Page 15 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                     DECEMBER 31,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15
                            NSC Approves Pakistan’s                                               Prime Minister Imran Feels Nawaz

                   First-Ever National Security Policy                                                   Will Return only after Deal

                                                                                                                                recently  formed  21-member  com-
                                                                                                                                mittee for formulation of the party’s
                                                                                                                                constitution as the CEC of the party.
                                                                                                                                    He said the party would make
                                                                                                                                slight changes in its constitution of

                                                                                                                                2015 after which the polls would be
                                                                                                                                    Mr Khan had dissolved the
                                                                                                                                party’s organizational structure

                                                                                                                                after its recent defeat in the first
                                                                                                                                phase of local body elections in
                                                                                                                                Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He had also
                                                                                                                                formed the 21-member committee
                                                                                                                                to amend the party’s constitution.
                                                                                                  Islamabad:  Prime Minister Imran   FAWAD FROM P13

                                                                                                  Khan hinted on Thursday that for-  “This fight is very important for

                                                                                                  mer prime minister and supremo   Pakistan’s survival and only by win-
                                                                                                  of the Pakistan Muslim League-N   ning it can we or any other country
                                                                                                  (PML-N) Nawaz Sharif will not re-  move forward.”

                                                                                                  turn to the country without first   The information minister once

                                                                                                  striking a “secret deal” on the issue.  again pointed to the decline in In-

          The security policy was unveiled at the 36th NSC meeting chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan with the participation of key   “He  [Nawaz  Sharif]  had  also   dia under Prime Minister Narendra

          ministers, chairman joint chiefs of staff committee, all services chiefs, national security advisor and senior civil and military of-  returned to the country from Saudi   Modi’s  government  which  he  said

          ficers, according to a press release issued after the meeting                           Arabia [in 2007] under a deal,” the   was “spreading extremism in the

                                                                                                  prime minister said while talking to   name of a religious majority”.

        Islamabad:  The National Security   statement said.             He directed the NSA to pres-  some journalists in the corridors of   Chaudhry said a movement

        Committee (NSC) — the highest     “To ensure this citizen-centric   ent an implementation progress re-  the Parliament House.  was needed to effectively propagate
        forum for coordination on security   approach to security, the NSP put   port to the NSC every month.  When he was asked about re-  Jinnah’s message and understanding
        issues — on Monday approved the   economic security at the core,” Yu-  The NSC members, while ap-  ports that Mr Sharif could return   of Pakistan to the common people.

        country’s first-ever National Secu-  suf told the meeting.  proving the policy, appreciated the   to the country soon, Mr Khan said:

        rity Policy aimed at strengthening   According to the NSA, a stron-  National Security Division and all   “When he [Nawaz] had gone to   Veteran journalist
        the security apparatus to tackle all   ger economy would create addi-  other government departments for   Saudi Arabia, we used to hear that
        internal  and external  challenges as   tional resources that would in turn   the effort, the statement added.  he was [either] coming today or to-  Mohammad

        well as ensuring the protection of   be judiciously distributed to further   Meanwhile, revitalization of   morrow.”
        citizens.                     bolster military and human secu-  the Planning Committee and the   In  response to a question  re- Ziauddin passes away

            The security policy was un-  rity.                      expansion of NSC’s Advisory Board   garding speeches by Leader of the
        veiled at the 36th NSC meeting    It was highlighted that a de-  was also unanimously approved by   Opposition in the National Assem-
        chaired by Prime Minister Imran   tailed implementation framework   the participants during the meet-  bly Shehbaz Sharif, the prime min-
        Khan with participation from key   had been created through which   ing.                  ister said: “[A] speech of Shehbaz
        ministers, chairman joint chiefs of   the National Security Division   The new policy will now be   Sharif is like his job application.”

        staff committee, all services chiefs,   would review progress in collabo-  presented to the federal cabinet for   He  said  his  government  was

        national security advisor and se-  ration with relevant ministries and   its imprimatur before it is officially   managing  its  affairs  well  and  was

        nior civil and military officers, ac-  departments.         adopted. “A public version of the   under no threat from the opposi-

        cording to a press release issued   In his remarks, Prime Minister   document will be released in due   tion. “The government is not in

        after the meeting.            Imran Khan emphasized that the   course.”                   trouble,” he remarked.

            Briefing the meeting, National   security  of Pakistan rested  in  the   Earlier this month, the premier   Earlier in the day, Prime Min-
        Security Adviser (NSA) Moeed   security of its citizens and reposed   had said that national security was   ister Khan presided over a special

        Yusuf highlighted that Pakistan   confidence that Pakistan was well   more  than  just  a  matter  of  focus-  meeting of the federal cabinet that

        was shifting to a comprehensive   prepared to meet any internal and   ing on military might, adding that   approved  the  Supplementary  Fi-
        national security framework while   external threats.       it encompassed inclusive growth as   nance Bill 2021, which was subse-  Islamabad:  Noted journalist Mo-
        the ultimate purpose of national se-  Terming the NSP’s formula-  well.                   quently introduced in the National   hammad Ziauddin passed away

        curity was to ensure the safety and   tion and approval a historic mo-  The prime minister said a simi-  Assembly  by  Finance  Minister   Monday, November 29, 2021, after
        security of citizens.         ment, the premier noted that the   lar focus was needed on human de-  Shaukat Tarin.       a prolonged illness. He was 83.

            The meeting was informed   policy must guide all organs of the   velopment as well and called upon   In a tweet on the matter, fed-  Born in 1938 in the Indian city
        that the policy had been devised   government to ensure that their   the audience to highlight the issues   eral Information Minister Fawad   of  Madras,  Ziauddin  breathed  his
        with the consultation of all stake-  efforts are synchronized with the   in Pakistan’s three-tiered education   Chaudhry said the cabinet had ap-  last at his Islamabad residence. His

        holders concerned, the official   overall direction of the NSP.  system.                  proved the finance bill and it would   family had migrated to Dhaka, then

              Rana Shamim Affidavit: IHC to Frame Charges                                         be tabled in the National Assembly.  East Pakistan, in 1952, five years af-

                                                                                                                                 ter Partition. They moved to Kara-
                                                                                                      Prime Minister Khan also pre-

                     against Ex-Judge, Others on January 7                                        sided over a meeting of the Paki-  chi in West Pakistan by 1960.
                                                                                                                                    He was associated with jour-
                                                                                                  stan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) par-
                                                                                                  liamentary party where Mr Tarin   nalism for almost 60 years and dur-

        Islamabad:  The Islamabad High-                             Nisar, during his visit to GB, made a   explained features of the finance   ing his stint as a journalist, worked

        Court (IHC) on Tuesday set Janu-                            call to an IHC judge and asked him   bill and responded to the legislators’   with all the major newspapers of
        ary 7, 2022, as the date for framing                        to ensure that former prime minis-  queries about amendments to the   Pakistan, The Muslim, The News,

        charges against former Gilgit-Baltis-                       ter Nawaz Sharif and his daughter   State Bank Act.          Dawn and The Express Tribune

        tan chief justice Rana Shamim and                           Maryam  Nawaz  were not  released   After the meeting, Foreign   with great distinction.

        others in a case related to an in-                          on bail before July 25, 2018 general   Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi   As per The Express Tribune,
        vestigative report highlighting an                          elections. The affidavit was pub-  told journalists that it was the par-  his first job in the field of journal-

        affidavit attributed to the ex-judge                        lished as part of an investigative re-  liamentarians’ right to be acquaint-  ism was as a cub reporter at the

        in which he accused former jurist                           port by The News on Nov 15.   ed with the legislation about to be   Pakistan Press International (PPI).
        Mian Saqib Nisar of colluding to                                Justice  Minallah  had  subse-  tabled in the parliament.  He then went on to work for the
        deny  bails  to PML-N leadership                            quently  taken  notice  of  the  report   In response to a question, he   Pakistan Press Agency – and since

        prior to the 2018 elections.                                and later issued show-cause notices   said parliament was empowered to   then he  worked at different news
            During the hearing, Shamim                              to Abbasi, Rehman, Ghouri as well   amend any law with a simple ma-  organizations in editorial positions

        opened his original affidavit — sub-                        as Shamim under the Contempt of   jority, if required, to remove any   with The Express Tribune being his

        mitted earlier in Dec, more than a   the former judge to submit his origi-  Court Ordinance.  lacuna in it.              last.
        month after it was mentioned in the   nal affidavit in three previous hear-  During the hearing, the IHC   The meeting of the PTI’s par-  In July 2014, Ziauddin re-

        report published in The News —   ings, warning that charges would   chief justice observed that Shamim’s   liamentary party was attended by   signed as the executive editor of the
        on the court’s  instructions. Justice   be framed if the maker  of the af-  written response submitted to the   cabinet members as well as other   English daily and went on to work

        Minallah asked Shamim if the docu-  fidavit, Shamim; the publisher and   court had “laid the entire blame” on   members of the parliament.  as a freelance journalist.

        ment was the former judge’s affidavit   editor-in-chief of Jang Group Mir   journalist Ansar Abbasi, recalling   Party elections: The prime   The country’s top political
        and whether he had sealed it himself   Shakeelur Rehman; senior journal-  that the former jurist had also main-  minister also chaired a meeting of   leadership and journalist communi-
        to which Shamim replied in the af-  ist Ansar Abbasi and resident editor   tained that he had not shared the af-  the PTI’s Central Executive Com-  ty paid rich tributes to Mohammad

        firmative.                    Amer Ghouri failed to show it was   fidavit with anyone.    mittee (CEC), which decided the   Ziauddin for his professional integ-

            Justice Minallah also directed   executed  and published  for  bona   He added that in similar cir-  party would hold its elections in   rity and outstanding contributions.
        that copies of the affidavit be pro-  fide purpose.         cumstances, courts in the United   2022 under its slightly amended   His death will be widely mourned

        vided to Attorney General Khalid   In the ‘leaked’ affidavit, on   Kingdom asked journalists to dis-  constitution of 2015.  and he will be greatly missed by his

        Jawed Khan.                   which Ansar Abbasi’s report was   close their sources but the IHC   The information minister told   colleagues and friends. May his soul

            The IHC had earlier directed   based, Shamim allegedly stated that   would not do so.  Dawn the meeting declared the   rest in peace. (Ameen)
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