Page 13 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                     DECEMBER 31,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13
                 Solution to Country’s Problems Lies in                                              Fawad Critical of New Taliban

            Fulfilment of Benazir’s Vision, Says Bilawal                                           Restrictions on Afghan Women

                                                                            the party.
                                                                                “We have to take our
                                                                            message to every corner
                                                                            of the  country,” he  said,
                                                                            announcing that the PPP
                                                                            central executive com-
                                                                            mittee would establish its
                                                                            base in Lahore on January
                                                                            5, on the birth anniversary
                                                                            of late party founder and
                                                                            former prime minister
                                                                            Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

                                                                                “The story of this
                                                                            government’s end will be-
                                                                            gin in the very city where
                                                                            the PPP’s foundation was
                                                                            laid,” he said.

                                                                                After Bilawal, PPP
                                                                            Co-Chairperson Asif Ali
                                                                            Zardari assured said the
                                                                            PPP would form the next
        PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari addresses a public rally held in Garhi Khuda Baksh to   government  in  the  coun-  “ ... saying that women can’t travel alone or go to schools and colleges — this kind of
        observe former prime minister and PPP leader Benazir Bhutto’s death anniversary  try.     retrogressive thinking is a danger for Pakistan,” the information minister said
                                                                                “Your fortunes and
        Garhi   Khuda   Baksh:    it had valiantly fought ter-  “And when you em-  those of the poor will   Islamabad:  Information Minister   stan movement had foreseen that
        PPP Chairperson Bilawal   rorism in the country and   power provinces, you   change. And Bilawal will   Fawad Chaudhry on Monday said   the leadership of India’s Hindu ma-
        Bhutto-Zardari said on   established the writ of the   solve people’s problems.”  change those fortunes,”   retrogressive thinking was a “danger   jority would be coopted by people
        Monday that the only so-  state.                 He expressed regret,   he said, adding that they   for Pakistan” in reference to the re-  who  would “make life  difficult  for

        lution to the problems    “We, our soldiers and   saying that the application   were trying their best to   cent measures taken by the Taliban   minorities”.
        Pakistan was facing in   our people, defeated the   of the 18th amendment   fulfill  the  promises  made   government in Afghanistan regard-  Pointing to violence committed

        present times was the ful-  same terrorists whom the   and the NFC award was   to  Benazir  and  Zulfikar   ing women.  against minorities in India, he con-

        fillment  of  former  prime   entire world couldn’t de-  not seen after the PPP’s   Ali Bhutto.  “You see that two extremist re-  trasted the response to what hap-

        minister and slain PPP   feat in Afghanistan,” Bila-  tenure.                             gimes have cropped up on right and   pened in the aftermath of the Sialkot

        leader Benazir Bhutto’s vi-  wal said, without naming   There were “attacks”   PTI, PPP   left of Pakistan. On one side there is   lynching on December 3.

        sion.                  any terrorist organization.  on democracy after that,              Afghanistan where the Taliban have   “You saw the whole of Pakistan

            Bilawal, who was ad-  “But the incumbent   he said.              Women Get            arrived. We want to fully help the   was united and condemned that in-

        dressing a public rally held   government is selling out   “At times through              Afghan people.                cident. This is happening every day

        in Sindh’s Garhi Khuda   the blood of our martyrs   an RO (returning officer)   into Physical   “But  saying  that  women  can’t   in India with Muslims and no one is
        Baksh to observe Benazir’s   ... the prime minister and   election and other times        travel alone or go to schools and   bothered.”
        14th death anniversary,   the president have bowed   through an RTS (Results   Brawl      colleges — this kind of retrogressive   He said the reason for making
        began his speech with an   down to them (terror-  Transmission  System)                   thinking is  a danger for  Pakistan,”   the nation-state of Pakistan was for
        ode to his late mother.  ists), they are begging for   election,” he added, mak-  Islamabad:  Ruling PTI   the information minister said, while   a place where Muslims could have a

            Benazir was assassi-  a deal. But the terrorists   ing references to allega-  MNA Ghazala Saifi and   addressing  a  ceremony  in  Islam-  majority  where  their  rights  would

        nated in a gun-and-bomb   have turned them away,”   tions of rigging during   Shagufta Jumani of the   abad.            be preserved, and they would not
        attack  after  an  election   he said. “But the jiyalas   elections.  opposition PPP got into a   He added that a similar Hindu   be hostage to a majority. Chaudhry

        rally in Liaquat Bagh on   of the PPP and BB are   He  alleged that  the   physical brawl during the   extremist mindset was rising in   stressed that Pakistan’s purpose was
        Dec 27, 2007.          still standing firm to fight   Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf   National Assembly’s noisy   India so the Pakistani state’s “big-  “preserving minority rights and

            “It has been 14 years   those terrorists.”  led government wanted to   sitting on Thursday.  gest” and “most important” fight   safeguarding them”.

        [since Benazir’s assassina-  The PPP, he said,   “snatch provinces’ rights   The two lawmak-  was  against  these  “two  extremist   “Our real challenge  is how to
        tion], and we still remem-  didn’t believe in deals, and   and end provincial au-  ers  surrounded  by  others   thoughts”.  reclaim Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad
        ber Shaheed Mohtarma   added that Benazir was   tonomy”.            were  seen  shouting  and   “We have had failures and suc-  Ali Jinnah’s Pakistan.”

        Benazir  Bhutto.  Th e  being wrongly accused of   “But we will not let   pushing each other when   cesses but till now Pakistan is that   The information minister
        people of Pakistan still re-  entering a deal on the eve   them do so,” he asserted.   the protesting opposition   bright hope  in this region which   said that confusion about what the
        member Shaheed Mohtar-  of her assassination. Ap-  “When provinces are not   members had gathered in   while remaining amid these ex-  founder wanted for Pakistan was
        ma Benazir Bhutto,” he   parently making a refer-  given their rights, people   front of the seats of min-  tremes can emerge out from them.”  present in the state itself. Chaudhry

        said.                  ence to reports of a pow-  suff er.”         isters to have a face-to-  The information minister’s   said Jinnah had defined his vision in
            “Shaheed BB your   er-sharing deal between   Bilawal further al-  face argument at the time   comments come after Afghanistan’s   his three addresses to the Constitu-

        beloved Pakistan is facing   Benazir and then-presi-  leged that the mandate   of the presentation of the   Taliban  authorities  said  on  Sunday   ent Assembly, armed forces and the

        a difficult time. Your be-  dent Pervez Musharraf,   of the people had been   controversial finance bill.  that  women seeking  to travel lon-  bureaucracy.

        loved Pakistan is [now] a   Bilawal said that the PPP   stolen and now, “they   TV channels, while   ger distances should not be offered   “This confusion should be

        democracy only in name.”  did not practice “non-  [masses] have to endure   showing the footage of the   transport unless they are accompa-  completely dispelled that the Quaid-
            Bilawal  went on  to   democratic politics”.  puppets and selected rul-  incident, claimed that Ms   nied by a close male relative.  i-Azam wanted a religious state. He
        say neither was there any   “We do not need a   ers and bear the burden of   Jumani  slapped  the  PTI   The guidance, issued by the   never saw Pakistan as a religious

        “freedom to speak nor the   deal. Our deal is with the   an incompetent and inef-  MNA.   Ministry for the Promotion of Vir-  country and all these people who
        freedom to live” in today’s   people of Pakistan.”  ficient prime minister.”  On  the  other  hand,   tue and Prevention of Vice, also   today on his name are fooling the

        Pakistan. More so, he add-  ‘Govt neither believes   “This   government   the PPP members were   called on all vehicle owners to offer   people  that  the  meaning  of  an  Is-
        ed, the country was also   in democracy nor in pro-  neither believes in de-  quoted by her party col-  rides only to women wearing hijabs.  lamic country was a religious coun-
        facing  economic  diffi  cul-  vincial autonomy’: Refer-  mocracy nor in provincial   leagues as saying that she   The guidance, circulated on so-  try — this was entirely not the case.”

        ties and the poor had been   ring to a slogan raised by   autonomy,” he remarked.  was attacked by Ms Saifi     cial media networks, came weeks af-  He said his lifestyle was at odds
        abandoned.             the PPP with regards to   Turning his attention   and that she had only re-  ter the ministry asked Afghanistan’s   with people who used his name to-
            “There is only one so-  punishing Benazir’s kill-  to the economy, he said   taliated.  television channels to stop showing   day and wanted to make “Pakistan a

        lution to the problems of   ers, Bilawal recalled: “We   the country’s people “are   Later, Ms Saifi issued   dramas  and  soap  operas  featuring   backward country”.

        Pakistan,” he said. “There   said democracy is the best   drowning in a tsunami   a statement claiming that   women actors. The ministry had   Chaudhry said Jinnah had clar-

        is just one way, one party,   revenge.”      of inflation and facing a   she had  got her  thumb   also called on female TV journalists   ified the role of minorities and that

        one political philoso-    “And we had restored   storm of taxes”.   fractured  during  the  to wear hijabs while presenting.  the state would have no business to
        phy and one manifesto   democracy [in Pakistan]   He claimed that un-  scuffle with Ms Jumani.   Since taking power in August,   interfere in religious matters.

        that  holds  the  solution   through the 18th Amend-  employment and poverty   “I am appalled at the way   the Taliban have imposed various   “After that, a great retrogres-

        to these problems ... And   ment and the National   had risen to historic levels.  Shugafta Jumani has con-  restrictions on women and girls,   sive [thinking] has come and we see

        that is the vision of Sha-  Finance  Commission  And this turmoil   ducted herself. To behave   despite pledging a softer rule com-  Pakistan has declined.”

        heed Mohtarma Benazir   (NFC) award. We empow-  would  continue  to  in-  in such a way, in a space   pared with their first stint in power   He said the movement for Pak-

        Bhutto.”               ered parliament, and the   crease  till  “our  economy   which has such specific   in the 1990s.  istan was not led by accomplished

            ‘Govt  selling  out  PPP was the first party in   remains  enslaved  to  the   codes of ethics, a place for   In several provinces, local Tali-  religious figures and scholars of the

        martyrs’ blood’: The PPP   the country that complet-  IMF (International Mon-  us to voice the concerns of   ban authorities have been persuaded   time. Instead, Jinnah and Allama

        chief  also  criticized  the   ed its five-year term in the   etary  Fund) and is  man-  the people we represent,   to reopen schools — but many girls   Iqbal  had talked about  a political

        government for “selling   government,” he added.  aged  by  this  inefficient   for it to be reduced to this   still remain cut off from secondary   theory and politically interpreted

        out the blood of our mar-  The 18th Amend-   government”.           sort of brawl-like behav-  education.               Islam that there should be a coun-

        tyrs” by “striking deals   ment  and the NFC, he   At the end of his ad-  ior should be a cause of   ‘Reclaim Jinnah’s Pakistan’:   try where Muslims and minorities
        with terrorists”.      said, restored democracy   dress, Bilawal urged PPP   intense shame for Ms Ju-  During his address, Chaudhry said   could live where a “brutal majority”
            He said when the   and empowered prov-   workers and supporters to   mani,” said the PTI mem-  that Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali   could not target them.
        PPP was in government,   inces.              campaign for and revive   ber in her statement.  Jinnah and the leaders of the Paki-  FAWAD, P15
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