Page 8 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 8
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister She- road and sea linkages is also said to be
hbaz Sharif arrived in Shenzhen on Shehbaz Lands in China’s Tech on the agenda.
Tuesday as he kicked off a five-day Earlier, in an interview with repre-
visit to China. Hub with Lofty Plans sentatives of Chinese media groups,
This is the premier’s first visit to including Xinhua news agency, na-
China following the Feb 8 elections tional broadcaster CCTV and CGTN
and will likely see the inauguration Urdu, the PM said: “We are coming
of the second phase of the China- with serious plans.”
Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Through the visit, Pakistan hoped
project as well as a number of agree- to promote interaction between enter-
ments to be signed between the two prises in both countries, utilize Special
countries. Economic Zones and Pakistan’s labor
In Shenzhen, which is a hub for advantages to establish joint ventures,
innovation, technology and research- facilitate the transfer of industries and
led companies, the prime minister technologies, and enhance Pakistan’s
met Meng Fanli, party secretary of the manufacturing output, to facilitate an
Shenzhen Municipal Committee, and upgraded China-Pakistan Economic
Deputy Party Secretary of Guangdong Corridor.
Provincial Committee in Shenzhen, He said Pakistan intended to learn
the PM Office media wing said in a from Chinese experiences and build
press release, as well as leading Chi- SEZs with the first one to be devel-
nese companies in innovation and oped on Pakistan Steel Mills premises
high-tech sectors. already connected with a rail network
Soon after his arrival, the prime and located near the port.
minister took to X, saying that he was He also invited Chinese compa-
“impressed by the city’s skyline and nies to build SEZs and enter into joint
development that symbolizes mod- ventures with Pakistani companies for
ern-day China”. mutual benefit.
“Looking forward to my engage- Inviting the Chinese textile sector
ments with the provincial authorities, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif arrives in Shenzhen on a five-day official visit to China on Tuesday—APP to set up their units in Pakistan, Prime
business community, and industry Minister Shehbaz said that during the
giants here before proceeding to Bei- nessmen attended the conference Minister Attaullah Tarar, Food Secu- heights. visit he would also persuade Huawei
jing for official talks with President Xi aimed at collaboration with their in- rity Minister Rana Tanveer Hussain, Both sides would discuss coop- to launch short courses for Pakistani
Jinping, Premier Li Qiang, and other fluential Chinese counterparts. Commerce Minister Jam Kamal Khan, eration in multiple sectors like ag- youth in information technology and
Chinese leaders and high officials,” he Apart from prominent business Privatization Minister Abdul Aleem riculture, information technology, artificial intelligence to make them
tweeted. figures, the Pakistani delegation in- Khan and Minister of State for In- infrastructure, youth skill training, open their offices and offer their ser-
He also inaugurated the Pakistan- cludes Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq formation Technology Shaza Fatima vocational training, industrialisation, vices in the Gulf states and send re-
China Business Conference in line Dar, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif, Khawaja. Special Economic Zones, expansion mittances back to Pakistan.
with his vision to support, promote, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal, Fi- In a televised statement before and commercialization of Gwadar Similarly, by learning from Chi-
and lead collaboration between the nance Minister Muhammad Aurang- his departure, the premier expressed Port, mining, and minerals, and sign nese agriculture technology, Pakistan
businessmen of the two countries. A zeb, Petroleum Minister Dr Musaddik hope that his visit would take the two accords, he said. Discussion on the desired to multiply its agricultural
delegation of leading Pakistani busi- Malik, Information and Broadcasting countries’ bilateral relationship to new expansion of the Silk Route through produce. - Dawn
Supreme Court Issues Notices to 34
Channels for Airing Controversial Pressers
ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court of Pakistan is-
sued notices Wednesday to nearly three dozen news
channels, demanding explanations for airing two
press conferences critical of the judiciary.
A three-member bench of the top court headed
by the Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa issued
the “show-cause” notices to 34 channels, seeking a
response within two weeks.
The bench is hearing a case against two parlia-
mentarians for making remarks against the judi-
ciary in separate press conferences.
In mid-May, news channels aired press confer- The Supreme Court issued notices June 5,
ences by Faisal Vawda and Mustafa Kamal in which 2024, to 34 news channels, demanding expla-
they criticized the judicial system and senior judg- nations for airing two press conferences criti-
es. Taking notice of the speeches, the top court de- cal of the judiciary
manded the two politicians explain their remarks.
“TV channels say someone spoke and we aired Judiciary under pressure
it, [that] this is freedom of expression,” Chief Justice Pakistan’s political turmoil is casting a shadow
Isa said Wednesday, criticizing news media’s deci- over the country’s judiciary. Since former Prime
sion to air the pressers live. Minister Imran Khan was ousted in April 2022 in
a parliamentary vote of no-confidence and publicly
Ban on court reporting fell out with the powerful military, the judiciary in
Separately, the High Court of Pakistan’s capital Pakistan has faced public criticism for its decisions
Islamabad clarified Wednesday that there was no as well.
ban on reporting court proceedings. While some verdicts dealt a blow to Khan’s po-
On May 21, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulato- litical prospects — like stripping his party of its elec-
ry Authority, or PEMRA, directed cable news chan- toral symbol cricket bat just a few weeks before the
nels to refrain from airing headlines, news tickers, elections — other decisions provided him relief by
and commentary about ongoing court cases until a throwing out charges, such as fomenting riots and
final verdict was issued. leaking state secrets.
Hearing the pleas of journalist bodies against Senior judges also have complained of interfer-
the regulator’s decision, the Islamabad High Court ence by intelligence agencies. In March of this year, a
Chief Justice Amir Farooq said the media was free majority of the judges of the Islamabad High Court
to report on judicial proceedings. wrote a rare letter to the country’s chief justice alleg-
“There is no ban on court reporting,” Farooq ing the military-run spy agencies were intimidating
said. “Only a prohibition on irresponsible report- them and their relatives through abduction, torture,
ing.” and surveillance of personal spaces to
The court adjourned the hearing until June 11. (Continued on page 12)