Page 15 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 15
Nawaz Distances Himself Imran Threatens Massive Rally if PML-N
from Safdar’s Remarks Continues to Malign Judiciary, Army
Islamabad: Pakistan Tehreek-i- rally in Islamabad so massive “there
Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan will be no place to stand.”
on Sunday claimed that the ruling “It appears that the PTI will
PML-N is issuing statements against have to hold another street dem-
the army “in order to protect itself onstration,” Imran said, as he joked
from being punished for money that his party has had enough prac-
laundering”. tice in protecting itself from tear gas.
On Friday, Interior Minister “We will see whether they
Ahsan Iqbal had said that the Direc- [PML-N] let the National Account-
tor General of Inter-Services Public ability Bureau’s courts function or,
Relations Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor instead, try to obstruct justice to
should refrain from commenting on protect a corrupt family,” Imran
the country’s economic situation. said referring to the Sharifs who are
Iqbal’s statement came a day currently facing trial on charges of
aft er Maj Gen Ghafoor’s interview money laundering.
on a private TV channel in which he Last week, an accountability
had said: “If the economy is not bad, court had been forced to adjourn the
it is not doing so well either.” proceedings in a graft case against
Responding to Iqbal’s state- ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif,
ment in a tweet, Imran had said his daughter Maryam Nawaz and
that Iqbal’s “unwarranted attack” on son-in-law Capt (retd) Muham-
ISPR was “absurd”. mad Safdar, aft er PML-N lawyers
Speaking at his party’s Workers’ and supporters forcibly entered the
Convention in Islamabad, the PTI building and created mayhem.
“I declare it in categorical and unequivocal terms that all minorities living in Pakistan enjoy complete fundamental rights, including chief said that the PML-N is pro- Th e lawyers had surrounded
protection to their lives and property, under the Constitution and Islamic teachings,” Mr Sharif said in a statement issued from London voking the army at a time when the the judge’s bench, loudly complain-
latter, for the fi rst time in Pakistan’s ing that they had been manhandled
Islamabad: Two days aft er Prime responsible for the views expressed and during all the tenures he and the history, has said that it is standing by security forces outside the court
Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi against the Ahmadi community by PML-N had served the masses and with the law and the Constitution. and prevented from entering the
distanced himself from the anti-Ah- Capt Safdar. protected their rights regardless of Imran warned that if the ruling courtroom, forcing him to adjourn
madi tirade by retired Captain Mo- “We should stay away from any ethnic, racial and religious bias party continues to malign the judi- proceedings.
hammad Safdar on the fl oor of the such statements which create unrest and ensured the rights of the mi- ciary and the army, he will hold a IMRAN, P21
National Assembly, PML-N presi- in the society,” Mr Abbasi had said norities. He said the PML-N had the
dent Nawaz Sharif also distanced his while agreeing that being the son- honor of being known as the party Muhammad Ali’s Nawaz Bigger Threat
party from it. in-law of Mr Sharif Captain Safdar of the Founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-
“I declare it in categorical and should have behaved more respon- Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Ex-Wife Lauds to Country than
unequivocal terms that all minori- sibly. “Th e Father of the Nation had Pakistani Hospitality Altaf
ties living in Pakistan enjoy com- Mr Sharif in his statement guaranteed complete religious and
plete fundamental rights, including said that belief in the Holy Prophet social freedom for all classes of the
protection to their lives and prop- Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) people, particularly the minorities,
erty, under the Constitution and Is- as the last Messenger of Allah Al- which was now a constitutional
lamic teachings,” Mr Sharif said in a mighty (Khatm-i-Nabuwwat) was obligation and no one could even
statement issued from London and the fundamental part of Islamic imagine to deviate from it,” he said.
released to the local media by PML- faith, which was also an integral Capt Safdar had last week
N spokesman Senator Asif Kirmani part of the Constitution. launched a virulent tirade against
here on Sunday. Th e former prime minister the country’s Ahmadi community
“Any negative expression in said the matter had been settled while speaking in the National As-
this regard has nothing to do with once and for all and it should not sembly, accusing the faith group of
the ideology and policy of the PML- be politicized, keeping in view its acting against the country’s inter-
N,” Mr Sharif clarifi ed, without elab- sensitivity. He said the mistake in ests and called for action against its
orating or mentioning the speech of the Electoral Reforms Act, 2017, members.
the party MNA, who also happens had already been rectifi ed. He also Th e MNA’s outburst against the
to be his son-in-law. thanked all the political parties for minority community had drawn
During a television interview their support in rectifying the mis- widespread criticism from almost
last week, Prime Minister Ab- take. all mainstream political parties, in- Islamabad: C Khalilah Camacho- Lahore: Pakistan Awami Tahreek
basi had stated that neither he nor Mr Sharif said the people had cluding his own party, and the social Ali, the ex-wife of former world (PAT) chief Dr Tahirul Qadri has
Nawaz Sharif or the PML-N was elected him prime minister thrice circles. heavyweight Muhammad Ali, de- said deposed premier Nawaz Sharif
was a “bigger threat to national
scribed Pakistan as a beautiful and
Advocate Who Slapped Police associated with the PML-N had forc- sports-friendly country. integrity” than Muttahida Qaumi
Movement (MQM) founder Altaf
She expressed these views dur-
ibly tried to enter an accountability
Offi cial outside Court Dismissed court, where former premier’s daugh- ing a press conference at the Paki- Hussain.
stan Sports Complex Media Center
Speaking at a news conference
ter Maryam Nawaz and her husband
Muhammad Safdar had appeared on Saturday. She remarked, “People on Friday, Qadri said he was not
for the hearing of a corruption case told me so much negative about sure that national institutions were
against them. Pakistan and warned me not to trav- aware of the fact that the ruling par-
On being stopped by the police el to this country, but as a Muslim, I ty, especially Sharifs, were the big-
offi cer posted outside the court, the had a soft corner, and let me share gest threat to the country’s integrity.
lawyers assaulted the offi cial. one thing that my late husband Mu- Expressing his reaction over
Later that day, a case against the hamamd Ali was once fi ghting and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz
group of lawyers was registered aft er he saw on television screen that (PML-N) supporters and lawyers’
Inspector Shakeel Ahmed of the Dip- Pakistanis were supporting him so hooliganism at an accountabil-
lomatic Protection Department fi led he made comments that Pakistan ity court, PAT chief said the rowdy
a complaint regarding the incident. is the best country in the world and behavior of PML-N workers has
they are true sports lovers.” made it clear as to why the ruling
SAARC FROM P1 She further said, “I came here party has opposed deployment of
fulfi lls 20 per cent of its total de- to promote female orphanage. I will Rangers at accountability courts for
mand. continue to travel again and again security.
Th e foreign secretary assured to support this cause. For the time “Th e so-called accountability
Sirisena that Pakistan will support being I am fully focused on female is underway but it will be impos-
Sri Lanka’s livestock and dairy sec- child protection, but I will love to sible to make ruling elite account-
Lahore: Th e Punjab government on eff ect”. tors, adding that deliberations be- work for sports as well. My great able under this law even in 20 years.
Monday dismissed Additional Ad- Earlier, Justice Ebadur Rehman tween the two countries are already father was from Karachi, so I had Th e ruling elite neither believe in
vocate General Khawar Ikram Bhatti Lodhi refused to let Bhatti appear underway. She said that Pakistan a special love and respect for Paki- the Constitution of Pakistan nor
for slapping a police offi cer outside before the Lahore High Court, saying will continue to assist development stan.” respect the Supreme Court of Paki-
an accountability court in Islamabad, that “it did not suit state lawyers to as- projects in Sri Lanka. She observed, “I can easily say stan,” he remarked.
DawnNews reported. sault a police offi cer”. Sirisena thanked Pakistan for that Pakistanis are hospitable and He said the restoration of Kha-
A notifi cation issued by Punjab Lodhi also accused Bhatti of be- its continued support, especially at sports-loving people. I had visited tam-e-Nabuwwat oath was just to
Law Secretary Dr Syed Abul Has- ing politically motivated and said that the United Nations Human Rights Mushaf Squash Complex and saw hoodwink the nation.
san Najmi said that “the competent a state lawyer should serve the state Council “as a true friend and a girls playing squash… I want to con- “In fact the ruling party has
authority... [has] dispensed with the instead of a political party. brother, during the period of con- tribute to promotion of sports silently removed the entire law that
services of [Bhatti] with immediate On Saturday, a group of lawyers fl ict in the country”. WIFE, P24 QADRI, P24