Page 1 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
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Pakistan Link
The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
VOL. 31/53 Jumada Al Oula 27, 1443 AH Friday, December 31, 2021 US & Canada $1.00
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Govt. in No Hurry to Pass ‘Mini-Budget’ Opposition Leaders Blast PM
Imran over ‘New Year Gift’
Islamabad: PPP Chairperson Bi-
lawal Bhutto-Zardari and PML-N
President Shehbaz Sharif blasted
Prime Minister Imran Khan on
Saturday for the overnight price in-
No Deal with Nawaz, crease in petroleum products.
The government increased the
Govt. Dispels Rumors prices of petrol and high speed die-
sel (HSD) by Rs4 per liter, according
Faisalabad/ Karachi: State Minis- to a statement issued by the Finance
ter for Information & Broadcasting Division late on Friday. The Rs4 in-
Farrukh Habib Saturday said that no crease in the price of petrol is part
deal was being reached with PMLN of a commitment made by the gov-
supremo Nawaz Sharif, as the only ernment under an agreement with
place for the champion of thieves the International Monetary Fund
was jail. for a net fiscal adjustment of almost
He was talking to the media at Rs550 billion during the remaining
Sammundri Road after visiting vari- part of the current fiscal year.
ous development projects in his con- The approval of the finance bill is necessary to ensure Pakistan’s sixth review of the $6 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) is cleared Following this development,
stituency, NA-108, Faisalabad. by the IMF’s Executive Board, which is scheduled to meet on January 12 to decide about the disbursement of a nearly $1bn tranche the price of petrol was increased
He said a wrong impression was from Rs140.82 to Rs144.82, that of
being created by some vested inter- Islamabad: The government looks Pakistan’s review until its next board billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) HSD from Rs137.62 to Rs141.62, of
ests that a deal was being reached all set to convene a session of the meeting, scheduled to be held in the is cleared by the IMF’s Executive kerosene from Rs109.53 to Rs113.53
with the PMLN leader. But it must Senate next week to formally lay last week of January. Board, which is scheduled to meet and of light diesel oil from Rs107.06
be made clear to all that no such before it the controversial Finance The approval of the finance on Jan 12 to decide about the dis- to Rs111.06, according to the Fi-
thing was taking place. Whenever he Supplementary Bill 2021— gener- bill, seeking to amend certain laws bursement of a nearly $1bn tranche. nance Division statement.
would return to the country, a pris- ally known as the mini-budget — to related to taxes and duties, and the A senior cabinet member told Bilawal sarcastically referred to
on van would be awaiting him at the fulfil a constitutional requirement, State Bank of Pakistan (Amend- Dawn the government might con- the increase as a “New Year’s gift”
airport to take him directly to Adiala expecting that the International ment) Bill 2021, is necessary to en- vene the Senate session on Monday from the prime minister for the
GOVERNMENT, P28 Monetary Fund (IMF) will defer sure Pakistan’s sixth review of the $6 BILL, P28 OPPOSITION, P28
Pakistan-India Soldiers Exchange Covid Can End This Year if World Joins Hands: WHO Justice Minallah Declared
Sweets to Mark New Year Man of the Year 2021
Islamabad: Pakistan and India treat Covid-19. The lon- Islamabad:The
armies on Saturday exchanged ger inequity continues, Centre for Gov-
sweets at four border crossing points the higher the risks of the ernance Re-
along the Line of Control (LoC) to virus evolving in ways we search (CGR)
mark the start of the New Year. can’t prevent or predict. Pakistan has
The soldiers exchanged sweets If we end the inequity, we declared Is-
and greetings at Rawalakot, Cha- end the pandemic.” lamabad High
koti, Chilliana, and Tatapani border Without taking any Court (IHC)
crossings along the LoC. names, the WHO chief Chief Justice
Pakistan and India have ex- said that “narrow na- Athar Minallah as the Man of the
changed with each other the list of tionalism” and “vaccine Year 2021 for his principled and
nuclear installations and facilities in hoarding” by some coun- bold stance on the issue of missing
line with an agreement that bounds tries were the reason that persons.
both countries to share the relevant undermined equity and Justice Minallah has held the
information by Jan 1 of every year, created the ideal condi- Government of Pakistan comprising
said a statement by the Foreign Of- tions for the emergence of the chief executive and his cabinet
fice on Saturday. the Omicron variant. responsible for this festering wound
The exchange was made in “... I’m confident that this will be the year we end it - but only if we do it together,” WHO chief says Stressing the fact in Pakistan’s body politic, the CGR
accordance with Article-II of the Geneva: Th e world en- he was confident that the we end it - but only if we that Covid-19 was not said in a statement on Saturday.
Agreement on Prohibition of At- ered the new year of 2022 pandemic could end this do it together,” the WHO the only health threat that As an independent voice on
tacks against Nuclear Installations and subsequently third year if all the countries chief said, according to the world was currently behalf of civil society, the CGR de-
and Facilities between Pakistan and year of the global Co- collectively work towards foreign media. undergoing, he said that manded immediate promulgation
India, signed on December 31, 1988, vid-19 pandemic. Th e Di- ending inequality. Tedros said, “While millions of people have of legislation dealing with enforced
and ratified on January 27, 1991. rector General of World “As we enter the third no country is out of the missed out on routine vac- disappearances.
The list of nuclear installations Health Organization, year of the COVID-19 woods from the pan- cination, services for fam- The Parliament’s Committee
and facilities in Pakistan was Tedros Adhanom Ghebr- pandemic, I’m confident demic, we have many ily planning, treatment for on National Security should take
SWEETS, P11 eyesus, however, said that that this will be the year new tools to prevent and COVID, P28 JUSTICE, P28