Page 7 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 7

OPINION                                                                                                       DECEMBER 31,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P7
            India and Pakistan Searching for Humanity in the Age of Madness

                n By Dr Akbar Ahmed                                                                                      tween Hindus and Muslims. This is, however,

                  American University                                                                                    an incorrect reading of history. As an anthro-
                   Washington, DC                                                                                        pologist I will share the following personal ex-
                                                                                                                         amples which throw light on the subject and
               adness                                                                                                    challenge the idea of an immutable confronta-
                   Bernard-Henri  Levy,  the                                                                             tion between the two faiths.

        MFrench celebrity philosopher, has                                                                                   The first example is of the esteemed Hin-
        coined the phrase for the period in which we                                                                     du scholar Nirad C. Chaudhuri. In the 1960s
                     are living as the age of mad-                                                                       I had read Nirad Babu’s classic The Continent

                     ness. The coronavirus, he                                                                           of Circe: Being an Essay on the Peoples of In-

                     has argued, is revealing the                                                                        dia.  Impressed by Nirad Babu’s knowledge of
                     fault-lines that divide society.                                                                    the Subcontinent and attention to detail, I de-
                     We  in South  Asia  appear  to                                                                      cided to interview him for my own book Re-
                     be living in our own bubble                                                                         sistance and Control in Pakistan (Routledge,
                     of hyper-madness within the                                                                         1991) when I was based in Cambridge in the
        age of madness.                                                                                                  late 1980s.

            There is a battle brewing that will de-                                                                          I thought he might have insights into the

        fine not only India but the entire region. If                                                                    region of Waziristan to add something new to

        the mood of unchecked hate grows in India,                                                                       my perspective. At first those who acted as his
        a clash with Pakistan will be inevitable and it                                                                  minders in Oxford where he lived were reluc-

        could involve a nuclear exchange. The lead-                                                                      tant to give me access and asked many ques-
        ers of India can huff and puff against Pakistan                                                                  tions as to why I wanted to see him. A nona-

        but in their hearts of hearts, they can never be                                                                 genarian, he was also something of a celebrity
        sure that Pakistan, if attacked and backed into   videos that are then widely circulated. In the   hatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru promoted   curiosity. Nirad Babu was 5 feet in height but
        a corner, would not press the nuclear button.  mayhem, Hindu sadhus, Dalit, Christians and   coexistence between the religions, their vision   intellectually he towered over those around

            The two nuclear-armed nations appear   even nuns have been attacked.   of modern India is facing an existential crisis.   him. On his hundredth birthday, the Queen
        to be teetering on the brink of conflict. You   Muslims have been targeted in the name   There were many tell-tale symbols of the igno-  and the President of Oxford University sent

        would expect the leaders to tip-toe back from   of “cow protection” by the mobs.  Muslims are   minious rejection of Gandhi and his philoso-  messages of congratulations.
        the brink. That is not the case. Now with the   now accused of bringing coronavirus as part of   phy of non-violence in India; Gandhi’s ashes   When I told his minders   I had been

        China-India confrontation in the Himalayas,   their “Corona jihad.”  The Coronavirus upon   being stolen; Gandhi’s image being publicly   Sub-Divisional Magistrate or Assistant Com-
        the situation becomes even more dangerous   its arrival on the subcontinent turned every-  shot at by the national secretary of the Hindu   missioner  in  charge  of  Kishoreganj,  Nirad

        and complicated. There are now three nucle-  thing upside down. Indeed, the Indian estab-  Mahasabha organization; Gandhi’s killer being   Babu’s hometown, in Mymensingh District,
        ar powers rubbing against each other in and   lishment reacted with Pavlovian predictabil-  hailed by the title “Mahatma,” temples being   I was immediately  invited  to Oxford. Once
        around Kashmir, and with the US explicitly   ity by blaming it on Muslims/Pakistan. Even   constructed in his honor and a cult of per-  there he asked intelligent questions based on
        lining up with India, it makes four. Soon it   medical doctors, discarding the Hippocratic   sonality built around him;  above all the overt   his readings of Waziristan: he asked about the
        may be too late for South Asia.       Oath, have made public statements blaming   rejection of ahimsa or non-violence and the   river Tochi and about the legendary Fakir of
            It is this uncertainty that gives the con-  Muslims  for  spreading  the  coronavirus  and   frequent explosions of violence.  Ipi. In between the volley of questions, he de-

        frontation an existentialist edge. A single   advising the hospital staff not to treat them as                   livered brief lectures on the tribes and terrain
        minute miscalculation could plunge the en-  they would be better dead.         Hope                              of Waziristan. Nirad Babu had the reputation

        tire region into apocalyptic chaos. It would be   A leader in the Hindu nationalist Dharm   Theories of geopolitics that dominate lo-  of being a walking encyclopedia and I was not
        an extinction-level event. Let those planning   Jagran Samiti organization announced on tele-                    disappointed.

        nuclear destruction of the enemy understand   vision a target to “finish Islam and Christian-                        But it was his hometown at the other end
        there will be no winners. Mutual destruction   ity” in the country by the year 2022, while a   I am encouraged that beneath   of the Subcontinent in Kishoreganj that was

        is assured.                           member of the Legislative Assembly from the   the bluster and hatred and   on his mind. He had left his family home in

            In the sci-fi classic The Planet of the Apes   ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Uttar                  Kishoreganj in what became East Pakistan and

        when a nuclear apocalypse destroys the planet   Pradesh, the nation’s most populous state, set   violence there is still humanity.   found himself a refugee first in India and then

        the only victors are the apes. The last lines of   a date of 2024 when India would be exclusively   Hindus must never forget that   in England. To him, I became a link, however
        The Planet of the Apes are as eloquent as any   Hindu and spoke of the “animalistic tendency”                    weak, with his own past. Again and again, he

        of Shakespeare’s.  They could be the epitaph   of Muslims.                     the Quaid while protecting a      came back to Kishoreganj, soaking up infor-

        for South Asia if we continue on the current   From the harsh lockdown in Kashmir   group of Hindus being attacked   mation like a thirsty traveler gulping water. He
        path of madness: “You finally really did it. You   to the lynching and burnings across India, to   by Muslims in Karachi,  declared   asked many questions about his home, which

        maniacs. You blew it up.  God damn you. God   the citizenship laws that make Muslims third-                      I had visited while on a tour of the area. My
        damn you all to hell.”                class citizens in their own land, to the media   himself, “the Protector General   visit was a homage to his scholarship, and little
                                              and police onslaught, the Muslims of India   of the Hindu community in     did I imagine that one day I would meet him.
            Hatred                            are reeling. In the public’s mind, Muslims and                             It  was  a  large  rural  house  and  kept  in  good

            There are two sets of grievances poison-  Pakistan are fused and the hatred easily shifts   Pakistan” and in his  rst   condition by the family retainers. Every time

        ing the atmosphere in South Asia and we need   from one to the other. The acclaimed Indian   speeches to the Constituent   I reminded him that it was getting late for my

        to navigate between them. The Hindu sees real   novelist Arundhati Roy speaks of a “crisis of                    train, he suggested  I take a later train.  That

        or imagined insults and humiliation under   hatred against Muslims.”            Assembly guaranteed the          afternoon, we were two exiles from a beautiful

        Muslim rule over the centuries. Muslim griev-  The tragedy is that prejudice is accompa-  security and religious freedom of   land united by our distant memories of it.

        ances are more recent. They see themselves as   nied by ignorance. How many politicians and                          When I requested a blurb from him for

        victims of Hindu prejudice and violent hatred   media pundits know of Babar’s beautiful letter   the minorities in Pakistan; just   my book, he readily agreed. That encounter
        in the last decades of independent India domi-  written just before he died to his son Huma-  as Muslims must never forget   in Oxford, my reaching out to an old man in
        nated by Hindu culture and politics.  yun who was the next emperor of India? “Oh,   that Mahatma Gandhi gave     exile still yearning for his homeland across
            I could give dozens of examples from   my  son,”  begins  the  letter,  keep  your  “heart                   the world, was an act typical of the composite
        newspaper reports and widely seen videos of   cleansed of religious bigotry,” see that “temples   his life protecting the rights of   culture of South Asia; his response by giving

        the horrific violence against Muslims in India.   and abodes of worship of every community,   the Muslims.  For the admirers   a stranger the gift of a blurb for his book was

        The controversy around Panipat, the recent   should not be damaged,” “bring together the                         an equally generous South Asian gesture. His

        Bollywood historical blockbuster about an in-  diverse religions” “in particular refrain from   of the Quaid, as indeed I am,   excellent blurb graces the cover of my book:
        vading Afghan warrior king, that erupted last   the sacrifice of cows,” and “dispense justice   we should appreciate that the   “Akbar Ahmed’s book is in a great tradition of

        year in India was not an isolated incident. Just   according to the tenets of each community.”                   the greatest British administrators—Sir Alfred

        as President Donald Trump had labeled immi-  Islam is best served by “The sword of kind-  Mahatma addressed Mr Jinnah   Lyall, Sir William Hunter, and Sir Denzil Ib-
        grants coming to the US from the Latin south   ness, not by the sword of oppression.” Babar’s   with respect as Quaid-i-Azam  betson. Ahmed is also like them, an anthro-
        as rapists and murderers, Bollywood had ag-  celebrated autobiography reflects exactly the                       pologist administrator.”

        gressively begun to make films depicting Mus-  same spirit of inclusiveness and generosity.                          Another towering Indian intellectual and
        lims coming from the north as rapists and   Presidents and Prime Ministers today, and not   cal thinking are based on modern constructs   an ex-Supreme Court judge, V. R. Krishna
        murderers. 2018’s Padmaavat about Alauddin   only in South Asia, could learn a great deal   that calculate on the basis of the zero-sum   Iyer, also reached out to me in this spirit of
        Khilji depicted him in this negative light.  about governance and humanity from Babar.  equation and the clash of civilizations in   inclusive humanism. He reviewed my 1992

            There is already a full-blown campaign   For those who claim Muslims contributed   which the aim is not to merely defeat the en-  book Postmodernism and Islam: Predicament
        to malign the historical image of Tipu Sultan,   nothing to India, let me state that we cannot   emy but extermination. These theories rarely   and Promise thus: “Discovering Akbar Ahmed

        ruler of the south Indian Kingdom of Mysore   contemplate Indian culture or history with-  if ever take into account human emotions and   through his brilliant book Discovering Islam

        and once seen as a celebrated nationalist In-  out the Muslim imprint whether it is in art,   human feelings.    was my first experience … Ahmed is, above
        dian ruler (and Prime Minister Imran Khan’s   architecture, or political leadership. I could   Seeing the ugly confrontation between   all, human and so is his book. I am in love with
        hero). Songs like the one by Laxmi Dubey   give an endless list of Muslim contributions   India and Pakistan and the disgusting acts of   both” (Iyer in Economic and Political Weekly,
        threatening to “perform ceremonies with bul-  starting with two of India’s most iconic sym-  violence that it has generated on the Subcon-  7 November 1992, Bombay.)

        lets,” and “cut off the tongues of enemies who   bols — the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort. The   tinent it is understandable to see Hindus and   My next examples of the many at hand

        talk against Ram” are blasted into Muslim   prejudice  against Muslims  is also a betrayal   Muslims and Indians and Pakistanis as eternal   are of a Sikh and a Hindu. The former was my
        neighborhoods to intimidate them.     of those Muslims who marched for Indepen-  foes with undying hatred for each other. And   teaching assistant at American University.  I
            Mobs of Hindus armed with staffs go out   dence shoulder to shoulder with the Mahatma   Muslim mobs in Pakistan and Bangladesh   asked her to reflect on our time together. “You

        looking for members of the minority commu-  like Ghaffar Khan, the Frontier Gandhi, and   have exhibited similar violent hatred towards   have been a mentor, a friend, and someone
        nities and kill them often aided by the police.     Maulana Azad.          their Hindu and other minorities. One might   who has led me to view not only Islam but my

        All the while the gang films the gory details on   Although India’s founding fathers Ma-  assume that there is nothing but hatred be-  own religion, Sikhism, with a new perspec-
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