Page 15 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 15
n By Elaine Pasquini Uzbekistan Embassy Celebrates enthusiastic audience. Gray has been
Photos by Phil Pasquini the artistic director and choreographer
Washington, DC Women’s Uzbek Dance Traditions for the Silk Road Dance Company in
Washington, DC since 1995.
urqat Sidiqov, Ambassador In closing, Ambassador Sidiqov
of Uzbekistan to the United thanked Gray, the dancers and the au-
FStates, hosted an evening cel- region has a different character, differ- struggle of women dancers to perform at the Uzbekistan State Institute of dience, emphasizing that “The strong
ebration of Uzbek dance at the em- ent history, and completely different on a concert stage and be a vital part of Arts and Culture in Tashkent, Uz- women of Uzbekistan make Uzbeki-
bassy on May 22, 2024. Dr Laurel Vic- dance styles,” Gray told the audience society, she stressed it was “a very dif- bekistan. stan strong.”
toria Gray, author of Women’s Dance of diplomats, scholars, ethnic dance ficult journey.” “It’s wonderful to share a lifetime Following the presentation, guests
Traditions of Uzbekistan: Legacy of enthusiasts, students, journalists and Gray devoted one chapter in her passion of mine and what I think is the enjoyed delicious Uzbek cuisine, in-
the Silk Road, was the honored guest. friends of Uzbekistan gathered in the book to musical instruments and great national resource of Uzbekistan, cluding plov, the iconic national dish
The result of her 55 years of re- embassy’s grand drawing room. the importance of the many unusu- and that is its women,” she said. of long-grain rice, vegetables and meat.
search and exploration in Uzbekistan The book also explores the dances al rhythms found in Uzbek music Members of the Silk Road Dance And prior to departing, attendees
and around the world, Gray’s endeavor of other regions and cultures, includ- and dance. Company delighted the audience with mingled with the author and dancers,
on the roots of Uzbek dance tradi- ing Karakalpak, Turkmen, and Tatars. The author is a professor of world performances illustrating the dance as well as Ambassador Sidiqov and em-
tions is the first comprehensive book “Every culture dances,” Gray noted. dance at George Washington Uni- genres described in the book which bassy attachés.
in English that delves into the origins Different chapters highlight the versity and a past adjunct professor Gray elaborated on in her presenta- (Elaine Pasquini is a freelance
of the three major regional styles of pioneers of Uzbek women’s dance who of Dance of the Islamic World at tion. The dancers’ rendition of the journalist. Her reports appear in the
Uzbek women’s choreography, namely, drew from Central Asian folk tradi- George Mason University. In 2007, Bukharan choreography, in particular, Washington Report on Middle East
Ferghana, Khiva, and Bukhara. “Each tions. Describing the decades-long she was named Honorary Professor drew thunderous applause from the Affairs and Nuze.Ink.)
Pray-In for Gaza at Senator
Padilla’s Office Calls for Peace
n Report and photos
by Phil Pasquini Israel, the release of all hostages and jured, or wounded as starvation looms
political prisoners, and for the immedi- over the remaining refugees as they are
ate resumption of humanitarian aid to continually forced to move as the war
SAN FRANCISCO: Human rights Gazans. grinds on.
activists assembled at San Francisco’s The senator’s other offices in San In this their second interfaith pray-
Harry Bridge’s Plaza Diego and Los Angeles were also the in and fast, 77 faith communities from
on May 31 before scene of similar protests. diverse backgrounds including, Bud-
marching through the Senator Padilla is being approached dhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, and
Financial District to as “a person of faith” due to his Catholic Jewish traditions from across the San
the downtown office of religion, but activists find it unaccept- Francisco Bay Area all united by de-
California’s US Senator able that he “…has ignored requests to manding that Padilla use his voice and
Alex Padilla demand- meet with a significant portion of the vote calling for immediate action in a sit-in memorial to the dead children crowd heard from several speakers
ing he use his voice and his vote to Interfaith community that he repre- Gaza and the West Bank. of Gaza by placing effigies of dead including Afaz from the Lighthouse
call for an immediate and permanent sents who are in support of a ceasefire The large crowd took over the street babies wrapped in white cloth on the Mosque in Oakland. He began by in-
ceasefire in Gaza. Activists called for and halting arms sales to Israel.” This, in front of the building housing Pa- ground as a reminder of the horrific forming the crowd that there are an
him, to end his support for arms and while to date over 34,000 people have dilla’s office where mothers with their death toll among women and children. estimated 10,000 people still under
military aid along with financing for been killed with scores missing, in- children and infants in strollers created After chanting, and praying the (Continued on page 23)
Keep Your AC from Working Harder Than Needed
n By Felix Hernandez Air filter: Replacing an old or dirty serve energy. Use exterior roller shades,
air filter can improve an air condition- adjustable awnings, or even tall plants
telltale sign of summer is the er's energy efficiency by up to 15%. to shield your space from the sun.
sound of the air conditioner Fans: Little-known fact: Fans cool All about flow: Ensure clear and
A mming as it kicks on. Cen- people, not spaces. Using fans, which clean air vents for AC efficiency. Ob-
tral air, mini-splits, window and por- consume less energy than AC units, structions and dust can make your sys-
table units all consume much more allows users to raise their thermostat tem work harder.
energy than other appliances, which by two degrees and maintain the same Pre-cooling: Time-of-Use custom-
means increased usage leads to higher comfort level. Time-of-Use customers ers may save money by setting their Southern California Edison offers tips for cooling your home while saving
electric bills and added strain on the can use fans and reduce AC use during thermostat 5-6 degrees lower during on your bill
power grid. peak hours (4-9 p.m.) to save energy off-peak hours in the morning and
Take steps to keep your air condition- and money. early afternoon, then during peak If it’s time to replace your old AC For more information:
er from working harder (and using more Block the sun: Sunshine coming hours shift back to at least 78 degrees. system, consider an electric heat • Energy-efficiency rebates.
energy) than necessary. Here are some through windows raises indoor tem- Installing a smart thermostat can make pump that can offer cooling and • Reviews on smart products, pro-
cost-effective ways to stay cool while peratures significantly. Close blinds and it even easier to cool your home during heating, which comes with rebates or grams and tools.
also supporting a stable power supply. curtains at the start of hot days to con- the best time of day. tax incentives. • Energy-saving tips and resources.