Page 24 - Pakistan Link - May 17, 2019
P. 24
Let a Widow Earn for Herself
with Dignity and Respect!
n By Saghir Aslam country such as Pakistan; elsewhere
Rawalpindi, Pakistan the cost could vary. Th e goat will not
only provide milk and other dairy DO YOU KNOW..
(The following information products to the widow in need, but
is provided solely to educate the also be a sustainable source of in-
Muslim community come to live with dignity and re- Why should you pay Zakat?
about investing and spect. Who must give Zakat?
fi nancial planning. It Th ere are a number of organi-
is hoped that the Um- zations locally, internationally and When is Zakat due?
mah will benefi t from in every developing countrycon- What if you don’t give Zakat?
this eff ort through fronted with extreme poverty that
greater fi nancial em- of goats has produced wholesome are running such projects at diff er- What about Zakat that you have not given in the past?
powerment, enabling the communi- results. ent scales. What things require giving Zakat on them?
ty to live in security and dignity and In most cases such help has It is important that we show What things do not require giving Zakat on them?
fulfi ll their religious and moral obli- proved a worthy lifetime investment people the way to improve their lot
gations towards charitable activities) and has enabled the needy families on their own. Th ey are sure to take Who should receive Zakat?
Ramdan Mubarak! We are in to have proper food, education for the initiative and make sincere striv- Who should not receive Zakat?
the fi rst Ashra of Ramadan. Time the children, and shelter as well as ing once we help them with a nomi-
passes fl eetingly and soon the holy access to basic needs. In most cases nal investment. Who can receive Zakat among relatives?
month would pass. So making the people in rural areas possess basic To donate you can log on to How do you calculate Zakat?
best use of time during the holy skills of rearing goats which means, call on 714-305-
month should be our focus this they can easily sustain this pro- 5425 or email us at: info@sabatrust.
Ramdan. Make sure you have a goal gram themselves once it has been org Detailed Answers, Videos, and a Zakat Calculator at:
set for this blessed month. It could launched. Ramdan is the month of the
be achieved only if you stay focused. Th e way it works is simple: ini- Qur(Saghir A. Aslam only explains
In order to change someone’s tially four female goats and a male strategies and formulas that he has Donate online via check or card at
life we do not need to invest thou- goat are given to a widow in the been using. He is merely providing
sands and millions. A simple invest- community. She is made responsible information, and NO ADVICE is or call us at 1.866.2HIDAYA
ment of few hundreds can suffi ce for taking care of the goats. Th is is given. Mr. Aslam does not endorse Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
through well-meaning initiatives oft en a loan and to pay back each or recommend any broker, broker-
and enterprise. For instance, a couple time the goats give birth, the male age fi rm, or any investment at all,
of goats could bring immense fi nan- off spring is given to another com- nor does he suggest that anyone will
cial stability to a family struggling to munity member. Th is applies on earn a profi t when or if they pur- Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
survive, particularly a widow who each and every community member chase stocks, bonds or any other in-
is tasked with the responsibility of which gives opportunity to others vestments. All stocks or investment
raising a family in remote and rural to benefi t from the program. Th ey vehicles mentioned are for illustra- Countries Buying Selling
areas of developing countries. not only get milk, butter, and cheese tive purposes only. Mr. Aslam is not Rs. Rs.
Th is investment has done won- but in some cases they can also sell an attorney, accountant, real estate
ders for thousands of families in dif- goats once their herd has increased broker, stockbroker, investment ad- USA 143.15 144.15
ferent parts of the world. Th e fami- in number. visor, or certifi ed fi nancial planner. UK 186.oo 187.50
lies have pulled themselves out of A good quality goat would Mr Aslam does not have anything S.Arabia 38.45 38.70
the poverty cycle and the donation normally cost $300 in a developing for sale.) Japan 1.27 1.30
Euro 161.00 162.25
MODI FROM P9 If we don’t correct the course, the stench of even a brick laid out of UAE 39.20 39.70
improve the lives and prospects of Pakistan could well be the next Ven- the authorized plan of any structure!
hundreds of millions of people”. ezuela. Exemplary harsh and ruthless pun- (*May 16, 2019)
According to Bremmer, the But it can be avoided if Pakistan ishment should be awarded to them
Goods and Services Tax streamlined improves its relations with its neigh- to serve as a powerful deterrent for
a complex tax system and “unprec- bors, especially India. In the past, the others. US VISA AVAILABILITY IN MAY 2019
edented amounts of money” went establishment sabotaged all eff orts For Pakistan, Bangladesh & India
towards infrastructure under Modi’s by the civilian governments to create IMF FROM P11
regime. He also praises the role of Indian business stakes in Pakistan’s standards. Priority areas include im- Compiled by Hasan ChishtI
Aadhaar in reducing fraud, the Ujj- stability. But let bygones be bygones. proving the management of public
wala scheme and the healthcare in- Now, the PTI government needs enterprises, strengthening institu-
surance scheme. to create political harmony in the tions and governance, continuing FAMILY SPONSORED PREFERENCES Pakistan/Bangladesh India
Modi also benefi ts from a lack country instead of continuing their anti-money laundering and combat-
of a credible alternative, Bremmer hate campaign which is causing fur- ing the fi nancing of terrorism eff orts,
writes. ther instability. creating a more favorable business 1 Unmarried sons & daughters
“Modi has the instinct to domi- Prime Minister Khan needs environment, and facilitating trade.” Of U.S. Citizens Jan., 06, 2012 Jan., 06, 2012
nate and the thin skin of other to stop humiliating the opposition Lengthy bailout talks: Islamabad
strongmen, but he also has a genuine leaders and their voters. Let the and a visiting IMF mission had kicked 2-A Spouses and unmarried
track record in providing the kind of courts deal with their cases. For, if he off technical level talks on April 29 to childrens of permanent residents May 15, 2017 May 15, 2017
reform that developing India urgent- can’t rise above his ego, there’s hardly sort out details of the proposed bail-
ly needs,” he adds. – a chance his government would sur- out package over the next 10 days. Th e 2-B Unmarried sons & daughters (21 yrs.
vive the coming assault. two sides were scheduled to conclude
STABILIZATION FROM P7 In his interview in 1867, with a staff -level agreement on Friday, of age or older) of permanent residents Feb., 02, 2013 Feb., 02, 2013
of deal with the Taliban. And it is St Petersburgische ZeitungIt, the but the talks were extended into the
the Taliban now who’re delaying the German aristocrat and statesman weekend, with the fi nance ministry 3 Married sons & daughters of US citizens Nov., 08, 2006 Nov.,08, 2006
talks. Th e imminent defeat means US Otto Von Bismark described poli- reporting “good progress” in the dis-
will soon be blaming Pakistan for its tics as “an art of possible”. However, cussions. 4 Brothers & sisters of adult U.S. citizens Feb., 15, 2006 Aug., 01, 2004
disastrous campaign in Afghanistan. a leading proponent of 20th-century Th e fi nance ministry had ap-
Consequently, the US would exert American liberalism, John Kenneth proached the IMF in August 2018 for
economic pressure on us. Galbraith, disagreed. He wrote to a bailout package, whereas last month,
Meanwhile, Imran Khan’s in- President John F Kennedy in 1962 the then fi nance minister Asad Umar EMPLOYMENT BASED CATEGORY
competent government is already that he believes that “politics is not announced that the two sides had — 1 Priority workers Mar., 01, 2018 Feb., 22, 2017
struggling with a deteriorating econ- the art of possible, it consists of more or less — reached an under-
omy and aft er virtually handing over choosing between the disastrous and standing on a package for bailing out 2 Members of the professions holding
its fi nancial control to the IMF, a di- unpalatable”. Now Khan has to prove the country’s ailing economy.
saster is certainly looming. that he might be unpalatable, but at “In the next step, the IMF will advanced degree or persons of
Th e opposition, which is already least not a disaster. send its mission to Pakistan in the exceptional ability Current April 16, 2009
convinced that the elections of 2018 next few weeks to work out techni-
were fl awed and heavily rigged, will CONSTRUCTION FROM P6 cal details. But in principle, we have 3 Skilled workers Current July 01, 2009
exploit the public sentiment and mis- I wish the Supreme Court had reached an agreement,” he had said. Other workers Current July 01, 2009
ery. also ordered exemplary stern action However, Umar was removed from
India, on the other hand, is in- against all those living or dead who the post in a dramatic move and was 4 Certain special immigrants Current Current
creasing pressure on the eastern were at the helm of concerned de- replaced by Dr Shaikh — an interna- Certain religious workers Current Current
front. Pakistan requires a massive partments and looked the other way tionally renowned economist.
military budget to deal with any fu- when the mess was being created Dr Shaikh served as the fi nance
ture adventurism by the wily neigh- under their very noses. Th ey were minister from 2010 to 2013 during the 5 Non-regional centers Current Current
bor. infamously notorious for smelling PPP government’s rule. Regional centers Current Current