Page 6 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 6
Scott Boland: Lessons for Muslims to Learn from the Australian Cricketer
n By Dr Aslam Abdullah his cricketing development. After moving, Bo-
Fontana, CA land’s first two seasons were less productive,
only playing six matches in first grade, with
cott Michael Boland (born April 11, just three wickets. However, he fared much
1989), an Australian cricketer in head- better in second grade, getting 37 wickets in
Slines, recently discovered that his the 2008/2009 season, at an average of 18.60.
grandfather, John Edward, was Aboriginal. His next season proved more fruitful, where
Boland embraced his indig- he played 20 matches for first g r a d e ,
enous heritage, started play- taking 27 wickets at an average of 27. Anoth-
ing in indigenous represen- er consistent season with Frankston-Peninsula
tative teams, and educated saw Boland take 33 wickets at an average of
himself on indigenous tradi- 25.3 in the 2010/2011 season, earning him a
tions. He owned his people rookie state-level contract with the Victorian
and their history. Cricket team.
Capturing six wickets for seven runs on Despite a solid start to the 2011/2012
his debut for Australia, Boland proudly dedi- season, Boland wasn’t called up to debut un-
cated his victory on December 27, 2021 to his til Victoria’s fourth Sheffield Shield game. In
people. He promised to work with youngsters the 2012/13 season, Boland was not a regular
in their future growth. member of the Sheffield Shield or Ryobi Cup
He did not bring his specific tribal iden- squad, playing in seven of Victoria’s games
tity into the discussion. Instead, he owned the across both formats. The 2013/14 season was
aborigines, history, and culture despite their much more productive for Boland, as he en-
differences and cultural variations. joyed an extended stay in Victoria’s teams for
Indigenous Australians comprise 3.3% both the Sheffield Shield and Ryobi Cup tour-
of Australia’s population. The term includes naments.
many distinct peoples who have lived across wards minority groups. 4. Never feel ashamed of your way of Boland’s performances were again con-
Australia for thousands of years. They have a The survey found the percentage of Ab- life. sistent in the following season in 2014/15, and
shared genetic history. original and Torres Strait Islander people, who 5. Do not isolate yourself from the rest he was now a mainstay in the Victorian attack.
From the 1780s, when white Christian reported experiencing at least one form of ma- of society. The 2015/16 season was a breakout season for
settlers started arriving in the continent, Brit- jor discrimination, increased dramatically in 6. Compete in every walk of life to Boland at both state and international levels.
ish soldiers, the police, and the settlers have 2019 from 28.6% to 52.1% and remains very prove your worth. Boland took a career-best 7/31 against Western
orchestrated over 350 known massacres until high at 49.7%. 7. No amount of phobia and discrimi- Australia that got the attention of the national
November 2021. No one knows the number of Realizing injustices against his people, nation should impact your desire to succeed. selectors. As a result, he was on the standby
people killed by white settlers. When they ar- Boland proudly adopted his people and cul- 8. Never hide your identity. list for Australia’s Test against the West Indies
rived, the local population was about 750,000. ture. There are lessons for Muslims living in 9. Rely on the good nature of people in Hobart. In addition, he got the Bill Lawry
By 1920 the white supremacists reduced it to the West and elsewhere in the example of Bo- 10. Trust your ability to overcome all dif- Medal as Victoria’s best Sheffield Shield player.
about 120,000. According to new data, dis- land. ficulties. The 2017/18 season was another consis-
crimination against Aboriginal and Torres 1. Do not abandon your people and 11. Always stand with the victims of in- tent season for Boland, as he claimed 38 wick-
Strait Islander people is far higher than for the faith, no matter how intense the propaganda justice ets at 26.92 to finish the season. The 2018/19
rest of the population. is. Born in Mordialloc, Melbourne, Victo- domestic season was another success. Boldon
On behalf of Inclusive Australia, research- 2. Identify with the community as a ria, Boland started his career with Parkdale took 48 wickets at a miserly average of 19.66.
ers at Monash University surveyed people over whole, ignoring your subculture or sectarian Cricket Club and first played a competitive In 2018, Boland was in the Aboriginal XI
several years on several measures, including split. game aged six in the under-12’s competition. to England to celebrate the 150th anniversary
their experiences of discrimination, feelings of 3. Never give up. Keep struggling and He then joined Victorian Premier Cricket of the 1868 Aboriginal team that traveled
belonging and well-being, and prejudices to- fighting for your rights. Club Frankston Peninsula at age 16, to further BOLAND, P22