Page 8 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 8
AMU Alumni Association: A Living Link with the Alma Mater
n By Shaheer H. Khan, PhD online lectures and mentorships.
Foster City, CA Th e story of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
and his Aligarh movement which re-
or Aligarians, the Aligarh sulted in the establishment of a unique
Muslim University (AMU) institution is a refl ection of how a per-
FAlumni Associations are liv- son of great sacrifi ce, integrity, think-
ing links with the alma mater, and ing, and acting upon the attainment of
of course, a re- minder of their his cherished goal could change the tide
most fruitful years. Th ese or- of history for the betterment of fellow
ganizations are very diff erent from citizens.
the alumni associations of other Th ere are many universities that
universities. Th e diff erence lies in are capable of producing professors,
the one word - Aligarh. Quite a doctors, engineers but without inculcat-
cryptic statement for non-Aligar- ing the spirit of rising to the occasion.
ians, but one may make sense of it AMU has deep rooted traditions which
aft er reading the rest of this article. are part of the growth of its graduates
AMU was and still is a unique ex- throughout its history. Its graduates,
perience, being not just a great seat of highest degree. More oft en than not soul will rest in peace, that is when I will tive celebration of universal human who were once content to seek employ-
higher learning, but because of its resi- they settle for a job at AMU instead of feel that I have achieved what I aspired values in today’s society threatened ment in India and neighboring coun-
dential character where one shares 5 to exploring their full potential elsewhere. for.” by a culture of intolerance. AMUAA’s tries, are now placed in high positions
10 years of one’s life with people of a Th e fi rst “old boys association” was On the occasion of Sir Syed’s birth annual Mushairas are well recognized in industry and academia, not only in
similar age group. Sharing everything, founded more than a hundred years ago bicentennial and more than a hundred and widely acclaimed as the most so- India but around the globe. Th ey proud-
living, eating and studying together, es- in Aligarh itself during Sir Syed’s life- years aft er his death, we have to ask our- phisticated and popular literary feast ly write “Alig” with their names. It is not
tablishes bonds of a closely knit family time with his consent to serve as a cata- selves if we have fulfi lled his dream. in North America. During these events very uncommon to see sign boards in
and this is what animates the Aligar- lyst for the Aligarh movement. With the On October 17th, 2017 (Sir Syed’s AMUAAs have raised funds to institute India reading BA, LLB or MBBS, MD
ians even later in life. As they reunite, passage of time, its off shoots spread far bicentenary birthday), Aligarians will scholarships for meritorious and needy Alig. On a similar note, one can fi nd
whenever possible they re-enact the fun and wide not only in the subcontinent converge in Aligarh to celebrate the students to help them achieve their AMU Alumni Associations listed in the
of the bygone days of their youth and but around the globe and enjoyed the legacy of a great man and the Aligarh educational goals. Over the years, hun- telephone directory of many major cit-
rekindle their shared hopes and ideals status of independent entities as Aligarh movement he started which resulted in dreds of students have benefi ted from ies in the Western world.
and the famous ‘Aligarh Spirit’. Alumni Associations. Th ese apolitical the establishment of the AMU. the scholarship programs of AMUAAs. AMU has succeeded in creating a
In any case, those who gradu- organizations have contributed not only Th e number of AMU Alumni As- Newcomers feel very lonely when respectable place for itself among the
ated from AMU love the place whole- to their alma mater but also to the soci- sociations has grown rapidly in the US they arrive in a foreign land, but when educational institutions in India. Sir
heartedly. Th ere was something magi- eties where they existed. in the last decade due to better commu- they meet fellow alums they develop a Syed’s dream stands and it is for all of
cal about the place that we fell in love What sustains our hopes and will nication tools and the role that Aligarh sense of belonging. Alumni associations us to try to make it come true, whatever
with at fi rst sight and remember it is a question Aligarians keep asking Mushairas have played. Mushairas, enhance networking opportunities. We it takes.
fondly ever aft er. As alluded to above, themselves: if Sir Syed were alive to- with a strong secular tradition, have have several alumni that were formed Today, AMU symbolizes the aspi-
there was a sense of shared boyhood day what would he have expected from been taking Urdu poetry to the masses, as far back as the 1940s and 1950s and rations of more than 150 million Mus-
memories amongst the students, a spirit Aligarh Alumni? Th e answer could be entertaining and educating them. Th eir the new ones that emerged on campus, lims in India. Sir Syed planted it as a
of generosity and a genuine concern found in his last speech “……I built this appeal cuts across caste, communal, connected through our networks. We sapling in British India and it has now
for the community’s diffi culties. Th is institution for you and I am sure, you linguistic, and national barriers. Th ey are striving for a better relationship be- grown into a blossoming tree.
special attraction keeps them glued to will carry the light of this institution far have contributed greatly in keeping in- tween alumni and current students so Th e Aligarh alumni and students
AMU and they did not feel like ever and wide, darkness will disappear from terest in the Urdu language alive and that we could lend our expertise in our are proud inheritors of Sir Syed’s legacy
leaving Aligarh even aft er getting their all around. Th at is the time when my in unifying the people through collec- respective fi elds through on-campus/ AMU, P28
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