Page 19 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 19
Art Exhibit & Mushaira in Sacramento Features the Work of Irfan Murtaza
n By Ras H. Siddiqui The evening was broken up into one of his works especially caught gress and members of the California nity via our talents in the arts such as
three segments. The first was the art many eyes. Titled “Ashamed” this Senate. Junaid added that participa- those on display here.
unique event titled “Cul- exhibition which showcased Irfan’s painting of two poor children (pos- tion in local and national politics is The poetry recital finale was
tural Fusion” was held in paintings, calligraphy, and ceramic sibly brother and sister) hiding their essential for our community. A mo- next. The first poet invited on stage
A Sacramento, California, displays with the Artist himself avail- faces from a picture taker or the art- ment of silence was also observed for was Sardar Shahnawaz Habib whose
bringing together two organiza- able to explain all the finer points of ist showed a great deal of feeling and the victims of recent tornados in the Maa (Mother) was quite moving
tions and an ac- his work which was available for sale. depth. This writer was immediately Midwest. along with Tum Mujhe Yaad Karna.
claimed artist on The second segment was dinner and a drawn to it and had to ask Irfan a And speaking of participation Naeem Syed himself presented next
December 18, 2021. chance to catch up socially. And last, few questions about it. It should in local politics two young people Josh o Jazba and Meri Ghazal Tu Hai
The first organiza- but not least, was a Mushaira (Urdu come as no surprise that this paint- who are attempting to do just that before he invited Dr Salwa Hussain
tion had the venue, poetry recital) interspersed with an ing sold very quickly for a good sum were next invited to speak after. to share some of her poetry. One
a recently purchased appeal for local activism and politi- of money. Kudos to the person who Fatima Malik, who ran for a Board could say that Pakistani doctors are
facility of the Coun- cal participation. South Asian origin purchased it for appreciating true art. Position on the local SMUD utility certainly multitalented as Ms Hus-
cil on American Islamic Relations people are no strangers to such a mix Following dinner, the formali- (District 5) in 2020, ran a great cam- sain proved here with her Hum Yun
(CAIR) Sacramento Valley on Del because Urdu poetry’s reach is well ties began with a fine Qur’anic reci- paign (she received approximately Bichar Jayain Ge along with Jo Dil
Paso Blvd. which lucky for us, has beyond personal romance as its love tation by Tulaib Zafir. CAIR Sac- 40,000 votes) and came very close Mein Rehte Hain, and even a reflec-
its own built-in Art Gallery. The affair with politics is well document- ramento Board Member Khydeeja to winning. Fatima gave us a brief tion on a trip to Hawaii, Jis Taraf
second organization is a relative ed. There were two emcees here this Javid spoke first and welcomed the background of her family origins, Dekha. And closing the local talent
newcomer to this area but not new evening starting with Asif Haq and event taking place at her organiza- and also said that she will be plan- Javaid Akhtar came up to the stage
to California by the name of the later Naeem Syed taking over during tion’s newly purchased facility. She ning to run again. Sameer Kazim, with his Keh Dala, December (poem
Human Ummah Foundation. And the Mushaira. also reminded everyone that the fa- who spoke next, is another person we on Saneha-e-Peshawar) and Zindagi
last but not least, a gifted individ- Touring the art exhibit was quite cility has been purchased with loans need to support. He is currently an (Life).
ual whose work was featured here a treat. The range of subjects in Irfan and a large sum is due next year elected Democratic Party Delegate The chief guest Irfan Murtaza
via two artistic dimensions (Paint- Murtaza’s art has widened recently which will need our community’s from California Assembly District 6. was an emerging talent in the year
ings and Poetry) Irfan Murtaza. as has the level of detail flowing generous attention. Junaid Khan of Sameer believes in the expansion of 2002 when his first Urdu poetry col-
Irfan may be old news for people through his paintbrush. One can say the Human Ummah Foundation fol- public education, advanced health- lection “Puraanay Gher Kay Mosam”
in Southern California, but we be- that viewer appreciation is subjec- lowed with a short speech and high- care access, and the need to address was published. We are happy to note
lieve that this was his first show in tive, almost all his work needs to be lighted the past and current achieve- climate change. In this event he said that Pakistan Link was there and a
person in the Sacramento area that commended because it is thought- ments of the organization, including that we can, and should, be able to part of the Rooh Numai of that book
we are aware of. provoking and simply beautiful. And awards received from the US Con- reach out to the mainstream commu- IRFAN, P28