Page 11 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 11

OPINION                                                                                                      DECEMBER 31,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P11

                n By Dr James Thrasher          Green Heroin vs the Call to Work                                            Work has great significance in God’s
                         PA                                                                                              providential plan for man. From the begin-
                                                                                                                         ning, God has intended to use man’s call to
              ddiction to government handouts                                                                            work for His glory because every aspect of life

              continues  to  be  a  significant  eco-                                                                    is worship. Colossians 3:23 says “whatever you
        Anomic and societal issue. Recently,                                                                             do, work at it with all your heart, as working
        some authors have sounded the alarm by                                                                           for the Lord not for man.”

                     tagging the current CARES                                                                              The workplace is part of God’s divine
                     Act freebies as a form of                                                                           strategy to use workers as transforming and

                     “green  heroin.”  This  addic-                                                                      restorative  agents  by  pointing  others  to
                     tion to green dollars has                                                                           Christ. It was God’s intention that true soul
                     caused free-lunch addicts to                                                                        satisfaction would come from an honest day’s
                     lose their desire to work.                                                                          work. Proverbs 13:4 contrasts the worker and
                        The reality is that 150                                                                          the sluggard by stating “the soul of the slug-

                     million  people  received                                                                           gard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of
        $1,200 stimulus checks, and 25 million people                                                                    the diligent is supplied.” Through work we can

        received a weekly $600 addition to their un-                                                                     love and serve our neighbor. Work provides
        employment checks, and the handouts keep                                                                         income for tithes and offerings that should be

        coming. Unfortunately, this new cash has cre-                                                                    shared with the church and people in need.
        ated some new users and cemented a depen-                                                                           “ G r e e n heroin” is advancing an opioid-
        dency outlook with many established addicts.                                                                     like dependency on entitlement dollars. This

        Why would the unemployed look for work,                                                                          dependency contradicts God’s call to work.

        take a job, or return to work when they can                                                                      The only way to break the chains of this ad-
        make more money collecting stimulus and                                                                          diction is to see God’s purposes in the calling

        unemployment checks?                  ment CARES program have prompted a vital   fill the earth and subdue it. Work is not a re-  of work as an indispensable way in which He

            This unprecedented large-scale govern-  and foundational question: Why work?  sponsibility placed on man because of the fall,   is caring for human beings and renewing His

        ment  handout  of  money  has  produced  this   Work matters. And to those of us of reli-  but rather a high calling and privilege given   world. (Dr Jim Thrasher is the Senior Advisor

        freshly normalized perspective for some in   gious persuasion, work matters to God, now   to us by God from the beginning. The call to   to the Vice President for Student Recruitment
        our country. Freebies incentivize Americans   and eternally. Work is inherently good. God   work charges us to pursue excellence and to   and the coordinator of the Institute for Faith &
        not to work, which has dire consequences   was, is, and will continue to be a worker. We   be faithful stewards of employment opportu-  Freedom’s working group on calling)

        across the economy. The effect of this is being
        experienced by businesses, many of which are   Matthew Nicaud, in his article “Government Handouts Continue      SWEETS FROM P1
        unable to open their doors or are having to                                                                      officially handed over to a representative of

        curtail their hours because they cannot find a   to Stagnate Economic Output,” states that “there is perhaps no   the Indian High Commission at the Ministry

        sufficient labor source.               more destructive force to destroy the motivation and work ethic of        of Foreign Affairs at 10:30 am, the statement

            Matthew Nicaud, in his article “Govern-                                                                      added.
        ment Handouts Continue to Stagnate Eco-  a workforce than the sedative of government handouts.” He adds:            On the other hand, the Indian Ministry of

        nomic Output,” states that “there is perhaps   “when government doles out the entitlement dollars to the citizens,   External Affairs in New Delhi handed over the
        no more destructive force to destroy the moti-                                                                   list of Indian nuclear installations and facilities
        vation and work ethic of a workforce than the   it sends a message that the nanny state will provide some or all of   to a representative of the Pakistan High Com-
        sedative of  government  handouts.” He  adds:                                                                    mission at 11:00 pm hours (IST).

        “when government doles out the entitlement                                                                          “The agreement provides, inter alia, that
        dollars to the citizens, it sends a message that   are His image-bearers. A component of this   nities, abilities, and time to serve our Creator   both countries should inform each other of
        the  nanny  state  will  provide  some  or  all  of   image-bearing is being created in His likeness   and our fellowman. God compels us to work   their Nuclear Installations and Facilities with-
        their income.” Consuming and relying upon   as workers. God designed us to work, and it is   and earn our keep. Work is a divine duty, and   in the definition of the Agreement on 1st Janu-

        this nanny-state sedative has chilling implica-  an essential part of our humanity.  all vocational callings have dignity. Legitimate   ary of each calendar year,” the statement read,
        tions for America.                       By God’s command, Adam and Eve were   work is good and important to God as He   adding  that this  practice has  been  followed
            The tangible implications of the govern-  to tend and care for the Garden of Eden and to   works out His purposes in our lives.  consecutively since 1992.

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