Page 28 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 28
GEMS FROM P25 istrator, US National Institutes of at institutions of higher education that tion.” Constitutional requirement:
tian religious development) had Health) are focused on teaching about Islam “The federal government should Article 73 of the Constitution deals
reached a degree of maturity which and its history. But the remedy for immediately reduce the prices of pe- with the “procedure with respect to
henceforth enabled it to grasp an ide- CRYPTOCURRENCY FROM P18 the moral recession we find ourselves troleum products in line with world money bills”, which are only required
ology as such without the aid of those cial services company in Pakistan, in can only come from those who are market prices,” Bilawal demanded. to be passed by the National Assem-
persuasive portents and miraculous said his journey with blockchain courageous enough to challenge it. At He said the only solution to get- bly. However, Article 73(1) states that
demonstrations which in the past, as and Bitcoin started in 2013 when MPAC, we firmly believe it’s the next ting rid of inflation was ending Prime “Notwithstanding anything contained
the above verse points out, only too he wrote a report on the cryptocur- generation of leaders and that’s why Minister Imran Khan’s government. in Article 70, a money bill shall origi-
often gave rise to new, grave miscon- rency. “At that time accepting Bit- we make CLDP a keystone in our ad- Shehbaz expressed similar sen- nate in the National Assembly: provid-
ceptions. coin was not common,” he acknowl- vocacy work. timents, saying it would have been ed that simultaneously when a money
edged. This ten-week program is fo- better for the premier to resign than bill, including the finance bill contain-
COVID FROM P20 But now, things have changed, cused on ensuring our fellows get the “drop a petrol bomb on the new year”. ing the annual budget statement, is
and long lines of people scrambling Khwaja said. “Everybody is invest- complete DC experience, one which “Governments in the world presented in the National Assembly,
to find oxygen for loved ones have ing in crypto in Pakistan. We come includes serving as an intern in a con- cheapen prices on festive occasions a copy thereof shall be transmitted to
never ceased. across them all of the time…rich gressional office, access to exclusive [but] Imran Niazi dropped an infla- the Senate which may, within fourteen
Images of improvised funeral people, the normal guy, shopkeepers seminars with senior congressional tionary bomb,” he railed against the days, make recommendations thereon
pyres burning across a Delta-hit In- and students.” staffers and policy leaders, as well as price increase. to the National Assembly.”
dia have epitomised the human cost In his discussions with poten- extensive career preparation, resume- Shehbaz said the government These recommendations, how-
of the pandemic. tial investors, no one wanted to talk building workshops, and a profes- could not tolerate the people’s joy on ever, are not binding for the National
Officially, nearly 5.5 million about stocks, he related. “They would sional photoshoot for LinkedIn head- the New Year eve. “Another name for Assembly and it can approve a money
people have died worldwide, al- want to talk about politics – how bad shots. Furthermore, we recognize that the present government is oppres- bill without even considering them.
though the actual toll is likely several that is – or talk about crypto and internships have often been a privilege sion, exploitation and indifference,” JUSTICE FROM P1
times higher. which is the best crypto coin to buy.” that is only affordable by some, and so he added. the initiative to rein in the state in-
All vaccine hesitancy could in- Khwaja estimated some 15 to we fully fund the stay of all fellows by Like Bilawal, Shehbaz called on stitutions that consider themselves
crease that toll. 20 million people in Pakistan are providing free housing which is metro the prime minister to resign instead above the law, it said.
In the United States, which re- investing in crypto through various accessible, and close to Capitol Hill, as of “burying the people alive”. “Do not The CGR said it would like that
mains the worst-affected country platforms. And if you consider ris- well as a stipend to cover any extra ex- punish the nation for your foolish- the issue of missing persons is treated
with over 800,000 deaths, the con- ing inflation and the deterioration of penses that the fellow may incur dur- ness,” he hit out against the premier. as the top agenda of good governance
stant flow of short obituaries on the the rupee, “people think that this is ing the summer months. These funds “The tyrannical government in the country.
FacesOfCovid Twitter account in- one way that they can become rich,” come directly from generous donors must be gotten rid of in the new year
clude many who did not have the jab. he said. in the community, and undeniably to save the nation from inflation, eco- GOVERNMENT FROM P1
“Amanda, a 36-year-old math Looking into the future, Kh- catalyze the success of the fellows. We nomic catastrophe and unemploy- Jail, he added.
teacher in Kentucky. Chris, a 34-year- waja predicted Bitcoin will become are incredibly invested, not simply for ment.” The state minister said jail was
old high school football coach in the primary source of currency and the sake of the program, but for the “We pray to God that the new the only place for one who won the
Kansas. Cherie, a 40-year-old 7th- even governments will allocate their sake of the future. year becomes the beginning of the world cup of corruption, theft and
grade reading teacher in Illinois. All reserves to it. “The best way to learn If you ask the youth in our com- nation’s escape from the torments of looting of national wealth.
had an impact in their communities,” is to just start doing it,” he said. munity about a Muslim they look up inflation, mismanagement, econom- He rejected the criticism of Chief
read a recent post. (Elaine Pasquini is a freelance to, I hope that one day they can repeat ic ruin, hunger, disease, oppression Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buz-
“All deeply loved. All unvacci- journalist. Her reports appear in the the name of an activist, a legislator, and injustice,” the PML-N president dar and said that he had privilege to
nated. “- AFP Washington Report on Middle East or a policy expert — someone who is hoped. present a record development budget
IRFAN FROM P19 Affairs and Nuze.Ink.) actively working to develop an agenda The criticism by the opposition of Rs 750 billion whereas the PML-N
at an event in the San Francisco Bay that serves and protects their right to comes amid Information Minister had presented the much trumpeted
Area. Since then, Irfan has added CLDC FROM P18 values like life, liberty, and the pursuit Fawad Chaudhry marking the begin- budget of Rs488 billion. He said that
four more poetry collections, the last in her statement, though said of happiness. At a time, where our ning of the new year by extending a Punjab utilised 98pc of the allocated
one being “Sulagti Rait Per Sajda” nearly fifty years ago, is still relevant nation seems so incredibly divided, proverbial hand of friendship to the funds the previous year, which re-
in the year 2019. During his artistic today — especially for the next gen- comes our opportunity as a commu- opposition and acknowledging the flected that the government was not
journey Irfan has grown not only as eration of young leaders. nity to be the builder of bridges, the need to “reduce bitterness” in the only allocating funds but also making
a writer but as reported earlier, a fine In order for our voice to be makers of change, and the paragons country’s politics. efforts to utilize them for welfare of
painter as well. Since this part of the heard, we have to be in spaces where for policy. The information minister, in a masses.
report is the Mushaira segment, we the conversations are being had, and Though our work grows, we look bid to smooth relations with political He termed Shehbaz Sharif a
shall concentrate on his poetry, but the decisions are being made; in the forward to sharing the success of the rivals, tweeted today: “At the begin- photo-shoot personality, and Usman
our dilemma is to figure out which United States this vessel of influence is continued classes of the Congres- ning of the new year 2022, I think we Buzdar a practical chief minister of
craft he is better in? Capitol Hill which is the home to the sional Leadership Development Pro- need to reduce bitterness. The govern- Punjab.
Irfan presented a Guldasta (Flow- government’s legislative body. From gram, and encourage all those who ment and the opposition should talk He said the Federal Board of
er Arrangement) of his poetic work the Civil Rights Act, Declarations of are interested in being a champion on elections, economy, political and Revenue (FBR) had collected Rs2,900
here at this event. But nostalgia pre- War, all the way to the 2017 Muslim of public service to apply! Our goal is judicial reforms. billion, which was 32 per cent higher
vailed. We have heard the poems from Travel Ban, Congress holds the ability simple, we must start our work now, “Pakistan is a great country. We than the amount collected last year.
his first work many times from online to decide what becomes law and what so that our posterity knows that they need to understand our responsibili- The target was Rs2,600 billion and
sources but hearing them again live doesn’t, and simply put this dictates belong in all spaces, and with genuine ties. It diminishes the prestige of poli- the collected amount was more than
only adds to their merit, especially in what and who, we as a country priori- intention can make a difference in the ticians. Ruckus in the parliament low- it, he added. He rejected allegations
the company of a Ba Zauq audience of tize. Which begs the question, why are lives of others. ers the repute of politicians in the eyes that the increase in collection was
poetry enthusiasts. A personal favor- we not more focused on diverse repre- of the common man.” due to increase in sales tax and said
ite “Ab Bhi Aisa Hota Ho Ga” and of sentation within such spaces? HARVARD FROM P24 that an additional Rs300 billion had
course “Puraanay Gher Kay Mosam” In 2015, the Muslim Public Af- she was interviewing with someone BILL FROM P1 been collected under income tax
received a great deal of applause along fairs Council decided that they were claiming to be Bharat Anand, the to allow Finance Minister Shaukat head.
with “Jo Bhi Tha Thora Tha?” going to invest in ensuring that young name of a real vice provost at Har- Tarin to lay the Finance (Supplemen- During the PTI government,
To conclude it is important for leaders in the Muslim community vard. She never saw him, though. tary) Bill 2021 before it, as required 70,000 corporate entities were regis-
our community to step forward with would have the good fortune, op- The interview was by phone... The under Article 73 of the Constitution. tered which earned a huge profit of
its treasure chest of art heritage in portunity and experience necessary New York Times It is worth noting that proceed- Rs1,000 billion. During the PML-N
this country. There is no better way to engage first-hand in our nation’s ings of the upper house had been pro- tenure, only 20,000 companies were
for us to communicate who we are policy-making process. This fervor COVID FROM P1 rogued on Dec 29, just a day before the registered that earned a Rs500 billion
to the mainstream of America. And led to the creation of the Congressio- communicable and non-communica- two bills were laid before the National profit, he claimed.
as for Irfan Murtaza as he continues nal Leadership Development Program ble disease. Assembly. He said that a 68 per cent in-
his art exhibitions and poetry, maybe (CLDP). Since its inception, CLDP He further said that the WHO This prorogation surprised every- crease was recorded in car produc-
his next work soon will detail his new has catalyzed the hiring of numerous has recommended broad use of the one, including some treasury mem- tion, 15pc in tractors and 64pc in
home or focus on Nayay Ghar Kay fellows for full-time positions on Cap- world’s first malaria vaccine, which bers, as there was an impression that trucks/buses, while cement produc-
Mosam? itol Hill, with nearly 40% of the previ- if introduced widely and urgently, the IMF had set Jan 12 as the deadline tion had also increased by 6.9pc.
Happy New Year to all our read- ous class hired upon completion of the could save tens of thousands of lives for Pakistan to pass both bills into law. He said that the government
ers. program. Such individuals have gone every year. However, a senior Finance Minis- was taking fundamental and radical
on to be the voice of their community, try official told Dawn on Saturday the measures to streamline business and
HUMA FROM P17 identity, and issues in spaces that had OPPOSITION FROM P1 Fund had not set a deadline. He said in this regard the first-ever auto and
position, rather than staying in the previously never been exposed to their people. Pakistan’s review was still on the agen- SME policies were introduced and
shadows of Clinton, and second, how narrative. These unsung heroes are the He said the premier had claimed da of the IMF Board meeting sched- now young startups could get loans
her judgment was so impaired that ones actively fighting to keep minori- that 2021 would be a year of prosper- uled to be held on Jan 12 and that the up to Rs10 million without any guar-
she fell in love and married a person ties, like Muslims, in America, safe ity but “2022 has now arrived [so] ministry had already dispatched the antees.
who had severe personality disorders. and free. Their work is aligned with where did that claim of prosperity documentation required for the meet- He said that the prime minister
In the opening chapter, she quotes the charity and benevolence preached go?” ing. He said the IMF Board regularly had taken yet another unique initia-
the Prophet’s (PBUH) saying: “Hap- by our faith. One that is deeply rooted Every year in “Naya Pakistan” held meetings and it had already been tive and public-friendly steps to pro-
py is the person who avoids hardship, in serving others, especially those who proved to be more expensive than the approached with a request to defer vide shelter to homeless individuals,
but how fine is the man who is afflict- are unable to protect themselves. last and then the government claimed Pakistan’s review. and for this purpose Rs100 billion
ed and shows endurance.” She must In the past four years, we have the previous governments were in- Federal Minister for Information had been approved while Rs34 billion
have drawn great succor and solace seen a greater villainization of Mus- competent, the PPP chairman said. Fawad Chaudhry had earlier expressed had so far been disbursed.
from the Hadith in times of distress. lims, and this can be felt from bully- “During the PPP’s last govern- the hope that the finance bill would be He said that 10 new dams were
(Dr Syed Amir is a former As- ing at school among children, to hate ment, there was the worst global passed by parliament by mid-January under construction which would not
sistant Professor, Harvard Medical crimes at places of worship, all the economic crisis, but we did not allow and the IMF has already been asked to only overcome shortage of water but
School, and a health science admin- way to erasure of entire departments the people to bear the burden of infla- reschedule the review. also produce cheap electricity.