Page 10 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 10
ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court Ahmed, Vawda’s lawyer, that his client
(SC) Wednesday dismissed Muttahida Supreme Court Rejects Mustafa wanted to speak about Pemra, the top
Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) judge said: “We have to listen to you
Deputy Convener Mustafa Kamal’s re- Kamal’s Apology [as] you are the counsel.”
quest seeking immediate acceptance of “What did your client say? We will
his apology in a suo motu case pertain- have to see whether there is contempt
ing to contempt of court. of court or not,” the chief justice noted.
The court’s rejection of Kamal’s re- to issue an unconditional apology to Responding to Ahmed’s request that
quest comes as a three-member bench, the Supreme Court and sought an end he wanted to read out the questions
led by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa and to the matter, saying that several others and answers of Vawda’s press confer-
comprising Justice Naeem Akhtar Af- had issued remarks similar to his. ence, Justice Saadat said: “In response
ghan and Justice Irfan Saadat Khan, During the hearing, Kamal’s lawyer to a journalist’s question, you [your
heard the contempt of court case Barrister Farogh Naseem requested the client] clearly said that he had come to
against him and independent Senator court to accept his client’s one-page speak against Justice Babar Sattar and
Faisal Vawda. unconditional apology. Justice Athar Minallah.
Both Kamal and Vawda had held The lawyer stressed that his client Lamenting the media’s role in
hard-hitting press conferences against had in fact talked about pending Riba streaming the speeches, CJP Isa said:
the judiciary in Islamabad in May with (usury) cases. “Aren’t those cases [filed] “The television channels promote ob-
the latter saying that no allegations before the Federal Shariat Court?” CJP scene language the most [...] these
could be leveled without evidence. The Isa questioned. speeches were streamed for 34 minutes
MQM-P leader, during his presser, Elaborating on the decision to take [so] shall we now issue notices to them
sought to establish ethical standards suo motu over the speeches, CJP said as well?”
for the judges as justice could “only be that nobody was subjected to abuse as “The Pakistan Electronic Media
bought”. Muttahida Qaumi Movement's (MQM) Deputy Convener Mustafa Kamal — he was. Regulatory Authority (Pemra) has en-
Their statements had come af- X/ @KamalMQM/File “Is such abusive language used in forced an absurd law prohibiting court
ter six Islamabad High Court (IHC) any country?” CJP Isa questioned while reporting [...] This is unfair, why can’t
judges wrote a letter to Supreme Judi- Shortly after their tirade, the SC on In their responses, Kamal sought lamenting the use of obscene language. court proceedings be reported?” he
cial Council (SJC) members, pointing Thursday swung into action against the an unconditional apology and said he “I didn’t take [suo motu] notice [re- added.
out the intelligence agency’s meddling leaders and took suo motu notice. Fol- held “all the judges, in particular, the garding the criticism] on me but on the “We saved all the journalists,” the
in judicial affairs. The politicos also lowing a hearing on May 17, the court judges of the superior courts of Paki- fact that you talked about the judicia- chief justice said while stressing that
pointed out the dual citizenship of an issued show-cause notices to the law- stan in the highest respect and esteem”. ry,” he added. people get paid in dollars for telling lies.
IHC judge. makers. Meanwhile, Senator Vawda refused In response to the request of Moiz (Continued on page 23)
Court hearing on the review of NAB Imran Questions SC Assertion He Engaged tioned the assertion made in the judg-
ISLAMABAD: During a Supreme
ment that he had engaged in political
amendments, Imran Khan, the found- point-scoring during the previous
er of PTI, acknowledged his mistake of in Point-Scoring during Previous Hearing hearing. Justice Isa responded by stat-
not attending parliament in a dialogue ing that a judge does not owe an ex-
with Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa. planation for their verdict to anyone
The former prime minister argued stan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa with Justices Chief Justice Isa questioned Khan Khan compared his jail conditions and suggested that Khan could file a
on Thursday that there has been an Aminuddin, Jamal Khan Mandokhail, about the amnesty he granted, to to those of Nawaz Sharif, requesting a review petition if dissatisfied with the
unannounced imposition of “martial Athar Minallah, and Hasan Azhar which Khan replied, “The amnesty comparison of the facilities provided. judgment.
law” in the country, alleging that his Rizvi also presiding over the hearing. was given to bring the black economy Chief Justice Isa suggested, “We can After completing his arguments,
swift conviction within five days was While discussing the case, Khan onto a legal path.” arrange for a surprise visit by a judi- Chief Justice Isa asked Khan if he had
orchestrated to hinder his participa- referred to a cipher, prompting Chief The chief justice advised, “Sit down cial officer.” anything more to add. The chief jus-
tion in the general elections. Justice Isa to interrupt him, advising, with the members of parliament; they The PTI founder also referenced tice thanked Khan for his assistance,
During a hearing of the National “Do not discuss cases that are yet to are not your enemies. Go and talk to the case of Delhi Chief Minister Ar- to which Khan also expressed his grat-
Accountability Bureau (NAB) amend- come before us. We had this concern them. Regarding the election date, we vind Kejriwal during the hearing, who itude. The chief justice then dictated
ments case in the Supreme Court, earlier as well.” asked the president and the Election was granted bail before the Indian the order for the day and reserved the
Khan voiced his grievances regarding Admitting the chief justice’s point, Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to general elections to facilitate his cam- decision.
the victimization he was subjected to Khan said, “It is true, I should have discuss it. We did not want to make a paign. The Supreme Court rejected the
since his removal from power in April gone to parliament. The country is political statement.” He also expressed disappointment response submitted by NAB in the
of 2022. facing an economic crisis, and the Chief Justice Isa added, “We do with the Supreme Court’s decision to amendments case and requested a
He appeared before a five-member remittances sent from abroad are be- not want to stop you, provided there reject the plea from the Khyber-Pak- ten-year budget record from NAB.
Supreme Court bench via video link ing transferred out by the elite.” Chief are no objections. Politicians should htunkhwa government to livestream It was noted that any party wishing
from Adiala jail in Rawalpindi. The Justice Isa responded, “You are mixing resolve issues among themselves. Do his proceedings. to file a response could do so within
bench was led by Chief Justice of Paki- two different issues.” not bring party matters before us.” Addressing the CJP, Khan ques- seven days. – The Express Tribune
Gunmen Kill Police Officer Assigned to 70-Year-Old Man Dies from
Protect Polio Workers Blasphemy Mob Assault Injuries
the Wargari area of Lakki Marwat district,
said police official Sajid Khan. One of the along with family members, from angry protesters
attackers also died, while the remaining as- gathered outside his residence in the city of Sargodha
sailants fled. No one immediately claimed on May 25. He underwent multiple surgeries but
responsibility for the assault. could not survive, a police official said.
Anti-polio campaigns in Pakistan are The mob ransacked Masih’s house and burned
regularly marred by violence. Militants tar- down his shoe shop, claiming he had desecrated Is-
get vaccination teams and police assigned to lam’s holy book, the Qur’an, allegations his relatives
protect them, falsely claiming that the cam- rejected as baseless.
A health worker, right, marks a door of paigns are a Western conspiracy to sterilize Social media videos from Sargodha showed Chris-
makeshift after administering the polio children. File - Members of the Christian community chant tians carrying Masih’s coffin through the streets,
vaccine to children in a neighborhood of A five-day anti-polio campaign started protest as they condemn attacks on Christians dur- shouting “Praise to Jesus” and “Jesus is great.” The cof-
Lahore, Pakistan, Monday, June 3, 2024. Monday in nine high-risk districts of Khy- ing a protest in Karachi, Pakistan, Aug 17, 2023. fin was covered in black fabric and had a small cru-
AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary ber Pakhtunkhwa. Health workers are tasked On June 3, 2024, a 70-year-old Christian man died cifix on it.
with administering vaccines to some 3.28 after being attacked by a mob outside Islamabad Christian community leaders lamented the latest
PESHAWAR: Gunmen fatally shot a police million children under age 5. More than mob lynching and urged the government to ensure
officer assigned to protect polio workers in 26,000 police are protecting the teams. ISLAMABAD: Police and relatives reported Monday the protection of religious minorities and to pun-
Pakistan’s northwest, an official said Monday. Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan are that a 70-year-old man who was severely injured in a ish those responsible for inciting mob violence in
At least 11 police officials have died this the only countries where the spread of polio mob attack a week ago over disputed blasphemy al- the name of religion over controversial blasphemy
year while on security duty for vaccination has never been stopped. legations has died due to his injuries. charges.
campaigns in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa prov- The potentially fatal, paralyzing disease Nazir Masih, the aged victim, was receiving treat- “Yet again, hate has brought us to the place where
ince. mostly strikes children under age 5 and typi- ment for severe head injuries at a military-run hos- we must ask questions,” Bishop Asad Marshall, the
The gunmen fired at a team working in cally spreads through contaminated water. - AP pital near the capital, Islamabad, after being rescued, (Continued on page 12)