Page 28 - Pakistan Link - May 17, 2019
P. 28
GROWTH FROM P1 “If mid-to-large scale busi- But Imam and Asif Ali, whose sidered 150pc of the DC value where and genuine dissent at home, whilst
tem recently. nesses are assured of legal rights 52 was his second successive fifty, re- the FBR value has not been notified finding ways to ignore provocative
The report places Tajikistan at and a conducive environment, they paired the damage with a fifth-wicket or less than the DC rate. Moreover, sloganeering that is designed largely
No.6 for adding 605 MW followed by would definitely move to Saudi Ara- partnership of 125. under the current scheme, people are to elicit reactions and disrupt prog-
Ecuador (556MW), India (535MW), bia. The educational and hospitality Imam, the nephew of Pakistan also allowed to enhance the declared ress in the districts formerly known
Norway (419), Canada (401MW), sector can boom.” great and selection chief Inzamam- value of immovable property. as Fata.
Austria (385), Cambodia (300MW), Those applying for the Privi- ul-Haq, went to his sixth hundred in The tax rate will be 1.5pc for For the first part, i.e., the spur-
Laos (254MW), Zimbabwe leged Iqama will have to pay a high- 27 ODIs — and first against England whitening of domestic immovable ring of economic activity, Pakistan
(150MW), United States (141MW), er one-off fee; have a valid passport — off 97 balls. properties (real estate). In case of for- will need to open up trade routes for
Iran (140MW), Congo (121MW), and a clear criminal record; be He continued to take the at- eign assets, the fair market value will Afghanistan, including easier access
Colombia (111MW), Peru (111MW) financially solvent and possess au- tack to England, driving Willey for a be determined at the exchange rate to the port in Karachi for Afghan
and Chile (110MW). thentic credit and health reports. straight six and next ball glancing the prevalent on the date of declaration. goods, and goods headed to Afghani-
As far as recent addition of hy- The scheme awaits the cabinet’s left-arm quick for four. The tax rate on undisclosed sales stan. It will also need to find a way
dropower in Pakistan is concerned, approval three years after Saudi Imam then surpassed his previ- or supplies is 2pc, which is also of- to enable trade between India and
the country registered an increase of Crown Prince Mohammed bin ous ODI best of 128 against Zimba- fered for the first time for bringing Afghanistan through the trucking
36 per cent in its total hydel genera- Salman first proposed it. bwe at Bulawayo last year. undeclared sales into the tax net. routes via Pakistani territory that are
tion capacity in just one year, as prior Asif holed out off Woakes and This will cover the sales or supplies currently restricted. For the second
to this, Wapda could only manage to CRICKET FROM P1 Imam’s excellent innings ended when chargeable to sales tax or federal part, i.e., responsiveness to legiti-
take its hydel generation to 6,902 MW a mere four wickets. he was bowled, giving himself room, excise duty, which has not been de- mate dissent in Khyber Pakhtunkh-
in 59 years of its inception from the Earlier, Imam-ul-Haq came into by Curran. clared or has been under declared up wa’s new districts, Pakistan needs to
year 1958 to 2017. The country has a to June 30, 2018. adopt the PM Khan posture of com-
potential of generating 60,000MW of The amount of tax will increase passion, consideration and embrace
low-cost hydel electricity. by a default surcharge of 10pc, 20pc, of tribal youth – including dramatic
30pc and 40pc for late payment of public-sector spending programs in
DOLLAR FROM P1 taxes. The tax rates will increase by all seven districts. Concurrently, the
IMF have depressed the currency 10pc if the tax is paid between June state needs to eschew aggression and
market and the rupee may lose more 30 and Sept 30, 2019. It will increase defensiveness. Few things are as well-
against the greenback in the coming by 20pc in case of payment between integrated into the soul and fabric of
days,” Secretary General of Exchange Sept 30 and Dec 31, 2019. The tax Pakistan as Pakthun identity; there is
Companies Association of Pakistan rate will increase by 30pc in case of no need to undermine it with clumsy
Zafar Paracha said on Monday. payment between Dec 31, 2019 and attempts to bully dissenting voices
Most of the currency dealers March 31, 2020, and further by 40pc into submission.
and experts have already expressed in case of payment from March 31, India too is evolving in fascinat-
their disappointment over the undis- 2019 onward till June 30, 2020. ing ways. Important voices on India
closed conditions agreed between the The government is considering believe that some of the foundational
IMF authorities and the government. facilitating people to repatriate their norms of post-British Nehruvian In-
assets in dollars as well as in Dirhams dia are collapsing, and in their stead
DEPORTATION FROM P1 Imam ul Haq celebrates his scintillating century through a UAE-based bank. a new, muscular, religiously-assertive
the list of ten countries that are facing The scheme cannot be availed Hindu India has emerged. Notwith-
such sanctions under a law according form ahead of the World Cup with Imam faced 131 balls including by the holders of public office includ- standing the convulsions of self-sat-
to which countries refusing to take a career-best 151 as Pakistan made 16 fours and a six. ing president, prime minister, chief isfaction that many Pakistani nation-
back deportees and visa over-stayers 358. Tailenders Hasan Ali and Sha- ministers, governors, Chief Justice of alists (perhaps including this writer)
could be denied America visas. The 23-year-old left-hander’s heen Shah Afridi hit out to leave Pakistan, judges, their spouses and may feel, it is important to properly
“Under Section 243 (d) of the innings was also the highest indi- England, who had also rested Jos dependent children and any public- contextualize this change in India’s
Immigration and Nationality Act, vidual score by a Pakistan batsman Buttler following the star batsman’s listed or government-owned compa- ethos.
the secretary of state is required against England at this level, sur- blistering 110 not out at Southamp- ny. It will also not apply to gold and The Balakot attack by India
to discontinue granting immigra- passing the 138 made by his opening ton, with a decent chase for victory. precious stones, bearer prize bonds, should have prompted three reac-
tion or non-immigrant visas to a partner, Fakhar Zaman, in a 12-run Line-ups: bearer securities, shares, certificates, tions in Pakistan. The first should
nation upon receiving notice from defeat at Southampton on Saturday England: Jason Roy, Jonny Bair- bonds or any other bearer assets. have been elation at the remarkable
the Homeland Security Secretary that left the home side 1-0 up in this stow (wkt), Joe Root, Ben Stokes, The amnesty scheme is not capacity of the Pakistani system – in-
that the country has denied or is five-match series. Moeen Ali, Eoin Morgan (capt), Joe available to any public office holder cluding its military and polity – to
unreasonably delaying accepting a Meanwhile Chris Woakes did Denly, Chris Woakes, David Willey, since May 15, 2009. respond to such brazen aggression.
citizen, subject, national or resident his chances of being included in Tom Curran, Liam Plunkett It will not apply to any pro- This elation was palpable after the
of that country. tournament hosts England’s final Pakistan: Fakhar Zaman, Imam- ceeds or assets that are involved in capture of an Indian fighter pilot.
“The State Department had not 15-man squad for the World Cup no ul-Haq, Babar Azam, Haris Sohail, or derived from the commission of a The second should have been in-
clarified the extent of these sanc- harm with a return of four wickets Sarfraz Ahmed (capt/wkt), Asif Ali, criminal offence. It will also not ap- trospection at the behavior of the
tions, though it said that it was a for 67 runs in a maximum 10 overs. Imad Wasim, Faheem Ashraf, Hasan ply to proceedings pending in any international order immediately
bilateral issue of ongoing discussion But team-mate Joe Denly’s Ali, Junaid Khan, Shaheen Shah Af- court of law, among other exclusions. following the Balakot attack. This
between the two countries. A senior World Cup chances suffered a set- ridi Under the scheme, the cash de- introspection was visible, but it was
Pakistani official at the embassy back, with the leg-spinner — play- clared will have to be deposited into short lived (the UNSC 1267 commit-
here confirmed to The News that ing in place of the rested Adil Rashid SCHEME FROM P1 a bank account. The foreign currency tee’s listing of Masood Azhar should
the discussion to resolve the matter — bowling a couple of full tosses in pillars — scope, default surcharge, held in Pakistan may be deposited have renewed its urgency). The third
was ongoing, but claimed that the a solitary over costing nine runs be- exclusions, tax rates and conditions. into the declarant’s bank account. should have been an historic effort
reports of sanctions regime were fore he was taken out of the attack by Unlike past scheme no revenue The amount will be retained in the to establish a new set of protocols in
misleading. England captain Eoin Morgan. realization projection is made on the bank account till June 30, 2019. the relationship with India that es-
“ ‘Visa matters are dealt with Warwickshire pace-bowling all- plea that it is meant for allowing the Similarly, the foreign assets re- sentially prevents anything like Bala-
on the basis of reciprocity,’ the offi- rounder Woakes made an early dou- grey economy’s inclusion in tax net. patriated to Pakistan will be depos- kot from happening ever again – not
cial said, adding that both countries ble strike to reduce Pakistan to 27 for The scheme can be availed by all ited into the individual’s own bank out of fear of India, but out of con-
remain engaged in talks to refine two after Morgan won the toss and companies, associations of persons Pak rupee account or his/her foreign fidence in the demonstrable capacity
visa related policies. He said the decided to let England chase — they and individuals only to whiten their currency bank account in Pakistan to resist, and the knowledge that any
situation was being monitored and generally prefer to bat first — ahead assets, expenditures and sales not de- or invested in Pakistan Banao Cer- future conflict could spin much fur-
had improved as a result of which of the World Cup. clared until June 30, 2018. There is no tificate or foreign currency-denomi- ther along the path of escalation than
Pakistan had revised its visa policy Woakes’s last ball of the first provision for whitening undeclared nated bonds. Balakot did, especially given the fab-
and included the United States in its over, an excellent full-length deliv- incomes both domestic and foreign. The foreign liquid assets not re- ric of this new India.
list of countries whose businessmen ery, had Fakhar edging to second slip The government has for the first patriated to Pakistan will be depos- This last one – a historic effort to
can avail themselves of long-term where Test skipper Joe Root held a time given another one-year time pe- ited in the declarant’s foreign bank establish a new set of norms with In-
visas and even on-arrival visa facili- juggled catch. riod to people for payment of taxes account on or before June 30, 2019. dia – was not possible because of the
ties. Number three Babar Azam was with additional different default sur- The State Bank of Pakistan will timing of the Balakot attack. It came
“The embassy official also said then clean bowled by a Woakes off- charge rates on a quarterly basis un- notify the mode and manner of repa- weeks before the Indian general elec-
there were no such sanctions im- cutter. til June 30, 2020. This facility will be triation of assets to Pakistan, deposit tion. Next week, the elections end,
posed, but the matter was about But new batsman Haris Sohail available only to those people who of tax in foreign currency through and India will have a newly-elected
some individuals and after which was quickly into his stride in ideal will first declare their assets until June SBP and method of conversion of government.
both sides had clarified their posi- batting conditions on a sunny day. 30, 2019. values of assets held outside Pakistan Ramadan is the month of mira-
tions and since have been in dis- The left-hander hit two superbly Under the scheme, assets within in Pak rupees. cles. Amidst the gloom of Pakistan’s
cussions to resolve the issue.” – The timed fours off successive Woakes the country and abroad (except for The assets declaration scheme return to crisis, there shines the hope
News International deliveries through point and then real estate) can be whitened at a rate was evolved on the request of rep- that a responsible handling of rela-
drove David Willey through the cov- of four per cent. The whitened cash resentatives of the Karachi Cham- tions with Afghanistan and with In-
CARD FROM P1 ers for a boundary. assets will have to be kept in Pakistani ber of Commerce and Industry who dia may yield a historic peace and
will be the Pakistanis who have been But Sohail’s excellent run-a-ball bank accounts. For people wanting to met prime minister Imran Khan on stability. Pakistan has survived crises
living there [and] are aware of their 41 came to an unfortunate end when, keep their whitened money abroad, a March 5, 2019. Thereafter, the pre- in much worse conditions than to-
language... they can invest in small called through for a single by Imam, rate of 6pc will be charged. mier asked former finance minister day. The promise and the hope now
and medium-sized businesses and he was run out by bowler Tom Cur- For the declaration of real estate, Asad Umar to devise a scheme. is that those conditions themselves
employ other Pakistanis without re- ran kicking the ball onto the strik- its value will be considered 150pc of can be made much better.
lying on local partners,” Rizwan-ul- er’s-end stumps. the FBR-assigned value to bring it at HOPE FROM P10 (The writer is an analyst and
Haq, a former ambassador to Saudi Pakistan were then 95 for three par with the market rate. Similarly, (including Pakistan), and the second commentator. The News Interna-
Arabia, told the publication. in the 17th over. the value of real estate will be con- is to respond positively to legitimate tional)