Page 25 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 25

RELIGION                                                                                                     DECEMBER 31,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P25
                              Du’a: The Reliance of the Believers                                                                  Gems from the

                                                                                                                                     Holy Qur’an

             Khutbah at ISOC – Jumada I
         19, 1441/ January 17, 2020

           n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi
              here is no power and no
              strength except with Allah.
         TThis is one of the most re-
         peated statements of Islam. It is
         not used only to turn away Satan;
         it is used to express our trust and
                    reliance on Allah.
                    It means that only
                    Allah is in control
                    of everything. Only
                    Allah has all the
                    power  to change.
                    None can  change
                    anything  against                                                                                               From the translation by Mu-
         the will of Allah. Allah can bring                                                                                     hammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
         light out of darkness and dark-
         ness out of light. People may                                                                                              About the translator:
         think that they are high, but Allah                                                                                        Muhammad   Asad,  Leopold
         can bring them down and people                                                                                         Weiss, was born of Jewish parents in
         may think that they are down, but                                                                                      Livow, Austria (later Poland) in 1900,
         Allah can raise them up high. Be-                                                                                      and at the age of 22 made his first visit
         lievers must turn to Allah in every                                                                                    to the Middle East. He later became an
         situation.                   another god beside Allah? Little no-  of it in our struggles in life and in   midhi, and Ibn Hibban)  outstanding foreign correspondent for
             We  know  that  the  Ummah  is   tice you take. (Al-Naml 27:62)  our  battles  against  oppression  and   4.  Blessings  here  and  in   the Franfurter Zeitung, and after years
         facing many challenges in different   Du’a means ‘calling, supplica-  injustice.  Those  who  are  in  diffi-  Hereafter:  When  you  pray,  pray   of devoted study became one of the
         parts of the world. As believers, we   tion, invocation, prayer.’ Du’a is our   culty, they should turn to Allah with   for good things of this life and for   leading Muslim scholars of our age. His
         must trust in Allah and we should   special conversation with Allah. Al-  sincere devotion. Allah is near those   the life to come. Do not pray only   translation of the Holy Qur’an is one
         know  that  we  have  a  way  out  of   lah has honored human beings that   who make du’a and He responds to   for the good things of this life. Al-  of the most lucid and well-referenced
         distress  and  difficulties.  Muslims   they can speak to Him at any time.   them.  (Your Lord said, ‘Call me and   lah says,   works in this category, dedicated to “li-
         of Uyghur are suffering. More than   We do not need an intermediary to   I shall answer you.’ Ghafir 40:60).   Among the people there are   qawmin yatafakkaroon”  (people  who
         two million are sent to concentra-  speak to Allah. We do not need to   But there are some rules and man-  some who pray, ‘Our Lord, give   think).
         tion  camps.  Muslims  of  Kashmir   wait for an appointment, we can talk   ners of du’a that should be observed.   us good in this world,’ and they
         have been suffering for about sev-  to  Him  directly  at  any  time. Allah   1.  Sincerity:  Pray  to  Allah   shall have no share in the Hereaf-  Chapter 17, Verses 59
         enty years. For the last few months   says,                most  sincerely.  There  should  not   ter. There are others who say, ‘Our   And nothing has prevented Us
         they  are  in  great  difficulty.  Two   If My servants ask you about   be  any  shirk  in  du’a.  Du’a  should   Lord, give us good in this world   from sending [this message, like the
         hundred  million  Muslims  of  India   Me, I am near. I respond to those   be only to Allah, not to any angel,   and in the Hereafter, and protect   earlier ones,] with miraculous signs
         are  receiving  threats  of  alienation   who call Me, so let them respond to   prophet,  saint  or  any  person.  The   us from the torments of the Fire.   [in its wake], save [Our knowledge]
         and persecution. Muslims of Pales-  Me, and believe in Me, so that they   Prophet – peace be upon him - ad-  They will have the share they have   that the people of olden times [only
         tine are under occupation for a long   may be guided. (Al-Baqarah 2:186)  vised his young cousin Abdullah ibn   worked for. Allah is swift in reck-  too often] gave the lie to them [ 1 ]:
         time. There are sufferings, pain and   Du’a is part of our faith and it is   ‘Abbas,      oning. (Al-Baqarah 2:200-202)  thus, We provided for [the tribe of]
         destruction  in  Yemen,  Libya  and   an act of worship and devotion. The   Whenever you pray for some-  5.  Du’a  with  good  deeds:   Thamud the she-camel as the light-
         many  other  places.  We  should  do   Prophet - peace be upon him - also   thing, pray to Allah; whenever you   The  du’as  done  after  doing  some   giving portent, and they sinned
         our duties to help them. We should   said,                 need help seek help from  Allah…   good  deeds  and  the  acts  of  char-  against  it. And  never  did  We  send
         do things in the right way with wis-  The du’a is worship. (reported   (Sunan al-Tirmidhi)  ity are always very effective. It is   those signs for any other purpose
         dom and understanding. We should   by al-Tirmidhi)             2.  Full  attention  and  de-  good to give some sadaqah before   than to convey a warning.
         turn  to Allah  and  pray  for  us  and   Allah  loves  those  who  seek   votion: When you make du’a, you   making du’a.    _____________
         for all those who are in difficulties.   His  help  and  pray  to  Him. Allah’s   should pay full attention to what you   Ask  Allah  for  everything.   Translator’s Notes
         Du’a will not be effective unless we   messengers  and  prophets  used  to   say. During du’a, your heart, mind   There is nothing too big for Allah   [ 1 ] This highly elliptic sen-
         do our duties and we cannot do our   pray to him. The Qur’an has given   and  soul  should  all  be  focused  to-  and there is nothing impossible to   tence has a fundamental bearing on
         duties  fully  and  properly  without   us the du’as of many prophets and   wards Allah. The Prophet – peace be   Him.  Always  ask  him  for  Halal   the purport of the Qur’an as a whole.
         du’a. We should always make du’a.  messengers  of  Allah.  Adam,  Nuh,   upon him - said,  and good things, never ask Allah   In many places the Qur’an stresses
            Du’a is the key. It is the reli-  Ibrahim,  Daud,  Yunus,  Zakariya,   Make du’a and be sure that   for  that  which  is  Haram,  sinful,   the fact that the Prophet Muham-
         ance  of  the  believers.  It  is  their   Ayub, Musa, Isa and the last Prophet   Allah will respond.  And know that   corrupt  and  oppressive.  Among   mad, despite his being the last and
         source  of  strength  and  confidence.   Muhammad  –  peace  be  them  all  -   Allah does not respond to the  du’a   the etiquettes of du’a is that you   greatest of God’s apostles, was not
         It is a great resource available to ev-  prayed and their beautiful du’as are   of a person who has distracted and   pray to Allah always in all situa-  empowered to perform miracles
         ery believer. We should not ignore   mentioned  in  the  Qur’an,  to  teach   inattentive heart.  (Al-Tirmidhi  and   tions. Do not pray to Him only at   similar to those with which the ear-
         it; we should never think little of it.   us how to pray to Allah in any situ-  al-Hakim)  the  time  of  difficulties  and  trou-  lier  prophets  are  said  to have  rein-
         Du’a has power to move the moun-  ation.                       It is good, though not required,   bles;  pray  to  Him  when  you  are   forced their verbal messages. His
         tains and remove the difficulties by   Du’a is the weapon of the be-  to  raise  hand  with  palms  open  to-  happy, healthy and prosperous as   only miracle was, and is, the Qur’an
         the will of Allah. Allah says in the   liever  is  a  popular  Hadith,  but  ac-  wards  the  heaven  when  making   well as when you are sad, sick and   itself – a message perfect in its lucid-
         Qur’an:                      cording to many scholars of Hadith,   du’a. The Prophet – peace be upon   poor. Those who remember Him   ity and ethical comprehensiveness,
            Who answers the one in dis-  it is a weak (da’if) Hadith. Its mean-  him - said,       in the situations of prosperity and   destined for all times and all stages
         tress when he calls upon Him and   ing,  however,  is  correct.  It  means   Allah is shy and generous.   comfort, He also remembers them   of human development, addressed
         removes the harm and who makes   that du’a is the believer’s source of   When a person raises his hands   when  they  are  in  pain  and  diffi-  not merely to the feelings but also to
         you  successors in  the earth?  Is  it   strength. We should take full benefit   begging Him, He feels shy to return   culty.  the minds of men, open to everyone,
                                                                                them empty. (Re-       All  prayers  are  beneficial.   whatever  his or her  race  or social
                                                                                ported Ahmad, Abu   The Prophet - peace be upon him   environment, and bound to remain
                                                                                Daud,  al-Tirmidhi   - told us that some of our prayers   unchanged forever. Since the earlier
                                                                                and al-Hakim)      come  as  we  ask  immediately.   prophets invariably appealed to their
                                                                                    3.    G o o d   Some are kept for us for our future   own community and their own time
                                                                                opening:   Begin   benefit in this world or the here-  alone, their teachings were, of neces-
                                                                                your   du’a   with   after and some help us by avert-  sity, circumscribed by the social and
                                                                                the  praise  of  Allah   ing evils and harms from us. Let   intellectual conditions of that partic-
                                                                                and  with Salat and   us all make special du’as at this   ular community and time; and since
                                                                                Salam  on  Prophet   time of difficulties and distress for   the people to whom they addressed
                                                                                Muhammad,     his   the Ummah.  We should pray with   themselves had not yet reached the
                                                                                family and follow-  utmost humbleness and devotion.   stage of independent thinking, those
                                                                                ers.  It  is  recom-  We should pray not only for our-  prophets stood in need of symbolic
                                                                                mended:            selves, but for all those who are   portents or miracles in order to
                                                                                    When you pray,   in difficulty, all those who are dis-  make the people concerned realize
                                                                                begin with thanks   tressed  due  to  sickness,  poverty,   the inner truth of their mission. The
                                                                                and  praise of Allah   discrimination,  hate  or  violence.   message of the Qur’an, on the other
                                                                                and then with salat   Let  us  ask  Allah  to  remove  the   hand, was revealed at a time when
                                                                                on the Prophet and   difficulty of all those who are in   mankind (and in particular, that
                                                                                then ask whatever   difficulty  and  guide  the  human-  part of it which inhabited the regions
                                                                                you wish to ask.    ity to live in peace and harmony.   marked by the earlier, Judaeo-Chris-
                                                                                (Abu  Daud,  al-Tir-  Ameen.                    GEMS, P28
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