Page 27 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 27

SPORTS                                                                                                       DECEMBER 31,  2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P27
                                                                                                                       DECEMBER 31, 2021 - PAKISTAN  LINK
           Australia’s David Warner eyes one more                                                   Mohammed Shami joins 200 club as

                           crack at England in 2023                                                     India take charge in Centurion

                                                                                                  CENTURION:  India seamer Mo-
                                                                     to get the ball to come back into us   hammed  Shami  claimed  his  200th
                                                                     and away from us,” said Warner, who   Test  wicket  and  completed  figures
                                                                     has been a mainstay at the top of the   of  5-44  as  hosts  South Africa  were
                                                                     Australian order for a decade.  bowled out for 197 on the third day
                                                                        “For me, it was one of those tours   of the first Test here at the at the Su-
                                                                     where I didn’t back my  game  plan   perSport Park on Tuesday.
                                                                     and I went too defensive and I didn’t   India reached 16 for one in their
                                                                     attack.  That  was my  fault,  and he   second innings at the close, a lead of
                                                                     bowled really well.”         146 that already looks imp¬o¬sing
                                                                        Whether  Warner can still be   for the home side on a wicket that
                                                                     competitive into 2023 remains to   will get harder to bat on.
                                                                     be seen, although he has been writ-  First-innings centurion  KL Ra-
                                                                     ten off previously and come roaring   hul (five not out) and nightwatchman
                                                                     back, most recently at the Twenty20   Shardul Thakur (four) will resume on
                                                                     World Cup.                   the fourth day trying to quickly move
                                                                        He was dropped by his Indian   to a score that allows India to declare
                                                                     Premier League team Sunrisers Hy-  and have enough time to bowl the
                                                                     derabad ahead of  the  World  Cup,   home side out again.
                                                                     leading some pundits to suggest his   Mayank Agarwal (four) was the
                                                                     best days were over.         only wicket to fall in India’s second   It was a key moment in the game
          ADELAIDE: David  Warner  has   after  Australia crushed England in   But Warner responded in the only   innings as he edged debutant seamer   that  swung the momentum  back in
          hinted he is keen for one last Ashes   the third Test in Melbourne to retain   way he knows, by scoring runs, and   Marco Jansen to wicket-keeper Quin-  India’s favour and exposed the South
          tour in 2023 to make amends for his   the Ashes.           was named player of the tournament   ton de Kock.         African lower order.
          failed campaign in England two years   “We still haven’t beaten India in   as Australia lifted the trophy.  Eighteen wickets fell on the third   All the Indian seamers were
          ago, drawing inspiration from veter-  India, that would be nice to do.  He pointed  to England’s Ander-  day after no play was possible on   among  the  wickets,  Jasprit  Bumrah
          an seamer Jimmy Anderson. The ex-  “And England away — we had   son, still  going strong at  39, as an   Monday due to rain.  (2-16) weighing in despite rolling his
          plosive Australian opener would be   a drawn series (in 2019) but hope-  example of cricketers performing at   Shami led the Indian attack with   ankle and  being forced to leave the
          approaching 37 should he retain his   fully if I manage to get that oppor-  their peak  well into the twilight of   a superb bowling display, eking out   field. He returned late on to pick up
          place that long and in all likelihood   tunity, I might think about going   their careers.  every ounce of  assistance from the   the last wicket.
          would have joined the 100-Test club.   back.” England hasn’t been a happy   “James Anderson sets the bench-  helpful conditions.  “Bumrah  is  fine,”  Shami  said.
          He currently has 89 caps.    hunting ground for  Warner, who   mark  for older  guys these days, we   “Test match  cricket  is not rock-  “He came back and picked up a wick-
             Winning in India is also on his   had a horror tour in 2019 when he   look up to him getting  on in our   et science. Understanding the con-  et. Ankle injuries are always painful
          bucket list before pulling up stumps   managed just 95 runs at 9.50 from   days,”  Warner said after  Anderson   ditions was crucial... it had rained a   but hopefully he should be okay.”
          on a Test career that has so far yielded   five  Tests  with  Stuart  Broad  dis-  bowled beautifully in the Melbourne   bit and I just wanted to hit the right   Seamer  Lungi  Ngidi  had  earli-
          7,551 runs at 48.40.         missing him seven times.      Test. “For me it’s just about perform-  lengths,” Shami told reporters.  er taken 6-71 as South Africa made
             “Winning the  Ashes here was   “In terms of 2019 it was obvious-  ing to the best of my ability and put-  “While coming through the   light work of bowling India out after
          obviously a big one,”  Warner said   ly in England so he (Broad) was able   ting runs on the board.”  ranks, no bowler thinks about this   the visitors resumed on 272 for three.
                                                                                                  [getting 200 wickets].  They just
                                                                                                                                  Ngidi,  who  took  a  career-best
            Bismah Maroof confirms availability                        Sourav Ganguly             dream of playing for India. It’s all   6-39 on debut against India at Cen-
                                                                                                  about hard work... when you put in
                                                                                                                               turion in 2018, helped South Africa
                        for 2022 World Cup                             hospitalised with          the work, results follow.”   claim the last seven wickets for the
                                                                                                     His haul included the wicket
          LAHORE:  While Pakistan batter   will be split into two squads and will   Covid-19      of South Africa’s top-scorer Tem-  addition of only 55 runs in 15.3 overs.
                                                                                                                                  “The  first  session  tomorrow  is
          Bismah  Maroof  has  confirmed  her   be joined by a local boys’ side with              ba  Bavuma,  who  had  reached  52   going to be key,” Bavuma said. “The
          availability for the 2022 ICC Wom-  the New Zealand-bound squad to be                   when he edged to wicket-keeper   intensity we brought today out there
          en’s World Cup and will participate   named  on  Jan  25,”  added  the  PCB             Rishabh Pant.                with the ball is what we will require.
          in warm-up matches, women chief   statement.                                               Bavuma  put  on  72  for  the  fifth   Hopefully, there will be a reachable
          selector Urooj Mumtaz stepped down   First Urooj stepped down as the                    wicket with De Kock (34) before the   target for the batters to chase down.
          as chief selector, the Pakistan Cricket   head  of  PCB  women’s  wing  during          latter tried to guide a Thakur (2-51)   “If we cant chase it  down, then
          Board (PCB) said on Tuesday.  Ramiz’s tenure and now she has quit                       delivery through gully but succeeded   we need to find a way to make it su-
             The PCB also announced 36 prob-  as the chief selector.                              only in playing onto his own stumps.  per hard for the Indian bowlers.”
          ables for the training camp to be held   Meanwhile,  the  PCB  confirmed
          in Karachi as part of the women team’s   Urooj has stepped down as the chair              PCB clarifies its position over sale of
          selection and preparation for the 2022   of the women’s selection committee
          World Cup being held in New Zealand   to focus on her professional commit-                         PSL broadcasting rights
          from March 4 to April 3.     ments as well as to pursue other op-
             Bismah,  who  has  played  108   portunities within the game.                        LAHORE: Clarifying its position   TIP  also  expressed  surprise at
          ODIs and T20Is each in a career that   Asmavia Iqbal has been named as                  over the sale of the broadcasting   why “despite the experience  of 65
          started in 2006, commenced her ma-  the new head of the selection panel                 rights for the next two editions of the   years of sports broadcasting, why did
          ternity leave in December 2020 and   and will be assisted by junior selec-              Pakistan Super League, the Pakistan   PTV not bid individually for broad-
          gave birth to a baby girl in August   tion committee members Saleem Jaf-                Cricket Board issued a press release   casting rights of PSL?”
          2021. She has already been re-inte-  far and Taufeeq Umar.                              on  Tuesday saying  that “the pre-  The  PCB  said  in  its  statement
          grated into cricketing activities and   Probables for practice matches:                 defined process in the Bid Document   that it had invited bids for broadcast
          has resumed fitness sessions as part   Aimen Anwar, Aliya Riaz, Anam   MUMBAI: Former Indian cricket   was  adhered to” at all times during   rights through a public tender adver-
          of her post-childbirth rehabilitation   Amin,  Anoosha  Nasir,  Ayesha  Bilal,   captain  Sourav  Ganguly  has  been   the bidding procedure.  tisement and had received two bids.
          at  the  National  High  Performance   Ayesha  Naseem,  Ayesha  Zafar,  Na-  admitted to hospital after testing pos-  The statement came after Trans-  “Just before  announcement  of
          Centre.  She  will  soon  commence   hida  Khan,  Bismah  Maroof,  Diana   itive  for Covid-19, a senior doctor   parency  International  Pakistan  the Reserve Price set by the PCB, the
          net practice after overcoming a   Baig, Fareeha Mehmood, Fatima Sana   said on Tuesday.  wrote a letter to the PCB after re-  IMC representative raised a concern,
          thumb injury.                Khan, Ghulam Fatima (subject to fit-  Ganguly, who underwent minor   ceiving a complaint about irregular-  asking the PCB what process PTVC,
             “Under  the  policy,  if  Bismah   ness), Gull Feroza, Iram Javed, Javeria   heart surgery in January, was admit-  ities in the procedure after the rights   as a state broadcaster, had followed to
          is selected, she will be allowed to   Rauf, Javeria Khan, Kainat Hafeez,   ted on Monday suffering from a mild   to broadcast the Twenty20 league in   align itself with ARY.
          be accompanied by her dependent   Kainat Imtiaz (subject to fitness), Ma-  fever, a  senior  doctor  of the Wood-  Pakistan were awarded to a consor-  The PCB advised that this que-
          child and one support person of her   ham Tariq, Muneeba Ali, Najiha Alvi,   lands Hospital in Kolkata said.  tium comprising  ARY Communi-  ry was better directed towards the
          choice,” the PCB stated.     Nashra Sandhu, Natalia Parvaiz, Nida   “His condition is stable. There is   cations (Pvt) Limited (ARY) and   PTVC who would be best placed to
             “Bismah  will  be  one  of  the  36   Dar,  Omaima  Sohail,  Ramin  Sha-  no cause for alarm at the moment,”   Pakistan Television  Corporation   respond,”  the  PCB  said.  “Bidders
          probables who will feature in a sev-  meem, Saba Nazir, Sadaf Shamas, Sa-  the medic told AFP on condition of   Limited (PTVC).  were asked if there were any further
          en-match tri-series at the Hanif Mo-  dia Iqbal, Saima Malik, Sidra Ameen,   anonymity.    TIP said that  that  the  com-  concerns or objections before the
          hammad High  Performance Centre   Sidra Nawaz, Syeda Aroob Shah, Tuba   “Ganguly has been advised by a   plainant had  said  that the granting   PCB announced the Reserve Price
          from Jan 10-19. The women players   Hassan, Umm-e-Hani.    team of medical experts of the hos-  of the broadcast rights to the consor-  and  then  opened  the  sealed  finan-
                                                                     pital  because of some pre-existing   tium was “a violation of the Public   cial proposals. No further concerns
                                                                     health condition.”           Procurement  Regulatory authority   were raised and both bidders agreed
                                                                        Media reported that his samples   (PPRA), 2004 rules”.  for the bidding process to continue.
                                                                     had been sent for genome sequencing   It that TIP had learned that Inde-  “After  which,  the  PCB  an-
                                                                     to confirm whether he had contracted   pendent Media Corporation Pvt. Ltd   nounced the Reserve Price of PKR3.
                                                                     the Omicron variant or not.  (IMC– the parent company of GEO   584billion for two years in the pres-
                                                                        The  49-year-old,  one of India’s   Entertainment  Television Pvt Ltd)   ence of  both the bidders.  The IMC
                                                                     most popular players ever and who   “had bid Rs3.74 billion for two years   offered Rs3,740,000,000 while ARY/
                                                                     now heads the  country’s cricket   alone, while PTV  and ARY  consor-  PTVC  offered  Rs4,350,786,786  and
                                                                     board, was admitted to hospital twice   tium had bid Rs 2.1 billion for one   was therefore awarded the rights.
                                                                     in early 2021 with chest pain and un-  year”. “The complainant wrote if   The PCB concluded saying that
                                                                     derwent an angioplasty.      PCB  had  to  approve  the  bid  of  the   a bid evaluation report was made
                                                                        India, which suffered a devastat-  consortium, then it should have been   available on its corporate website
                                                                     ing Covid-19 wave in April, has so   Rs4.2 billion for two years but upon   after the Dec 23 bidding process
                                                                     far  confirmed  around  650  Omicron   re-bidding, PCB approved the bid of   while it had not received any com-
                                                                     infections and several states have im-  the consortium for 2 years of Rs 4.35   plaint regarding it to its Grievance
                                                                     posed restrictions on gatherings.  billion,” it stated.   Redressal Committee.

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