Page 23 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 23

COMMENTARY                                                                                                   DECEMBER 31,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P23
                                     10 Ways to Build Your Faith over Winter Break 2021

                 n By Samana Siddiqui                                                                                     fer them what you can in terms of cash. You
                      Chicago, IL                                                                                         can also make small bags of items that can
                                                                                                                          help them stay warm and safe. These include
                ith more people vaccinated, but                                                                           mittens, hats, scarves, hand and toe warmers,
                a new COVID-19 variant emerg-                                                                             sanitizer, snacks, and a water bottle. If you feel
        Wing at this writing, the options for                                                                             comfortable, buy them a warm meal and drink.
        winter break 2021 are better than last year’s,                                                                       You can also volunteer to serve meals at a
        Alhamdu lillah. However, they are still not                                                                       homeless shelter, as well as collect items they
        what they were before the pandemic.                                                                               need.
            Still, while many like to travel during this
        time, the benefit of a staycation remains, not                                                                       9.Make Juma Joyful
        just in terms of safety from illness, as well as af-                                                                 Each Friday that you are home during win-
        fordability, but also as a way to build spirituality.                                                             ter break, fulfill the Sunnahs of Juma (taking a
            Here are some ways you can use the winter                                                                     bath, cutting nails, reading Surah al-Kahf), and
        break as a time to become closer to God.                                                                          watch an online Khutba if you cannot attend
                                                                                                                          Friday prayers in person. Make sure to pray
            1. Fast                                                                                                       four Rakat for Dhuhr, not two, as this is not
            The shorter days of winter make it easier                                                                     considered Juma prayer. But it will give you that
        to catch up on missed fasts from Ramadan.                                                                         ambience of this blessed day.
        Fast and recreate a Ramadan meal at Iftar time,   of winter break as a family or with a group of   The pandemic has hit our Masjids very
        featuring dates and winter fare, like soups and   friends. Learn their translation as well. Encour-  hard, as donations are often given in person,   10. Reconnect with Relatives You Have
        s’mores. If you have older children, have them   age each other by texting daily reminders to   especially during Ramadan - when many Mas-  Lost Touch with
        help prepare the Iftar meals or take over them   memorize. Whoever memorizes the most gets   jids were in lockdown or at reduced capacity.   Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings
        completely.                           a prize.                              In winter break, fundraise online for your lo-  be upon him, said that a person who believes in
            If you and your family and friends are fully                            cal mosque. Share the link for online donations.   Allah and the Last Day should maintain good
        vaccinated and feel safe meeting, host an Iftar.   4. Build a Masjid in your home  See if there is some way to host your own online   relationships with his or her relatives (Bukhari
        Also feel free to add those who can’t make it via   Designate a part of your home, no matter   fundraising drive.  and Muslim).
        Zoom or FaceTime.                     how small, as your prayer area. Decorate it with                               With more free time during the break,
                                              Islamic art and calligraphy, bookshelves filled   7. Raise money online for your local food   make an effort to reach out to family members
            2. Tahajjud and/or Qiyaam         with  copies of the Qur’an and Islamic  books,   bank                       you may have lost touch with, or mend your
            Fajr begins later in winter, and the nights   and beautiful prayer rugs.   Last year, nearly 15 percent of American   relationship with those you’ve had a falling out
        are long. This makes it easier to wake up for                               families went hungry, according to the US Food   with. It can start with a simple text or What-
        Tahajjud, as well as to offer Qiyaam, continu-  5. Story time               and Drug Administration. Host a virtual food   sApp message, maybe even a phone call. Then,
        ous prayer during nighttime. “The best prayer   Every few nights, over hot chocolate, cook-  drive, either for Feeding America, or your local   you can build from there and start an online
        after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer.”   ies, and dimmed lights, have family members   food pantry.   family group to share news and updates about
        (Sahih Muslim). Don’t pass up this opportunity   share a story on an Islamic theme. Ideas include                 each other. You will get the reward for staying
        to become closer to God. Wake up family mem-  being hopeful, gratefulness, Jesus in Islam, and   8. Look for and Serve the Homeless  in touch and bringing relatives together.
        bers to join you as well.             death. You can do this in-person or virtually.  Winter is one of the deadliest and hard-
                                                                                    est times for the homeless, when cold weather   ways-to-build-your-faith-over-winter-break-
            3. Family/friends Quran challenge     6. Raise Money Online for Your Local   cannot just make them sick, but literally kill. If   2021?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=0b3160
            Memorize a new Surah for every week   Masjid                            you see a homeless person asking for help, of-  6f-a8d8-4630-91ff-9e2edfee97ee
                                The Harvard Job Offer No One at Harvard Ever Heard of !

          n By Jeffrey Gettleman, Kate   geted, even after one of the women                                                     mad, inviting her to participate in a
            Conger and Suhasini Raj   alerted Harvard and the public about                                                      high-powered media conference at
                  New Delhi           the unusual cyberoperation.                                                               Harvard. It was the same message
                                          The incidents raised questions                                                        sent to Singh, though neither woman
              idhi Razdan was all set to   about why Harvard — despite its                                                      knew the other had been targeted.
              travel to Harvard Univer-  reputation for fiercely protecting its                                                     Flattered and curious, Sikander
        Nsity to start a new job, and   brand — did not act to stop the scam,                                                   began chatting with Ahmad on the
        a new life, when she received a   even after being explicitly warned                                                    WhatsApp instant messaging and
        stunning email.               about it. They also revealed how easy                                                     calling app. She was not thrown off
            A famous Indian news anchor   it is for wrongdoers to hide their                                                    by the fact  that his phone  number
        at the apex of her career, Razdan be-  identities on the internet, a risk that                                          started with the country code of the
        lieved she would soon start teaching   is likely to get worse as the technol-                                           United Arab Emirates, although he
        at Harvard, a dream ticket out of an   ogy used in digital fakery continues                                             claimed to be in the Boston area.
        almost unbearably toxic media at-  to improve.                                                                          Maybe he was a foreign student with
        mosphere in India.                The people — or person — be-                                                          Dubai connections, she thought. She
            She had told the world that she   hind the hoax were relentless. They                                               remembers his voice: young, with a
        was leaving the news business for   created a constellation of interlock-                                               South  Asian  accent,  which  she  be-
        America and she had freely shared   ing personas across Twitter, Face-  “It’s not like anything I’ve ever   about Lucknow and then he invited   lieved sounded Pakistani.
        her most important personal infor-  book, Gmail and WhatsApp to pur-  seen,” said Bill Marczak, a senior re-  her to participate in a high-powered   Just like in Singh’s case, Ah-
        mation  with  her  new  employer  —   sue the women for months at a time.   search fellow at Citizen Lab, an insti-  media conference. Harvard would   mad connected her to Hirschman.
        passport  details,  medical  records,   Unlike typical online fraudsters, they   tute at the University of Toronto that   pick  up all  expenses. She was  in-  What she did not know was that
        bank account numbers, everything.  did not appear to use the personal   investigates cyberattacks on journal-  trigued. But she grew suspicious after   Hirschman and Ahmad were likely
            But when she swiped open her   information they extracted to steal   ists. “It’s a huge amount of effort and   Ahmad connected her to a colleague,   fake personas — a search of Har-
        phone in the middle of a January   money or to extort the women, leav-  no payoff that we’ve identified.”  introduced as Alex Hirschman, who   vard’s student directory showed no
        night, she read the following mes-  ing their ultimate goal a mystery.                    wrote to her Aug. 19 from a Gmail   students by either name.
        sage, from an associate dean at Har-  Nearly a year later, it is still un-  ‘This hotel fine for you?’  account rather than an official Har-  Sikander also did not know that
        vard:                         certain why Razdan and the other   One at a time, the scammers se- email address. On top of   Ahmad’s Twitter account was one
            “There is no record of, nor any   women were targeted. Although the   lected their prey.  that, both Ahmad and Hirschman   of several online personas that were
        knowledge of, your name or your ap-  scammers expressed support online   The first known target: Rohini   had telephone numbers that were   interlinked. Ahmad and Hirschman
        pointment.”                   for the Hindu nationalist movement   Singh, an outspoken female journal-  not  based  in  the  United  States.   seemed so friendly, sending her com-
            The email closed: “I wish you   in India, they shed little light on their   ist who had broken some big stories   Hirschman and Ahmad then asked   pliments — and confirmations for
        the best for your future.”    decision to trick reporters.  that powerful men in India did not   her for passport details and some   the flights and hotels they claimed to
            Razdan  felt  dizzy  and  nause-  The perpetrators have success-  like. Singh delivered a blockbuster   photos, which were  to be  used for   have booked.
        ated. She had thrown away a high-  fully covered their tracks — at least,   article  in  2017  about  the  business   promotional purposes. A few days   “This room and this hotel fine
        flying career in journalism and fallen   most of them. The New York Times   fortunes of the son of India’s cur-  later, convinced their entreaty was a   for you?” one of their messages said.
        into an intricate online hoax.  reviewed  private  messages,  emails   rent minister of home affairs. She is   scam, Singh ceased communication.  Still, something told her to be-
            “I just couldn’t believe it,” Raz-  and metadata the scammers sent   a freelance contributor to an online   The next target was another fe-  ware. When she asked for a formal
        dan said.                     to the women as well as archives of   publication called The Wire that is   male journalist, Zainab Sikander. An   invite from a dean, it never came. Si-
            The hoax that ensnared Raz-  the scammers’ tweets and photos   among the most critical of the Hin-  up-and-coming political commen-  kander then broke off contact as well.
        dan exploited Harvard’s prestige, the   that  the  scammers  claimed  were  of   du nationalist government in India.   tator, Sikander campaigns against   At the time, India was dominat-
        confusion caused by the pandemic,   themselves. The Times also relied on   She has also amassed nearly 796,000   discrimination toward Muslims, a   ed by a seismic news event: Kashmir.
        and her own digital naïveté. At the   analysis from researchers at Stanford   Twitter  followers.  In  mid-August   growing problem under the Hindu   The Indian government had sudden-
        time she went public, what had hap-  University and the University of To-  2019, Singh received a Twitter mes-  nationalist government. She has also   ly wiped away the autonomy of the
        pened to her seemed like a shocking   ronto who study online abuse, and   sage from someone calling himself   written and posted many critical ob-  Kashmir region, a restive, Muslim-
        but isolated incident. But it wasn’t.   from a cybersecurity expert who ex-  Tauseef Ahmad, who said he was a   servations of the administration of   majority territory that has been the
        Razdan was one of several promi-  amined Razdan’s computer.  master’s student at the Harvard Ken-  Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  source of a never-ending feud be-
        nent female journalists and media   The identities of the scammers   nedy School and from Singh’s home-  On Aug. 22, 2019, Sikander, too,   tween India and Pakistan.
        personalities in India who were tar-  remain a secret.      town, Lucknow. They chitchatted   received a Twitter message from Ah-  HARVARD, P24
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