Page 9 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 9

PAKISTAN                                                                                                                  PAKISTAN  LINK - JUNE 7, 2024 - P9
        n By Asif Shahzad and Ariba Shahid                                                                                    his rivals led by Prime Minister Shehbaz
                                            Imran Acquitted of Leaking State Secrets                                          Sharif.

       ISLAMABAD: A high court in Pakistan               Charges, but to Stay in Jail                                            The  government,  which  says  Khan
       overturned jailed former Prime Minister                                                                                broke clauses of the state secrets law by
       Imran Khan’s conviction on charges of                                                                                  revealing contents of a secret diplomatic
       leaking state secrets, his lawyer and his                                                made by Bibi’s former husband, accord- cable,  said  prosecutors  were  awaiting
       party said on Monday, but Khan will re-                                                  ing to Khan’s lawyers.        the detailed decision before deciding if
       main in prison for now due to a convic-                                                     “We will celebrate this victory,” an- they would appeal against the acquittal
       tion in another case.                                                                    other one of his lawyers, Ali Zafar, said  in the Supreme Court.
         Khan,  71,  had  been  sentenced  to                                                   in a TV interview, adding that the other   “It is a fact that a national security
       10 years in prison by a lower court on                                                   cases faced by Khan would result in ac- document  was  used  for  political  pur-
       charges of making public a classified ca-                                                quittals too.                 poses,” government spokesman for legal
       ble sent to Islamabad by Pakistan’s am-                                                  ‘Huge Victory’                issues Aqeel Malik said in a press con-
       bassador in Washington in 2022. He has                                                      “It’s a huge political and legal victo- ference  after  the  decision,  adding  that
       been in jail since August last year.                                                     ry,” journalist and political analyst Ma- the government would not compromise
         He had challenged the conviction in                                                    zhar Abbas told Reuters, but cautioned  on national security. - Reuters
       Islamabad High Court, which said in an                                                   that it would be premature to say that   AFP  adds:  The  decision  by  a  two-
       order on Monday that an “instant appeal                                                  Khan would be released anytime soon.  member  bench  at  Islamabad  High
       is allowed”, adding Imran Khan was ac-                                                      Khan is also named as an accused in  Court was announced by Chief Justice
       quitted of the charges.                                                                  several other cases, including charges of  Aamer Farooq, an AFP court reporter
         Shah  Mehmood  Qureshi,  Khan’s                                                        inciting violence against the state.  witnessed.
       foreign minister during his tenure from   File photo: Former Prime Minister Imran Khan, gestures as he addresses   He has been at odds with the coun-  “This  is  the  first  big  case  which
       2018-2022,  was  also  acquitted  of  the  the media in Lahore                           try’s  powerful  military,  accusing  it  of  was  part  of  the  political  victimization
       charges, in what is a major victory for                                                  targeting him and his party. The military  against  Imran  Khan  and  Shah  Mah-
       the jailed leader.            his government in 2022 after he visited  Khan, a former cricket star, will remain  denies this and has called for Khan and  mood Qureshi which has been dashed
         “Thank  God,  the  sentence  is  over- Moscow  just  before  Russia’s  invasion  in prison serving a seven-year sentence  his supporters to be tried for attacking  to the ground,” Salman Safdar, a lawyer
       turned,”  a  spokesman  for  legal  affairs  of Ukraine. Washington and Pakistan’s  over  another  case  relating  to  his  mar- state installations during violent protests  for Khan’s party, told AFP outside the
       from  Khan’s  Pakistan  Tehreek-e-Insaf  military deny that accusation.  riage  to  his  third  wife,  Bushra  Khan,  against Khan’s initial arrest last year.  court…
       party, Naeem Panjutha, said in a post on   The state secrets case was one of four  also known as Bushra Bibi, which con-  Khan  and  his  party,  the  Pakistan   Despite Khan’s recent success in the
       the X social media platform shortly after  in which Khan was convicted just ahead  travened Islamic traditions.  Tehreek-e-Insaf, was banned from con- courts, however, his political role hinges
       the  Islamabad  High  Court  announced  of Pakistan’s national election in Febru-  A  ruling  on  the  couple’s  appeal  testing the February election, but can- on his relationship with the military, Gi-
       its decision.                 ary. In two other of those cases the sen- against the sentence was postponed last  didates backed by the jailed leader still  lani added.
         Khan has said the classified cable was  tences have since been suspended while  week  and  the  proceedings  transferred  won the most seats. They did not have   “If he continues his pace of current
       proof  of  a  conspiracy  by  the  Pakistan  he appeals.    to another court after a judge recused  the  numbers  to  form  a  government,  confrontation  with  the  military,  the
       military and US government to topple   But  despite  Monday’s  acquittal,  himself following an accusation of bias  which was instead led by an alliance of  chance of a comeback are limited.”

       Insaf  (PTI)  Secretary  General  Omar  Controversial X Post: Omar Ayub Refuses to                                     at persecution of [the] most popular
       ISLAMABAD:  Pakistan  Tehreek-e-
                                                                                                                              leader of the country Imran Khan and
       Ayub on Wednesday refused to appear                                                                                    our client who is the Secretary Gen-
       before the Federal Investigation Agen-       Appear before FIA Probe Team                                              eral of his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-
       cy (FIA) team in a probe related to the                                                                                Insaf.” At present, the response said,
       controversial X post on the 1971 war.                                                                                  Ayub is busy with the pre-budget con-
         Ayub, in the response sent through  who  was  the  true  traitor,  General                                           sultative process as well as appearing
       his legal team, said that he could not  Yahya Khan or Sheikh Mujibur Rah-                                              in dozens of false cases of terrorism
       appear before the body as he was busy  man.”                                                                           registered against him in many areas
       with  a  pre-budget  engagement  and   While  Hasan  and  Gohar  reached                                               of the country.
       appearing in courts as he was nomi- the office, Ayub told the FIA that he                                                 Ayub,  providing  reasons  for  his
       nated in several terrorism cases.   was busy and termed the show-cause                                                 non-appearance,  asked  the  agency
         The  development  came  after  the  notice  “defamatory”  and  said  that                                            to  provide  a  copy  of  the  Hamoodur
       FIA  had  asked  him,  along  with  PTI  “unlawful  questions”  were  asked                                            Rehman Commission Report to him
       Chairman Barrister Gohar Khan and  “without  referring  to  any  specific                                              and give reasonable time and warned
       Information  Secretary  Raoof  Hasan,  query”.                                                                         the FIA that he would lodge cases in
       to appear before the FIA Cyber Crime   He  added  that  the  notice  was  ex-                                          the courts as well as raise the issue in
       Reporting Center on Wednesday “in  tensively  publicized  on  mainstream                                               the parliament.
       the interest of justice”.     and  social  media,  thereby  “causing                                                      The  development  comes  after  the
         The FIA’s cybercrime team started  harassment,  unwarranted  intimida-                                               FIA’s cybercrime team started an in-
       an  investigation  into  the  post  on  X  tion and injurious propaganda”.  Pakistan  Tehreek-e-Insaf  (PTI)  Secretary  General  Omar  Ayub  —  Face-  vestigation into a post on X, formerly
       which  was  attributed  to  the  former   The  response  noted  that  the  book/@Omar Ayub Khan                        Twitter,  which  was  attributed  to  the
       prime minister Imran Khan.    FIA  is  neither  an  outfit  of  histo-                                                 former prime minister.
         The  post  read:  “Every  Pakistani  rians  nor  is  above  the  Supreme  Smoke rises after a fire broke out at the Margalla Hills National Park in   The agency also sent notices to the
       should study the Hamood ur Rahman  Court and two high courts whose  Islamabad, May 31, 2024 – Photo  Reuters/Gibran Peshimam  PTI leaders, summoning them before
       Commission Report and get to know  judges gave the Hamoodur Rehm- an Commission report.     “Therefore,  this  notice  is  aimed  the probe agency. - The News

                n By Reuters                                                                                                  abad, Kallar Kahar, also saw fire engulf
       ISLAMABAD:    Authorities  in  Paki-  Pakistan Battles Forest Fires Amidst Heat Wave                                   25  acres  of  grassland,  the  province's
       stan  battled  forest  fires  in  multiple                                                                             disaster  management  (PDMA)  said,
       areas, including the capital Islamabad,                                                                                adding  that  the  flames,  which  had
       on  Friday  as  the  country  grappled  to douse the fire," a police official in                                       spread rapidly, had been contained.
       with heat waves and dry weather.  Islamabad, Sohail Khan, told Reuters,                                                   "The Kalar Kahar forest fire might
         Officials  are  yet  to  confirm  if  the  adding  that  it  was  not  certain  if  the                              be  a  heat-related  eruption,"  PDMA
       fires are related to the high tempera- fires were heat-related or cases of ar-                                         spokesman Mazhar Hussain told Re-
       tures or due to arson.        son.                                                                                     uters.
         Parts  of  Pakistan  have  seen  tem-  A  spokesman  for  the  Islamabad                                                Forest fires were also seen in Lower
       peratures as high as 52.2 degrees cen- police said they were investigating the                                         Dir, 250 km (155 miles) northwest of
       tigrade (126 F) over the last week with  reasons for the fire and a special team                                       Islamabad, local resident Mohammad
       South Asia sweltering in a hotter sum- had been formed for the probe by the                                            Jalil  told  Reuters  by  phone,  adding
       mer this year - a trend scientists say  city's police chief.                                                           that  the  flames  had  begun  engulfing
       has been worsened by human-driven   A member of the Islamabad Wild-                                                    hundreds  of  trees  four  days  ago  and
       climate change.               life  Board,  Waqar  Zakaria,  said  the                                                 were yet to be controlled.
         Plumes  of  smoke  could  be  seen  fire could be a case of "willful arson",                                            Pakistan  is  seen  by  global  orga-
       rising  from  a  raging  fire  in  the  hills  adding  that  high  temperatures  have                                  nizations as one of the most vulner-
       of  Islamabad  with  temperatures  hit- continued longer than usual and May                                            able  countries  to  extreme  weather
       ting 41 degrees centigrade on Friday  has  been  drier  than  normal,  leading                                         and climate change. In 2022, floods
       afternoon.                    to fires spreading faster because of dry                                                 wreaked havoc in the country, kill-
         "It is difficult to get a fire brigade  vegetation.                                                                  ing over 1,700 people and displacing
       there; rescue officials are trying how   An area in Punjab close to Islam-                                             millions. - Reuters
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