boyle and their three   and prosperity of the region, Dawn-  Nawaz Sharif, his daughter Maryam
        and cement industry as the coun-  Pence telephoned Prime Minister   children.              News reported.               Nawaz, and her husband, Muham-
        try’s current production does not   Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Wednes-  Speaking on behalf of the US   Last week, Pakistan’s security   mad Safdar, are expected to be in-
        match its requirement. He told Jan-  day evening and praised the coun-  government, Pence reaffirmed the   forces, with the support of US intel-  dicted by an accountability court.
        jua that currently Sri Lanka only   try’s armed forces for the swift re-  importance of bilateral relations and   ligence, freed an American woman,   During the previous hearing
        SAARC, P15                    sponse and safe recovery of the US   said that the US would like to fur-  PRAISE, P28     COURTS, P28
         Imran Challenges Arrest                                                                                                  PM Meets COAS to Allay
         Warrants Issued by ECP        Afghan Talks: Muscat Moot Breaks the Ice                                                  Concerns about Economy
        Rawalpindi:  Pakistan Tehreek-i-                                                                  summit was a “symbolic  Islamabad:  The civilian govern-
        Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan filed                                                                gathering” that was meant  ment on Tuesday briefed Chief
        a petition in the Islamabad High                                                                  to set the ball rolling for  of the Army Staff General Qamar
        Court on Wednesday challenging                                                                    the four-state forum that  Javed  Bajwa  on the  state  of the
        the non-bailable arrest warrants is-                                                              has been inactive for over  economy to address the  military’s
        sued by the Election Commission of                                                                a year now.           concerns over “sky-high debts” and
        Pakistan (ECP) against him on con-                                                                   No official statement  “growing external imbalances”.
        tempt charges.                                                                                    was issued after the meet-  The army chief was also
            Filed by his counsel Babar                                                                    ing, the sixth such ses-  given a briefing on the “real pic-
        Awan, the petition argues that the                                                                sion of the QCG process,  ture” of the China-Pakistan Eco-
        ECP has no authority to issue non-                                                                which was stalled after  nomic Corridor (CPEC) and its
        bailable  arrest  warrants  against  the                                                          Afghan Taliban leader  intended benefits for the country,
        PTI chief.                                                                                        Mullah Akhtar Mansour  according to officials privy to the
            The warrants issued by the com-                                                               was killed in a drone  meeting. Gen Bajwa was also in-
        mission on October 12 are unconsti-                                                               strike in May last year.  formed in detail about external
        tutional,  claims the  petition,  which                                                              Foreign   Secretary  sector problems, said the officials.
        names ECP and PTI dissident Akbar                                                                 Tehmina Janjua, US As-    Prime   Minister  Shahid
        S. Babar as respondents.                                                                          sistant Secretary  of State   Khaqan Abbasi chaired the meet-
            The issuance of arrest warrants                                                               Alice Wells  and Afghan  ing, which also reviewed the se-
        by the commission has caused the   The talks provided an opportunity to Islamabad and Washington to iron out their differences  Deputy Foreign Minister  curity situation.
        PTI chief “mental anguish” and po-  n By Anwar Iqbal & Iftikhar A.                                Hekmat Khalil Karzai led   The meeting was held about
        litical opponents are directing their     Khan              Muscat on Monday to rejuvenate   their respective delegations.  a week after the army chief pub-
        criticism at him, reads the petition.                       the stalled Quadrilateral Coordi-  Although bringing the Af-  licly expressed concern about
            The application urges the high   Islamabad/Washington:   Rep-  nation  Group  (QCG)  working  to   ghan government and insurgents  the country’s debts. He had also
        court to suspend the warrants issued   resentatives of Pakistan, Afghani-  restore peace in Afghanistan.  to the        called for broadening the
        IMRAN, P28                    stan, China and the US gathered in   However, sources said that the   TALKS, P28          ECONOMY, P28

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