Page 12 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
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P12 - PAKISTAN  LINK - JUNE 7, 2024                                                                                                         PAKISTAN

       New Cases to Be Lodged against Imran,  hbaz Sharif expressed his delight and  for a third consecutive time! This is a  Rawalpindi’s  Adiala  Jail  since  August  Haider  Mastoi  and  cameraman  Khan
         Says Sanaullah after Cipher Relief  congratulated the nation on the devel- historical feat in India’s history. I bow  last year after he was sentenced in the  Muhammad  Pitafi  in  the  southern
            (Continued from page 1)  opment.                       to the Janata Janardan [the electorate]  Toshakhana case. Despite being grant- Sindh province.
       of doubt under Pakistan’s laws.  “Proud  moment  as  Pakistan  re- for this affection and assure them that  ed relief in several cases he was booked   On May 30, armed men shot jour-
         He  was  of  the  view  that  the  iddat  ceives  a  resounding  182  votes  and  is  we will continue the good work done  in after his ouster from power in April  nalist  Chaudhry  Ikhlaq  in  the  coun-
       case was being termed as a “personal  elected  to  the  United  Nations  Secu- in the last decade to keep fulfilling the  2022, the PTI founder remains behind  try’s eastern province Punjab.
       affair” of a political leader, however, a  rity Council for the term 2025-26,” the  aspirations of people.”  bars owing to his conviction in the id-  “Prime  Minister  Shehbaz  Sharif’s
       public personality has no personal af- prime minister wrote on X.  The  BJP  returned  to  power  on  a  dat case.     government  must  stop  this  alarming
       fairs. The former interior minister said   “Our  election  to  the  council  with  manifesto that extolled its governance   In  his  dissenting  note  comprising  rise  in  attacks  against  journalists  and
       that Khan was nominated in the cases  such  overwhelming  support  of  UN  and economic progress since the Modi  13 pages, the justice said that there was  end  this  cycle  of  impunity  that  fuels
       in  which  confessions  were  made  for  member  states  at  this  critical  time  wave that began in 2014 and continued  no substantive reason nor exceptional  a culture of violence against Pakistan
       their crimes.                 bears  testament  to  the  international  in  the  2019  general  election.  India’s  circumstances to deny the public their  media,” CPJ Asia Program Coordina-
         Sanaullah admitted that new cases  community’s  confidence  in  Pakistan’s  economy is now the fastest growing of  right to have access to court proceed- tor Beh Lih Yi said in a statement.
       would  be  filed  in  the  days  to  come.  diplomatic standing as well as to our  any major country and there have been  ings through live streaming.  CPJ is investigating if the journal-
       Pointing out the former premier’s con- commitment to global peace & secu- infrastructure  and  organizational  im-  He  said  that  the  deposed  prime  ists were attacked for their reporting.
       troversial  X  post  on  the  1971  fall  of  rity,” he said.  provements. At the same time though,  minister  was  the  founder  and  undis- - VOA
       Dhaka, he signaled that a case could be   “We look forward to working with  there are growing disparities between  puted leader of a major political party
       lodged against the former premier for  the  international  community  to  ad- rich and poor, and India’s total GDP re- — the PTI.  70-Year-Old Man Dies from Blasphemy
       posting the controversial video.  dress  pressing  global  challenges.  We  mains about one-sixth of that of neigh-  Citing  the  principles  enunciated   Mob Assault Injuries
         “Every  Pakistani  should  study  the  will continue to play our role in pro- bor and rival China.  by  a  larger  bench  of  the  apex  court,   (Continued from page 10)
       Hamood ur Rahman Commission Re- moting  peace,  stability  and  coopera-  India’s stock markets reacted nega- the judge stated that the public has a  president  of  the  Church  of  Pakistan,
       port and get to know who was the true  tion among nations”. - APP  tively,  with  the  Sensex  and  Nifty  50  fundamental right under Article 19-A  said in a statement posted on X Mon-
       traitor, General Yahya Khan or Sheikh                       indices each falling nearly 6% on Tues- of  the  Constitution  to  have  access  to  day.
       Mujibur Rahman,” the post read.     Above-Average Heat      day, in reaction to the denting of Modi’s  information in its original jurisdiction   “The  question  is  when  will  those
         Last week, the Federal Investigation   Forecast during Haj Days  aura  of  invincibility  and  the  possible  under Article 184(3) of the Constitu- who  make  a  change  and  those  who
       Agency’s  (FIA)  anti-cybercrime  team   (Continued from page 1)  impact on economic decision-making.  tion, including the right to know and  pursue  justice  seek  truth  and  cry  for
       started an investigation into the much- The forecast indicates “relative humidi- Investment analysts warned of a period  see  how  court  proceedings  in  these  a more just and fair world? When will
       talked-about post. – The News   ty of 25 percent, rain rates close to zero,  of stock market volatility while politi- cases are conducted by the court.  those lives rise up for the sake of Paki-
                                     average maximum temperature 44 de- cal horse-trading was ongoing.  “It  becomes  inevitable  for  this  stan’s  own?”  Marshall  asked.  ‘’We  lift
          Pakistan Wins Non-Permanent   grees”, he said.             From  an  entertainment  industry  court to walk the extra mile to ensure  our voices in lament, regret, solidarity,
          Seat on UNSC with Big Majority  There  was  “a  need  for  sufficient  perspective, the BJP government’s big- transparency  and  enforcement  of  the  and for an honest plea for justice.”
            (Continued from page 1)  quantities of water to cover daily con- gest achievement was its 2022 imple- guaranteed  right  under  Article  19-A   Police have arrested dozens of sus-
       manent  representative  to  the  UN,  sumption  as  temperatures  rise”,  the  mentation  of  a  30%  reimbursement  of  the  Constitution  by  giving  access  pects in connection with the mob at-
       emerged from the hall, an APP corre- meteorology  chief  said.  He  said  food  scheme  for  international  productions  to the public to the court proceedings  tack  under  Pakistan’s  anti-terrorism
       spondent  asked  him  about  Pakistan’s  for pilgrims should be transported in  shooting in India. This went up to 40%  through live streaming,” Justice Minal- law. They had also launched an inves-
       priorities and goals as a member of the  refrigerators so that it does not spoil.  in 2023 and the cap limit for the reim- lah  stated,  adding  that  the  denial  of  tigation  into  the  blasphemy  charges
       15-member council.              Last  year  more  than  1.8  million  bursement was also significantly raised  access  to  the  court  proceedings  will  against Masih.
         He  said  Pakistan’s  election  “repre- pilgrims  performed  Haj,  official  fig- from a maximum of $300,000 to $3.5  unjustifiably give rise to suspicions and   Blasphemy is a highly sensitive is-
       sents the confidence of the internation- ures showed. More than 2,000 people  million, with an additional 5% rebate  erode the confidence of the people in  sue in Pakistan, and mere allegations
       al  community  in  Pakistan’s  ability  to  suffered heat stress after temperatures  bonus for significant Indian content.  this court.  have  led  to  mobs  lynching  dozens  of
       promote  the  purposes  and  principles  soared to 48 degrees Celsius.  The  BJP’s  2024  manifesto  did  not   “It is an obligation for this court to  suspects  —  even  some  in  police  cus-
       of the UN Charter”.             However,  the  real  number  of  heat  directly address the media. Instead, it  be seen as impartial, fair and indepen- tody.  Insulting  the  Qur’an  or  Islamic
         Pakistan, Ambassador Akram said,  stress  cases  —  which  includes  heat- promised  several  actions  that  would  dent and to dispel any perception to the  beliefs  is  punishable  by  death  under
       would actively work with other mem- stroke, exhaustion, cramps, and rashes  indirectly help the film and media in- contrary. The trust of the people will be  the country’s blasphemy laws, though
       ber countries of the council to advance  —  was  probably  far  higher,  as  many  dustry,  including  further  infrastruc- maintained and promoted by enabling  no one has ever been executed.
       the shared objectives.        sufferers were not admitted to hospi- ture and transport improvements and  them to know and see for themselves   The  Sargodha  incident  revived
         In  this  regard,  he  especially  high- tals or clinics.  innovation in AI.           the court proceedings,” he stated.  memories of one of the worst attacks
       lighted Pakistan’s ambition to contrib-  At least 240 people, many from In-  The Congress manifesto on the oth-  Moreover, Justice Minallah said that  on Christians in August 2023 in Jaran-
       ute meaningfully to the prevention of  donesia,  died  during  the  pilgrimage,  er hand did address the media directly,  all the cases heard under Article 184(3)  wala, another city in the central Punjab
       conflicts and their peaceful settlement  according  to  figures  announced  by  promising to amend the Press Coun- had been live-streamed after the suc- province, the country’s most populous.
       in line with the UN Charter.  various countries that did not specify  cil  of  India  Act,  1978  “to  strengthen  cessful execution of a pilot project re-  That  attack  involved  thousands
         Pakistan’s earlier terms on the coun- causes of death.    the  system  of  self-regulation,  protect  garding the live-streaming of cases.  of  Muslim  protesters  attacking  a
       cil were in 2012-13, 2003-04, 1993-94,   Saudi authorities take steps to miti- journalistic  freedoms,  uphold  edito-  “[…] denial of this guaranteed right  Christian  settlement  and  burning  21
       1983-84, 1976-77, 1968-69 and 1952- gate the effects of heat, including pro- rial  independence  and  guard  against  will amount to violating the principles  churches  as  well  as  damaging  more
       53.                           viding air-conditioned tents and mist- government  interference.”  The  Con- laid down in the Justice Qazi Faez Isa  than 90 properties over allegations two
         Pakistan joins the UNSC at a time  ing systems. - AFP     gress also said it would pass a law to  case,” the note read.  Christian brothers had desecrated the
       of  great  international  upheaval  and                     curb monopolies in the media, cross-  In  its  detailed  verdict,  the  apex  Qur’an.
       challenges and plans to pay special at-  Modi Proclaims Victory as Opposition   ownership of different segments of the  court  had  said  in  reference  to  Khan   The  violence  prompted  several
       tention to the promotion of peace and   Alliance Makes Massive Gains  media,  and  control  of  the  media  by  that when the head of a political party  Christian families to flee their homes.
       security in South Asia; upholding the   (Continued from page 1)  business organizations.  wants to be heard, who is not an advo- A  subsequent  police  crackdown  ar-
       principle of self-determination for the  the BJP-led National Democratic Alli-  “Many  new  laws  (e.g.  the  Broad- cate of this court, there is a real prob- rested scores of people, including the
       people of Palestine and Kashmir; pro- ance (NDA) managed 294 – more than  casting  Services  (Regulation)  Bill,  ability that these hearings may be used  Christians accused of blasphemy.
       moting normalization in Afghanistan;  the 272 required to form the next gov- 2023;  Digital  Personal  Data  Protec- for political purposes and point-scor-  Critics have long called for reform-
       promoting  equitable  solutions  to  the  ernment. The number was significantly  tion Act, 2023; Press and Registration  ing and in respect of matters which do  ing the blasphemy laws, saying they are
       security  challenges  in  Africa  and  en- lower than the 353 the alliance secured  of Periodicals Act, 2023, etc.) give un- not concern these appeals. – Geo News often misused to settle personal scores.
       hancement of the effectiveness of UN  in the 2019 general election.  bridled  powers  of  censorship  to  the          Hundreds of suspects, mostly Muslims,
       peacekeeping operations.        The BJP lost its outright 2019 ma- government,”  the  Congress  manifesto   Supreme Court Issues Notices   are languishing in jails in Pakistan be-
         As a non-permanent member of the  jority of 303 seats and saw its lead re- said. “The first named Bill will be with-  to 34 Channels for Airing   cause  external  pressures  deter  judges
       UNSC in the past, Pakistan has made  duced to 24 in 2024. To form the next  drawn. The restrictive provisions of the   Controversial Pressers  from moving their trials forward.
       significant  contributions  to  its  work  government and rule for a third con- two Acts will be amended or deleted to   (Continued from page 8)  “While  the  majority  of  those  im-
       aimed  at  strengthening  international  secutive term, it will need the support  eliminate backdoor censorship.”  influence judgments.  prisoned for blasphemy were Muslim,
       peace  and  security.  Over  the  last  50  of its electoral allies. At 6 am local time   Taking the theme of censorship fur-  In  April,  the  personal  documents  religious  minorities  were  dispropor-
       years, Pakistan has been a leading con- on  Wednesday  (June  5),  the  Election  ther, the Congress said it would amend  of  a  high  court  judge  and  his  family  tionately  affected,”  the  US  State  De-
       tributor to United Nations peacekeep- Commission  was  reporting  240  seats  the Cinematograph Act, 1952 to “pro- members were posted on X. The social  partment  noted  in  its  recent  annual
       ing missions.                 for Modi’s BJP, 12 for its ally the JD and  vide  that  the  Central  Board  of  Film  media  platform  has  been  suspended  report  on  human  rights  practices  in
         Currently, it has over 4,000 troops  16 for the TDP.      Certification grants graded certificates  in Pakistan since February 17, but it is  Pakistan.
       and  other  personnel  deployed  in  UN   The  Indian  National  Congress-led  to  according  to  transparent  and  rea- accessible through VPNs or virtual pri-  The  report  noted  that  Pakistani
       peacekeeping  missions  around  the  opposition  on  the  other  hand  made  sonable criteria.” - Variety   vate networks.  courts often failed to adhere to basic
       world.                        massive gains compared to 2019. Then                                                     evidentiary standards in blasphemy
         The new members will join the five  called the United Progressive Alliance,   Live Streaming of Imran Khan’s   Journalists under pressure  cases. The US report attributed the
       veto-wielding permanent members the  the  opposition  had  secured  91  seats,   Court Appearance Not against   Three  media  persons  in  recent  lack of adherence “to fear of retali-
       United  States,  Russia,  China,  United  including 52 for the Congress. In 2024,   Law: Justice Minallah  days  have  also  come  under  attack  in  ation  from  religious  groups  if  they
       Kingdom,  and  France,  and  the  five  the  Indian  National  Developmental   (Continued from page 1)  Pakistan  by  unidentified  assailants,  acquitted  blasphemy  defendants,
       countries  elected  as  non-permanent  Inclusive  Alliance  (INDIA)  won  231  ministration after an image of the for- prompting  the  Committee  to  Protect  and  most  convicted  persons  spent
       members  last  year  Algeria,  Guyana,  seats, which included 99 for the Con- mer prime minister, attending the NAB  Journalists to call on the government  years  in  jail  before  higher  courts
       South Korea, Sierra Leone, and Slove- gress.                amendments case hearing last month,  to investigate the incidents.  eventually overturned their convic-
       nia.                            Proclaiming  victory,  Modi  posted:  was released by PTI.  According to CPJ, on May 29, un- tions  or  ordered  their  release.”    -
         Prime  Minister  Muhammad  She- “People have placed their faith in NDA,   Khan  has  been  incarcerated  in  identified  gunmen  shot  journalist  Voice of America
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