Page 18 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER  20,  2017                                                                                   COMMUNITY
         Second Federal Judge Blocks      Open Mosque                  Ahsan Iqbal at Johns                   Two Muslims Walk
            New Travel Ban: CNN                                          Hopkins School of
                                               Day on                 Advanced International                    into the Emmys..
               n By Laura Jarrett           October 29                        Studies
            A federal judge in Maryland has                                n By Anwar Iqbal
        blocked President Donald Trump’s   unday, October 29th, is
        new travel ban, finding it still tainted   National  Open  Mosque   Was hin g t o n,
        by religious discrimination.    SDay,  according  to  an  an-  DC: Interior Min-
            US District Judge Theodore D.   nouncement of the Islamic   ister  Ahsan Iqbal
        Chuang -- who also blocked travel   Shura Council of Southern   urged  the United
        ban 2.0 -- did not go as far as the   California.           States on Wednes-
        judge in Hawaii on Tuesday and has   This  is  an  annual  event   day not to look at
        only extended his order to “individu-  where Mosques open their doors   CPEC  from the
        als with a bona fide relationship with   to their neighbors.    Indian perspec-
        an individual or entity in the United   If you’ve never been to a   tive as it was an economic plan for
        States.”                        Mosque, you may want to find   bringing peace and stability to South
            Chuang was not persuaded by   out what a Mosque is and if you   Asia and adjacent regions and not a
        the administration’s claim that the   decide to visit a Mosque, here are   security strategy.
        new travel ban was “cured” of “reli-  some guidelines. To see a video of   Mr Iqbal urged the United
        gious animus,” concluding that his   a recent Open Mosque Day, click   States to deal with Pakistan on its
        various positive statements about Is-  here.                own merit, instead of tagging it to   n By Lorraine Alic        Ahmed won lead actor in a lim-
        lam did not in “any way repudiate the   We urge you to visit a   other states and issues in the region.                 ited series for his role as Nasir Khan on
        President’s prior intention to impose   Mosque in your area. To find one,   “CPEC is not a conspiracy   wo Muslim men, on prime-  HBO’s “The Night Of,” making him the
        a Muslim ban. Particularly where,   follow this link. If your Mosque is   against anyone. It is not a  security   time  television,  clutching  first Muslim, and the first Asian, to win
        in August 2017, President Trump   participating and not listed, con-  plan. It’s a plan for economic pros- Tshiny metal objects close to   a lead acting Emmy (before Ahmed,
        tweeted a statement that a method   tact us.                perity, which is bringing investment  their black garments amid an unsus-  the only other person of Asian descent
        hostile to Islam — shooting Muslims   Also, a New Hampshire   in the energy, infrastructure and  pecting crowd.         to win an acting Emmy was Archie
        with bullets dipped in pig’s blood —   Muslim started ‘Ask a Muslim   other key sectors,” said Mr Iqbal   No, this wasn’t an episode of   Panjabi in 2010 for her supporting role
        should  be used to deter future  ter-  Anything’ to help educate people   when reminded of US objections to  “Homeland” or a dozen other televi-  in “The Good Wife”)
        rorism, there is no record of public   on Islam and Muslims in  sur-  the plan to build a corridor.  sion dramas in which any metal ob-  The eight-part cable drama fol-
        statements showing  any change in   rounding communities.       However, Mr Iqbal, who was the  ject held by men of similar description   lowed Muslim college student Nasir
        the President’s intentions relating to                      keynote speaker at Johns Hopkins  would invariably be a weapon.  through the legal system, and later
        a Muslim ban.”                   “Like the two versions before it,   School of Advanced International   It was the 69th Primetime Emmy   prison, after he was accused of brutally
            Chuang also found that the new  President Trump’s latest travel ban   Studies, Washington, said US con-  Awards, where actor Riz Ahmed and   murdering a well-to-do white woman
        travel ban “imposed a permanent,  is still a Muslim ban at its core. And   cerns about CPEC were unfounded.  actor-writer Aziz Ansari won two top   on Manhattan’s tony Upper West side.
        rather than temporary, ban on im- like the two before it, this one is go-  “It will benefit all and will provide a  categories for shows that exploded   Nasir,  the  son  of Pakistani  im-
        migrants from the Designated Coun- ing down to defeat in the courts. Re-  platform for bringing together South  stereotypes and made history in front   migrants who settled in Queens, was
        tries, and has effectively stopped the  ligious discrimination with window   and Central Asian, Middle Eastern  of an audience too dazzled by all the   an immediate suspect. But was he re-
        issuance of immigrant visas indefi- dressing is still unconstitutional,” said   and African countries by physically  other history-breaking moments that   ally guilty? Written by Steven Zaillian,
        nitely,” and says “the bar on entry is  ACLU attorney Omar Jadwat, among   joining them through an economic  evening to notice.  “The Night Of” made viewers question
        the equivalent of a ban on issuing im- those that argued the case in court   corridor,” he said.  There were so many firsts in LA’s   their own preconceptions about race,
        migrant visas based on nationality.”  Monday.                   “So, I think, the US should not  Microsoft Theater on Sunday night that   religion and the justice system while
            Chuang issued a preliminary in-  The Justice Department vowed   look at CPEC from the Indian per-  the oversight was understandable. The   trying to get to the bottom of the case.
        junction, which is also procedurally  to appeal the Hawaii ruling Tuesday   spective, but as a source of peace,  evening’s swag bags should have in-  That Nasir and his family were
        distinct from Judge Derrick Watson’s  but did not immediately react to the   stability and prosperity in the re-  cluded tally sheets to keep track of the   presented as multi-dimensional people
        order in Hawaii and has no expira- Maryland case.           gion. CPEC can bring the much-  multiple barriers being broken.  living in an equally complex communi-
        tion date.                       - CNN                      needed stability to a region that has   Donald Glover, creator of FX’s “At-  ty was a breakthrough in the portrayal
           US Not to Forget Pakistan’s Help                         suffered from war for the last several  lanta,” became the first African Ameri-  of Muslims on series television, arriv-
                                                                                                                                ing before Donald Trump took office
                                                                                                  can comedy director to be so honored;
                                                                                                  “Master of None’s” Lena Waithe the
                                                                         Mr Iqbal said Pakistan want-
                     in Rescue Operation                            ed peace in Afghanistan because  first black woman to win the prize for   and announced his first major presi-
                                                                                                                                dential action: the travel ban. Target-
                                                                    it would be the first beneficiary of  writing on a comedy series. Streaming   ing  citizens  of eight  Muslim-majority
        Washington, DC: The                                         peace and stability in the neighbor-  service Hulu broke network and cable   countries, it was eventually halted.
        United  States  has  said                                   ing state. He reminded the interna-  TV’s monopoly on the top Emmy, out-  Ansari shared top honors with
        that it will not forget                                     tional community that so far Paki-  standing drama series, when it won for   Waithe for writing on “Master of
        the critical assistance                                     stan was the only country that had  “The Handmaid’s Tale.”  None,” the Netflix series in which he
        that Pakistan provided                                      the valuable experience of defeating   And it was certainly the first time   also stars. When they took the stage, he
        in rescuing a North                                         terrorism in its backyard and it could  a former White House press secretary   ceded the mike (for the second time in
        American couple from                                        share this experience with others.  appeared onstage  riding  a  motorized   two years) to his writing partner, and
        the clutches of the                                             The minister said Pakistan had  lectern. Sean Spicer: trailblazer.  Hollywood celebrated the breaking of a
        Haqqani network.                                            serious concerns about the presence   Indeed, the ceremony and list of   race barrier in the category.
            “I want to be clear                                     and  steady  growth  of  the  militant  nominees was the most diverse in his-  But Ansari, who also won last
        on saying how grateful                                      Islamic State group in its neighbor-  tory, said host Stephen Colbert, con-  year, was also a first in the category, and
        we are to the govern-                                       hood and wanted to defeat them too  gratulating the Television Academy   he’s responsible for offering up what no
        ment of Pakistan. With-                                     with  the  cooperation  of  other na-  and the Emmys. The crowd applauded.   other TV series ever has: the casual
        out their assistance, this                                  tions... - Dawn               “That’s impressive,” he added. “I did not   Muslim.
        would not have been                                           Canadian Hostage on His     know you could applaud while patting   “Master of None” chronicles the
        made possible,” said                                         Daring Rescue by Pak Army    yourself on the back at the same time.”  not-so-remarkable life of Dev (played
        US State Department’s                                                                         The applause, however, wasn’t all   by Ansari), a thirtysomething, low-
        spokesperson  Heather                                         osh Boyle: “A               in the service of self-congratulations.   level actor fumbling his way into adult-
        Nauert. “It was critical,                                     major comes                 There was plenty of genuine excitement   hood. That means devoting entire
        and we will certainly                                       Jover to me                   over the nominations as quantifiable   episodes to his use of dating apps, his
        not forget that.”                                           while I still have            proof that the industry and the acad-  obsession with Italian food and the
            In a separate state-                                    blood on me. The              emy were finally stepping into the 21st   dashed expectations his immigrant
        ment, the White House                                       street is chaos and           century. Perhaps the success of new   parents had for their son (if only he’d
        said  the  Haqqani  net-  Linda and Patrick Boyle, parents of Joshua Boyle,   he says to me, ‘In   shows like “Insecure” and “This Is Us”   been a doctor).
        work had captured   leave their home to speak to the media in Smiths   the American me-   had sent a message: Viewers wanted to   Dev Shah is Muslim, but he is
        Caitlan Coleman, an   Falls, Ontario—AP                     dia they said that            see more people like themselves on TV,   not angry, obsessive, regretful or op-
        American citizen, and                                       we  support the Haqqani network   and not all of America looks like Ryan   pressed. And he’s not armed with an
        her husband, Joshua Boyle, a Canadian, from a mountain near Kabul in 2012  and that we make it possible. Today   Seacrest.  Uzi. He’s a mostly nice, occasionally
        and kept them in custody for five years.                    you have seen the truth. Did we not   Many of this year’s nominees, and   irritating guy armed with a cellphone
            At a Thursday afternoon news briefing at the State Department, Ms Nau- put bullets in those bastards?’ “And   winners, could be seen as progressive   he checks obsessively. He drinks at bars
        ert also spoke about relations between the US and Pakistan which, until re- so I can say to you I did see the truth,   Hollywood pushing back against the   with his friends, has the occasional
        cently, were close allies in the war against terrorism. Their relations began to  and the truth was that car was rid-  new president and his policies, which   one-night stand and attends masjid
        strain after a US raid on Osama bin Laden’s hideout in 2011 and deteriorated  dled with bullets. The ISI (Pakistan’s   many in the entertainment industry   only on holidays. He has been known
        further after President Trump’s Aug 21 speech in which he announced the  intelligence agency) and the army   consider  hostile  toward  women,  mi-  to eat pork.
        new US strategy for South Asia.                             got  between  the  criminals  and  the   norities, immigrants and the LGBTQ   How can he be a Muslim, then?
             “Our overall relationship with Pakistan …We’ve certainly had points  car to make sure the prisoners were   community.  Simple.  The same way others  who
        where that relationship has had some challenges. That relationship isn’t going  safe  and  my family  was safe.  They   If the Emmy wins were meant to   choose to follow some practices of their
        to just turn around overnight, but this is a terrific step in the right direction,”  put them to flight and they ran like   send a message, then perhaps the most   faith and not others (much to the cha-
        said Ms Nauert while explaining the current status of Washington’s relations  cowards. And this is proof enough   pointed, and poignant, was the sight   grin of their devout parents) still iden-
        with Islamabad.                                             to me the Pakistanis are doing every-  of Ahmed and Ansari winning awards   tify as Christians or Jews or Hindus.
            Responding to a question about Pakistan’s role in the rescue operation,  thing to their utmost.”  - Riaz Haq  for shows that demystified the scary   And some Muslims also identify
        she said: “The Pakistani military, acting on information that we provided,  “Islamist” talked about so often on the   as actors, and wind up at the Emmys.
        HELP, P24                                                   M3g                           campaign trail.               MUSLIMS, P30
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