Page 1 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
P. 1

Vol.  33/41   Rabi ul Awal 28, 1445                                      Friday, October 13, 2023                                                                                      US & Canada $1.00

       PAGE  6                               PAGE  10                             PAGE  21

        The Influence of                     ‘Don’t Give up, Time                      Actress                         For news, updated
        Social Media on                      of Trial to End Soon’:                 Sadia Imam in                      round the clock,visit
       Children’s Growth                       Imran’s Message                      Communication
        and Development                         to Supporters                         with Jinns                       www.PakistanLink

                                           Things Moving from Minus-1

                                                      to Minus-2 Situation

                                               n By Ansar Abbasi
                                        ISLAMABAD: As the present situa-
       Jordan’s  King  Abdullah  II  meets  with   tion develops, the 2024 general elec-                                    A protester holds a placard during a dem-
       Palestinian  President  Mahmoud  Abbas   tions may see the top two politicians                                       onstration in Lahore on Thursday — AFP
       in Amman                         of the country -- Imran Khan and
       Palestinian President Abbas      Nawaz Sharif -- not eligible to con-                                                World Intervention Needed
                                        test the polls.
       Condemns Violence against          Presently,  both  are  disqualified                                                 to End Gaza Hostilities:
          Civilians on Both Sides       to contest elections or from holding                                                       Foreign Office
                                        any public office. Generally, minus-
       RAMALLAH: Palestinian President Mah-  one has recently been discussed vis-                                          ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has strongly con-
       moud Abbas condemned violence against   a-vis Imran Khan and it was specu-                                          demned  the  “indiscriminate  and  dispro-
       civilians  on  Thursday  in  the  wake  of  the   lated  that  Nawaz  Sharif  would  be   PTI chief Imran Khan and PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif — AFP  portionate  use  of  force”  by  Israeli  forces
       devastating  attack  by  Hamas  gunmen  on   able to clear his convictions to take                                  against the civilian population in Gaza and
       Israel  and  the  relentless  bombardment  of   part in the upcoming polls.  to clear his conviction.  ultra  vires  the  Constitution.  With  called for an urgent intervention by global
       the Gaza Strip by Israeli jets that followed.  The PML-N still believes so but   The SC though upheld the Act,  the right to retrospective appeal de- powers to cease hostilities.
         The comments, made during a visit to   the  latest  verdict  of  the  Supreme  did not endorse its Sub-section (2)  nied, Nawaz Sharif could not appeal   “We are deeply concerned over the fast-
       Jordan, come ahead of a meeting with US   Court  of  Pakistan  on  SC’s  Prac- of Section 5, which was about grant- against his lifetime disqualification  deteriorating and dire humanitarian situa-
       Secretary of State Antony Blinken and   tices and Procedures Act 2023 has  ing a right of appeal retrospectively.  from participation in politics.  tion in Gaza due to the inhumane blockade
              (Continued on page 12)    dampened  Nawaz  Sharif’s  chances  The  said  sub-section  was  declared   (Continued on page 19)  (Continued on page 8)

                                         Palestinians Flee Northern Gaza after Israel Orders

                                             1 million to Evacuate as Ground Attack Looms

                                                                                                flee en masse would be calamitous,
                                                                                                and it urged Israel to reverse the un-
                                                                                                precedented directive. As airstrikes
       Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa —                                                hammered the territory throughout   Malala Yousafzai at the National Portrait
       DawnNewsTV                                                                               the day, families in cars, trucks and   Gallery in London
                                                                                                donkey carts packed with blankets
       Law Aimed at Clipping CJP’s                                                              and  possessions  streamed  down  a   Malala Calls for ‘Immediate
         Wings ‘Sustained as Being                                                              main road out of Gaza City.        Ceasefire’ amid
                                                                                                  Hamas’  media  office  said  war-
              Constitutional’                                                                   planes  struck  cars  fleeing  south,   Israel-Hamas Conflict
                                                                                                killing more than 70 people, while
       ISLAMABAD:  The  Supreme  Court,  in  a                                                  Israel’s military said that its troops  LONDON: Amid a polarizing conflict, ad-
       full court session on Wednesday, ruled that                                              had  conducted  temporary  raids  in  vocate Malala Yousafzai made a point with
       the SC (Practice & Procedure) Act, 2023 —  Palestinians leave their homes following Israeli airstrikes in Rafah refugee   Gaza to battle militants. Israel said  which most people would agree.
       which requires a committee of senior judges  camp, southern Gaza Strip, Thursday, Oct 12, 2023 - AP Photo/Hatem Ali  its  soldiers  also  hunted  for  traces   On Tuesday, the Nobel Peace Prize win-
       to form benches for constitutional matters                                               of  some  150  people  abducted  in  ner posted a statement to social media call-
       and suo motu notices — was “sustained as   JERUSALEM  (AP):  Palestinians  besieged  territory  ahead  of  an  ex- Hamas’ brutal surprise attack nearly  ing for “an immediate ceasefire” of the vio-
       being constitutional” and rejected petitions   fled in a mass exodus from northern  pected ground invasion against the  a week ago.  lence that erupted over the weekend when
       against the law in a majority verdict.  Gaza  Friday  after  Israel’s  military  ruling Hamas militant group.  Hamas told people to ignore the  the militant group Hamas breached Israel’s
         Reading the reserved verdict, Chief Jus  told some 1 million people to evacu-  The  UN  warned  that  ordering  evacuation order, and families in   borders with a multi-pronged attack, kill
              (Continued on page 12)    ate toward the southern part of the  almost half the Gaza population to   (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 12)

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