Page 26 - Pakistan Link - May 17, 2019
P. 26

P26  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MAY 17, 2019                                                                                              PAKISTAN

        MODI FROM P13                 Chakwal — Madrassa Khalid Bin  taking responsibility for the Easter  media for tree planting corruption,”  Joe Sacco, Romesh Gunesekera, Zi-
        tweeted the former Jammu and  Waleed in the Talagang area and Ma- Sunday bombing in Sri Lanka that  she said.           auddin Sardar, Osman Samiuddin,
        Kashmir chief minister.       drassa Darus Salam on Railway Road  killed at least 253 people.  “China’s BRI is over a billion in  Mushtaq Soofi  and Aminatta Forna.
            “Was it because the prime min-  — were placed under the administra-  “Th  e establishment of a ‘prov-  investment, the largest foreign in- – Daily Times
        ister overruled the advice of Indian  tive charge of the Auqaf Department. ince’ in a region where it has noth-  vestment in Pakistan to date,” said
        Air Force and authorized airstrikes   Th  e  Sindh  government  an- ing resembling actual governance is  Erum Sattar, Professor of Law, Pace  REHMANI FROM P19
        in bad weather? Cloud cover logic is  nounced that it had taken over con- absurd, but it should not be written  University. She added Pakistan is   Rehmani also provides real-time
        painfully embarrassing. Remind me  trol of 56 facilities being run by JuD  off ,” said Rita Katz, director of the  the 10th most vulnerable country in  updates to NASA’s LSP Twitter and
        again, why is Rahul Gandhi derided  and the FIF.            SITE Intel Group that tracks ex-  the world for climate change and the  Facebook accounts during launch
        as pappu?”                        Th  e Quetta deputy commission- tremists.               government need to address issues to  countdowns when she is not provid-
            Muft i also shared a meme criti-  er  said  all  establishments  in  Quetta   “Th  e world may roll its eyes at  combat climate change.  ing engineering support to the mis-
        cizing Modi. “I was raked over the  belonging to the JuD and the FIF, in- these developments, but to extrem-  LLF has also showcased three  sion staff .
        coals for questioning veracity of Bal-  cluding four madrassas, schools and  ists in these vulnerable regions,  editions in London in collaboration   Rehmani’s advice for Pakistani
        akot strikes.” Muft i said. “But seeing  dispensaries, had been taken over by  these are signifi cant gestures to help  with  the  British  Library.  Th  e  LLF  women and youth who want to fol-
        Pakistani media and journalists troll  the district administration.  lay the groundwork in rebuilding  New York 2019 presented seven ses-  low her footsteps was to persevere.
        the prime minister on cloud gaff e is   Besides, 44 under-observation  the map of the IS ‘caliphate’.”  sions to celebrate the diverse and  “My experiences of life have taught
        awfully embarrassing. BJP’s ability  members of banned outfi ts, includ-  Sofi  had been involved in sev-  pluralistic literary culture of Lahore.  me  to  always  dream  big  and  never
        to suspend logic in its quest to win  ing Muft i Abdul Raoof and Hamad  eral militant groups in Kashmir for  Delegates included poets, students,  give up. You will encounter obstacles
        another term is mind numbingly  Azhar — the brother and son of JeM  more than a decade before pledging  academics, artists and diplomats  in life, but do not let that discourage
        fatuous. Our armed forces do not de-  leader Masood Azhar respectively —  allegiance to Islamic State, accord-  and a large majority of the Pakistani  you from the pursuit of your passion.
        serve this.”                  were placed under “preventive deten- ing to a military offi  cial on Saturday  Diaspora; including a signifi cant  With hard work, consistency, and fo-
            Th  e  prime  minister  had  made  tion” for investigation.  and an interview given by Sofi  to a  majority from diverse ethnic back-  cus, there is nothing in the world that
        the much-derided remark in an in-  Masood Azhar, the head of the  Srinagar-based magazine sympa-  grounds outside Pakistan who were  you cannot achieve. In STEM (Sci-
        terview to News Nation on Saturday.  JeM, was designated a global terror- thetic to IS.   “curious to learn about Pakistan’s lit-  ence, Technology, Engineering, and
            He claimed to have used his  ist by the UN Security Council ear-  He  was  suspected  of  several  erature and culture,” said Claire Holt,  Mathematics) fi elds, you may not see
        “raw wisdom” to dispel the doubts  lier this month aft er his listing was  grenade attacks on security forces  19, a US college student.  as many women as men, but don’t let
        of defense experts planning the mis-  delinked with the Kashmir freedom  in the region, police and  military   A packed auditorium was the  that discourage you. It doesn’t matter
        sion. “I am surprised that the coun-  struggle and certain Pakistani state  sources said.  order of the day for almost all the  if you are a man or a woman. Your
        try’s pundits who abuse me never  institutions.                 “It was a clean operation and  sessions.                passion and determination will make
        fi gured this out,” he had added.                           no collateral damage took place   And whether a debutant or fes-  way for you,” she explained.
            However, as many experts have   PROVINCE FROM P15       during the exchange of fi re,” a po-  tival regular, one message applied to   I  was  very  fortunate  growing
        noted on social media, Modi’s obser-  Amshipora in the Shopian district of  lice spokesman said in the state-  all by the organizer Razi Ahmed that  up because my parents encouraged
        vation has no scientifi c basis.   Kashmir.                 ment on Friday’s encounter.   “All are welcome!”            me to pursue my dream of becoming
            Radar technology uses radio   Th  e IS statement corresponds   Th  e military offi  cial said it was   LLF is an international liter-  an engineer. I truly believe that with
        waves to detect objects that may be  with an Indian police statement on  possible that Sofi  had been the only  ary festival held annually in Lahore,  your teachers, family, and mentors’
        obscured by fog. So the clouds over  Friday that a militant called Ishfaq  militant left  in Kashmir associated  Punjab, Pakistan. Th  e festival is con-  support and encouragement you can
        region on Balakot would not have  Ahmad Sofi  was killed in an en- with IS.               sidered to be one of South Asia’s pre-  achieve anything in life, and that is
        given Indian fi ghter jets any advan-  counter in Shopian.      A spokesman for India’s home  mier cultural events.     my message to all the girls in Paki-
        tage.                             IS’s statement establishing the  ministry, which is responsible for   LLF 2015 drew over 75,000 visi-  stan. “Never give up on your dreams
            Th  e Twitter accounts of the BJP’s  new province appears to be de- security in Kashmir, did not re-  tors to the halls and grounds of Al-  and passion,” she said.
        national and Gujarat units shared the  signed to bolster its standing aft er  spond to a request for comment.  hamra Arts Center to hear various   Talking about what fascinates
        interview clip, but deleted these soon  the group was driven from its self-               Punjabi, Pakistani and international  her  about  Pakistan,  Rehmani  said,
        aft er. -           styled “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria  LLF FROM P17          speakers  including  Romila  Th  apar,  “I love coming back to Pakistan. Th  e
        BAN FROM P15                  in April, where at one point it con- Asia Regional Director, highlighted  Abdullah  Hussein,  Ayesha  Jalal,  hospitality  of  Pakistanis  is  incom-
        control of a madrassah and an adja-  trolled thousands of miles of terri- how Pakistani civilians are now more  Asma Jahangir, Eve Ensler, Roger Co-  parable. I love meeting youth and
        cent mosque in Bahawalpur believed  tory.                   active in holding the government ac- hen, Mohsin Hamid, Laurent Gayer,  students in Pakistan and enjoy our
        to be the headquarters of the JeM.  IS has stepped up hit-and-run  countable, “Bureaucrats are now be- Rahul Singh, Hameed Haroon, Yas-  dialogues and talks.” – Th  e Express
            Madrassas run by the JuD in  raids and suicide attacks, including  ing held accountable through social  mine El Rashidi, Naseeruddin Shah,  Tribune
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