Page 7 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 7

OPINION                                                                                                                   PAKISTAN  LINK - JUNE 7, 2024 - P7
             n By Abdullah Zahid
              Karachi, Pakistan      For the Love of Language, a Multinational
            ‘Gulistan-e-Saadi’, a collection  Quest to Keep Urdu Alive and Thriving
            he Persian literary masterpiece

       Tof moral tales and aphorisms
       by  the  revered  13th-century  poet
                  Sheikh  Saadi  Shirazi                                                        Sabeen  Mahmud.  Ansari  confided
                  has  a  new  lease  of                                                        that she felt her professional expertise  University  of  Minnesota  pedagogy
                  life with the bilingual                                                       wasn’t a perfect match for this type of  teacher corroborates Joy of Urdu’s in-
                  publication of three of                                                       work. Mahmud’s response: “Just do the  novative approach to language learning
                  Saadi’s classic stories.                                                      work, and you’ll get the help you need.”
                     The  Joy  of  Urdu,                                                           Mahmud’s  wisdom  and  clarity  Recent revelations further indicate that
                  a  volunteer-run,  bi-                                                        through their conversations was a key  Meta is adjusting user content settings
       lingual,  international  organization                                                    factor in setting up the Joy of Urdu. An- without  consent,  defaulting  to  “limit”
       launched in 2013, published the book                                                     sari  admires  and  emulates  Mahmud’s  political content on the feed, including
       for its tenth anniversary last year.                                                     ability to lead projects while remaining  posts about Gaza. Users can choose to
         The organization aims to celebrate                                                     unassuming in the background.  disable this feature.
       the  richness  of  Urdu  language  –  the                                                   In  2015,  Ansari  was  supposed  to   During the Covid-19 pandemic, the
       lingua  franca  and  official  national                                                  meet  Mahmud  in  Karachi  to  discuss  Joy  of  Urdu  remained  active,  launch-
       language  of  Pakistan  –  and  heritage                                                 the initiative. The meeting never took  ing  its  “#gharbethiyekitabeinparhiye”
       through diverse perspectives. Multiple                                                   place, as Mahmud was killed.  (stay-at-home-and-read)   campaign.
       chapters in cities around the world de- Zarminae Ansari, proudly displaying the book “Three Tales of Gulistan-e-  Sabeen  Mahmud’s  death  only  It  helped  “people,  especially  those  in
       velop community through discussions,  Saadi,” alongside Joy of Urdu patrons Dr Arfa Syeda Zehra and Zehra Nigah   strengthened Ansari’s resolve to honor  diaspora  longing  to  reconnect  with
       interactive reading groups, and intern- at the Jashn-e-Rekhta festival in Dubai          her memory and continue the mission  [their] homeland and language.”
       ship opportunities.                                                                      they both believed in. “In the next five   Participants  ranged  from  Bolly-
                                     also marked the Joy of Urdu’s ten-year  features that make this a valuable peda- years, I went underground pouring all  wood  singers  and  politicians  to  four-
       Zehra Nigah                   anniversary.                  gogical contribution.        my energy into fulfilling the promise I  year-olds.
         The  organization  also  celebrated   “A  story  may  unlock  the  enchant-  Heartfelt video messages have been  made to Sabeen by focusing on the Joy   Ansari has been juggling resources
       the 88th birthday of Zehra Nigah, the  ment  of  language  belatedly,  yet  it  ig- pouring  in  on  social  media,  many  of Urdu,” she says. Ten years later, “it’s  for  the  Joy  of  Urdu.  She  is  the  main
       revered  contemporary  Urdu  poet  on  nites  the  sparks  of  imagination  early  posted  on  the  Joy  of  Urdu’s  YouTube  wild” to think that people will volun- mover  and  shaker  behind  the  vision,
       14  May,  with  cultural  aficionado  and  on,” said Professor Zehra.  channel.  Zehra  Nigah  was  moved  to  teer  for  an  organisation  for  ten  long  with  team  members  stepping  in  as
       Joy of Urdu Board member Qasim Jafri   The  narrative  of  these  three  sto- compose a touching poem titled “Yeh  years. But “It’s not about me; it’s about  needed. But at one point, the demands
       reading  selections  from  her  poetry  at  ries  transcends  human  existence,  she  Kahaniyan” (These Stories) set to mu- a ‘cause.’ If others are working for Joy  caused “extreme depression” and An-
       Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus in Lahore. added. The publication echoes Saadi’s  sic by the prominent composer Arshad  of Urdu, then so am I,” she emphasizes. sari  thought  about  pursuing  govern-
         “Persian,  much  like  Arabic,  his- timeless wisdom that has “illuminated  Mahmud.       Mahmud clearly instilled in Ansari  ment grants.
       torically  served  as  a  supplementary  the  path  to  ‘sa’adat’  (prosperity)  for   It is often difficult to drum up the  a strong sense of moral values, evident   Seeking guidance, Ansari turned to
       language in education,” comments Joy  generations.”         community support needed for public  in her thoughtful and considerate ac- Mahenaz Mahmud, Sabeen Mahmud’s
       of Urdu founder Zarminae Ansari, an   The publication was also launched  service  work  aiming  to  build  bridges     mother in Karachi. “There was a time
       architect and writer from Pakistan now  at  two  prestigious  Urdu  festivals  in  and extend real solidarities. Ansari has   when there were many NGOs chasing
       based in Portugal.            early  2024:  Jashn-e-Rekhta  in  Dubai,  been fortunate to have people join and         Sabeen,  and  people  assumed  she  was
                                                                   stay with the cause.                                       getting money from them. She showed
                                                                     One  key  supporter  is  renowned                        no  interest  and  refused,”  Ansari  re-
                                                                   Lahore-based painter and artist Salima                     counted Mahenaz revealing.
                                                                   Hashmi. Speaking to Sapan News over                           Mahenaz’s  words  came  as  a  “sigh
                                                                   the  phone,  she  emphasizes  the  sense                   of relief” for Ansari who had also as-
                                                                   of  disconnection  felt  by  children  and                 sumed  Sabeen  Mahmud  was  being
                                                                   adults who are displaced from their na-                    funded. “But it completely makes sense
                                                                   tive environments. A way to remediate                      that she wasn’t,” Ansari remarked. “Sa-
                                                                   this situation is “perhaps by collecting                   been  knew  the  drill:  when  they  offer
                                                                   the  stories  that  adults  grew  up  with                 you money, they come with their own
                                                                   and translating them in the shape of a  Mahenaz Mahmud, Sabeen Mahmud’s   hidden agendas.
                                                                   book which would be beautiful to look  mother, holding a copy of “Three Tales   And you have got to play by their
                                                                   at, delightful to read, and simply enjoy- of Gulistan-e-Saadi”  rules.”
       Arfa Sayeda Zehra speaking to a gathering at the Joy of Urdu’s Lahore chapter   able to hold.” For her, the real joy lies in   Due to the broader reach and im-
       meeting, hosted by Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus on January 16, 2020  the details.             tions towards those with differing so- pact of the Joy of Urdu initiative, An-
                                                                     The  book  incorporates  miniature  cio-political beliefs.  sari  now  grapples  with  the  hurdle  of
         “And it is not as divorced from Urdu  in January, and at the Faiz Festival in  paintings  by  artist  Syed  Shah  Abdul-  One notable manifestation of this is  carrying on without sufficient funding
       as it’s being politically made out to be,”  February.       lah  Aalmee,  designed  specifically  to  the  “Poetry  of  Resistance”  campaign,  and resources. She hasn’t lost hope. Her
       she tells Sapan News over the phone.   According  to  a  Joy  of  Urdu  press  engage readers.  which emerged in response to Israel’s  motive transcends profit and clout.
       To  the  question  of  why  Joy  of  Urdu  release, the publication is expected to       bombing  of  Gaza  after  07  Oct  2023.   “We are not there for likes and fol-
       chose this text out of a plethora of oth- be “a foundation for learning Urdu by  Sabeen and resistance  This  initiative  included  various  pro- lows. We are not influencers or an en-
       ers for its first publication, Ansari says  providing an alternative to Urdu peda-  Behind  Joy  of  Urdu’s  creation  and  grams, showcasing the work of several  tertainment hub. Yes, we are struggling
       that these stories from Saadi’s ‘Gulistan’  gogy and perception”.  evolution  lies  an  integral  connection  renowned Urdu poets like Faiz, Mah- and  we  need  money.  But  we  mustn’t
       and  ‘Bostan’  hold  significant  impor-    Chloe Mais Hagen, a French teach- with the slain entrepreneur and human  moud Darwesh, and Habib Jalib, focus- lose sight of our mission – to fill a void
       tance  for  older,  predominantly  edu-                                                  ing on Palestinian resistance.  and  provide  a  service  that  was  not
       cated  families.  Presented  in  rhyming                                                    Since  then,  Zarminae  Ansari  has  there”, she explains.
       form, these tales helped children learn                                                  proudly worn a keffiyeh at every signif-  The Joy of Urdu now has six books
       Persian  besides  conveying  “deeper                                                     icant occasion – even at her first book  for adults and children poised to enter
       spiritual  and  metaphysical  meanings”                                                  signing – because “while I’m celebrat- production soon. There are also plans
       over the years.                                                                          ing  that  momentous  occasion,  Pales- for merchandise, workshops, and other
         The  painstakingly  crafted  coffee                                                    tine and human rights [violations tak- related projects.
       table  book  took  nearly  six  years  to                                                ing  place there] aren’t far away from   The Joy of Urdu’s focus on linguistic
       complete. The attention to layout, pro-                                                  my mind,” Ansari stresses.    preservation, cultural enrichment, plus
       duction quality, glossary section, end-                                                                                promotion of social justice, and posi-
       of-book  activities,  and  illustrations                                                 Shadow banning                tive change through bilingual presenta-
       could “earn it a place on readers’ book-                                                    As  clips  from  these  shows  made  tions and discussions helps ensure that
       shelves alongside their most treasured                                                   their way onto the Joy of Urdu’s Insta- the richness of Urdu remains alive in
       English books, if not surpassing them                                                    gram page, accompanied by pertinent  modern times.
       in value,” predicts Ansari.                                                              hashtags,  their  account,  like  many   (Sapan  News  intern  Abdullah  Za-
         Targeting  children,  adults,  and  art                                                discussing  Gaza,  experienced  shad- hid is a communications student at the
       lovers, the publication, edited by An- Images of pages inside the book                   owbanning, resulting in a reduction of  University of Karachi, passionate about
       sari, features a foreword by acclaimed                                                   followers.                    covering peace, human rights, and pol-
       professor and linguistic expert Dr Arfa  er  and  PhD  candidate  at  the  Univer- rights  activist  Sabeen  Mahmud,  who   By then, it’s already been extensively  itics. He has also written for Aman Ki
       Syeda Zehra. It was initially launched  sity of Minnesota who is learning Urdu  was a firm believer in Ansari’s vision.  reported that   Asha  and  interned  with  the  Election
       online through a Facebook livestream  supports  this  view.  She  points  to  the   Zarmina  Ansari  had  moved  from   algorithms  are  being  suppressed,  Cell 2024 at Geo TV News, Pakistan.
       last November, with patrons and hon- side-by-side Urdu-English translation,  Moscow to Paris in 2014 when she dis- comments  removed,  and  hashtags   This  is  a  Sapan  News  syndicated
       orary  board  members.  The  occasion  extensive glossary, and other linguistic  cussed the project with her close friend  flagged by the microblogging website.  feature.)

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