Page 13 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 13

Vol. 34/23  Dhu al-Hijjah 1, 1445 AH                                      Friday, June 7, 2024                                                                                   US & Canada $1.00

        PAGE 14                              PAGE 15                              PAGE 21

           Pakistan’s Finest                   Pray-In for Gaza                       American Born                    For news, updated
            Turn Cowboys                          at Senator                          Model Selected
          for the T20 Cricket                   Padilla’s Office                         As Miss                       round the clock,visit
             World Cup                          Calls for Peace                       Pakistan World                   www.PakistanLink

             n By Zafar Iqbal, PhD                                                                                            2024, in the Arlington Central Library’s
              Washington, DC            Perilous Pursuits: The Struggles and                                                  Auditorium in Arlington, Virginia, the
       J  ournalists in Pakistan have faced   Resilience of Pakistani Journalists                                             Akhlaq  Ahmed,  captures  candid  dis-
                                                                                                                              book,  edited  by  Nuzaira  Azam  and

                                                                                                                              cussions with fifteen journalists (I. A.
          significant  challenges  since  the
          country’s  inception,  including
                                                                                                                              Ziauddin,  Mahmood  Shaam,  Mujee-
       censorship,  violence,  and  financial                                                                                 Rahman,  Hussain  Naqi,  Mohammad
                  constraints.  Despite                                                                                       bur  Rahman  Shami,  Anwar  Sen  Roy,
                  these  obstacles,  the                                                                                      Rabab  Aisha,  Shamim  Ikramul  Haq,
                  press  has  played  a                                                                                       Mahnaz Rahman, Shahnaz Ahad, Na-
                  crucial  yet  perilous                                                                                      zir Leghari, Nasir Zaidi, Fauzia Shahid,
                  role, reflecting broad-                                                                                     Mazhar Abbas, and Wusatullah Khan)
                  er national issues and                                                                                      about  their  tribulations,  including
                  the  ongoing  fight  for                                                                                    persecution  and  imprisonment,  while
       freedom of expression. The struggles                                                                                   remaining  committed  to  journalistic
       of  Pakistani  journalists  underscore                                                                                 integrity.  It  is  an  anthology  of  online
       the larger battle for democratic free-                                                                                 interviews with these journalists, some
       doms and human rights in the coun-                                                                                     of whom faced brutal beatings, impris-
       try.  Their  resilience  and  bravery  are                                                                             onment,  and  unemployment.  Sadly,
       vital  for  maintaining  a  free  and  in-                                                                             two of them - I.A. Rahman and Mo-
       dependent press, essential for the na-                                                                                 hammad Ziauddin - have since passed
       tion’s democratic development.                                                                                         away.
         At an event organized by the Global                                                                                     The  book  underscores  the  chal-
       Beat Foundation, the Aligarh Alumni                                                                                    lenges  in  journalism  coinciding  with
       Association,  Metropolitan  Washing-                                                                                   the nation’s shift towards a national se-
       ton, DC, and the University of Karachi                                                                                 curity state, where legitimate inquiries
       Alumni  Association  of  Metropolitan                                                                                  into government actions are often per-
       Washington,  Nuzaira  Azam  launched                                                                                   ceived as anti-national. Media dynam-
       her latest book, “Puri Kahani, SahafioN                                                                                ics, influenced by establishment
       ki Zabani.” Held on Saturday, May 25,                                                                                        (Continued on page 23)

             Washington Soccer Club Champions                                                                                 the Board of Directors of the DC Soc-

                                                                                                                              cer Club, who also attended the meet-
                     Pakistani-Made Soccer Balls                                                                              ing with the ambassador, expressed her
                                                                                                                              pride  that  “…  my  country,  Pakistan,
                                                                                                                              is represented in kids’ lives on a daily
             n By Elaine Pasquini                                                                                                The DC Soccer Club is the largest
               Washington, DC                                                                                                 youth soccer club in the tristate DMV
                                                                                                                              area,  comprising  the  capital  city  of
           occer, considered the most pop-                                                                                    Washington,  DC,  and  the  surround-
           ular sport in the world, has an                                                                                    ing portions of Maryland and Virginia.
       Sestimated four billion fans glob-                                                                                     Founded in 1977 as DC Stoddert Soc-
       ally. Although cricket remains the top                                                   in the area. In addition, “We get great  cer, presently the club has a member-
                  competitive  game  in                                                         prices and great quality balls and even  ship of over 7,500 children.
                  Pakistan, the country                                                         delivery is always on time,” he added.  Thanking  the  management  of  DC
                  is proud to be produc-                                                           Andrulis noted that even balls four  Soccer Club for their compliments and
                  ing 70 percent of the                                                         to five years old, which may have scuffs  trust  in  the  soccer  balls  his  country
                  world’s  soccer  balls                                                        and  scratches,  are  still  good  because  produces,  Ambassador  Khan  noted:
                  in  the  small  town  of                                                      they  maintain  their  strength  and  re- “Our  sports  goods  connect  people.
                  Sialkot located in the                                                        liability.  “I  can  tell  you  that  we  have  Our signature products are promoting
       northeastern part of the country.  during his May 29, 2024, meeting with   Praising the quality and value of the  returns on uniforms, but nobody ever  human well-being, healthy minds, and
         “We are incredibly happy with the  Ambassador Masood Khan at the Em- made-in-Pakistan balls, Andrulis relat- brings  back  a  Pak-made  soccer  ball,”  healthy societies. We are proud of the
       quality of the soccer balls that are made  bassy of Pakistan. “In addition to just  ed that they are popular in the Wash- he  said.  Annually,  the  club  procures  quality of our exports and are focused
       in Pakistan,” Grey Andrulis, executive  the  quality  of  the  ball,  the  branding  ington,  DC  area  and  are  seen  being  around 2,500 of the popular balls.  on making our products even more
       director  of  the  DC  Soccer  Club,  said  that is put on it is identifiable.”   kicked around in all of the soccer parks   Zainab  Schwartz,  chairperson  of   (Continued on page 23)

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