Page 17 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 17
Nine Steps to Beautify Your Prayers Gems from the Holy Qur’an
and deepen our connection with Allah,
to maximize our rewards and blessings.
1. Perform our prayers with proper
Performing our prayers with proper
etiquette involves more than just the
physical act of prayer; it encompasses
a holistic approach to worship that re-
flects our reverence and devotion to
Allah. This includes observing ritu-
als such as performing wudu or ablu-
tion accurately and dressing modestly,
which symbolize our readiness to stand From the translation by them any new reminder from their
before the Divine in humility and pu- Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss) Sustainer, they but listen to it with
rity. By meticulously adhering to these playful amusement, their hearts set
Engaging in dhikr, or the remembrance of Allah, minutes before Salah rituals, we demonstrate our respect for About the translator: on passing delights; yet they who
serves as a powerful method to prepare the mind and heart for prayer the sanctity of the act of worship and Muhammad Asad, Leopold are [thus] bent on wrongdoing con-
convey our utmost sincerity to the One Weiss, was born of Jewish parents ceal their innermost thoughts [when
we are worshiping. in Livow, Austria (later Poland) they say to one another], “is this
n By Umm Ahmad will be brought to account on the Day Moreover, ensuring that the envi- in 1900, and at the age of 22 made [Muhammad] anything but a mortal
Abu Dhabi, UAE of Resurrection will be his Salah. If it ronment where we pray is conducive, his first visit to the Middle East. like yourselves? Will you, then, yield
is found to be complete then it will be is equally important. This entails se- He later became an outstand- to [his] spellbinding eloquence with
alah or prayer, is a special form recorded as complete, and if anything lecting a space that is calm and quiet, ing foreign correspondent for your eyes open?”
of obligatory worship for Mus- is lacking He will say: ‘Look and see free from distractions that may divert the Franfurter Zeitung, and after Say: “My Sustainer knows what-
Slims. Taken into retrospect it if you can find any voluntary prayers our focus from prayer. Additionally, years of devoted study became ever is spoken in heaven and on
can be seen as a journey of seeking with which to complete what he ne- maintaining cleanliness and a gentle one of the leading Muslim schol- earth; and He alone is all hearing, all-
a deeper connection with Allah, yet glected of his obligatory prayers.’ Then fragrance in the prayer area contrib- ars of our age. His translation knowing.”
many of us grapple with maintain- the rest of his deeds will be reckoned in utes to creating a sacred atmosphere of the Holy Qur’an is one of the
ing that profound sense of khushu or like manner.” conducive to spiritual contemplation most lucid and well-referenced Translator’s Notes
consciousness in it, throughout. It’s al- (Sunan An-Nasa’i) and connection with Allah. works in this category, dedicated [ 1 ] My interpolation of the words
most as if we’re constantly striving to As believers, it is crucial to acknowl- By attending to these details, we to “li-qawmin yatafakkaroon” “for Us” is based on Razi’s interpre-
anchor ourselves in devotion, only to edge that Allah, the Almighty, deserves cultivate an environment that enhanc- (people who think). Forwarded tation of the above sentence: “God
find ourselves drifting away at times. our utmost beauty and excellence in es our prayer experience, allowing us by Dr Ismat Kamal. makes it clear that He has enjoined
And perhaps, if we’re honest, most all aspects, including worship. It is He to immerse ourselves fully in worship this [i.e., prayer] upon men for their
of us would admit to experiencing alone who is worthy of our sincerest ef- and deepen our connection with the Chapter 20, Verses 132-133 own benefit alone, inasmuch as He
this struggle. But here’s the thing; ac- forts to adorn ourselves inwardly and Almighty. And bid thy people to pray, and Himself is sublimely exalted above
knowledging this struggle is not a sign outwardly when we stand before Him persevere therein. [But remember:] any [need of] benefits”. In other
of weakness, but rather a testament to in prayer. That said, it’s important not to 2. Prepare the mind before salah. We do not ask thee to provide sus- words, prayer must not be conceived
our humanity and our sincere desire become disheartened by occasional im- Imagine the moments leading up to tenance [for Us]: [ 1 ] it is We who as a kind of tribute to a “jealous God”
to draw closer to our Creator. perfections as these errors remind us of Salah as a gradual transition, akin to provide sustenance for thee. And the – as the Old Testament, in its present
our humanity before Him. Instead, we turning the pages of a book. future belongs to the God-conscious. corrupted form, frequently describes
Fulfilling the Purpose of Prayer should view these moments as oppor- Engaging in dhikr, or the remem- Now they [who are blind to the Him – but solely as a spiritual benefit
According to a narration from Abu tunities for self-reflection and growth. brance of Allah, minutes before Salah truth] are wont to say, “If [Muham- for the person who prays.
Hurairah, Allah’s beloved Messenger, Here are some useful tips on how to serves as a powerful method to prepare mad] would but produce for us a [ 2 ] I.e., “Does not the Qur’an
peace and blessings be upon him, said: attain Khushu in Salah, to help enrich the mind and heart for prayer. Just as im- miracle from his Sustainer!” [But] express the same fundamental truth
“The first thing for which a person our spiritual journey, foster fulfillment, mersing ourselves in a book before bed- has there not come unto them a clear as were expressed in the revelations
time leaves a lingering trail of thoughts, evidence [of the truth of this divine granted to the earlier prophets?” Be-
engaging in dhikr can prime our con- writ] in what is [to be found] in the yond this, the above rhetorical ques-
sciousness to focus on Allah’s presence earlier scriptures? [ 2 ] tion contains an allusion to the pre-
and attributes. As we begin to make dictions of the advent of Muhammad
dhikr a few minutes before Salah, it’s like Chapter 21, Verses 1 - 4 to be found in the earlier scriptures,
laying the groundwork for a deeper con- Closer draws unto men their e.g., in Deuteronomy xviii, 15 and 18
nection. Each invocation, each remem- reckoning: and yet they remain stub- or in John xiv, 16, xv, 26 and xvi, 7,
brance, acts as a stepping stone, paving bornly heedless [of its approach]. where Jesus speaks of the “Comfort-
the way for a more profound engage- Whenever there comes unto er” who is to come after him.
ment with our Creator, during prayer.
Moreover, incorporating the Ad-
han, or call to prayer, into our daily sound, we not only fulfill the require- over you. Incorporate this conscious-
routine can serve as a pivotal moment ments of proper recitation but also ness into your prayers, especially when
of pause and reflection. Just as the ring- deepen our connection to the divine standing, bowing, prostrating or any
ing of a bell signals the start of a new words we are uttering. other instance where you feel your fo-
lesson at school, the Adhan marks a Imagine this as you recite the verses cus waning. Imagine His benevolent
break-off moment from our worldly of the Qur’an, each word flows from gaze upon you, guiding and protecting
concerns, inviting us to recalibrate our your lips with deliberate precision, you throughout your worship.
focus towards Salah. like pearls cascading from a string. By
By integrating these practices into slowing down and savoring the beauty 5. View each Salah as your last oppor-
our pre-Salah routine, we can attune of each syllable, you elevate your reci- tunity.
our minds to the rhythm of prayers. tation from mere recitation to a soul- Consider each prayer as if it were
And, this will help align our thoughts, stirring melody. your final chance to commune with
intentions, and actions with the re- Above and beyond, finding a tune Allah before returning to Him. Reflect
membrance of Allah, preparing us to that resonates with your heart can fur- on the immense mercy and grace be-
stand in His presence with humility ther enhance your tajweed and elevate stowed upon you by Allah, granting
and devotion. your Salah experience. Whether it’s you this precious opportunity to seek
from the recitation of a favorite Imam His pleasure and forgiveness. Visualize
3. Mind the pace. or Sheikh or a personal composition yourself standing before Allah on the
Slowing down in Salah is an in- that speaks to your soul, a harmonious Day of Judgment, with your last wish
valuable practice that allows one to tune can serve as a great guide. being to perform additional units of
immerse oneself fully in the spiritual prayer with utmost devotion, aspiring
experience of prayer. One crucial as- 4. Embrace a sense of watchful guid- for the reward of paradise.
pect of this is perfecting tajweed or the ance.
proper pronunciation and recitation of From the moment you begin your 6. Picture the Day of Judgment.
the Qur’anic verses. By taking our time Salah, remind yourself of the profound Transport yourself mentally to the
and focusing on each letter, vowel, and truth that Allah is always watching (Continued on page 23)