Page 24 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 24

P24  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  DECEMBER 31, 2021                                                                                 COMMENTARY
                            Take Advantage of All Your

                  Year–End Tax–Planning Opportunities

              n By Saghir Aslam                                      as well as under “Deposit insur-                    FOUNDATION
              Rawalpindi, Pakistan                                   ance Frequently Asked Questions.”
                                                                     Your  financial  advisor  or  invest-  P.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056 | (408) 244.3282 |
            (The following information is                            ment  professional  is  available  to
        provided solely to educate the Mus-                          discuss alternative solutions for   One Million Meals
        lim community about investing and                            the  cash  held  in  your  account.
        financial planning. It is hoped that                         The expended Bank Deposit Sweep
        the Ummah will benefit from this                             will provide up to $250,000 in
        effort through greater financial em-                         FDIC insurance per program Bank
        powerment, enabling the commu-                               ($500,000  per  program  Bank  for   50 C         $1          $5         $10
        nity to live in security and dignity                         joint account with two or more       provides    provides     provides    provides
        and fulfill their religious and moral                        owners). The Expended Bank De-
        obligations towards charitable ac-                           posit Sweep currently makes five   1 meal      2 meals     10 meals    20 meals
        tivities).                    view the program information and   program Banks available, resulting
            End-of-year tax and investment   disclosures for updates for updated   in up to $1.25 millions in avail-
        deadlines are fast approaching. But   information on your sweep and oth-  able FDIC insurance ($2.5 million
        there’s still time to adjust your cur-  er options available.  for joint account with two or more
        rent financial strategies to help you   While maintaining funds in   owners). The Standard Bank De-
        lower your tax liability.     the cash sweep program may be a   posit Sweep currently consists of
                                      suitable strategy for some individu-  interest-bearing deposit accounts at
            Now:                      als, keeping too much money in the   two or more program banks affili-
            •   Review your portfolio with   cash sweep or, keeping money in the   ated with Wells Fargo advisor. The
        your financial advisor to help ensure   cash sweep for too long, may not   Standard Bank Deposit Sweep will
        your asset allocation still aligns with   be the best way to reach your long-  provide minimum of $500,000 in   Donate online via check or card at
        your goals.                   term financial goals. If you desire   FDIC insurance ($1 million for joint
            •   Ask your financial advisor   to maintain cash or cash alternative   accounts with two or more owners).
        for a realized and unrealized gain/  balances for other than a short-term   Deposit to affiliated banks in three
        loss report to assess the investment   period, you should research other   standard  Bank  Deposit  Sweep  will
        income and capital gain/losses you   investment options by contracting   be limited to Wells Fargo Bank, N.    or call us at (408) 244-3282
        should expect this year.      your financial advisor or invest-  A., Wells Fargo National Bank West,   Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
                                      ment professionals or by logging in   and Wells Fargo South Central, N.
            Before December 31:       to your brokerage account online at   A. Important note for international
            •   Make maximum contribu-  Wells Fargo advisors.Com and using   client accounts: Because of opera-  edu email address was fake. When   nalists of her generation.
        tions to your employer retirement   our research tools.      tional limitations, al account type  Payne asked Abbass if she would   Over a career spanning more
        accounts. If contributing to your                            (e.g., single, joint account) of inter-  like to share more information, Ab-  than 20 years, she had covered India’s
        IRA, the deadline is April 15, 2022.   Reminder regarding FDIC in-  national  clients  are  recognised  as  bass eagerly cooperated. She sent in a   biggest stories as the country trans-
        If you are age 50 or older, take ad-  surance coverage for the Bank De-  single accounts in the Bank Deposit  trove — the phone number from the   formed itself into an economic pow-
        vantage of catch-up contributions.  posit Sweep              Sweep program. As a result, al ac-  UAE, the emails, screenshots of the   erhouse. She was polite but fearless,
            •   Evaluate ways to achieve   Balance on deposit in the bank   counts types of international clients  fake Harvard documents and hotel   the anchor of the 9 o’clock news pro-
        your charitable giving goals that   Deposit Sweep Programs, together   are treated as single accounts for  booking records.  gram on NDTV, one of India’s most
        may result in potential tax savings.  with any other of your deposits at   purpose of the Bank Deposit Sweep   But it is not clear what action,   prominent independent news chan-
            Review your situation with   affiliated and unaffiliated banks (to-  Program. See the cash sweep pro-  if any, Harvard took. Payne did not   nels, a familiar face across a nation of
        your financial advisor to help keep   gether, the “Program Bank”), are in-  gram Disclosure Statement at Wells  respond to requests for comment. Ja-  1.4 billion people.
        your portfolio on track.      sured by the FDIC, an independent   Fargo advisor. Com/cash sweep for  son Newton, a Harvard spokesman,   “She was our No. 1,” said her
                                      agency of the US government, up to   a description of how deposits are  declined to comment on what the   former boss, Prannoy Roy, NDTV’s
            Important information re-  a maximum amount in accordance   made in the Bank Deposit Sweep  university did with the information   founder.
        garding the cash sweep  for your   with the rule of the FDIC. Deposits   Programs.        Abbass provided.                  But by 2019, she was fried.
        account(s)                    (including principal and interest) at   (Saghir A. Aslam only explains   By the time the hacker or hack-  “It was a mad year,” Razdan said,
            The cash sweep program allows   each of the program banks are eligi-  strategies and formulas that he has  ers reached out to Razdan that same   citing the string of huge stories that
        your otherwise uninvested cash   ble for federal deposit insurance up   been using. He is merely providing  month, in late November 2019, they   broke, from a conflict between India
        holdings, as well as dividend and   to $250,000.             information, and NO ADVICE is  were well practiced.        and Pakistan and national elections
        interest payments, to “sweep “auto-  You  are  responsible  for moni-  given. Mr Aslam does not endorse   But they were also attracting   to the profound reorganization of
        matically from your account(s) into   toring the total amount of all deposit   or recommend any broker, broker-  attention. That same month, Abbass   Kashmir. “I was mentally and physi-
        one of the available sweep vehicles   you have at each bank in the Bank   age firm, or any investment at all,  tweeted a passionate video warning   cally exhausted.”
        below:                        Deposit  Sweep  program  for  pur-  nor does he suggest that anyone will  others to watch out for Ahmad and   She was also mercilessly trolled
            • Expanded Bank Deposit   poses of calculating your FDIC cov-  earn a profit when or if they pur-  the scam. And in December 2019,   by India’s right wing, like many inde-
        Sweep that offers FDIC protection  erage. Your account statement will   chase stocks, bonds or any other in-  Twitter users in India accused Singh   pendent journalists are, and said to
            • Standard Bank Deposit Sweep   indicate your balance, details trans-  vestments. All stocks or investment  of faking her online persona. She re-  herself, “If I don’t try something new
        that offers FDIC protection   action and interest relating to the   vehicles mentioned are for illustra-  sponded by claiming to be a civil ser-  now, I never will.”
            • A Money Market Fund that   program. Your account statement   tive purposes only. Mr Aslam is not  vant with the Indian Police Service   It was as if the scammers read
        offers SIPC coverage          will also indicate whether you are in   an attorney, accountant, real estate  and threatened to file complaints   her mind.
            The Cash Sweep Program fea-  the Expanded Bank Deposit Sweep   broker, stockbroker, investment ad-  against her accusers.  The first email arrived Nov. 14,
        tures, characteristics, risks, costs and   or Standard Bank Deposit Sweep.   visor, or certified financial planner.   Despite the accusations, the   2019, from an earnest sounding stu-
        other considerations are unique, so   “How Are My Deposit Ac-  Mr Aslam does not have anything  account under that name regularly   dent — Melissa Reeve — inviting her
        it is important that you regularly re-  counts Insured by the FDIC?”   for sale.)         posted photos it claimed were of her.   to a Harvard media seminar. She was
                                                                                                  It is unclear whether the photos actu-  then introduced, by email, to another
        HARVARD FROM P23              Abbass,  a  spokeswoman  for  India’s   ees by that name.) She seemed inti-  ally depicted her or were stolen — re-  student, Ahmad. When he said there
            The  Indian  government was   ruling political party, known by its   mately familiar with Indian politics,  verse image searches for them turned   might be a journalism job available at
        extremely sensitive about criticism   acronym, the BJP, they had copied   constantly commenting on the often  up no results.  Harvard, Razdan let her hopes soar.
        of its move. It severed internet ser-  email signatures from real Harvard   raw divide between India’s majority             “I thought it would be the open-
        vice to Kashmir and preemptively   employees and swiped official let-  Hindus and minority Muslims and   ‘Our No. 1’    ing to a new world,” she said.
        cracked down on critics and poten-  terhead from the university’s website.  calling out personal connections that   Razdan, now 44, was one of the   The next thing Razdan knew,
        tial critics, throwing more than 2,000   Around the same time, they   the women targeted in the scam had  most prominent female Indian jour-  HARVARD, P28
        Kashmiris in jail, including the re-  opened a new Twitter account under   with Kashmir.
        gion’s top politicians.       the name Seema Singh, who identi-  Abbass did not notice the raun-
            Sikander had written critical   fied herself as a “coder” and claimed   chy tweets from Singh’s account. Ex-  Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
        pieces and posts about the govern-  she was based in Bharat, another   cited  about  making  her  first  trip  to
        ment’s action in Kashmir. Some ana-  name for India that is preferred by   America, she focused on exchanging
        lysts believe the scammers may have   nationalists who see “India” as a co-  emails and messages with Ahmad.  Countries           Buying        Selling
        gone  after  her  because  of  her  tren-  lonial term. She sent sexually aggres-  It was only after the scammers                                      Rs.               Rs.
        chant views.                  sive messages, tagging Sikander and   pushed for passport details and other
            The next target was another fe-  some of the other women targeted in   personal information that Abbass
        male journalist working at a promi-  the scam.              decided she should check directly   USA                       176.80     178.50
        nent Indian publication, who spoke   “You look so hot,” she said in   with one of the Harvard administra-  UK                           236.00   238.50
        with the Times on the condition that   one tweet. “Can I join you in your   tors included on the emails.  S.Arabia               46.20     46.70
        she was not identified. Suspicious   shower?” said another.     That  administrator,  Bailey  Japan                          1.41        1.44
        about the scammer’s UAE phone     Singh later updated her profile,   Payne, a program coordinator in the   Euro               197.50   199.50
        number, she quickly broke off con-  claiming to be a bisexual Deutsche   office of Harvard’s vice provost for in-  UAE                          49.50     50.00
        tact too. But the scammers did not   Bank employee living in Frankfurt,   ternational affairs, responded, saying
        give up. By the time they communi-  Germany. (A Deutsche Bank spokes-  the official invitation that appeared     (*January 2, 2022)
        cated in November 2019 with Nighat   man said the bank had no employ-  to have been sent from her Harvard.
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