Page 11 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 11

PAKISTAN                                                                                                                 PAKISTAN  LINK - JUNE 7, 2024 - P11
            Mother of Teen Killed after Refusing

                  Marriage Arrested in Pakistan

               n By Hafsa Khalil       The two then fled the country, with  ance, Italy’s union of Islamic commu-
                                     Abbas eventually found and extradited  nities issued a fatwa - a religious ruling
                 BBC News            from Pakistan in August 2023.  - rejecting forced marriages.
                                       But Shaheen, 51, had avoided arrest   The  teenager  had  emigrated  with
            woman convicted of murder- until this week, when she was report- her family from Pakistan to the farm
            ing  her  teenage  daughter  in  edly tracked to a village on Kashmir’s  town of Novellara in 2016, according
       A aly  has  reportedly  been  ar- border  in  an  operation  involving  In- to Italian reports.
       rested in Pakistan after three years on  terpol and the Pakistan Federal Police,   After finding out Saman Abbas was
       the run.                      sources told Italian news agency Ansa.  dating,  the  family  had  wanted  her  to
         An  Italian  court  gave  Nazia  Sha-  She appeared in court on Friday in  travel to Pakistan for an arranged mar-
       heen a life sentence in absentia last De- the country’s capital Islamabad, for ex- riage in 2020, but she refused.  ports said.  family  lived,  after  her  uncle  had  re-
       cember for the 2021 killing of Saman  tradition  procedures,  Italian  newspa-  She then spent several months liv-  Prosecutors said it was at this point  vealed where she had been buried.
       Abbas, 18.                    pers reported.                ing under the protection of social ser- the teenager disappeared.  A  post  mortem  examination
         Shaheen and her husband, Shabbar   Saman Abbas’s so-called honor kill- vices, but returned to the family home   Saman Abbas’s body was eventually  found  she  had  suffered  a  broken
       Abbas,  killed  their  daughter  after  she  ing  by  her  family  in  late  April  2021  in Novellara seven months later, after  recovered in November 2021, close to  neck bone, possibly as a result of be-
       refused an arranged marriage.  shocked Italy. Following her disappear- being tricked into returning, Italian re- a farm house not far from where the  ing strangled. - BBC

              n By Zia ur-Rehman                                                                                              my children go hungry that night,” Ms
                                       A Matter of Survival as South Asia’s                                                   Sahiba said.

       JACOBABAD,  Pakistan:  As  South                                                                                          Each  summer,  25  to  30  percent
       Asia  bakes  under  a  blistering  heat   Heat Wave Reaches 127 Degrees                                                of  the  district’s  population  becomes
       wave,  life-or-death  decisions  arrive                                                                                temporary  climate  refugees,  accord-
       with the midday sun.                                                                                                   ing  to  community  activists.  Some
         Abideen Khan and his 10-year-old                                                                                     seek refuge in Quetta, a city 185 miles
       son  need  every  penny  of  the  $3.50                                                                                north,  where  the  heat  is  more  bear-
       a  day  they  can  make  molding  mud                                                                                  able.  Others  go  to  the  port  city  of
       into bricks at a kiln under the open                                                                                   Karachi,  310  miles  south,  which  has
       sky  in  Jacobabad,  a  city  in  southern                                                                             had its own deadly heat waves but of-
       Pakistan.  But  as  temperatures  have                                                                                 fers some relief with its less frequent
       soared as high as 126 degrees Fahren-                                                                                  blackouts.
       heit, or 52 degrees Celsius, in recent                                                                                    “Those  who  can  afford  it  may
       days, they have been forced to stop by                                                                                 rent houses in cooler cities, but most
       1 p.m., cutting their earnings in half.                                                                                residents  are  simply  too  poor.  They
         “This  isn’t  heat,”  said  Mr  Khan,                                                                                struggle  to  survive  under  makeshift
       sweat  dripping  down  his  face  and                                                                                  tents erected in the open sky,” said Jan
       soaking  through  his  worn  clothes.                                                                                  Odhano, head of the Community De-
       “It’s a punishment, maybe from God.”                                                                                   velopment Foundation, a Jacobabad-
         It is yet another brutal summer in                                                                                   based  organization  that  helps  the
       the  age  of  climate  change,  in  a  part                                                                            poor cope with the heat.
       of the world that is among the most                                                                                       Jansher Khoso, a 38-year-old gar-
       vulnerable  to  its  dire  effects.  And                                                                               ment worker, knows this struggle all
       there is more suffering to come: The                                                                                   too well.
       extreme heat that Pakistan and neigh-                                                                                     In  2018,  his  mother  went  to  the
       boring India have been experiencing                                                                                    hospital with heatstroke as tempera-
       will continue for days or weeks, fore-                                                                                 tures spiked in Jacobabad. Now, every
       casters  say.  Already,  it  has  exacted  a                                                                           April, he sends his family to Quetta,
       deadly toll.                                                                                                           where they remain until the autumn,
         In the northern Indian state of Bi-                                                                                  while  he  works  in  Karachi.  But  this
       har, officials said that at least 14 people                                                                            comes at a steep price.
       had died from the heat. Reports from  Rushing to get cold water at an ice factory in Jacobabad, Pakistan, on Tuesday - Insiya Syed for The New York Times  “I work for 16 hours in Karachi to
       other  states  in  India’s  north  indicate                                                                            afford the expense of this temporary
       that the count could be considerably  record set in 2010.   even harder to find.         starts before dawn. She cooks for her  migration,” Mr Khoso said, “because I
       higher.  In  both  India  and  Pakistan,   The  blazing  temperatures  com-  Many of the poor have no choice  family, then walks for miles with other  don’t want any of my family members
       hospitals  have  reported  large  num- pound the challenges for Pakistan, a  but  to  work  outside.  Rice,  the  life- women to reach the fields, where they  to die in the cruel heat of Jacobabad.”
       bers of heatstroke cases.     country of 241 million people that is  blood  of  Pakistan’s  agriculture,  de- toil until afternoon under the relent-  Jacobabad’s suffering has not been
         Ten of those who have died in Bi- already grappling with economic and  mands  backbreaking  labor  in  the  less sun. Nine months pregnant with  limited to high temperatures. In 2022,
       har  were  poll  workers  preparing  for  political turmoil.  fields  from  May  to  July,  the  hottest  her  10th  child,  she  carries  a  double  monsoon rains and devastating floods
       the voting to be held in the state on   For the more than one million peo- months.       burden.                       — linked to erratic weather patterns
       Saturday,  the  final  day  of  India’s  na- ple who live in the Jacobabad district,                                   associated  with  climate  change  —
       tional election. To mitigate the heat,  life  is  dominated  by  constant  efforts                                     submerged  the  district  and  about  a
       glucose and electrolytes are being dis- to  find  ways  to  cope  with  the  heat.                                     third  of  Pakistan  overall,  killing  at
       tributed  to  polling  officers,  tents  are  Blackouts lasting 12 to 20 hours a day                                   least 1,700 people.
       being  erected  to  provide  shade,  and  are common, and some villages lack                                              The heat is nothing new in the city,
       earthenware  pots  will  provide  cool  electricity altogether. The absence of                                         which was named after John Jacob, a
       water.  In  the  state  of  Uttar  Pradesh,  necessities like readily available water                                  British  brigadier  general  who  expe-
       at  least  six  election  security  workers  and  proper  housing  exacerbates  the                                    rienced its harsh climate firsthand in
       have died.                    suffering.                                                                               the 19th century.
         New  Delhi,  where  temperatures   Most  residents  cannot  afford  air-                                                Leading a small force to quell rebel
       have approached 122 this week, near- conditioning  or  alternatives,  like                                             tribes and bandits, General Jacob lost
       ly 20 degrees above normal, recorded  Chinese-made  solar  power  batteries                                            a lieutenant and seven soldiers to the
       its  first  official  heat-related  death  of  and  chargeable  fans.  A  solar  panel                                 heat on the first day of a 10-mile march.
       the year on Wednesday.        to run two fans and a lightbulb costs                                                    His diary described the wind as “a blast
         In  Jacobabad,  long  regarded  as  about a month’s wages for laborers in                                            from the furnace” even at night.
       one of the hottest places on earth, the  Jacobabad.                                                                       To  cope  with  the  hostile  climate,
       temperature  reached  126  degrees  on   The  water  crisis  is  so  severe  that                                      General  Jacob  introduced  an  irriga-
       Sunday, with highs of 124 each of the  donkeys  can  be  seen  on  the  streets                                        tion system and built three canals to
       following three days. About 75 miles  carrying tanks, from which residents  Abideen Khan and his son making bricks in the heat. “This is how we survive,”   supply fresh river water to residents.
       away, the Pakistani town of Mohenjo  buy  enough  water  to  fill  five  small  Mr Khan said - Insiya Syed for The New York Times  Today, the canals are dry and full of
       Daro, notable for its Indus Valley civi- plastic  jerrycans  for  $1.  Soaring  de-                                    garbage.
       lization sites from 2500 BC, reached  mand has pushed up the price of ice,   For  Sahiba,  a  25-year-old  farm-  “If we take a day or half-day break,   Suhasini Raj contributed reporting
       127 degrees on Sunday, just shy of a  making  this  essential  commodity  worker who uses one name, each day  there’s  no  daily  wage,  which  means  from New Delhi. The New York Times
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