Page 4 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 4

P4  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER  20,  2017                                                                                           OPINION
         Pakistan Link                              Mirnes Kovac — a Bosnian Public Intellectual

                                           n By Dr Akbar Ahmed
                   President                American University
               Arif Zaff ar Mansuri            Washington, DC
                                           ased in Sarajevo, Mirnes Ko-
                    Editor                 vac is a leading Muslim jour-
            Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui Bnalist and author in the Bal-
      kans who recently edited Th  e Siege
                                      of Islam, a volume of interviews
          Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief (Pakistan)  with leading Mus-
                Shabbir Ghori                     lim and non-Mus-
                                                  lim intellectuals on
               Resident Editor Urdu Link          relations  between
              & Director Video Operations         Islam and the West.
                Anwar Khawaja                     Mirnes, who gradu-
               ated with a degree
                                                  in  Islamic theology
             Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    from  the University of  Sarajevo
                 Sana Shaikh          and subsequently obtained an MA
       from the University of Sussex, has
                                      since 2005 been working as edi-
                  Advisory Board      tor and journalist of the Preporod
               Dr Sohail Masood       Islamic News Magazine, the old-
                                      est Islamic news magazine in the   tance, and coexistence.  hatred of Islam and Turks was a de-  Jinnah and the Rohingya, in this
                  Regional Offi  ces  Balkans. He is a regular columnist   Mirnes is also proud of his Eu-  fi ning feature in creating Serbian na-  paper recently, he wrote, “Yesterday
                                      for  the  Huffi  ngton  Post  and  Al   ropean and Muslim heritage. “As   tional identity and still it is.”  aft er Jumah Prayer our Islamic com-
                    YKKB              Jazeera Balkans contributing opin-  a Bosniak, as a Bosnian Muslim, I                     munity held action in all Mosques in
            ions and analyses on Balkans and   feel I don’t have any other country                    Bosnia and Bosnian Diaspora to col-
                                      Middle East issues. He has also   where to live. Th  is country defi nes                  lect money for Rohingya Muslims.
                  Sacramento, CA      translated 15 books by prominent   me and I’m defi ned by my faith, by                    We expect at least one million dol-
     authors from English into Bosnian   my religion, which was brought here             lars to send to refugees. Grand Muft i
                                      that deal with Islam and Mus-  by the Ottomans... I think Islam in                        also formed the Board for helping
              San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA
    lims, Muslims in the West, inter-  this context is very much strength-             Rohingya Muslims. As people that
                                      religious dialogue, terrorism and   ened by the experience of Europe.”                    suff ered genocide we feel this as ob-
                  New York, NY        other issues.                 Th  ere is a “story that Islam was                          ligation!
      Most recently, Mirnes pub-  brought by the sword,” he states, but                         May  Allah  protect  this  people
                                      lished One, which lays out, page by   this is not accurate. “It was deep in               — Salams”
                   Houston, TX        page, Biblical sayings with matching   the identity of these people.” Mirnes                  Yet all the problems of the world
                                      Qur’anic ones on the opposite page   showed his appreciation and pride                    have not clouded his generous heart.
                   Phoenix, AZ        on subjects such as peace, compas-  in his Ottoman history by naming                      When I requested Mirnes for a blurb
      sion and unity, published by the   his son Fatih, aft er Sultan Mehmet II             for my new book he sent this: “Of all
                                      Inter-religious  Council  of  Bosnia-  Fatih who brought Islam to Bosnia.                 the scholars I have studied, the work
                  Ontario, Canada
      Herzegovina. Th  e book won fi ve li-  “I named him aft er the Sultan who             of none is quite so uniquely char-
                                      ons (one gold, one silver and three   brought the light of Islam into this                acterised as that of Akbar Ahmed
                                      bronzes) at the Cannes Lions Inter-  land.”                     “Th  e problem here,” Mirnes   by what traditional Islamic scholars
             Letters to the Editor    national Festival of Creativity, the   Since Europe has problems that   said, “is that we in Bosnia, have the   called looking at the world through
          Readers are welcome to express their opinion   largest festival of creative ideas in   involve the Balkans, Mirnes hopes   problem of these dangerous rheto-  ‘two eyes’ or Dhul Aynan, the ca-
          in these columns. Please keep your letters   the world.   that Europe, as well as the United   rics and narratives. And we have a   pacity to see the exterior and the
          brief and to the point.  Letters without full
          name, complete address, and a daytime   As  a  Muslim  he  is  very  con-  States, remain engaged in the region.   problem facing our past. If you still   interior, the spiritual and the physi-
          phone  number  will  not  be  published.   cerned about the turmoil in the Mus-  Yet he fears that Russia’s 2014 an-  have institutions and high politi-  cal, the emotional and the scientifi c
          Also, copies of letters sent to other news-
          papers are not encouraged. Letters can be   lim world and also concerned about   nexation of Crimea could be a har-  cians that are denying genocide, you   which enables the accurate and fair
          mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Editor at                                                                            understanding of diff erent perspec-
          the Pakistan Link Headquarters address   the precarious situation in Bosnia   binger of things to come, noting that   are on the way to repeat that evil
                   listed below.      itself. He referred to Bosnia’s “three   Crimea, like the Balkans, was part of   in the near future. And that is my   tives. He brings the same quality to
          Pakistan  Link  (ISSN  1074-0406)  is  pub-
          lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,   visions” — the parallel narratives   the Turkish sphere of infl uence but   greatest fear.”  his project on Muslims in Europe,
               DBA PL Publications, LLC.   and histories of the Serbs, Croats,   is considered crucial by Russians to   Mirnes is worried about where   and he makes me especially proud as
          Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA   and Bosniaks, or Bosnian Muslims   their interests and identity. He com-  the  future  might  lead:  “Th  e  whole   a Muslim European.”
             and additional mailing offi  ces.  — regarding what occurred during
           POST MASTER: Send address changes to
          Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim, CA   the 1990s and who was to blame.   Most recently, Mirnes published One, which lays out, page by page,
                    92815             Th  e Dayton Peace Accords, he ar-
          The management has the right to refuse                            Biblical sayings with matching Qur’anic ones on the opposite page on
          to print any advertisement, news, article,   gued, which ended the war in 1995,
          letter  or  any  other  material.  In  case  of   did not go far enough in addressing
          any errors in advertisement the manage-                            subjects such as peace, compassion and unity, published by the Inter-
          ment will not be liable for more than the   the root problems of the confl ict and
          amount paid for the advertisement to the   healing the wounds it created.  religious Council of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Th  e book won fi ve lions (one
          Advertisements in Pakistan Link are   “Th  e problem of these three
          placed in good faith. The newspaper is not                         gold, one silver and three bronzes) at the Cannes Lions International
          responsible nor endorses the contents of   visions of Bosnia,” Mirnes believes,
          any advertisement. In case of a frivolous   “is that we didn’t have processes   Festival of Creativity, the largest festival of creative ideas in the world
          lawsuit, the plaintiff  will bear the total cost
          of the suit, including but not limited to the   that Germany had aft er the Second
            Link’s costs and the attorney’s fees.  World War. We did not have the   pared this to how the Serbs associ-  world, and especially Europe, should    (Th  e writer is an author, poet,
                                      process of de-Nazifi cation.” Yet these   ate Bosnians with the Turks. In that   learn the lesson of Srebrenica, and   fi lmmaker, playwright, and the Ibn
                                      three peoples — the Bosnian Mus-  context, Mirnes said, the slaughter   commit itself again that it will not   Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies,
               Information for        lims, Croats, and Serbs — had “lived   of Muslim Bosniaks at Srebrenica   allow genocide to ever happen to   American University in Washington,
                 Subscribers          for centuries together,” and perhaps   was  seen  as  “revenge”  against  the   anyone anywhere in the world. Th  at   DC. He formerly served as the Paki-
           The printing of Pakistan Link is unfail-  this history of coexistence motivates   Ottomans. “According to some Ser-  is my hope.”  stani High Commissioner to the UK
           ingly completed by Wednesday every   him to promote pluralism, accep-  bian historians,” Mirnes noted, “the   When he read my article, Mr   and Ireland. He tweets @AskAkbar)
           week and its copies are handed over to
           the mailing house for prompt dispatch
           to the subscribers.  The Link should   Captain Husnain Shaheed & Pak Army’s Honor Code
           reach its destination on time if there is                                                                             Views    and
           no delay at the post offi  ce. If a delay is                                                                          opinions  ex-
           occasioned it is in no way attributable
           to the performance of Link’s manage-  n By Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd.)  had to go and will be back by the   ies scattered and some of his soldiers   pressed  by
           ment. In case of delayed receipt of Pak-                                                                              authors  and
           istan Link or missing issues, please con-  Westridge, Rawalpindi  evening.             lying in a pool of blood he instinc-  contributors
           tact your local Post Offi  ce and submit a                   While bidding them goodbye   tively told his JCO that he was go-
               “Publication Watch” form.  t was a fi ne Sunday morning.   he saw the smiling face of his son   ing to rescue them. Th  e JCO tried   in  articles,
                                         Almost relaxing in the Kurram   and somewhat worried expressions   to stop him saying, “Sir, Aagay mat   letters,  opin-
              PAKISTAN LINK IAgency FC Wing Headquar-               in  the  eyes  of  his  young  wife.  He   jayein aur bhi IEDs ho sakti hain”.    ion  pieces,
               Headquarters           ters, Captain Husnain was on a   hurriedly put on his gear and rushed   But the fearless offi  cer replied,   vertisements, etc appearing
              P O Box 1238,  Anaheim, CA 92815   video  call with his   to the site of the incident with Quick   “Main in zakhmi jawano ko is halat   in Pakistan Link and Urdu
                 Tel: 714-400-3400               wife and one-and-  Reaction Force.               main nahin dekh sakta.” He rescued   Link are their own. Th  e paper
                 Fax: 714-400-3404               a-half-year old son    On reaching the scene, he saw   two of his soldiers and stepped for-
             E-Mail:     when he received   that two IED blasts had occurred   ward to rescue his third comrade   neither shares nor endorses
                                                 the information that   and the possibility of more IED   when a blast occurred blowing him   them and thus should not
                                                                                                                                 be held responsible for the
               Pakistan Offi  ce                 a  convoy  from  his   blasts could not be ruled out. One   into pieces. Probably the last thing   views/opinions of the writers
                 42 Rehman Court                 wing  had  been hit   rescue party had been hit by an IED   that would have fl ashed before his   & advertisers.
            Plaza Square,  Off   M. A.  Jinnah Road  by IED. He told his wife that he   before his arrival. Seeing a few bod-  CODE, P7
               Karachi-74400, Pakistan
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