Page 18 - Pakistan Link - December 31, 2021
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  DECEMBER 31, 2021                                                                                    COMMUNITY
         Panel Explores Cryptocurrency Opportunities for Pakistan                                 The Fast Pass to Working on Capitol Hill

         From left: Ali Farid Khwaja,  Kalsoom Lakhani, Omer Suleman, and Salahuddin Khawaja
             n By Elaine Pasquinini
                                      early,” said Salahuddin Khawaja, who   where he traded financial derivatives,
        Washington: On December 13, the   had a 20-year career on Wall Street   he  was  attracted  to  the  volatility  in
        Atlantic Council’s South Asia Cen-  and is now CEO of Decklaration and   the crypto area in a trading sense.  n By Iman Ali  Perhaps it was  the  impact  of
                   ter hosted a lively   lives in Pakistan. “In 2014, I started   “We  should  understand  that   MPAC Policy and Programming   the 7:00 pm looming deadline when
                   discussion on the po-  investing in Bitcoin and shortly   realistically we are very early in this   Coordinator   polls closed in Georgia, or the reality
                   tential opportunities   thereafter in Ethereum. I kind of   journey,” Suleman said. “Most people             of the impending deadline for many
                   for crypto and block-  rode the wave initially.”  who will purchase crypto…have no   2021  CLDP applications  now   Americans  who  have  gone  without
                   chain in Pakistan.     After leaving Wall Street, Kha-  real understanding of what it is. It’s   open        adequate assistance from their gov-
                      “Everyone’s been   waja said he delved deeper into cryp-  just the access to an investment pos-  Since  I  was  a child,  one  of  my   ernment  for  over  a  year  now,  who
                   talking about Bitcoin   to and its potential and concluded   sibility which is clearly open, clearly   favorite things about getting Chinese   have bills to pay and children to feed,
        for a very long time, but during the   “the next 20 years are going to be all   very inclusive.”  take-out were the fortune cookies.   that made me emotional — but in
        pandemic so much of this has taken   about crypto projects.”    Suleman admitted that crpto-  My impatience often led to me forc-  that moment, I realized that talking
        off,” said Atlantic Council nonresi-  Based on conservative esti-  currency is a difficult space for non-  ing my parents to crack open theirs   about change was no longer going to
        dent senior fellow Kalsoom Lakhani,   mates, Khawaja predicted the cryp-  specialists to understand, including   before any of us had the chance to eat   be enough.
        moderator of the discussion. “Re-  tocurrency industry will grow to $42   regulators and the people in charge,   our meals. But I couldn’t wait — the   For many young Muslims in
        cently, cryptocurrency exceeded $2   trillion dollars over the next ten years   adding that most Western countries   idea of clarity about my future was   America, the reality of working on
        trillion in market capitalization, so   and advised people “to buy some Bit-  regulate crypto as a commodity.  too exciting.  Capitol Hill seems incredibly far re-
        it’s safe to say that this is not going   coin and get started.” After talking to   “There is nothing more impor-  Now, at 25 I wish I could say   moved. While many could list doc-
        away. What we are experiencing to-  people across a broad spectrum of   tant than to remove the stigma from   that I value fortune cookies less, but   tors, engineers, and business owners
        day is the future.”           stratum in Pakistan, he said he found   crypto  and blockchain,” Suleman   alas, I still get a surge of energy when   in their family, it is uncommon to
            Although  presently  there  are   much interest.        said. “You need to honor the entre-  I crack open the flavorless cookie —   find someone with a career working
        regulatory barriers in Pakistan, there   One benefit of crypto for Paki-  preneurs who are actually thinking   still before eating my meal.  in Congress. While many of us may
        are “an enormous number of users in   stanis, he said, is it speeds up the   about this stuff at this time early on,   Most recently, I ordered take-  have been given the talk by our par-
        Pakistan investing in crypto, engag-  sending of remittances from Paki-  that are doing things that are new,   out the night of the Georgia Senate   ents to choose a path that leads to
        ing  in the  blockchain, people who   stanis living abroad who send money   whether it is on university campuses   Runoff, which turned out to be a bad   financial security, and honor — I’m
        are really interested in this space,”   back to their families in Pakistan.  or young entrepreneurs’ startups.”  idea because as I anxiously awaited   going to be the bearer of bad news,
        she added.                        On the subject of regulation,   “This is one of the best times in   the results, I definitely indulged in   and say that this thinking has actively
            Globally, “regulations have been   Khawaja believes smart regulation   the recent past to be an entrepreneur,   one too many wontons, but, hey, how   crippled our ability to make change
        slow to catch up with this space, but   is necessary and it “legitimizes the   to be a founder, to be a builder in this   often is there an election to win back   in the country we call home.
        some countries are more friendly   space.”                  space,” Suleman continued. “There is   control of the Senate, am I right?  Shirley Chisholm, the first black
        than others,” Lakhani continued.   Omer Suleman, co-founder of   capital  available  for  smart  builders,   Nevertheless, as I tore open   woman to be elected into the United
        And “while crypto is not technically   Westridge Markets, a proprietary   so I would say get your hands in the   the plastic wrap around the fortune   States Congress and the first ever fe-
        banned in Pakistan, you cannot use   trading  and  investment  firm  which   eco system, build out and lots of capi-  cookie and read the words on the tiny   male to run for the Democratic nom-
        it as a means of payment, so it is dif-  is focused on the crypto ecosystem,   tal will follow you.”  paper tucked inside — my fortune hit   ination  for President  once said, “If
        ficult for you to buy crypto with your   describes himself as a “serial entre-  Ali Farid Khwaja of KTrade Se-  me a little different.  they don’t give you a seat at the table,
        credit card.”                 preneur in the cryptospace.” Also   curities, a stock brokerage and finan-  “A goal is a dream with a dead-  bring in a folding chair.” The brevity
            “I connected the dots on Bitcoin   coming from a career on Wall Street   CRYPTOCURRENCY, P28  line.”                CLDC, P28
         A Man Called Abubakr: One Meeting, Six Years of Friendship, Life-Long Memories

               n By Abdul-Majeed Azad         brother, going for Jumu’ah. Let’s pick him up.   had unknowingly peeled off. Internally, I felt   encounter, and they bind you to a total stranger
                  Pasadena, California        I wasn’t sure; still I slowed down and reversed   ashamed and yet somehow cleansed of my hu-  like nothing else you’ve ever experienced in
                                              until I came parallel to him. Lowering the pas-  bris! I suddenly felt very small and insignificant   your entire life! That’s how I felt about AbuBakr
           feel fortunate and blessed that I met   senger side window, I called out to him: Sir, can   in front of his Ikhlas (sincerity).  and his pretense-less simplicity. In one of his
           Booker T. Washington, Jr. No, he was   we drop you off some place? Bending down a   After we reached the Masjid, parked the   authentic narrations, Rasulullah had defined a
        I ot a celebrated professor or scientist,   little, he quickly glanced at us and said softly,   car and walked towards the entrance, I told him   true friend as someone who makes you remem-
                    nor an accomplished engi-  “Salam Alykum. I’m going for Friday prayer”.   to wait after the prayer and we will drop him off   ber your Creator. Just for that reason, I wanted
                    neer, an acclaimed doctor or   I told him to get in as we too were on our way   at his house. One may call it sheer selfishness,   to keep in touch with him. I wanted to help him
                    a smart lawyer or a wealthy   to the Masjid.                   but, I wasn’t going to allow this man to walk   too. So, before we dropped him off at his niece’s
                    Wall Street financier. He     For small talks, I asked his name. He told   again for 16-17 miles. Nor was I willing to pass   place, I made sure I had his phone number and
                    wasn’t a singer, or song-writ-  me he had reverted to Islam several decades ago   on the opportunity of doing some little good   the address.
                    er or a famous musician. Nor   and his Muslim name was AbuBakr. Ma sha’   for ourselves on a Friday.     That was the first time I had met AbuBakr.
                    was he a well-known author,   Allah! Next, I asked him if he lived nearby. He   On our way back, we stopped by my wife’s   Even though our meeting was pure acciden-
                    celebrated poet or a famed   said, no. He lived about 16-17 miles away from   apartment briefly. While we waited in the car,   tal and quite brief, it is etched in my memory
        storyteller. In fact, he was a non-descript or-  this Masjid. He wanted to meet some friends                     and  my heart  forever.  That was  the  last  time
        dinary, diminutive and frail man. I’m sure,   in this part of the town before Jumu’ah, so he                     too. Because of serious health issues, my wife
        barring a few people, for most of the world,   had decided to get an early start. When he   I feel so fortunate to have   had  to soon quit her job  in  Milwaukee and
        he didn’t even exist!                 came to the bus stop in his neighborhood and   met him even if only once. He   join me. But I kept in regular touch with him.
            On the day of Christmas of 2015 - a Fri-  had waited for a while, he realized that buses   reinforced in me that some people   Every Friday, we would exchange Salam and
        day - my wife and I were driving to the Al-Noor   were not plying on Christmas Day. We were in-                  ‘Jumu’ah Mubarak’. Every Christmas, we’d rem-
        Masjid in Brookfield for the Jumu’ah prayer.   trigued and incredulous. I asked, how did he   come in your life so very briefly   inisce about our chance meeting on that day in
        Those days, she used to be a researcher at the   come, then?                 yet leave long shadows and deep     2015. I was looking forward to this little ritual
        Blood  Research  Center  in  the  vicinity  of  the   That’s when I knew, I had met one of Al-  imprints         of ours this year too. But, that wasn’t meant to
        Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee, WI. When   lah’s beloved servants.                                              be this year. On the morning of Tuesday, De-
        we were about two miles away from the Masjid,   He said, realizing that he didn’t have a bus   she packed him a box of freshly baked home-  cember 14, I received a call from his daughter
        we saw an African-American man walking on   to ride, he had decided to walk to the Masjid: all   made lasagna. During the drive, he told us he   Tony, that AbuBkar passed away peacefully in
        the sidewalk in small but intent and purposeful   16-17 miles! He said, he used his phone’s GPS   used to work as a landscaper but with aging   his  sleep.  Barely  ten  days  ago  I had  touched
        steps. Being the Christmas Day, I thought, here   for navigation and had been walking through   acute back pain made him quit. He used to live   base with him, and when I inquired about his
        is a gentleman on a chilly Milwaukee afternoon   the safe byways for the past 2-½ hours! My wife   with his daughter but when her job made her   health, he had told me that he was doing well
        on  his  walk  after  a  delicious  and  sumptuous   and I looked at each other with sheer feeling   move to Madison, WI, he shifted to his niece’s   and feeling better.
        Christmas meal with his family.       of dwarfness for ourselves and honest admira-  home where he was currently living. He told us   I feel so fortunate to have met him even if
            It was a 25-mph street and I was driving   tion for this brother’s devotion to Allah (swt)!   that he used to live and work in Southern Cali-  only once. He reinforced in me that some peo-
        cautiously. I drove past him and in the fleet-  Let me digress a bit here. Only a few months   fornia, and had lived for some years in Cleve-  ple come in your life so very briefly yet leave
        ing moment I caught a glimpse of him: a thin   earlier that year, I had spent ten blessed days   land, OH, as well.  long shadows and deep imprints. AbuBakr was
        man of medium height with scruffy facial hair   of Ramadan in Madinah. Even after six months   As we were driving home, I realized some-  indeed such a person and I miss him as a friend
        - mostly grey - in a pair of khaki pants, a well-  since, my body and soul were still enthralled   thing. Sometimes we spend years together in a   and as a brother in faith.
        worn jacket, and a skull-hugging white cap.   by the bliss of that experience. But, hearing his   relationship - be it spousal/maternal/paternal/  (Abdul-Majeed Azad, PhD, is a Technolo-
            My wife glanced in her passenger side   account I realized that my false sense of ‘pi-  fraternal/filial or of other kind and yet it means   gist at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
        mirror and said to me: He looks like a Muslim   ety’ was nothing but a feigned guise which he   nothing. And then there are moments of brief   California)
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