Page 9 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 9

OPINION                                                                                                         OCTOBER  20,  2017 –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P9

                                         Signs from Allah: History, Science and Faith in Islam

                      35. The Fall of Granada, History Turns to the West – Part 1

            n By Prof Dr Nazeer Ahmed, PhD                                                                               ides, Zayyanids, Hafsids and Granada on the
                     Concord, CA                                                                                         Muslim side. The tribe of Banu Hilal in the
           t is said among Muslims that the hills of                                                                     south joined this fray from time to time. Politi-
           El Pujarra around Granada still weep for                                                                      cal alliances shifted back and forth and it was
        Ithe sound of the adhan every morning                                                                            not uncommon for a Muslim emir to side with
        and the mosque of Cordoba stays awake all                                                                        a Christian king against another emir, or for a
                    night waiting for the sajda of                                                                       Christian chief to support a Muslim against a
                    a  single  momin.  To  this  day                                                                     fellow Christian. Meanwhile, the power strug-
                    Andalus evokes among Mus-                                                                            gle between the Merinides, the Zayyanids and
                    lims nostalgia for a golden                                                                          the Hafsids continued. The Merinides gradual-
                    age when it resonated with                                                                           ly gained the upper hand over the other two. In
                    the sound of prayer every                                                                            1269, the Merinide Yakub took Marrakesh and
                    morning and the name of                                                                              followed it up with the capture of Sijilmasa in
        Prophet Muhammed (p) was honored every                                                                           1274. Granada was under pressure from Castile
        day.                                                                                                             and appealed to the Merinides for assistance.
            No other country was contested between                                                                       Yakub crossed over the Straits of Gibraltar and
        Muslims and Christians as bitterly as was Spain.                                                                 inflicted a defeat on the Christians at the Battle
        The struggle went on for 500 years. When the                                                                     of Ecija in 1274. In 1279, the Merinide navy
        battles had ended and the last adhan was said                                                                    won a battle against a combined naval squad-
        from the ramparts of Granada in 1492, Mus-                                                                       ron of Castile and Portugal. While Yaqub was
        lims had lost the crown jewel of the Maghrib.                                                                    busy helping Granada, the Zayyanids were at
        Soon,  they  would  be  tortured and  expelled,                                                                  the throat of the Hafsids. The emir of Granada,
        along with the Jews, from a land they consid-                                                                    in a thankless rebuff to the Merinides, joined
        ered the garden of the west. Their monuments                                                                     forces with Castile and occupied the city of
        were razed, their mosques destroyed, their li-                                                                   Tarifa in 1291. In 1295, the Granadans incited a
        braries burned and their women were sent as   dith took part in the battle. Over 150,000 fell on   merous attempts of Louis IX to conquer North   revolt in Ceuta against the Merinides. Disgust-
        slaves to the courts of Europe. It was a turning   the battlefield. When we consider that the en-  Africa were repelled and he died during a siege   ed with the thankless emirs in Spain, the Me-
        point, a milestone and an event that profoundly   tire population of the Maghrib at the time was   of Tunis in 1270.  rinide Yaqub turned his attention more towards
        and fundamentally changed the flow of global   about three million, it follows that practically   The defeat at Las Novas de Tolosa (1212)   North Africa. By 1307, he had conquered all of
        events.                               every able-bodied man took part in the battle   was a result of several interrelated political, re-  the Maghrib except the easternmost province
            Granada did not fall in a single day, nor   and one fourth of them lost their lives. The Al   ligious and economic factors. There was deep   of Ifriqiya (modern Tunisia).
        did its collapse come with a sudden stroke.   Muhaddith Emir al Nasir who had assumed the   distrust between the Spanish emirs and the Al   The Merinides in Morocco reached their
        Rather, it was the last breath of a decaying soci-  title of Emir ul Muslimeen, returned distraught   Muhaddith of North Africa. This led to poor   greatest strength under the Emirs Ali and Abu
        ety, which had lost the capacity to defend itself   from the battle, locked himself up in his palace   coordination on the battlefield. Within the Al   Inan (1331 to 1357). It was the Merinide Emir
        against a sustained offensive from Christian   in Marrakesh and died soon thereafter (1213).   Muhaddith court, there was infighting between   Abu Inan who was the patron of Ibn Batuta, the
        Europe. Long before church bells replaced the   Sensing an historic opportunity, Castile, Ara-  the religious establishment and the vizier. The   celebrated Muslim world traveler. There was a
        call of the muezzin and Boabdil (Abu Abdal-  gon and Portugal carved up Muslim Spain for   Al Muhaddith ulema had a running quarrel   resurgence of Islamic solidarity in the Maghrib
        lah, the last emir of Granada) stood on the hills   conquest. The major towns were overrun one   with the Grand Vizier Jami and demanded his   during this period. In 1340, the Moroccans
        of El Pujarra, looked down on his lost capital   by one. In 1236, Cordoba, the capital of the   removal. The detrimental effect of this quarrel   (Merinides) defeated the Castilian navy and
        and wept, Spain had spent itself politically,   Omayyad Caliphate in Spain, fell. Seville was   can be appreciated from the structure of the   laid siege to Tarifa. For a change, there was
        militarily and culturally. There was warfare be-  lost in 1248. Only Granada remained. Mu-  Al Muhaddith court. The emir was the head of   close cooperation between Granada and the
        tween competing emirs, intrigues within each   hammad Ibn Ahmar of the Nasirid dynasty,   state. In the discharge of his responsibilities, he   Merinides in Morocco. The Granadan Yusuf
        dynasty pitting father against son, tension be-  who had captured Granada in 1238, managed   delegated the administrative and military af-  I cast off the Castilian yoke and turned to the
        tween the religious establishment and corrupt   to maintain his position by becoming a vassal   fairs to the grand vizier and the judiciary affairs   Merinides across the Straits for support. How-
        administrators, murder, mayhem and external   of the Castilian monarch. Granada remained a                       ever, in 1341, a Castilian force assisted by Cru-
        aggression. The surrender of Granada was only   vassal of Castile until 1333, when the Nasirid   It is said among Muslims that   saders from France, Italy and England defeated
        the final curtain in a drama that had played it-  Emir Yusuf I, abrogated the annual tribute to                  a combined force of Granadans and Merinides.
        self out.                             Castile and made an attempt to carry the war   the hills of El Pujarra around   This was an indication that the balance of pow-
            The Maghrib was a vast area, which in-  into Christian territories.        Granada still weep for the        er in the western Mediterranean had turned in
        cluded the modern nations of Morocco, Alge-  In North Africa, the Al Muhaddith territo-                          favor of the Christians.
        ria, Tunisia, Mauritania, Sene-Gambia, Spain   ries disintegrated into three emirates: the Me-  sound of the adhan every   After the Crusades ended in Palestine
        and Portugal. It was separated from Egypt and   rinides in Morocco, the Zayyanids in Algeria   morning and the mosque   (circa 1190), the balance of power in the Medi-
        the Nile Delta by the Libyan Desert, from Eu-  and the Hafsids in Tunisia. The Al Muhaddith                      terranean moved counter clockwise, with the
        rope by the Pyrenees Mountains and from the   capital of Marrakesh faded away and in its place   of Cordoba stays awake all   Turks advancing upon Anatolia and southeast-
        Sudan by the great Saharan desert. The high   sprang up three regional capitals - Meknes,                        ern Europe while the Christians gained the up-
        Atlas, which branched off into the Andalusian   capital of the Merinides; Tlemcen, capital of the   night waiting for the sajda of   per hand in Spain and North Africa. The Span-
        Peninsula, tied together the topography of the   Zayyanids; and Tunis, capital of the Hafsids.   a single momin. To this day   iards, sensing blood, followed up their victory
        region. The hinge for this geographic entity lay   Nostalgia for the Al Muhaddith Empire was so                  and captured Algeciras (in Morocco) in 1244.
        in Morocco. Andalus (Spain) and Ifriqiya (Tu-  great that all three attempted at one time or the  Andalus evokes among Muslims   Emir Ali was hampered in his efforts at the con-
        nisia) served as its extremities.     other to recreate an empire that included all of   nostalgia for a golden age when   solidation of the Maghrib by two factors. The
            This vast region was inhabited by a diverse   the Maghrib. The first to make an attempt were                 first was the Black Plague, which engulfed his
        group of people. Andalus was a composite of   the Hafsids. In 1236, the Hafsid Emir Yahya I,   it resonated with the sound of   kingdom much as it did West Asia and Europe
        Hispano-Muslims, Christians, Arabs and im-  claiming his descent from Omar ibn al Khattab   prayer every morning and the   (1346-1360), causing  widespread  death  and
        migrants from North Africa. The Atlas Moun-  (r), declared himself Emir ul Muslimeen. When                       economic dislocation and the second, the re-
        tains were home to the Berbers. A sedentary   he died, his son al Mustansir succeeded him.  name of Prophet Muhammed   current uprisings of the Banu Hilal tribe. Four
        Arab layer, resident primarily in the coastal cit-  Events in far-away Baghdad presented an   (p) was honored every day  year later, the Banu Hilal at the Battle of Kair-
        ies, existed side by side with the Berbers. To the   historic opportunity to al Mustansir. When Hu-              ouan defeated Emir Ali himself and his dream
        south, the historically important tribes of the   lagu Khan occupied and destroyed Baghdad in                    of a Maghribi Empire came to an end.
        Sanhaja, Zanata and Nafzawa roamed the pas-  1258, the Islamic world looked to North Africa   to the chief Kadi. A fight between the admin-  Events now flowed inexorably in favor of
        turelands. Powerful tribes such as the Banu Hi-  for leadership. For a brief period of one year,   istrative-military wing and the judiciary wing   the Crusaders. In 1355, the Genoese briefly
        lal completed the landscape. The relative isola-  from 1260 to 1261, al Mustansir was recog-  was a disaster.    occupied Tripoli (Libya). In 1390, the French
        tion of the Maghrib meant that this region had   nized as the Caliph by the world of Islam. The   In modern terminology, it is like two se-  attacked Mahdiya (Tunisia). In 1399, Tetuan
        to face its political destiny on its own, more or   Khutba was read in his name all over the Mus-  nior vice presidents of a corporation fighting   (Morocco) was sacked by Castile. In 1415,
        less isolated from the rest of the Islamic world.  lim world. The title was short lived because the   with each other before launching a new prod-  Ceuta (Morocco) was captured by Portugal.
            To understand the events of 1492, we must   Mamluke Sultan Baybars of Egypt resurrected   uct line. The economic condition of the empire   One  may  juxtapose  these  losses  with  the  Ot-
        take an historical perspective of events dating   the Abbasid Caliphate in Cairo in 1261, in part   was precarious. Inflation was rampant, which   toman victories in Europe where Bayazid I de-
        back to the beginning of the 13th century. The   to provide an ideological boost to his troops   in turn led to corruption. On his way to Spain   feated the Serbs at the Battle of Kosova (1389),
        Crusades in Palestine ended with the victory of   who were on their way to Palestine in a desper-  to fight the Christians in 1210, the Al Muhad-  captured Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Skopje and
        Salahuddin at the Battle of Hittin (1186). This   ate attempt to stop the Mongols at the Battle of   dith Emir Al Nasir stopped off in Fez and Ceu-  smashed a combined Crusader army at the Bat-
        was also a period when Al Muhaddith power   Ayn Jalut (1261).              ta and had the governors of the two provinces   tle of Nicopolis (1396). With both Ceuta and
        was at its zenith in the Maghrib. The Al Mu-  With the move of the Caliphate to Cairo,   beheaded for corruption. Lastly, the Al Mu-  Algeciras in the hands of the Christians, com-
        haddith Abu Yusuf won a major victory over   the center stage of Islamic history moved back   haddith doctrines, heavily influenced by the   munications between Granada Morocco across
        the Crusaders at the Battle of Alarcos (1196).   east. Al Mustansir paid the price for his Caliph-  Mu’tazilites, were deeply suspect in the eyes of   the Straits of Gibraltar were cut. The noose
        The Crusaders regrouped and came back with a   ate of one year. In 1260, Louis IX of France, in   the ulema, who tolerated the Al Muhaddith as   around Granada tightened.
        vengeance. At the Battle of Las Novas de Tolosa   the mistaken belief that defeating al Mustansir   a shield against the aggression of the Crusaders,   (The author is Director, World Organiza-
        (1212) a powerful army of the Crusaders over-  would deal a deathblow to all Islam, invaded   but otherwise offered them no support.  tion for Resource Development and Education,
        whelmed the Al Muhaddith. The magnitude of   and briefly occupied the city of Tunis. During   For the next eighty years (1248-1328), a   Washington, DC; Director, American Institute
        this defeat can be understood from the sheer   this period, there existed a de-facto alliance   political equilibrium developed in the western   of Islamic History and Culture, CA; Member,
        number of soldiers involved. Muslim chroni-  between the Crusaders and the Mongols to   Mediterranean involving Castile, Aragon and   State Knowledge Commission, Bangalore; and
        clers record that as many as 600,000 Al Muhad-  conquer the Muslim world. However, the nu-  Portugal on the Christian side and the Merin-  Chairman, Delixus Group)
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