Page 29 - Pakistan Link - May 17, 2019
P. 29

SPORTS                                                                                                             MAY 17, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P29
         SPORTS                                                                                                                 MAY 17, 2019 - PAKISTAN  LINK
                 Pakistan look to snap winless                                                     Pakistan can still lodge complaint

                             streak in third ODI                                                                 against Plunkett

                                                                     under their belt ahead of  30  May,   KARACHI:  The  International  eight runs while in the overall nine
                                                                                                                                overs that he bowled, he turned over 64
                                                                                                  Cricket Council (ICC) might have
                                                                     when the World Cup gets underway.  cleared  Liam Plunkett for ball-tam-  runs. When he was made aware of the
                                                                        Their  job won’t be easy, how-  pering during England’s second One-  images  on  Sunday,  Plunkett  himself
                                                                     ever, seeing  as they’re  facing  the   day International against Pakistan on   reported the footage to match referee
                                                                     world’s top-ranked side. England are   Saturday but a complaint can still be   Richie Richardson and said he was
                                                                     a mighty batting unit, with various   lodged against the paceman by the   only spinning the ball in his fingers.
                                                                     batsmen capable of stealing the show   Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).  Richardson spoke to the on-field
                                                                     on any given day. It was Jos Buttler   “Yes as per the code of con-  umpire  Chris  Gaffaney  on  Sunday
                                                                     who did the honours in the previous   duct — a CEO of either of the two   who confirmed he had no suspicions
                                                                     game with an unbeaten 55-ball 110.  sides can lodge a complaint”, an ICC   over the condition of the ball.
                                                                        The hosts’ bowling attack  looks   spokesperson told this correspondent   “The  match  officials  are  com-
                                                                     robust too, and they will be very   on Sunday. “For level three offence,   fortable that there was  no attempt
                                                                     pleased  with  David  Willey’s three-  they [PCB in this case] can formally   to change the  condition  of the  ball
                                                                     over  spell  in  the  death  in  South-  complain within 96 hours of the inci-  or any evidence of this on the over
                                                                     ampton,  during which he took 2/17   dent or them being made aware of it.”  by over examination  of the ball
                                                                     including the big wickets of Asif Ali   England won the game by 12   throughout the game,” said the ICC
                                                                     and Imad Wasim.              runs, defending their total of 373 de-  in a statement. The ball looked as if
                                                                        Both teams are expected to ring   spite a superb century from Pakistan   it had flaps of leather hanging off it
                                                                     in the changes with Joe Denly set   opener Fakhar Zaman.   and was in poor condition by the end
                                                                     to play in place of the resting Adil   In a widely-circulating video, the   of the Pakistan innings but the white
         BRISTOL:  Defeat  in  the  second   may not be as gloomy as the numbers   Rashid  for England, making  this   Plunkett can be seen scratching  the   kookaburra does not wear well. The
         One-day International to England   suggest, for they put up a remarkable   match an audition of sorts for Denly   ball, leading to belief that the tamper-  LED advertising boards also damage
         extended Pakistan’s winless streak,   fight in the second ODI in Southamp-  to prove his worth as a back-up leg-  ing could have been done to produce   the ball.
         but there were positive signs from   ton, going down by only 12 runs in   spin option.   reverse swing in death overs.    There are two different balls used
         which they will look to draw confi-  a chase of a mammoth  374 against   Tom Curran will have an outing   During the penultimate over that   at each end and at the conclusion of
         dence heading into the third match   some pretty good bowling.  in place  of David  Willey  and But-  he bowled, Plunkett sent Faheem   each over the ball is returned to the
         on Tuesday.                      One of big question marks over   tler could well be rested after his   Ashraf back to the pavilion allowing   umpire.
            Pakistan’s  ODI  record this year   Pakistan’s readiness for the  World   jaw-dropping display at the  Ageas
         has been poor so far. In 12 matches   Cup has pertained to their ability to   Bowl, while  Adil and  Jofra  Archer
         across three series,  they have won   score rapidly, but they seemed to do   did not travel to Bristol after being
         only two and have lost nine. More   rather well in that department, thanks   given some time off.
         worryingly, they’ve been winless in   largely to Fakhar Zaman’s bound-  Pakistan will be forced into one
         their last eight games, including a   ary-laced 138. But even Asif Ali and   change of plan after the viral illness
         washout in the first ODI of the ongo-  Sarfaraz Ahmed scored at well over   which kept Mohammad  Amir out
         ing series.                   run-a-ball.                   of  the  match  in  Southampton  now
            With the World Cup pretty much   The positive signs notwithstand-  thought to be chicken pox, scupper-
         at the doorstep, Pakistan have plen-  ing, Pakistan will want to pull togeth-  ing any hopes they had of bringing
         ty of reason for concern. But things   er in all departments to get some wins   him back.
           Sana Mir becomes world’s most                               Rahmat leads

           successful women’s ODI spinner                             Afghanistan to

         BENONI:  Pakistan’s off-spinner   (56) giving them a solid start in a 75-  win over Scots
         Sana Mir became the most successful   run first-wicket partnership.
         women’s ODI spinner in the  world   Javeria  Khan  (74)  and  Aliya
         when  she  dismissed  South  Africa’s   Riaz  (71)  led  Pakistan’s  reply  with
         Sune Luus in the third One-Day Inter-  tailender Nashra Sandhu hitting a six                Ambris ton helps WI make
         national of the ICC Women’s Cham-  off the penultimate ball of the match
         pionship which ended in a thrilling tie   and then taking a single off the final
         at the Willowmoore Park on Sunday.  ball with two runs to secure a tie that                          record ODI chase
            It  was  Sana’s  147th  ODI  wick-  meant  the  series  finished  in  a  1-1
         et in her 118th appearance,  helping   draw. The result means Pakistan oc-               DUBLIN:  Sunil  Ambris’  maiden   West Indies to their second triangular
         her leapfrog  Anisa Mohammed of   cupy the fifth spot in the ICC Wom-                    One-day International hundred saw   series win over the tournament hosts.
         the  Windies  and  Australia’s  Lisa   en’s Championship rankings with                   the West Indies complete their high-  Earlier,  Andrew  Balbirnie scored a
         Sthalekar into third place on the all-  15 points from as many games, one                est successful ODI run chase as they   brilliant hundred of his own in an Ire-
         time list of most successful bowlers,   more than New Zealand who have 14                beat Ireland by five wickets in Dublin   land total of 327 for five.
         behind fast bowlers Jhulan Goswami   points.                                             on Saturday.                     Balbirnie  scored 135 from 124
         of India (218) and Australia’s Cath-  Sana, meanwhile, is third in the                      Ambris made 148, off just 126   balls and registered  his fourth ODI
         ryn Fitzpatrick (180).        ICC bowlers’ rankings but is expect-                       balls including 19 fours and a six, as   hundred, passing 3,000 runs for Ire-
            Luus’ dismissal came  in 49th   ed to make an upward movement                         the  West Indies surpassed Ireland’s   land in the process.
         over of the South African innings as   when the new rankings are released                total of 327 for five with 13 deliver-  He received good support came
         they set the visitors a target of 266   on Monday. In October last year, she             ies remaining. The West Indies, who   from  Paul  Stirling  (77)  and  Kevin
         after being put into bat with openers   became  the  first  Pakistan  bowler  to         unlike Ireland have qualified for the   O’Brien, who smashed 63 off 40 balls
         Lizelle Lee (57) and Laura Wolvaardt   top the ICC rankings.                             upcoming World Cup in England and   that included three consecutive sixes
                                                                                                  Wales, were behind the run-rate at   off paceman Holder.
                                                                                                  112 for two in the 20th over.    West Indies’ victory moved them
                                                                                                     But a third-wicket  stand of 128   above Bangladesh in the tri-series
                                                                                                  between  Ambris, playing  only  his   standings, and left Ireland without a
                                                                                                  fourth ODI, and Roston Chase (46)   win after three matches.
                                                                     EDINBURGH:  Rahmat  Shah  hit   helped get the tourists back on track.  Ireland will now  need to beat
                                                                     113 while Hashmatullah Shahidi and   Not even a three-wicket haul from   Bangladesh next week and hope oth-
                                                                     Mohammad Shahzad made half-cen-  Ireland’s former England fast bowler   er results go their way if they are to
                                                                     turies as Afghanistan defeated Scot-  Boyd Rankin was sufficient to deny   reach the final. West Indies open their
                                                                     land by two runs in a rain-hit ODI on   the two-time  World Cup-winners,   World Cup campaign against Paki-
                                                                     Friday. Scotland made 325 for seven   with Jonathan Carter (43 not out) and   stan at  Trent Bridge in Nottingham
                                                                     from their 50 overs with Calum Ma-  captain Jason Holder (36) seeing the   on May 31.
                                                                     cLeod  hitting  100  and  captain  Kyle
                                                                     Coetzer supporting him with 79.
                                                                        Afghanistan  reached  269 for
                                                                     three with 31  balls  remaining when
                                                                     rain  forced  the  players  off  the  field
                                                                     and they were eventually declared
                                                                     the winners on the Duckworth-Lew-
                                                                     is-Stern method.
                                                                        Hashmatullah  Shahidi  finished
                                                                     with an unbeaten 59 while opener
                                                                     Mohammad Shahzad hit 55.
                                                                        The  first  match  that  was  sched-
                                                                     uled  for  Wednesday was called  off
                                                                     without a ball being bowled because
                                                                     of rain. Afghanistan are one of just 10
                                                                     teams taking part in the World Cup
                                                                     which gets underway in England and
                                                                     Wales on May 30.
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