Page 1 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
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Vol. 34/23  Dhu al-Hijjah 1, 1445 AH                                      Friday, June 7, 2024                                                                                   US & Canada $1.00

       PAGE  4                               PAGE  6                              PAGE  20

                                                  Elections                                                            For news, updated
          A Champion                               2024 -                               Summer
          of Pakistan’s                           What Lies                           Extravaganza                     round the clock,visit
           Minorities                              Ahead                                                               www.PakistanLink

                                            Pakistan Wins Non-Permanent

                                           Seat on UNSC with Big Majority

                                        NEW  YORK:  After  months  of
                                        hectic  campaigning,  Pakistan  on
                                        Thursday  was  elected  with  a  mas-
          State Dept Says It’s for      sive  majority  as  a  non-permanent                                                  New Cases to Be Lodged
                                        member of the UN Security Coun-
        Pakistani Courts to Decide      cil (UNSC), the world body’s power                                                       against Imran, Says
            Imran Khan’s Cases          center, pledging to make its contri-                                                Sanaullah after Cipher Relief
                                        bution  to  meeting  the  grave  chal-
       WASHINGTON: In response to a question   lenges facing the world.                                                    ISLAMABAD:  Reacting  to  Pakistan
       regarding  Pakistan  Tehreek-e-Insaf  (PTI)   Pakistan, which was unopposed,                                        Tehreek-e-Insaf  (PTI)  founder’s  relief  in
       founder  Imran  Khan’s  incarceration,  US   garnered 182 votes in the 193-mem-                                     multiple cases including cipher, Adviser to
       Department  of  State  Spokesperson  Mat-  ber General Assembly — far more                                          Prime Minister on Political and Public Af-
       thew Miller Monday said it was something   than the required 124 votes repre-                                       fairs Rana Sanaullah has said that new cases
       that Pakistani courts had to decide and not   senting a two-thirds majority.  Pakistan’s delegation at the vote for new UN Security Council members   will be lodged against Imran Khan in the
       the United States.                 Loud  applause  rang  out  in  the  on Thursday — UN                             coming days.
         “It is our position that when you come to   iconic hall of the General Assembly                                      Sanaullah, the former security czar, told
       these laws in Pakistan and this court case,   when its president, Dennis Francis,  Malta,  Mozambique,  and  Switzer- which currently occupies the Asian  Geo  News  “Capital  Talk”  anchor  bluntly
       it is something for the Pakistani courts to   announced the winners of the five  land whose terms end on December  seat, on January 1, 2025, to begin a  that the PTI founder’s release was not de-
       decide,” said the US official while giving his   non-permanent  seats  —  Pakistan,  31. He congratulated them on their  two-year term, its eighth.  pendent on his iddat case’s verdict. He ad-
       country’s position about the sub   Denmark, Greece, Panama, and So- victory.               As Munir Akram, Pakistan’s per  mitted that an accused is given the benefit
              (Continued on page 6)     malia — to replace Japan, Ecuador,   Pakistan  will  replace  Japan,   (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 12)

                                                Live Streaming of Imran Khan’s Court

                                         Appearance Not against Law: Justice Minallah

                                                                                                the law as there is “no substantive
                                                                                                reason” to deny the public the right
                                                                                                to have access to court proceedings.
        Modi Proclaims Victory as                                                                 The apex court judge made this  Fans cool off pilgrims at the Grand Mosque
        Opposition Alliance Makes                                                               observation in a dissenting note is-  in Makkah on Tuesday —AFP
                                                                                                sued on Wednesday on the Khyber
               Massive Gains                                                                    Pakhtunkhwa  government’s  peti-  Above-Average Heat
                                                                                                tion  seeking  live  streaming  of  the   Forecast during Haj Days
       DELHI:  In  the  end  it  was  not  quite  the                                           hearing  of  the  National  Account-
       landslide  mandate  that  incumbent  Prime                                               ability  Bureau  (NAB)  amendment  RIYADH: The Saudi government said on
       Minister  Narendra  Modi  and  his  Hindu                                                case.                      Tuesday pilgrims can expect average high
       nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had                                               Last week, the Supreme Court in  temperatures of 44 degrees Celsius during
       anticipated or that exit polls had predicted.                                            a detailed verdict stated that broad- Haj, which last year saw thousands of cases
       However,  by  Wednesday  morning  it  was                                                casting of the court proceedings of  of heat stress.
       clear that Modi remains the dominant force   A combination of images released by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)   cases  involving  politicians  can  be   “The expected climate for Haj this year
       in  Indian  politics  and  has  won  a  historic   shows former prime minister Imran Khan during his appearance via   used  for  political  “point-scoring”.  will  witness  an  increase  in  average  tem-
       third term as the country’s Prime Minister.  video-link before the Supreme Court on May 16, 2024 —PTI  Justice Minallah however, disagreed  peratures of one-and-a-half to two degrees
         Far from the pre-election sloganeering                                                 with the majority 4-1 judgment.  above  normal  in  Makkah  and  Madina,”
       that predicted 400 seats out of 543 in India’s   ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court Jus- ances  of  Pakistan  Tehreek-e-Insaf   It may be noted that an investi- National Meteorology Center chief Ayman
       lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha,   tice Athar Minallah has maintained  (PTI)  founder  Imran  Khan  in  the  gation was launched by the SC ad  Ghulam told a press conference.
              (Continued on page 12)    that live streaming the court appear- NAB amendment case is not against   (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 12)

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