Page 6 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 6

P6  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER  20,  2017                                                                                           OPINION
                n By Cllr Dr James Shera           Quaid’s Vision for the Minorities                                     a situation, Christian members of the Punjab
                        UK                                                                                               Assembly openly sided with the All-India
                                                                                                                         Muslim League and declared that the Chris-
             he founder and father of the nation               and Today’s Reality                                       tian population should be counted with the
             of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah                                                                            Muslims. So, when the votes were cast, Chris-
        Twas undoubtedly revered and trusted                                                                             tian Members of the Punjab Assembly, includ-
        by all, irrespective of citizens’ faith, belief or                                                               ing Mr  Dewan Bhadar, SP Singa, C E Gibbon
                    creed.                                                                                               and Choudhry Fazal  Elahi, voted with the
                        During his struggle for                                                                          Muslim League Members on 23rd June 1947.
                    the independence of Pakistan,                                                                            History tells us that the Hindu Unionist
                    Christian organisations and                                                                          party supported by the All India Congress got
                    activists along with others ac-                                                                      88 seats, whereas the All-India Muslim League
                    tively supported Mr Jinnah in                                                                        got 88 seats, but the 3 votes from the Christian
                      his great mission even be-                                                                         leaders named above played a crucial rule in
                    fore the final phase of the free-                                                                    the formation of West Punjab.
        dom movement was launched. Christians not                                                                            When they were entering the Constitu-
        just loved him and agreed with his thinking                                                                      ent Assembly, Master Tarah Singh shouted at
        and ideology but also offered him outpouring                                                                     the stairs of the assembly, “Whoever demands
        support. Leading Christians at that time took                                                                    Pakistan will get Qabristan”, and in return, Mr
        active part in the freedom movement, includ-                                                                     SP Singha (Christian member of the Punjab
        ing Mr Pothan Joseph, who rendered valuable                                                                      Assembly) replied, “We will have the bullets in
        services as a journalist and propagandist for                                                                    our chest but we will get Pakistan”.
        the Muslim League.                                                                                                   Finally, the voting took place and 91 votes
            After Pakistan’s emergence in 1947, Mr                                                                       were cast in favor of the Muslim League in-
        Jinnah repeatedly promised complete equality                                                                     cluding 3 Christian, but the final and decisive
        to all the citizens but unfortunately his prom-                                                                  vote was cast by the Speaker of Punjab Assem-
        ise was not kept by his successors.   hindrance in progress; he wanted to address   ocratic and tolerant society that retained its   bly, Mr S P Singha, who was a Christian.
            In his address to the first Constituent As-  them and warned the nation clearly of such   Muslim character whilst giving equal rights,   The above account clearly demonstrates
        sembly of Pakistan on 11th August 1947, Mr   obstacles. Hence his speech, on 11th August   equal opportunities, and equal respect to its   the trust of the Christian community in the
        Jinnah said:                          that has been quoted above, evidently sums up   non-Muslim citizens.       ideology and promises of the  Quaid. Also
            “You are free; you are free to go to your   his views on the role of religion in relation to   As I hinted earlier, Christian communi-  upon  his  request,  the  Christian  leadership
        temples; free to go to your mosques or to any   the state and its affairs. This speech continued   ties fought hard for independence along with   appeared before the Punjab Boundary Com-
        other places of worship in the State of Paki-  to be heard on radio Pakistan until 1957 and   their Muslim brothers during the freedom   mission  along  with  35  prominent  Christians
        stan. You may belong to any religion or cast or   since then has never been broadcast again.   movement. In 1947, the division of Punjab   and asked the Boundary Commissioner Sir
        creed that has nothing to do with the business   The Quaid obviously understood the sen-  became a major dispute between the All India   Cyril Redcliffe to consider Christians as part
        of the state.”                        sitivity of the matter and knew that breaking   Congress and All-India Muslim League.  Both   of Pakistan.
            So, let us start with this fundamental   a nation into groups based on cast or religion   parties were trying to have the maximum part   Today questions are being asked by non-
        principle of citizen equality in a state, which is   would do us no good. So, he taught equality   of Punjab on the basis of religious majority   Muslim leaders as to why our forefathers sup-
        vital for the development and progress of any   amongst all citizens and love towards each   that was endorsing the aspirations of Punjab   ported Pakistan and the  simple answer is that
        nation.                               other, leaving religion and creed as a personal   Assembly and there was quite a majority of   they did so because the founder of Pakistan
            I firmly believe that Mr Jinnah was a very   matter of an individual which should not ob-  Sikhs and Hindus  in the  Punjab Assembly,   Mr M. A. Jinnah repeatedly promised them
        forward-looking leader, who whole-heartedly   struct the progress of the country.  and of course the Hindu Unionist party was in   security, equality, freedom and free access to
        wanted Pakistan to become one of the world’s   Perhaps his historic speech of 11th Au-  support of the All India Congress.  practise their faith in the Islamic state of Paki-
        greatest nations in the shortest possible time.   gust, considered by many as the founding   It looked as though the All-India Muslim   stan.
        His education in the West and vast global   charter of Pakistan, sums up the Quaid’s views   League did not have enough votes in the Pun-  Mr Jinnah had the approval of the Mus-
        knowledge facilitated him to foresee prob-  on the role of religion in the State. Pakistan’s   jab Assembly and neither had enough territo-  lim League’s Core Committee for the flag of
        lems that often plague nations and become a   founding father envisaged a progressive, dem-  ries to command a Muslim majority. In such   MINORITIES, P28

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