Page 13 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 13
‘Democracy Has Nothing to Fear Didn’t Mean to Hurt Anyone, I Respect
from Pakistan Army’: DG ISPR Every Soldier of Pakistan Army
stan’s military and civilian response
to it.
“Our line was that we have
done a lot in Pakistan over the past
few years and found great results.
There are no more no-go areas in
this country,” he began.
“In the [diplomatic] engage-
ments [with US officials], we had
said that trust would take us for-
“In this regard,” he continued,
delving into Pakistan’s response to
the new policy, “we undertook an
operation upon American intel-
ligence [...] it was shared with us,”
he stated.
“That day at 4.10pm, we were
informed by an American diplomat
that the family is being transferred
to Pakistan. On the information we
received, we sent our troops, used
surveillance means and detected
“There is no threat to democracy from the Pakistan Army; [but] there could be a Ahsan’s explanation came after the backlash over his recent comments against the
threat to democracy if its [democracy’s] requirements are not being met,” Maj Gen Asif the vehicles [being used to trans- military’s media director general who made remarks on the country’s economic
Ghafoor said port the hostages].” condition
“We cordoned them and fired
Rawalpindi: The army’s media spokesperson of the armed forces,” on their vehicle. Our first priority New York: Interior Minister Ahsan against Inter-Services Public Rela-
wing, Inter-Services Public Rela- he continued. was that the captives are brought Iqbal has said he is “proud of the tions (ISPR) DG Major General Asif
tions (ISPR), held a press confer- “There is no threat to democ- out safely. We wanted to isolate the Pakistan Army” for carrying out an- Ghafoor to refrain from comment-
ence Saturday evening to elaborate racy from the Pakistan Army; [but] terrorists and captives so that the ti-terror operation, Radd-ul-Fasaad, ing on national economy, Ahsan
on the recovery of a Canadian- there could be a threat to democ- captives may remain safe,” he said. and he “respects every soldier”, Ex- said: “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.
American family from Taliban cus- racy if its [democracy’s] require- “There was a driver and three press News reported. I respect every soldier of Pakistan.”
tody and respond to the govern- ments are not being met,” he said. armed people,” he said. “There was “I am proud that Pakistan A day earlier, the interior min-
ment’s criticism of the army for “I want to add that there needs also an Afghan refugee camp near- Army is carrying out Radd-ul- ister had said his criticism of the
its commentary on Pakistan’s eco- to be stability. The government by,” where Maj Gen Ghafoor said Fasaad Operation [Elimination of army spokesperson’s comments on
nomic conditions. needs to continue and an estab- the kidnappers had fled to. Discord]… and the government is the economy was not confronta-
Towards the end of the press lished democratic system needs to “We have been saying repeat- providing funds for the country- tional, but only meant to point out
conference, responding to Interior continue.” edly that the Afghan refugees need wide anti-terror operation from the that every department has its own
Minister Ahsan Iqbal’s criticism of “I have to say this because to be sent back. It is difficult for us national exchequer,” the interior jurisdiction.
the ISPR commenting on matters there are a lot of rumors abut mar- to distinguish who is a terrorist and minister said hours before flying While addressing office-bearers
of the economy, the chief of the tial law and [the installation of a] who is a refugee [in situations like back to the country from a visit to and workers of the Pakistan Muslim
ISPR, Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, ex- technocratic government.” these],” he said. the United States. League-Nawaz (PML-N) in New
pressed his disappointment at the “The nature and character of Returning to engagement Ahsan’s explanation came after York, Ahsan stressed the need for
government’s reaction. war has changed because the direct with Donald Trump’s America, the the backlash over his recent com- national unity to steer the country
“I was disappointed as a sol- strategy [of waging war] has been army’s spokesperson said that ini- ments against the military’s media out of all types of challenges.
dier and as a citizen of Pakistan. replaced by indirect [warfare]. So- tiatives had been taken and the US director general who made remarks “There is no rift between na-
We conducted a seminar with the cial media has a huge role in this. had responded. “You have seen the on the country’s economic condi- tional institutions and thus no
Federation of Pakistan Chambers Do not forward as received. Re- results, and you also saw Trump’s tion. threat to democracy in the country,”
of Commerce and Industry. There search. Don’t spread misinforma- statement [praising Pakistan fol- Referring to his earlier remarks he added.
were three former finance minis- tion,” he said tangentially. lowing the recovery of the abduct-
ters, one former State Bank gover- “When it comes to Pakistan, ees],” he said. Nothing Wrong with Army Chief
nor [in attendance]. The army chief the security and survival of Paki- “We feel happy that there is a
gave a keynote address. I talked stan, we all are one,” he said. “Ev- level of trust and confidence that Commenting on the Economy
about it in my beeper [to a private ery Pakistani and every institution the US leadership has shown in
TV channel] as well,” he recounted. is one against them — the outside Pakistan and Pakistan’s security Sukkur: Responding to Interior
“The Pakistan Army is a state forces should know this.” forces.” Minister Ahsan Iqbal’s remarks that
institution and it is very important On being asked why the de- “We take it as a good start, and the Director General of Inter-Ser-
to sit and talk about things,” he ex- bate was brought to the public if a trust-based relationship contin- vices Public Relations (ISPR), Maj
plained. “If we need to improve the sphere, Maj Gen Ghafoor said the ues, there will be positive results,” Gen Asif Ghafoor, should refrain
economy, we will have to bring cer- army had not started the debate. he added. from speaking on the economy, Op-
tain changes and the China Paki- “A lot of seminars happen. To a question about whether position Leader in National Assem-
stan Economic Corridor needs to Who was present in the seminar? the army was pushing for a dia- bly Khursheed Shah said everyone
be supported [holistically] he said.” Traders and economists,” he said. logue with the Taliban, Maj Gen had the right to comment on the
“Never did I say that Pakistan’s “Karachi’s security situation has Ghafoor said “the question is out- state of the economy.
economy has been destroyed or improved, which is in the interest side my domain. Please contact the “Even a common man has the
something of that sort,” he clari- of traders,” he explained as the rea- Foreign Office on talks with the right to speak on the economy, let
fied. son the seminar was held. Taliban and their [the Taliban] of- alone the army chief,” Shah said, in a
“We have all done a lot of work “It [the economy discussion] fice in Doha.” reference to Chief of Army Staff Gen
for the economy. And I have said is about [a glass] being half filled “The Afghan war could not Qamar Javed Bajwa’s analysis of the
the same thing: we have to sit to- and half empty. Should we be satis- have been won without Pakistan,” economy earlier last week.
gether. It is a very simple [request]: fied with half filled? Should we not he stressed, “but we need to co- Addressing a gathering in
that everyone needs to cooperate,” take it further? If our economy is operate in ways that are mutu- Rohri, Shah said the government dinary and should open our eyes
he said. self sustained and better, the na- ally beneficial. Engagement builds should let the army chief comment on where we are taking the coun-
“The army chief told the trad- tional security decision-making trust. You can have apprehensions, on the economy if he wants to be- try,” the opposition leader said, in
ers [at the seminar] in informal talk will be much independent [from which could be debated about. Se- cause he is the commander of the reference to the interior minister’s
that everyone should play their role foreign pressures],” he said. curity cooperation is ongoing and armed forces. remarks.
[for the country’s economic better- “There was also talk about a will continue,” he added. “The Line of Control will also He said the issue over the finali-
ment]. He told them to pay their financial emergency, but the con- Referring to the possibility of be safer if the economy improves, ty of prophethood had been resolved
taxes,” he said. clusion was that ‘no; the work is a joint operation with American and if it worsens, the army will get by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto through the
“Last year, the taxes recovered going on and it will continue’. This troops on Pakistani soil, raised by weaker,” he remarked. 1973 Constitution and when the is-
were only 39pc, and from private is a positive process that needs to Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif, If the chief of army staff has any sue came up again recently because
sector the recovery was only 40pc. be looked at positively, and we will the army spokesman was quick to misconceptions about the economy, of a mistake in the affidavit, it was
It is too meager,” he said. “That is continue to play our role,” he said. dismiss any possibility of the same, the government should brief him on amicably resolved.
all I said — that the tax base needs “I don’t think the seminar and saying he was doing so on a techni- them, Shah added. However, Nawaz Sharif’s son-
to be increased — and I stand by the conclusions of the seminar are cal point. He warned that a confrontation in-law retired captain Safdar’s re-
it,” he concluded. in question,” he said. “In military terminology, a between the institutions is danger- marks have complicated the issue,
“When I say something here, Recovery of American-Cana- joint operation means forces of ous: “A conflict between institutions he said.
I am speaking on behalf of the dian couple: Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor both countries conduct an opera- would weaken them, which would Shah requested religious schol-
armed forces. I am not speaking had started off by recalling the new tion. There is no question of it. Full weaken the state itself.” ars to refrain from taking up the is-
in a personal capacity, as I am the US policy on South Asia and Paki- stop,” he said. “Yesterday’s incident is not or- sue.