Page 17 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 17
Community Link
VOL. 27/42 Friday, October 20, 2017 Muharram 30, 1439 H
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Karachi Club Los The Magic and 3rd ODI: Pakistan For news,
Angeles Hosts Power of Beat Sri Lanka updated round
the clock, visit
“Dawat e Haleem” Classical Dance by 7 Wickets
Riffat Sultana Live at Grand Performances
n By Perveen Ali a perfect platform for the Pakistan Council presented the riveting Riffat Sultana was the star of stan.
Photos by Annie Ather Arts Council’s mission of promot- Riffat Sultana, who channels 11 the evening. Singing Punjabi folk The guests of honor at the Per-
ing Pakistan’s performing arts. generations of family musicians; songs and devotional Sufi songs, formance were the Consul General
ince 2003, the Pakistan Arts Hailed as the “Best Free Out- she was one of the women voices she had the audience clapping and of Pakistan, Abdul Jabbar Memon,
Council of the USC Pacific door Summer Concert Series” by who braided together innocence, dancing. There is an ease to her and his wife, Shehla Memon. CG
SAsia Museum has been part- Los Angeles Magazine and de- experience and peace into sonic vocalist’s delivery that suggests Memon addressed the large audi-
nering with Grand Performances scribed as “a grand gift to the pub- magic. The other women voices bloodline, and indeed she is the lat- ence comprising people of all back-
every year to bring Pakistani mu- lic... democracy in musical action” included Meklit, whose influences est link in a chain that can be traced grounds and cultures. He appreci-
sicians to perform at the breath- by the Los Angeles Times, the col- include jazz, folk and East African back half a millennium and 11 gen- ated how the event was reaching
taking California Plaza in the laboration between Pakistan Arts music; and award-winning Native erations, to Chand Khan and Suraj out to non-Pakistanis and showcas-
heart of downtown Los Angeles. Council and Grand Performances American a cappella group Ulali. Khan, legendary court musicians ing the rich music of Pakistan. The
Grand Performances is a non- complements each other’s mission. All three groups came together and to Akbar the Great. Riffat’s father, Pakistan Arts Council thanks the
profit committed to delivering the Celebrating 70 years of Paki- inspired the audience to recognize classical singer Ustad Salamat Ali Consul General and all our donors
best of global culture. It becomes stan’s Independence, Pakistan Arts the similarities among them. Khan, is himself an icon in Paki- PAC, P30